
Happy note- :bfn: this morning so I can start the Vitex anytime.

Been having some pains on my left side....but then again I've been having them off and on for a while. :dohh:
not fun about the BFN but Hope the vitex works for you!.. I start my new job tomorrow i'm super stressed out. Do any of you have acne because of the pcos? My doctor told me mine isn't getting any better as i get older because of it and i'm so ready to be done with having a pizza face
not fun about the BFN but Hope the vitex works for you!.. I start my new job tomorrow i'm super stressed out. Do any of you have acne because of the pcos? My doctor told me mine isn't getting any better as i get older because of it and i'm so ready to be done with having a pizza face

Get ready for a long post, :wacko: :flower: but I used to have BAD skin, and I seem to have hit on a way that helped it.
Some of my best advice is no makeup, bar soap, wash your hands, and lots of water.

-I never touch my face unless I have JUST washed my hands.

-I have a special towel I launder weekly and use only for my face.

-I change my pillowcase weekly to avoid oil buildup on my pillow, and keep my hair off my face by braiding it at night. ( Incidentally, I avoid hair product, as it makes me break out on my hairline. :shrug:)

-I do not wear any makeup on my face except the occasional panstick on a bright red breakout (that I apply with clean hands after I wipe the panstick tip off with tissue!). No concealer, no foundation, no blush. Eye makeup and lippy are still okay. :thumbup:

-I wash my face morning/night and in-between occasionally when it feels oily, with a plain bar soap like Ivory. (I wash my hands before I wash my me OCD but I have to...:haha:)That's it. No special washes, breakout cleansers, medicated scrubs, etc. Just the soap.
-I then towel dry my face (on said towel I wash weekly and use only for my face).

-I use on my face some (unscented, oil free) sunscreen moisturizer. If it's summer or spring, I just use that...and if it's fall/winter, I add a little nourishing moisturizer (no SPF, I use Suave Advance therapy on my face as well as my body/hands) to the sunscreen since the air is drier, then put it on my face with CLEAN hands.

(I also recommend chapstick and hand cream in the winter to protect your skin/lips! :winkwink:)

-I drink lots of water.

By water I mean low-calorie sugar free drink mixes from a pitcher. My husband and I are particularly fond of the lemonade, orange (thing Tang), and peach iced tea. The individual powder packs to add to water bottles is far too sweet and less watered down. The larger packets that come in containers of 6 or so are much better. You simply add 1 packet to ~2 liters of water.

I either drink it nice and cold out of a glass throughout the day, or pour it into bottles I'm re-using (or those nifty reusable beverage cups they have now) for on the go. :) By lots, I mean at least 5-7 glasses and just as many bottles-ful. Water is so important for your skin, and I can't drink it straight-bothers my stomach. :dohh:

You can also just squeeze some lemon juice into a glass/bottle of water, but I find that I drink more water if it's from the pitcher of lemonade, orange drink, or peach tea in the fridge.

I have a recipe for a sugar/green tea exfoliant and rinse that I'll post on here in a minute. Don't want the post to be longer than it already is. :haha::blush:

You can take all, some, or none of my suggestions, but whatever you do I hope it helps. :hugs:
Okay. Here it is :) My own recipe. Works great for me. I do it once every 2 weeks.
Green Tea Sugar Scrub

You Will Need:
ice cubes
granulated sugar
1 teapot
1 green tea-bag
1 small plastic bowl (such as gladware, tupperware, any plastic bowl)
1 small saucer

1. Boil enough water to fill your teapot 3/4 full.

2. Pour water into teapot over green tea-bag. Let steep 5-10 min. Add 3-4 ice cubes. Let cool 10-15 minutes, til WARM.

3. Into the small plastic bowl, add about 1 cup granulated sugar.

4. Add a little of the cooled tea to the bowl of sugar, stir with spoon. (You should aim for a consistency which wets the sugar, but keeps it very granulated, not syrup-y. Tip: Add 1 tsp cool tea at a time.)

