EARLY September Testers


Mum to a miracle
Jan 9, 2015
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Hey everyone!

I know it's early but thought I would set up this thread for anyone that has been caught out by the :witch: already.

I will be testing on the 2nd September if AF doesn't arrive.


21st August

30th August

31st August

2nd September
Thanks for starting this thread...hopefully NONE of us will need it!!! :haha:
Haha oh that would be lovely! Luckily we are all early August testers so we will know soon 😊 some ladies will def get a BFP!!! :happydance:
CD1 for me now over here! So test date is now 1st September :happydance:
Yay for Early September testing!! Just realised I'm due for af on 25 August seeing as the witch got me early in July! Lol

I'd love to join anyway if that's fine?

Two bfps so far in Early August!! Awesome stuff. And we are gonna have more this next cycle on this thread for sure!!!
Hey Tesh! Yes I am actually also due now 30-31 August :haha: my AF came just a day early so I'm possibly testing now on the 31st of August if no AF.
Anyone one is welcome regardless of test dates. Our bodies are so unpredictable!

I saw that there are a couple of BFPs on there already! Let's hope This thread is a lucky one! Getting bored of my tests being stark white now! 😊
hi girls,

I'm going to be joining you. I think most of us will end up due end August rather than early September. Haha.
Hey ladies!! Awesome, end of August testing for sure!!

Trying you are absolutely right about our bodies being unpredictable. I'm trying soy this cycle and have today and tomorrow to go, then I'll be waiting to O. Have a good feeling for this month and this thread!!

Woo hoo!!! Two pink lines two pink lines two pink lines!!! :happydance:
Hey ladies!! Awesome, end of August testing for sure!!

Trying you are absolutely right about our bodies being unpredictable. I'm trying soy this cycle and have today and tomorrow to go, then I'll be waiting to O. Have a good feeling for this month and this thread!!

Woo hoo!!! Two pink lines two pink lines two pink lines!!! :happydance:

I've never been more confused with what my body is doing! I used to be consistent 28 days until after my first MMC. Then still I had a constant LP. Now after my second MMC, my LP has just gone haywire as well!!!!
Tesh I love your positivity! Two pink lines be amazing!!!!! So want that dream to become reality again! :happydance:
What is soy in the world of ttc? Does it help with implantation!? I'm very curious 😊
I have a good feeling about this thread too! Come on :bfp:!!!!!!
Hey Hungry!
Does seem like we will have a few late August testers! Maybe August will be our month after all :haha:
My cycles are also weird after my second MC. They were the same for two months, now they are changing again! My body is very confused! :wacko:
I don't know if something hormonal is out of whack! Cos my LP was 13 first cycle which is my usual. 15 last cycle and 14 this cycle. I know varying one day is normal. But.... I was a consistent 13 before my MC in April....
I did add in EPO before ovulation this cycle and seem to have ovulated 2-3 days earlier but it could also be coincidental? Who knows!!!!!

Let's just hope we see BFPs around here.
Yeah mine has been out of whack since my MC in April too. I'm guessing it will take a while for our bodies to settle down!?
Tesh I love your positivity! Two pink lines be amazing!!!!! So want that dream to become reality again! :happydance:
What is soy in the world of ttc? Does it help with implantation!? I'm very curious 😊
I have a good feeling about this thread too! Come on :bfp:!!!!!!

Hi Trying!!

I got this info about soy of a babycenter thread:

"Welcome to Soy Isoflavones For Dummies! Your starter location for info! Soy isoflavones tricks your body into producing more estrogen.

WHAT IS IT? Soya Isoflavones are derived from soya beans. They have been dubbed “the natural Clomid,” As they work in pretty much an identical manner. Just like Clomid; Soya Isoflavones work by tricking your body into thinking its low on oestrogen. Your body then kick starts production of FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) followed by LH (Luteinizing hormone) Which are both necessary to release Healthy Eggs during ovulation. FSH is released at the start of the menstrual cycle; it stimulates the growth of an immature egg into a fully matured egg. When the egg has matured your body then releases a surge of LH. LH is the hormone that tells the ovary to release the egg.

