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Can I ask a seriosu question and not trying to start an argument. But would you circumise a female if it was the norm?

I was also thinking about this, but in all honesty female circumcision involves removing the clitoris which is very different from removing a flap of skin. The male equivalent of this would be chopping off the end of a man's penis! Female circumcision is far more barbaric and is performed to repress women in male dominated societies so in my view it's just not the same.xxx

hm not really, the clitoris is just a flap of skin also, no?

No it's not it's a ball of nerve endings equivalent to the mans penis (the glans). The clitoral hood is the flap of skin that covers it and I know that because I have had it pierced in the past. The clitoris is definitely not a flap of skin.
I was asking bartness kaleigh :) She said she did it because it's the norm in her lifstyle it really was just a genuine question

ETA: I just get confused when people follow the norm as in some situations it's acceptable and in other's it isn't. It is a very interesting and emotive topic. Most fo the people I know bar one have never had a problem. But i guess we base opinions on life expericances although I did research it before making my descion.
Same could be said of the foreskin. Its not equivilent really as a woman can have pleasure without her clitoris even being stimulated, re - vaginal orgasm etc.

Not trying to argue with you btw hun :)

Its so strange...I posted a reply on here last night, but I see absolutely no sign that it ever went through. But I still got an e-mail saying there were replies...weird huh? Anywayz, i'll try to rewrite what I wrote again. :thumbup:

I am currently 23 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and have been trying to decide whether or not to circumcise. I live in The U.S. where it is a very common practice. But that is not enough of a reason for me to do it.

I asked the opinion of a few of my female friends (not in regards to circumcising children as none of them have babies more just a general perspective on the subject.) Every one of them said I should def do it and a few were quite pushy about it. When I asked there reasoning behind there opinions the answers were all the same. None of them are attracted to uncircumcised men. They wouldnt want to have sex with one and they find them strange and gross. I was asked but the majority of them if I would want my son to be in a position where girls didnt want him and he was made fun of because he was uncircumcised. I myself find this response baffling as I dont really understand why it would make such a difference from them. My boyfriend (who is not for the U.S.) is uncircumcised and I have never even given it a second thought. Cosmetic appeal is not enough of a reason for me to decide to circumcise. I am much more interested on the potential health aspects of circumcision.

Ive done a ton of research on the subject...and there does appear to be some truth to the rumor that circumcision helps to prevent, uti, certain stds (especially HIV) and penile cancer. I believe penile cancer and uti's have been proven to be greatly reduced by circumcision. As for the STDs I have found evidence that there is a reduction in STDs among circumcised, especially found to be true with HIV. But I am not sure what other factors were involved... for instance Were the circumcised men who participated in these studies (in Africa for example where the majority of studies have taken place) more likely to use condoms because of the knowledge they had received on the subject? That could be a huge factor.

So although there have been some signs that circumcision reduces STDs there isnt really any conclusive evidence to prove that. Health orgnanizations (in the U.S.) do not recommend or not recommend it.

Because of this I am still very much on the fence about what to do. I dread the idea of putting my infant son through a painful surgery but I would hate to not have it done and then find that current studies have proven the health benefits of doing it and that it is now recommended. It would be much worse to do as a young child then as an infant. I really dont know what to do.

My mother doesnt think I should do it. She said if she were to have another son now, she is sure she wouldnt do it (my brother is circumcised..but back then she says it was just done routinely and she didnt put much thought into it). My brother thinks I shouldnt do it. Hes done a bunch of research for college health classes and doesnt believe there is any real benefit to doing so... My boyfriend also doesnt want it done..but to him it is a strange foreign practice as it is not done in his country (unless there is a true medical reason for it.) My father on the other hand thinks I should do it. I wonder if this stems from his religious background as he was raised jewish. He is however not a practicing Jew and hasnt been for as long as I can remember. He is very interested in the potential health benefits and thinks there is enough proof to warrant the babies circumcision.

I dont know what I am going to do...although I think I am leaning towards not circumcising.... At least I have a few months left to think about it! lol :happydance:
Can I ask a seriosu question and not trying to start an argument. But would you circumise a female if it was the norm?

I was also thinking about this, but in all honesty female circumcision involves removing the clitoris which is very different from removing a flap of skin. The male equivalent of this would be chopping off the end of a man's penis! Female circumcision is far more barbaric and is performed to repress women in male dominated societies so in my view it's just not the same.xxx

hm not really, the clitoris is just a flap of skin also, no?

No it's not it's a ball of nerve endings equivalent to the mans penis (the glans). The clitoral hood is the flap of skin that covers it and I know that because I have had it pierced in the past. The clitoris is definitely not a flap of skin.

