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My sister had her son (now 4 years old) circumcised and it took that poor boy's penis until he was nearly 18 months old to heal! She felt so guilty for his discomfort because it definitely bothered him. Despite keeping it medicated, urine would burn and sometimes it would get stuck to his diaper.
She was very concerned about it, and now it is likely that he has excess scar tissue that can make his penis crooked (circumcision is the reason for crooked penises, btw, with the exception of a few other rare medical conditions).

The foreskin also seems very loose when a boy is young but during and after puberty, the penis grows to the point that the foreskin may not even cover the glans fully due to penile growth. A problem with circumcision is also that it can shorten the penis due to removing all that skin, much of which is "grown into" at puberty and when a man has an erection, part of that erection is "pulled" back into his body. Ever noticed hairs on the part of your OH's penis that is close to his body? That is because it is actually skin from his scrotum and groin area being pulled up onto the penis to try to accomodate his erection since there is no foreskin, only rigid scar tissue to do the job.

I guess what bothers me is the assumption by parents that it is their right to make this decision for their child. It is irreversible. If I were a man and I had to be circumcised later in life, I would consider the slightly more extended recovery a small price to pay for my parents having decided to let ME decide if I wanted MY genitals intact or mutilated. After all, I would be the one taking care of them (post potty training) and having sex with them...not my parents!

As women, how would we feel if our parents decided at birth to remove the clitoral hood, which sometimes includes removing all or part of the clitoris? We call this FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. In countries where it is practiced, it is a Type 1 female circumcision (and yes, there are more horrid ones that remove the labia, etc). This type 1 mutilation is biologically the equivalent of a baby boy's circumcision. Why does one horrify us and the other seem perfectly acceptable?

There are entire online groups out there full of men who are trying to restore their foreskins. Here is a site and you can read quotes from the men, themselves, plus get lots of information.
I will not be responsible for making such an irreversible decision for my son (just as I left my older son intact 14 years ago).
So for those who say that they're going to leave their baby "the way nature intended to," that means you won't do any shots against things like polio and tuberculosis then, right? And you won't give any antibiotics when they get sick, yes? Because... you know... NATURE didn't intend any medical interventions. And you won't cut their nails or hair either... NATURE.

Good grief. We're so far parted from what nature intended thousands of years ago. What a trite argument.
Vaccinations are very different to removing a body part you are born with unless its for a very good reason.

Vaccinations are to protect against man made diseases that could be life threatening, circumcision is not :)
Look, I'm pointing out the ludacris argument that nature intended something. It's fine if you don't like circumcision - it's a totally personal choice- but saying that "nature intended it" is childish and silly. If we go by what nature intended, then we wouldn't visit a doctor, wouldn't wear make-up, would cut our hair and nails, blah blah blah. We no longer live by what nature intended, this much is clear.
Im not trying to argue with you hun, lets keep it nice! No need to call people childish or silly for having their opinion x

I understand what you are saying, but i dont think circumcision can be compared to cutting hair and nails etc as these continually grow and is not painful to do so.

For the record, i dont personally agree with it, but have said nothing against those who decide to, its their choice :)
I'm happy to be childish and silly - boys were MADE with foreskins, that's what mothernature decided. Without vaccinations, people would die. With/without a foreskin boys wouldn't die, you can't really compare the two.

I really don't know why people get so pissy with nature/facts/statistics these days.
I'm not calling anyone childish or silly - I'm calling the argument childish and silly. And I'm not comparing circumcision to cutting nails - I'm saying they are all departures from what nature intended. But I can make some straight up comparisons because parents opt to have what could be deemed as aesthetic procedures done for their kids early on that ARE comparable. For instance, babies born with an extra toe (which is one in 500 births!). Vast majority of people opt to have the spare digit lopped off within the first seven months. But why? Nature intended for their child to have 11 toes and it IS cosmetic, so why "torture" the baby?

My point is, everyone should really worry about their own baby without making across-the-board sweeping judgments.
If Leni had 11 digits, i wouldn't chop them off :shrug:

The way Leni is born is the way Leni is born, i would only change him if it was medically essential.
not being funny but by calling everyone childish and silly and then answering a question the way you did...well that was a bit "childish and silly". foreskin IS natural whether you like it or not it is nature like the other things you mentioned and sometimes people interfere with nature and that's their choice, just because people have different opinions to you doesn't mean you should start an argument based on it as it's only going to come back and bite you in the bum, kwim?
I didnt think anyone was being judgemental, or did i miss something?
If Leni had 11 digits, i wouldn't chop them off :shrug:

The way Leni is born is the way Leni is born, i would only change him if it was medically essential.

i wouldn't either, everything happens for a reason and if something "abnormal" was there, i wouldn't remove it either as it was how he was meant to be at birth x
My argument is if a child is taught proper hygiene and to practice safe the sex the 'health benifits' go out of the window
You don't think the terms "barbaric," "gross," and "wrong" are sweeping judgments?
I'm not calling anyone childish or silly - I'm calling the argument childish and silly. And I'm not comparing circumcision to cutting nails - I'm saying they are all departures from what nature intended. But I can make some straight up comparisons because parents opt to have what could be deemed as aesthetic procedures done for their kids early on that ARE comparable. For instance, babies born with an extra toe (which is one in 500 births!). Vast majority of people opt to have the spare digit lopped off within the first seven months. But why? Nature intended for their child to have 11 toes and it IS cosmetic, so why "torture" the baby?

My point is, everyone should really worry about their own baby without making across-the-board sweeping judgments.

11 toes is an abnormality, a foreskin is not.

But still i wouldnt have the 11th toe removed either unless it was going to cause on going pain or disability to my child.

haha i cant believe we are comparing and 11th toe to circumcision....keeps it interesting i guess!! :thumbup:
Ok, just so I'm clear on this - circumcision, breast vs bottle feeding, vaccinations, ear piercing... AOB mentioned a top 5 of most heated threads - I've missed one!

And I'm not sure about ear piercing - thought that one had gone quite well......
oh and just wanted to add about what people were saying about lowering the risk of urine infections...i am prone to them so have been given ALOT of information about them throughout the years and apparently men (foreskin or not) are EXTREMELY unlikely (obviously still POSSIBLE but rare) to get UTI's because the urethra is normally too large so the bacteria and infection washes itself out, whereas with a woman it's pinprick size and harder for that to happen...so circumsizing wouldn't necessarily change this as the risk of it happening is extremely low anyway x
You don't think the terms "barbaric," "gross," and "wrong" are sweeping judgments?

I don't think they were the most considerate words to use, but they are those ladies opinions and i respect that .. whats the point in challenging it.
You don't think the terms "barbaric," "gross," and "wrong" are sweeping judgments?
This thread had been going on great for pages and pages. Really not necessary to bring those posts up again, but yes i agree with you they were out of line to an extent :flower:
I wouldn't put my child through unnesscary pain. So if aidan had been born with an extra digit and it didn't bother him in anyway I would leave it
Ok, just so I'm clear on this - circumcision, breast vs bottle feeding, vaccinations, ear piercing... AOB mentioned a top 5 of most heated threads - I've missed one!

And I'm not sure about ear piercing - thought that one had gone quite well......

Weaning :thumbup:

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