WHEN? You take Soy Isoflavones, like Clomid, on either CD 1-5 , 2-6, 3-7 , 4-8 or 5-9. If you take soy Isoflavones during the later time bracket, for example CD5-9, you shall strengthen the egg that has already started growing producing a healthier egg. The earlier in your cycle you take It, the higher your chance of releasing multiple eggs but these eggs will not be as mature as the eggs grown from taking Soya later. A lot of women will choose the middle cycle (3 -7) allowing time for a strong and healthy egg to develop without erasing the chance of a second egg being developed and released.
1-5 = you produce more eggs, and ovulate sooner, with a stronger ovulation.
2-6 = you produce more eggs that usual, but not as many as taking it 1-5. Eggs may be more mature, and ovulation will be slightly more strong than 1-5.
3-7 = The best of both worlds, a few more eggs, and all eggs will be strong & mature, and ovulation will be alot stronger than 1-5.
4-8 = No more eggs will be produced, but the ones already there, will be matured alot more than usual, and ovulation will be very strong. Ovulation may only be brought forward a teeny bit.
5-9 = You'll have one very mature strong egg, from the ones you already produced on your own. Ovulation will either happen when it usually does, or a few days later, but your egg will be of great quality.

DOSE? The dose is really down to you but you should always use the lowest amount that works for you. With Clomid the starting dose is 100mg. Soya Isoflavones are said to be half the strength of Clomid, so it makes sense for the starting dose to be 100mg. The trouble with 100mg of soya is that the capsules tend to come as 40mg. So you have a choice of starting at 80mg or 120mg. I would recommend that if you know that you do ovulate without taking soy then you should start with 80mg. And if you know that you don’t usually ovulate you can start with 120mg. Some women change the dose on different days. So they may start at 120mg for the first 3 days then give an extra boost for the last 2 days with 160mg. As I have said though, use the lowest dose possible for yourself. If you ovulate using 120mg/day stick to that for a few cycles. GIVE IT A CHANCE. It is said that it takes 3months to get the full benefits of what you are taking. NEVER EXCEED 200mg/day. DO NOT TAKE SOY ISO AND VITEX AT THE SAME TIME! NOW FOR SOME STATS!!!!

74% of these BFP ladies got it FIRST CYCLE with SI
18% got it the 2nd CYCLE
remainding 8% got it between 3rd and 5th CYCLE!!
ok so the above stats are from Babycentre ladies...i took some time to research other birthboards and see what the stats were like and here they are! (not drilled down by birthboard - just in general)
82% BFP first cycle....11% 2nd cycle....7% between 3rd and 6th cycle
of the 82% of BFP's.....
25% CD1-5.....20%.....CD2-6....52% CD3-7....3% CD4+
1% of ladies on CD1-5 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
<1% of ladies on CD2-6 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
2% of ladies on CD3-7 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
0% on CD4+....(not to say it CANT happen but stats didnt show that it had from what i found!!!)
ok..now for the bit that worries most people...the MISCARRIAGE STATS!!
starting with the 82%..1st cycle......
of the 15% that miscarried....
12% had suffered miscarriages in the past - pre Soya taking

now the 11% of BFP 2nd Cycle.....
of the 8% that miscarried.....

6% had suffered miscarriages in the past - pre Soya taking
Doseages from the 82% BFP ladies: (in general over 5 days)
13% took 40-80mg - equal chance of miscarriage
37% took 80-120mg - equal chance of miscarriage
50% took 160-200mg - equal chance of miscarriage

i really hope this puts EVERYONES mind at ease and can help you ladies on that decision of taking the Soya or not!!"

Sorry that was so long! It really helped me understand more about soy isoflavones. I do not think I have a problem with ovulation but I guess it doesnt hurt to try and have a healthier egg!