When you remove the flap of skin, you are removing 20,000 nerve endings.. UMMMMMMM so why would you remove it
Yes but what I am saying is that female circumcision is not the same as male circumcision because the clitoris is not a flap of skin, it's a sexual organ. Check out wikipedia. And female circumcision is done for extremely different reasons that male circumcision - it's not done for hygiene reasons certainly, the main reason is religious because in the society that the female lives in, sexual pleasure is seen as something unwanted and undesirable. You can't possibly tell me that males are circumcised for this reason. Little girls have died from female circumcision, it's even known as female mutilation in some areas. I don't even agree with circumcision for boys for the reasons I've already stated but even so, I certainly wouldn't compare it to female circumcision which in my opinion is barbaric and completely unnecessary.

I know we all have differing opinions on here so have done my best to make sure this post in inoffensive - my apologies if I have offended anyone with what I have said - my intention is not to argue but to articulate my point. :flower:
Sorry just to add, the foreskin aids in stimulating the glans when it is retracted and placed back - the nerve endings are in the glans, not the foreskin, so when it is removed the head of the penis gets less stimulation. xxx
Yes but what I am saying is that female circumcision is not the same as male circumcision because the clitoris is not a flap of skin, it's a sexual organ. Check out wikipedia. And female circumcision is done for extremely different reasons that male circumcision - it's not done for hygiene reasons certainly, the main reason is religious because in the society that the female lives in, sexual pleasure is seen as something unwanted and undesirable. You can't possibly tell me that males are circumcised for this reason. Little girls have died from female circumcision, it's even known as female mutilation in some areas. I don't even agree with circumcision for boys for the reasons I've already stated but even so, I certainly wouldn't compare it to female circumcision which in my opinion is barbaric and completely unnecessary.

I know we all have differing opinions on here so have done my best to make sure this post in inoffensive - my apologies if I have offended anyone with what I have said - my intention is not to argue but to articulate my point. :flower:

Not offended at all hun! x Both are a form of genital mutilation though right? The foreskin is also a part of a sexual organ, with thousands of nerve endings as someone has already posted.

I understand that female circumcision is much more un common and its very barbaric yes, but at the end of the day, both involves removal of part of an infants sexual organs.

A natural foreskin contains specialized nerve endings, muscles and blood vessels
Yes I agree and this is why I don't agree with circumcision and if I have a boy I will not be doing it - but male circumcision is not done to repress the boys ability to feel sexual pleasure alone, (although it certainly does as a side-effect) whereas female circumcision is.xxx
Yes I agree and this is why I don't agree with circumcision and if I have a boy I will not be doing it - but male circumcision is not done to repress the boys ability to feel sexual pleasure alone, (although it certainly does as a side-effect) whereas female circumcision is.xxx

Oh i agree with that aspect of it. I was more so pointing out, not the reasons for either sexes circumcision, but the actual act of performing it.
Woah... this is definately a touch-n-go subject! I think... i agree with circumcision, but only if it is being done to prevent pain... My OH suffered a lot even going to the toilet when he was younger. My ex bf also used to have problems because his foreskin didn't come back far enough during intercourse... i guess the extent of the pain differs. I do not justify any type of mutilation, especially to a child, but i just want to stop my child having them problems and if this is the only way it can be done, then so be it.

But still... nobody has answered my question lol.
I have two boys, and theyre not done.
It never even crossed my mind. Its not something that is really done in the UK. My OH doesnt know anyone that has been circ'd, and neither do I.

I think its unnessessary tbh. If men wernt meant to have foreskins, they wouldnt be born with them!
I think this thread is going really well. Everyone is respectfully discussing and sharing opinions :)
Oh yeah... i'm glad too! I was just meaning, i can see why, with such difference in opinions lol.
Yes I agree and this is why I don't agree with circumcision and if I have a boy I will not be doing it - but male circumcision is not done to repress the boys ability to feel sexual pleasure alone, (although it certainly does as a side-effect) whereas female circumcision is.xxx

Oh i agree with that aspect of it. I was more so pointing out, not the reasons for either sexes circumcision, but the actual act of performing it.

That's cool hun, I guess I went a bit round the houses there with that explanation but that was mainly why I was trying to say I do not believe that can be compared to each other, I see what you're saying about the act of it as well. xxx :flower:
lol. I'm having a little boy in November (as long as he's on time lol) and we've decided we are having him circumcised. Anyway, are there are special aftercare tips? I'm so worried about it.
Very good question!! Can anyone shed some light on after care tips?
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