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I was asked by my MIL if I was going to have my first son done when I was pregnant with him, but when I mentioned it to my gp he basically laughed off the matter and said that unless there is anything wrong they just don't do it. I was glad of his response tbh as I really just didn't like the idea of my precious baby being cut especially in such a sensitive area, also I was worried about possible infection afterwards. He can wee no trouble and if he gets any flack from friends or partners in the future he can tell them to where to go. I certainly wouldn't want anything chopped off as a fashion statement!
Same with my next boy.

Whatever anyone else's reasons then that's totally their choice, it's just not something I would personally choose to do. x
Will you yes or no?

Certainly not!

Why or why not?

Its not necessary in my eyes and wrong ( I dont care who gets offended at me saying that it its my opinion). We do not have such practise here.

Can you please state your opinion without trying to cause offence thank you :flower: x

i didnt find it offensive she merely stated her opinion
tbh i think its unecessary and downright barbaric, cutting off a piece of your childs body is gross to me,i wouldnt cut their earlobes off because theyre not needed so why the penis?

Errm? wasnt the only one and not the first to say it. Now you need to calm down and except that . Your just sensitive by the looks of it and making a mountain out of this.

And I said to that poster and to you and you politely it was word choice I didn’t agree with and that I found it offensive and others may also, but here you are continuing this!

for petes sake i used the words I THINK and TO ME carefully in my post to illustrate this was my opinion and on an open forum i am entitled to use whichever words to illustrate my point that i wish to(i ovbviously didnt call anyone names nor did i use foul language), i may find some of your choices and words offensive to my opinion of circumcision but it isnt my right to question them. just as it isnt your right to question MY views

i dont think you posted this thread to get informnation on the subject for your own needs , reading back it seems you have a lot of information on it and in reality wanted to post a thread that would be inflammitory

Yes you illustrated your views and I found it offensive I told you politely (hoping it would be let go and prevent other words that would cause offence)

I didn’t post for information I wanted to know who was getting it done and why/why not, and for the opinions to remain inoffensive.

As for your assumption no I didn’t want a heated thread that’s why I said that I found your words offensive and hoped that a heated thread could be prevented however I don’t need to keep repeating myself!
I just dont understand (maybe I need to read through the posts but there are too many) why do people choose to do this if not for religious reasons? I dont know anyone who has been circumcized and I dont understand why people do it? If someone would like to explain the reasons I'd appreciate it, cos this is totally alien to me and I just dont get it.
I just dont understand (maybe I need to read through the posts but there are too many) why do people choose to do this if not for religious reasons? I dont know anyone who has been circumcized and I dont understand why people do it? If someone would like to explain the reasons I'd appreciate it, cos this is totally alien to me and I just dont get it.

For me personally OH and me both want it done as my brother, dad and my OH needed it done in later life and it was so sore and took a long time to heal plus I see the advantages (well read them on NHS website)

NHS Website:
There are a number of potential advantages associated with circumcising boys shortly after they are born. For example:
• circumcision reduces the risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), which include infections of any part of the urinary system, such as the bladder,
• circumcision reduces the risk of getting some types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, and
• circumcision reduces the risk of developing cancer of the penis (penile cancer).

In babies, who are circumcised, the foreskin usually takes about 7-10 days to heal. However, in older boys and in men, the healing process can take up to three weeks

https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Circumcision/Pages/Why-is-it-necessary.aspx for more info
Hmmm, I have to say if we have a boy I wont be getting this done as I have no religious affilitation that requires it, and I don't put much store in the 'health' reasons.... :shrug:

I asked my DHs opinion just for the hell of it and his reaction was 'no bloody way - why would you do that to a boy?!?!!?' I have to say I'm with him there - why would you mutilate a child unecessarily?

Plus, and I obviously can't say this from first hand experience, I'm told that it affects their ability to feel 'pleasure' later in life. Not that I want to think about my child having sex, but all the same............ :dohh:

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a complication of circumcision. 1 38 40 63 They are bacterial infections of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). UTIs are usually associated with congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract.5 27 31 These infections can become serious if undetected, and may lead to permanent kidney damage. However, they are generally treated effectively with antibiotics.5,15

just a point to say dont believe everything you read on the internet .you can find material on there to back any side of an argument and prove any point by 'scientific studies'

you could probably find something thart says the moon is green if you look hard enough :lol:
Oh lordy not this again :lol:

