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***December Testing Thread!!!*** 132 Testers/23 BFPs and Counting!!!

Hey everybody so i woke up this morning boobs killing me, AF a week late, and a :bfn:. I'm completely heartbroken :cry:. I didn't tell DH. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment on his face. Hopefully AF starts soon that way can start trying again for January. But if it does what it did in July then AF should start on the 27th. Praying starts earlier than that but my body is being really stupid :growlmad:
Hey everybody so i woke up this morning boobs killing me, AF a week late, and a :bfn:. I'm completely heartbroken :cry:. I didn't tell DH. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment on his face. Hopefully AF starts soon that way can start trying again for January. But if it does what it did in July then AF should start on the 27th. Praying starts earlier than that but my body is being really stupid :growlmad:

Hun, I'm so sorry! Remember you're not out till she comes. Maybe its just taking a little for your HCG levels to get up! :hugs:
Thanx haj624, i really hope so. Gonna wait another week and still if no AF then I'll test again. I have a bunch of symptoms but not letting myself get excited even alittle. For now I'm out.
Thanx haj624, i really hope so. Gonna wait another week and still if no AF then I'll test again. I have a bunch of symptoms but not letting myself get excited even alittle. For now I'm out.

It sucks:cry: but keep your head up and theres always next month!
Hey everybody so i woke up this morning boobs killing me, AF a week late, and a :bfn:. I'm completely heartbroken :cry:. I didn't tell DH. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment on his face. Hopefully AF starts soon that way can start trying again for January. But if it does what it did in July then AF should start on the 27th. Praying starts earlier than that but my body is being really stupid :growlmad:

That sucks! I can definitely send you my sympathy since my body is being REALLY stupid this fall. It's so incredibly frustrating. As if this wouldn't be hard enough with normal cycles.
I got the :witch: on the 4th... right on time as usual. My next AF should be Jan 3, but I think I'll test on the 31st and see if I can't get an early result for new years... :)
Hey everybody so i woke up this morning boobs killing me, AF a week late, and a :bfn:. I'm completely heartbroken :cry:. I didn't tell DH. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment on his face. Hopefully AF starts soon that way can start trying again for January. But if it does what it did in July then AF should start on the 27th. Praying starts earlier than that but my body is being really stupid :growlmad:

im so sorry it is such a let down, and takes such an emotional toll :(
Hi girls I was looking for a nice December testing club and i found it! You all seem so lovely !
Had positive opk yesterday and today, minimal ewcm and first month trying :) plan to test on Christmas eve but might cave earlier !
Hey everybody so i woke up this morning boobs killing me, AF a week late, and a :bfn:. I'm completely heartbroken :cry:. I didn't tell DH. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment on his face. Hopefully AF starts soon that way can start trying again for January. But if it does what it did in July then AF should start on the 27th. Praying starts earlier than that but my body is being really stupid :growlmad:

:hugs: I'm so sorry things are being confusing and frustrating. I really hope that you'll get bfp next week - I remember a lady on this forum that was 1 month late for her AF - and only after she was 3 weeks late did she finally get a bfp. It was amazing but she must have O'd later, or took longer for hcg to build up. Here's some :dust: and positive wishes your way
can you change mine to the 18th please? I ovulated well later than I thought I would!!

congrats to the 6 BFPS :D

hello ladies...hope everyone is having a great day :) so im 9dpo and for some reason today I'm feeling a confident. i have felt really negative about the whole conceiving thing the past few weeks but today i feel good. Yesterday I had a dip in my temps and it went back up today. (I'm hoping its an implantation dip!!) I hope I'm not jinxing myself and yesterday I noticed my nipples are a little sore...which is unusual for me. AF is due Sunday...fingers crossed!!

Good luck! X
Morning ladies,

The wait is killing me, i want to give in and test early but scared ill get a BFN
How is everyone else getting on? Congrats to the 6 BFPs!

So I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and when I got back I realized it was 1/2 hr before I was supposed to get up, not the middle of the night. So I layed back down for like 15 min and tried to relax and then took my temp. It's probably not accurate bc I got up and went to the bathroom and was awake right?
So I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and when I got back I realized it was 1/2 hr before I was supposed to get up, not the middle of the night. So I layed back down for like 15 min and tried to relax and then took my temp. It's probably not accurate bc I got up and went to the bathroom and was awake right?

yes, from what I read you shouldnt do a thing besides reach for the BBT. But I would still include it?

My hubby was up @ 4:30 ... sick to his stomach (TMI GROSS) So i took my BBT then because I wasn't sure if id get back to sleep. I normally test when he wakes up @ 530. Then I fell back asleep and tested @ 630.
Temp # 1 was 36.22 'C
Temp # 2 was 36.66'C .. a huge difference................ now I dont know which one to include!

Any suggestions?
So I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and when I got back I realized it was 1/2 hr before I was supposed to get up, not the middle of the night. So I layed back down for like 15 min and tried to relax and then took my temp. It's probably not accurate bc I got up and went to the bathroom and was awake right?

yes, from what I read you shouldnt do a thing besides reach for the BBT. But I would still include it?

My hubby was up @ 4:30 ... sick to his stomach (TMI GROSS) So i took my BBT then because I wasn't sure if id get back to sleep. I normally test when he wakes up @ 530. Then I fell back asleep and tested @ 630.
Temp # 1 was 36.22 'C
Temp # 2 was 36.66'C .. a huge difference................ now I dont know which one to include!

Any suggestions?
I would stick with your first temp as it was only an hour before u normally get up and also u are supposed to have about 4-5 hours sleep at least so the temp is accurate thats what i would do anyway good luck :)
I give up. Maybe on TTC altogether for now. My period is 5 days early. That's like a 22 day cycle. I don't even know where to go from here.

That's only 8 days out of the cycle I WASN'T bleeding. :nope:

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