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Im fine doesnt bother me what so ever i couldnt give a shit what people on the internet think about the way i choose to parent my child it goes in one ear and out the other!!
lol I see what you mean with your thread and as for your response :thumbup:
When it comes to parenting unless your openly abusive I think it’s all personal opinion no right/wrong xxx
I just dont understand (maybe I need to read through the posts but there are too many) why do people choose to do this if not for religious reasons? I dont know anyone who has been circumcized and I dont understand why people do it? If someone would like to explain the reasons I'd appreciate it, cos this is totally alien to me and I just dont get it.

For me personally OH and me both want it done as my brother, dad and my OH needed it done in later life and it was so sore and took a long time to heal plus I see the advantages (well read them on NHS website)

NHS Website:
There are a number of potential advantages associated with circumcising boys shortly after they are born. For example:
• circumcision reduces the risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), which include infections of any part of the urinary system, such as the bladder,
• circumcision reduces the risk of getting some types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, and
• circumcision reduces the risk of developing cancer of the penis (penile cancer).

In babies, who are circumcised, the foreskin usually takes about 7-10 days to heal. However, in older boys and in men, the healing process can take up to three weeks

https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Circumcision/Pages/Why-is-it-necessary.aspx for more info

Thanks x

I just never heard of it being done for non religious reasons so it confused me.
I just dont understand (maybe I need to read through the posts but there are too many) why do people choose to do this if not for religious reasons? I dont know anyone who has been circumcized and I dont understand why people do it? If someone would like to explain the reasons I'd appreciate it, cos this is totally alien to me and I just dont get it.

For me personally OH and me both want it done as my brother, dad and my OH needed it done in later life and it was so sore and took a long time to heal plus I see the advantages (well read them on NHS website)

NHS Website:
There are a number of potential advantages associated with circumcising boys shortly after they are born. For example:
• circumcision reduces the risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), which include infections of any part of the urinary system, such as the bladder,
• circumcision reduces the risk of getting some types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, and
• circumcision reduces the risk of developing cancer of the penis (penile cancer).

In babies, who are circumcised, the foreskin usually takes about 7-10 days to heal. However, in older boys and in men, the healing process can take up to three weeks

https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Circumcision/Pages/Why-is-it-necessary.aspx for more info

Thanks x

I just never heard of it being done for non religious reasons so it confused me.

nb xx
Did we not just have the exact same thread a few weeks ago that got shut down?!
But I know all the men in my family incuding my nephews have had no problem bar one
im having a girl but if i was having a boy i dont think i would get it done unless nessercery but im not against it
Will you yes or no?
I did consider cicumcision if we had a boy when preg with DS. However once he was born it was a different matter!!

Why or why not?
We had a traumatic birth and 6 day hospital stay (he was on NICU for 2 days) and he was poked and prodded and stuck with needles so much that i felt he had been 'mauled' enough.
I could not bring myself to put him through any unecessary pain and after researching circumcision and discovering it has little if any benefits (apart from POSSIBLY reducing the chances of certain things) me and OH agreed that we would not go ahead.
I understand that people can have problems in the future,but noone is psychic and you cannot predict if your child will have any issues.If he does for any reason need it doing when he is older,of course he will have the procedure,but much as i believe children should choose if they want their ears pierced,i believe my son should choose if he wants a part of his body removing (unless its a medical necessity)
As for it being cleaner,thats utter rubbish,as long as good hygiene is practiced then its just as clean as not having foreskin.

What age will you get it done?

It won't be done unless deemed mecially necessary
I haven't read every post on here so have no idea whether you have actually had any male input so here goes.

When a male is circumcised (especially at an early age) the Frenulum as well as the foreskin is removed, now seeing as the Frenulum is undoubtedly the most sensitive part of the male genitalia, by carrying out the circumcision the pleasure from sexual intercourse is decreased.

Now if it has to be done for medical reasons then fair enough but from a personal perspective & as was raised in the ear piercing debate, I struggle to understand why we as humans feel the need to does these things to our children when they have no voice to oppose it or us.

Also from a personal perspective, if the procedure is carried out for religious purposes or beliefs I have no issue with that but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't female circumcision also carried out for religious or tribal beliefs?

Anyway, those are just my own thoughts & in no way are they intended to offend
I haven't read every post on here so have no idea whether you have actually had any male input so here goes.

When a male is circumcised (especially at an early age) the Frenulum as well as the foreskin is removed, now seeing as the Frenulum is undoubtedly the most sensitive part of the male genitalia, by carrying out the circumcision the pleasure from sexual intercourse is decreased.

Now if it has to be done for medical reasons then fair enough but from a personal perspective & as was raised in the ear piercing debate, I struggle to understand why we as humans feel the need to does these things to our children when they have no voice to oppose it or us.

Also from a personal perspective, if the procedure is carried out for religious purposes or beliefs I have no issue with that but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't female circumcision also carried out for religious or tribal beliefs?