5. Wash your hands, then wash yout face with soap and water. Do not dry.

6. Take some of the sugar/tea mixture, and rub into face using circular motions, avoiding the eye and nostril area.

7. Rinse face gently with water. Do not dry.

8. Repeat step 6

9. Rinse the sugar bowl out with hot water, while the sugar mixture is still on face. Okay. Here it is :D My own recipe. Works great for me. I do it once every 2 weeks.
Green Tea SUgar Scrub

You Will Need:
ice cubes
granulated sugar
1 teapot
1 green tea-bag
1 small plastic bowl (such as gladware, tupperware, any plastic bowl)

1. Boil enough water to fill your teapot 3/4 full.

2. Pour water into teapot over green tea-bag. Let steep 5-10 min. Add 3-4 ice cubes. Let cool 10-15 minutes, til WARM.

3. Into the small plastic bowl, add about 1 cup granulated sugar.

4. Add a little of the cooled tea to the bowl of sugar, stir with spoon. (You should aim for a consistency which wets the sugar, but keeps it very granulated, not syrup-y. Tip: Add 1 tsp cool tea at a time.)

5. Wash your hands, then wash yout face with soap and water. Do not dry.

6. Take some of the sugar/tea mixture, and rub into face using circular motions, avoiding the eye and nostril area.

7. Rinse face gently with water. Do not dry.

8. Repeat step 6

9. Rinse the sugar bowl out with hot water, while the sugar mixture is still on face. Take teabag out of pot, set aside in saucer for later.

10.Pour some cooled tea into the bowl. Rinse face, refilling bowl as necessary from teapot. (If teapot gets empty, refill with hot tap water, let set 5 min, then use.)

11. Take the tea bag, and rub it gently in circular motions on the face.

12. Rinse face with cold water.

13. Pat face dry, apply moisturizer. Keep hair off face for 30 min.

***Limit use to once a week to avoid irritation.***

This recipe is very gentle on the skin, and leaves it smooth!
I do have acne from the pcos and I also get really embarrassing hair growth on my face. I absolutely hate that part because I am in college and the kids I go to school with are just RUDE.

Tonight I was talking to my mom about all of the horrible people who have kids and don't take care of them and I was almost in tears. My mom told me that no matter what I would be a mother because if I go to a specialist and still can't conceive she will donate some eggs to me. How absolutely amazing is that? I cried. It wouldn't be ideal, but I'd still have a genetic link and be able to carry the baby myself. I am praying that I won't ever have to go that route, but if I do it is so heartwarming to know my mom would be willing to do that.

Sorry I have been MIA. I have finals Tuesday and Wednesday and then I will be done until January 9th so I will be on much more often.

I am praying for all of you and for myself. I am still having a hard time and I am impatiently waiting for my husband to get hired in because I NEED this insurance so badly but they said that the insurance won't kick in until February.
I wash my face religiously and mostly in the shower so the warm water opens up my pores. I can't braid my hair or even wear it in a pony tail for very long because it causes me horrible migraines. The doctor said it's because of the hormones that cause it to flare up.

Jackilyn Your mom is totally amazing! I wish I had someone close to me like that, My mom isn't to very understanding why her 21 year old baby is so concerned on getting pregnant.
And I'm right there with you on the hair growth it drives me nuts! I feel like chubaca half the time. The stuff that drives me insane the most is the stuff on my lower back and my belly. I get so embarrassed when I wanna wear a bikini or when my shirt rides up.

I'm sitting here waiting for december 4th to roll around so my period can get here and i can be depressed and move on. I'm so uber stressed right now though, we have to back up our apartment and move in two weeks!!!! and we haven't even started. Talk about sheer panic!
Yeah I hate the hair growth thing. I have to shave my face nearly every day. ugh. lol I'm hoping that eventually goes away, but somehow I think I'm stuck with that for life. :p
Oh I had to laugh ladies.. a girl who's pregnant on my facebook wrote.. does anyone know of an internet service where people can sign up to volunteer to bring the new mom (me) meals.. I know I shouldn't but i laughed so hard sounds more like voluntold than free will volunteering
Oh I had to laugh ladies.. a girl who's pregnant on my facebook wrote.. does anyone know of an internet service where people can sign up to volunteer to bring the new mom (me) meals.. I know I shouldn't but i laughed so hard sounds more like voluntold than free will volunteering

There are honest to God people that DO that! I read this awesome thread once about a lady who's SIL demanded that she bring AND cook meals for them AND stay for like 8-10 hours to watch the kids. :dohh: I don't understand how people like that think it's ok....
:witch: reared her ugly head tonight :( I'm done I give up :wine: yeap it's time for wine!
Hi Ladies, sorry to but in on you like this, I'm wondering if you can help as you all have been through this?

