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Sorry just to add, the foreskin aids in stimulating the glans when it is retracted and placed back - the nerve endings are in the glans, not the foreskin, so when it is removed the head of the penis gets less stimulation. xxx

It is actually the Frenulum 7 surrounding area that is the sensitive part of the glans, trust me, the main part of the glans isn't generally "very" sensitive but the underside is.

Oh my god, what am I doing talking about man bits in front of a group of hormonal women!!! :rofl:
Lol. He'd probably kill me if i said this... but is it possible for a circumcision to make areas MORE sensitive? My OH seems to be VERY sensitive (not in a bad way, obv) all the time lol. Like i said, he'd probably kill me.
Sorry just to add, the foreskin aids in stimulating the glans when it is retracted and placed back - the nerve endings are in the glans, not the foreskin, so when it is removed the head of the penis gets less stimulation. xxx

It is actually the Frenulum 7 surrounding area that is the sensitive part of the glans, trust me, the main part of the glans isn't generally "very" sensitive but the underside is.

Oh my god, what am I doing talking about man bits in front of a group of hormonal women!!! :rofl:

Hahahaha now thats a story for the boys hey!!
lol. I'm having a little boy in November (as long as he's on time lol) and we've decided we are having him circumcised. Anyway, are there are special aftercare tips? I'm so worried about it.

For medical reasons my Dad had to be circumcised, if I remember rightly he was told to take warm salt baths every night.

So on that basis & would say that gentle bathing in salt water several times a day would be a good starting point.

Also try to make sure that bubs has periods throughout the day without a nappy on so that it can begin to dry
Kaleigh I found this-

In babies, who are circumcised, the foreskin usually takes about 7-10 days to heal. However, in older boys and in men, the healing process can take up to three weeks.

Self-care advice
As circumcision is a painful procedure, painkillers, such as paracetamol, or ibuprofen, will need to be taken for at least the first three days after the operation. Children who are 16 years of age, or under, should not take aspirin.

Circumcision exposes the sensitive skin of the glans (the tip of the penis). In babies, nappies can rub against the glans, making it sore. Therefore, make sure that you tuck down your baby’s penis before putting the nappy in place.

Following circumcision, the penis will be red and swollen for a few days, and you (or your child) may find it more comfortable to wear loose clothing for a while. Petroleum ointment put directly on to the area can also help to reduce irritation.

After your son has been circumcised, you should make sure that he does not ride a bike, or use other sit-on toys, until the swelling has completely gone down. If your son is of school age, he should be able to return to school about a week after being circumcised. However, you should let his teacher know that he has had the operation.

When to seek medical advice
Following circumcision, you should consult your GP if:

•there is bleeding from your child’s penis,
•your child’s penis remains swollen after two weeks, or
•your child still finds passing urine painful a few days after the operation.
Older boys and men should also see their GP if they experience any problems after having a circumcision.

show glossary terms
Inflammation is the body's response to infection, irritation or injury, which causes redness, swelling, pain and sometimes a feeling of heat in the affected area.
Analgesics are medicines that relieve pain. For example paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen.
Circumcision is a simple operation in which the foreskin is cut from the penis. This is done for religious reasons or because the foreskin is too tight to pull back. Last reviewed: 21/10/2009

Next review due: 21/10/2011

Lol. He'd probably kill me if i said this... but is it possible for a circumcision to make areas MORE sensitive? My OH seems to be VERY sensitive (not in a bad way, obv) all the time lol. Like i said, he'd probably kill me.

As long as it's done properly & ONLY the foreskin is removed then everything in love land should be cool, it's when it is botched (have you seen the tools that rabbi's use??) and more than the foreskin is removed that it removes some of the twinkle from the eye, so to speak
Lol. He'd probably kill me if i said this... but is it possible for a circumcision to make areas MORE sensitive? My OH seems to be VERY sensitive (not in a bad way, obv) all the time lol. Like i said, he'd probably kill me.

OH is the same and he's circumcised :thumbup:
Thank you!! That's been a great help. So basics then? Point it down... COAT him in Vaseline... warm baths regularly, and hope for the best?
Glad someone else is the same! He's always been sensitive apparently... and gets quite embarrased about (how can i say this...) how long he lasts... Because things are so sensitive... I feel sorry for him, but i don't know what to say, it doesn't bother me, and he knows that... but he gets annoyed with himself sometimes.
Sorry just to add, the foreskin aids in stimulating the glans when it is retracted and placed back - the nerve endings are in the glans, not the foreskin, so when it is removed the head of the penis gets less stimulation. xxx

It is actually the Frenulum 7 surrounding area that is the sensitive part of the glans, trust me, the main part of the glans isn't generally "very" sensitive but the underside is.

Oh my god, what am I doing talking about man bits in front of a group of hormonal women!!! :rofl:

LOL thanks for clearing that up! So just to be clear - is the frenulum part of the foreskin or not? Hmmm it's like being back at school for a biology lesson! Seriously though, thank you Gary, your input is very welcome and informative. If the frenulum is part of the foreskin then that is a clear reason why I won't be doing it if I have a son. xxx
aftercare is horrible!!!!!

My son is circed because my exhusband "wanted him to look like him" and we had to pull back what was left of the foreskin every day and put vaseline on the cut. (you dont want it to dry out as it creates too much scar tissue and is uncomfortable for the baby) I thought I was doing it right till his first visit with the doctor and they said it was reattaching itself! she pulled back on his little penis skin and he screamed and bled! they said I had to pull it back hard! I wont ever go through that again! just the procedure was bad enough, but the aftercare made up my mind for me. If hubby MUST have it done, then HE will be doing the aftercare
LOL thanks for clearing that up! So just to be clear - is the frenulum part of the foreskin or not?

the frenulum (most men call it a banjo or guitar string) is what actually holds the foreskin in place
Owch... I don't know if i could cope with doing that... I'd have to get the midwife to show me... 'Cos i helped changed my friend's son's nappy the other day and hardly even dared touch him incase i was too rough as it was lol.
That sounds really painful. I couldn't cope with the aftercare stuff if it really hurt him hence another reason it's not for me
wow I never even knew this was an issue, I thought boys only got done for religious reasons. I didn't realise it was so common! Personally I won't be getting my son done simply because I see it just as a religious thing and our child won't be raised jewish.
I think i'm gonna struggle to do that... but then, if he had to have it done when he's older... it'd still have to be done... Ahhh dear :( What to do!
aftercare is horrible!!!!!

My son is circed because my exhusband "wanted him to look like him" and we had to pull back what was left of the foreskin every day and put vaseline on the cut. (you dont want it to dry out as it creates too much scar tissue and is uncomfortable for the baby) I thought I was doing it right till his first visit with the doctor and they said it was reattaching itself! she pulled back on his little penis skin and he screamed and bled! they said I had to pull it back hard! I wont ever go through that again! just the procedure was bad enough, but the aftercare made up my mind for me. If hubby MUST have it done, then HE will be doing the aftercare

Poor bubs. Its meant to be there to protect. Must have been stressful for you too.
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