Anyway, those are just my own thoughts & in no way are they intended to offend

Have i mentioned before i love having daddys on this site. We need more. If only to calm us crazy hormonal ladies down. I might try and get my OH on here although i think you ladies scare him!
I haven't read every post on here so have no idea whether you have actually had any male input so here goes.

When a male is circumcised (especially at an early age) the Frenulum as well as the foreskin is removed, now seeing as the Frenulum is undoubtedly the most sensitive part of the male genitalia, by carrying out the circumcision the pleasure from sexual intercourse is decreased.

Now if it has to be done for medical reasons then fair enough but from a personal perspective & as was raised in the ear piercing debate, I struggle to understand why we as humans feel the need to does these things to our children when they have no voice to oppose it or us.

Also from a personal perspective, if the procedure is carried out for religious purposes or beliefs I have no issue with that but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't female circumcision also carried out for religious or tribal beliefs?

Anyway, those are just my own thoughts & in no way are they intended to offend

Totally agree
I'll be getting Jaxon circumsicised, I never even thought of not doing it. Where Im from its the norm, my OH had it done all my brothers and nephews. Of course I understand why people dont want to do this, I just choose too. And for the record, I didnt find anyones posts offenese at all, but then it takes a lot to offend me.
I am having a little boy. Now personally, me & my OH have decided we want to have it done, simply because my OH had to have it done when he was about 7 years old and was really scared... we decided, after much consideration that we'd rather him have the operation when he's too young to remember, and not have the same problem.
I was just wondering... has anyone on here got any advice for aftercare? I'm a bit wary of boys nappies anyway, with having a girl, it's different lol... but if he's had that done... is there anything in particular i need to do, and is it difficult?
Can I ask a seriosu question and not trying to start an argument. But would you circumise a female if it was the norm?
Aiden's Mummy: I never have thought of having a female circumicised before, and if I had had it done, probably, but I cant say for sure. Good question though!
Can I ask a seriosu question and not trying to start an argument. But would you circumise a female if it was the norm?

I was also thinking about this, but in all honesty female circumcision involves removing the clitoris which is very different from removing a flap of skin. The male equivalent of this would be chopping off the end of a man's penis! Female circumcision is far more barbaric and is performed to repress women in male dominated societies so in my view it's just not the same.xxx
I haven't read every post on here so have no idea whether you have actually had any male input so here goes.

When a male is circumcised (especially at an early age) the Frenulum as well as the foreskin is removed, now seeing as the Frenulum is undoubtedly the most sensitive part of the male genitalia, by carrying out the circumcision the pleasure from sexual intercourse is decreased.

Now if it has to be done for medical reasons then fair enough but from a personal perspective & as was raised in the ear piercing debate, I struggle to understand why we as humans feel the need to does these things to our children when they have no voice to oppose it or us.

Also from a personal perspective, if the procedure is carried out for religious purposes or beliefs I have no issue with that but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't female circumcision also carried out for religious or tribal beliefs?

Anyway, those are just my own thoughts & in no way are they intended to offend

Totally agree

Me too, thanks for your post Gary :)

Very good point re - religious argument for circumcision, i dont think it should be done for male or female, they are no different imo. I dont think religion should be a good reason to perform these things on any child.

I mean no offence at all, pure curiosity, but Any who are doing it for religious reasons, could you please explain a little further why this is the custom, other than just just stating its for religious reasons. Im really ineterested as to why this is a practice? Thanks :flower:
Can I ask a seriosu question and not trying to start an argument. But would you circumise a female if it was the norm?

I was also thinking about this, but in all honesty female circumcision involves removing the clitoris which is very different from removing a flap of skin. The male equivalent of this would be chopping off the end of a man's penis! Female circumcision is far more barbaric and is performed to repress women in male dominated societies so in my view it's just not the same.xxx

hm not really, the clitoris is just a flap of skin also, no?
I'm not doing it because it's the norm... I'm doing it because 2 of my ex bf's have had a problem with the foreskin being too tight, and my baby's father himself... We both just agreed that we'd rather prevent the problem than solve it if it comes up, my OH always gets weird when he talks about it, he was only 7, so although he was old enough to be told what was happening, he was too young to properly understand. We just want to avoid that problem, and also, it's a lot easier to care for the area properly with a newborn, than a 2 or 3 year old who doesn't want to stay still.
I don't want an argument at all... I just... well, this is what me & my OH want and it's what we will do.
If my daughter had something that, truthfully would not affect her life in a bad way (which realistically the foreskin doesn't change that much!) and there was a risk of her being in pain with it... i would rather prevent the problem.

It's only the same as anything... If you see a kid doing something dangerous, you try and stop it before the accidents happen, rather than calming them down after.

Like i said... I don't want an argument, i just wanted advice on aftercare lol.
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