I went for ultrasound today and they said it shows signs of PCOS, but I have to have blood work done to confirm. Does this have to be done on set days?

I have already had bloods done on CD2 and waiting for second lot on CD22 (due to weekend) just wondering if these would have the PCOS ones included even though they were before my scan? Or whether I will probably have to wait yet another new cycle?

Thanks in advance xx
The blood work they do for pcos if often a fasting blood glucose levels which are not routine fertility blood work. Good luck on getting a diagnoses. I'm calling the doctor tomorrow and going to try and get metaformin. I'm in so much pain from the witch. I need something to make it better.
You're not butting in hun. My doctor just took a tube of blood when I came in for a visit. I didn't have to have it on any certain day or anything. Then again, my doctor is never getting near me again because i cannot stand her, so who knows if she did the right tests the right way. Any way, Good luck! If you do find out that you have PCOS or even if you don't, we are here for you :)
The doctor rang yesterday on confirmed the scans predictions from my blood that they took before, I have another meeting with them next monday to discuss meds... thankyou for your comments :) x
I think I'm going to have to quit Vitex cold turkey.... and I'm probably going back to NTNP for now. :(

DH was freaked out by my charting (said it made him not want to :sex: as he thought it felt forced), so I'm not doing that anymore.

Vitex is making me CRAZY! It's like PMS all the time!!!! I started noticing it the first day I took it, and it's just gotten worse.

I'm also taking a break from B&B for a bit, but I'll probably check in 1-2 times a week.
I'm sorry you are having issues with the vitex. Quit that stuff hon. Unless you think maybe it's just your body adjusting? I feel like your husband is probably upset because he doesn't want to see you sad and I agree that it doesn't really feel like "making love" when it feels like you have too. I feel that way sometimes too. I think that without even realizing it I have been in the NTNP mindset lately. We are still dtd every other night and everything but I stopped doing everything else that went along with our trying because it felt like such a waste of time and energy when in my heart I don't feel that I am going to be able to conceive naturally. So, I am sorry for how you're feeling and I know it's hard to be on these boards seeing everyone's announcements and wondering if we are ever going to get that. Definitely continue to check in with us and let us know how you are. I view all of you as friends and you are some of the only people in the world who I feel comfortable talking to so openly. I definitely want to know how you are doing and I am praying for you and hoping for some :dust: to come to you. <3
I'm sorry you are having issues with the vitex. Quit that stuff hon. Unless you think maybe it's just your body adjusting? I feel like your husband is probably upset because he doesn't want to see you sad and I agree that it doesn't really feel like "making love" when it feels like you have too. I feel that way sometimes too. I think that without even realizing it I have been in the NTNP mindset lately. We are still dtd every other night and everything but I stopped doing everything else that went along with our trying because it felt like such a waste of time and energy when in my heart I don't feel that I am going to be able to conceive naturally. So, I am sorry for how you're feeling and I know it's hard to be on these boards seeing everyone's announcements and wondering if we are ever going to get that. Definitely continue to check in with us and let us know how you are. I view all of you as friends and you are some of the only people in the world who I feel comfortable talking to so openly. I definitely want to know how you are doing and I am praying for you and hoping for some :dust: to come to you. <3

I really don't think it's my body adjusting- I always had adverse affects on the pill too...:wacko:

Yup, for now we're just going to take a natural approach, just not using birth control, and we'll see how it goes. I want to make an appt at Planned Parenthood to see what's up with my cycle sometime soon, though. :)

And my husband is upset to see me so sad about TTC, and we talked it through, so we're doing well, we just want some time to concentrate on us. (Plus I could stand to lose some weight so this gives me time to do so.)

I see you all as friends too. Feel free to PM me anytime, and I'll be back 1-2 times a week to see how you all are, even if I don't have anything to post about myself.

:dust: :dust: :dust: to all!
Quick update- I didn't take any Vitex yesterday, and after a mini-breakdown before bed last night(in which I cried and cried over a sandwich), I'm feeling so much better.

My husband said he could already tell a difference, and so can I.

I am never going near that stuff again!

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