All i shall say is:
- I don't agree with it
- I would never force my son to do something he had no say in
- Boys are born with a foreskin, if it wasn't meant to be there, if it was healthier not to have it, or it 'prevented' certain things, it wouldn't be there
- I don't buy the 'he's so young he won't feel it/he'll forget it - he WILL be in pain at that moment, whether he remembers it or not.
- Not having a foreskin does not reduce the chance of HIV, and it isn't any cleaner than having a foreskin - just teach your son to wash properly and always wear a condom

I take it there are a lot of these threads then lol xx

Hun it's got to be in the top 5 most heated :lol:


Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a complication of circumcision. 1 38 40 63 They are bacterial infections of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). UTIs are usually associated with congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract.5 27 31 These infections can become serious if undetected, and may lead to permanent kidney damage. However, they are generally treated effectively with antibiotics.5,15

just a point to say dont believe everything you read on the internet .you can find material on there to back any side of an argument and prove any point by 'scientific studies'

you could probably find something thart says the moon is green if you look hard enough :lol:

No, the moon is made of cheese, its been scientifically proven!! Pure cheese!! :haha:
Will you yes or no NO
Why or why not? I will not because I believe that good general hygiene and the pratice of safe sex etc if taught properly is much nicer than having a foreskin removed. I only know of one little boy who had to have it removed due to being to tight. Everyone else I know have had no problem. I also don't agree with getting it done just because " It's the norm" I do not blindly follow rules society have set and will come to my own conclusions via reseacrh

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a complication of circumcision. 1 38 40 63 They are bacterial infections of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). UTIs are usually associated with congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract.5 27 31 These infections can become serious if undetected, and may lead to permanent kidney damage. However, they are generally treated effectively with antibiotics.5,15

just a point to say dont believe everything you read on the internet .you can find material on there to back any side of an argument and prove any point by 'scientific studies'

you could probably find something thart says the moon is green if you look hard enough :lol:

No, the moon is made of cheese, its been scientifically proven!! Pure cheese!! :haha:

ahhhh good ol' wensleydale :rofl:

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a complication of circumcision. 1 38 40 63 They are bacterial infections of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). UTIs are usually associated with congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract.5 27 31 These infections can become serious if undetected, and may lead to permanent kidney damage. However, they are generally treated effectively with antibiotics.5,15

just a point to say dont believe everything you read on the internet .you can find material on there to back any side of an argument and prove any point by 'scientific studies'

you could probably find something thart says the moon is green if you look hard enough :lol:

NHS is quite reliable I thought:shrug: but yeah UTIs Im prone to them and kidney infections they are horrible pregnancy gives me more:growlmad:

NHS does both sides risks are there too such as infections after procedure!

Then againI used to think wikipidia was reliable :dohh:
I think if the NHS thought it had a real improvment in peopls overall health then it would be commonly done in the UK

When I asked my MW about CC she said there really was no need, as good hygiene can stop all the health concerns etc
the site does go deeper into it and in fact say that circumsised penises are more likely to suffer infections as the foreskin acts as a barrier-again whether that is true is open to all kinds of interpretation depending on the side of the fence you sit on

most websites will have a bias one way or the other so 'true' information is hard to uncover
I think if the NHS thought it had a real improvment in peopls overall health then it would be commonly done in the UK

When I asked my MW about CC she said there really was no need, as good hygiene can stop all the health concerns etc

For me this is why me and OH want it done mainly
In babies, who are circumcised, the foreskin usually takes about 7-10 days to heal. However, in older boys and in men, the healing process can take up to three weeks

He got it done when he was 10 and he still remembers it as he had to get it done for medical purposes and was in agony as his didn’t heal for over a month my brother was 6 or 7 and he was in agony as mum reminds me.

So many in my family medically needed it I think getting it done and preventing it later in life seems perfect to me and OH

The fact remains is that babies are born with it. If it wasnt meant to be there, it wouldnt be. x
I dont know why people bother making these controversial threads anymore it happens over and over again then again i posted a thread about the MMR jab the other day and got slaughterd into oblivion HAHA!
I dont know why people bother making these controversial threads anymore it happens over and over again then again i posted a thread about the MMR jab the other day and got slaughterd into oblivion HAHA!

I never thought about how controversial the topic was as it was late last night and I couldn’t ring my doctor to ask where I could get it done and I thought I’d ask opinions on here and this threads not that bad thankfully, I never read yours hope your OK must take a peek xxxx
Not an issue for us as we're expecting a girl, but I'm intrigued by the reasons behind having this done. I believe in the States it's the norm and here (England) it isn't. Does anyone know why this is?
My OH is circumcised as he had problems as a young lad..
but we will not be getting Jacob done unless needs be.
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