Haha don't know why I feel so positive.. I guess after trying for so long you figure that there's no point being disappointed for too long. Hell we're all entitled to throw our toys out the cot at some point esp when seeing those darn bfns! But it WILL happen for us. It will happen sooner for some and later for others. But.. it WILL happen.

I REALLY have a good feeling for this thread and this cycle and I think its gr8 we keep the positive baby dust vibes flowing!!!

Is anyone going to be trying anything different from the norm this cycle??
I don't know if something hormonal is out of whack! Cos my LP was 13 first cycle which is my usual. 15 last cycle and 14 this cycle. I know varying one day is normal. But.... I was a consistent 13 before my MC in April....
I did add in EPO before ovulation this cycle and seem to have ovulated 2-3 days earlier but it could also be coincidental? Who knows!!!!!

Let's just hope we see BFPs around here.

Hey Hungry!! Just wanted to tell you I can relate to the whacky luteal phase lengths! I started of with a perfect 13 day LP, and as I got further into ttc it has been so whacky, like a day or so off at times, and then this last cycle I had a 9 day LP after spotting from 7DPO! So many things can just throw our cycles out of whack... but I guess the important thing is that your LP length is very good still even if it changes sometimes. I would say 12, even 11 days and above is excellent!! So don't stress too much and fingers crossed for those two pink lines :happydance:
Yeah mine has been out of whack since my MC in April too. I'm guessing it will take a while for our bodies to settle down!?

Trying, it feels like forever. Sometimes I wish there was an indicator. Hahaha like ok, your body will go back to norm after 3 months. Then you start trying after then. Before that you just enjoy yourself since nothing is going to happen.

Hey Hungry!! Just wanted to tell you I can relate to the whacky luteal phase lengths! I started of with a perfect 13 day LP, and as I got further into ttc it has been so whacky, like a day or so off at times, and then this last cycle I had a 9 day LP after spotting from 7DPO! So many things can just throw our cycles out of whack... but I guess the important thing is that your LP length is very good still even if it changes sometimes. I would say 12, even 11 days and above is excellent!! So don't stress too much and fingers crossed for those two pink lines :happydance:

9 days? That's really a big difference compared to your norm of 13 days. Any reason that you can think of? Yeah I'm still glad mine is still of a decent length but my temps usually drop around 10dpo and just hovers over the coverline. That's when I know I'm out already. I wonder if it's a sign of low progesterone?

I do hope to see those 2 lines again soon. For all of us trying this month!!!
Tesh I love your positivity! Two pink lines be amazing!!!!! So want that dream to become reality again! :happydance:
What is soy in the world of ttc? Does it help with implantation!? I'm very curious &#128522;
I have a good feeling about this thread too! Come on :bfp:!!!!!!

Hi Trying!!

I got this info about soy of a babycenter thread:

"Welcome to Soy Isoflavones For Dummies! Your starter location for info! Soy isoflavones tricks your body into producing more estrogen.

WHAT IS IT? Soya Isoflavones are derived from soya beans. They have been dubbed “the natural Clomid,” As they work in pretty much an identical manner. Just like Clomid; Soya Isoflavones work by tricking your body into thinking its low on oestrogen. Your body then kick starts production of FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) followed by LH (Luteinizing hormone) Which are both necessary to release Healthy Eggs during ovulation. FSH is released at the start of the menstrual cycle; it stimulates the growth of an immature egg into a fully matured egg. When the egg has matured your body then releases a surge of LH. LH is the hormone that tells the ovary to release the egg.

WHEN? You take Soy Isoflavones, like Clomid, on either CD 1-5 , 2-6, 3-7 , 4-8 or 5-9. If you take soy Isoflavones during the later time bracket, for example CD5-9, you shall strengthen the egg that has already started growing producing a healthier egg. The earlier in your cycle you take It, the higher your chance of releasing multiple eggs but these eggs will not be as mature as the eggs grown from taking Soya later. A lot of women will choose the middle cycle (3 -7) allowing time for a strong and healthy egg to develop without erasing the chance of a second egg being developed and released.
1-5 = you produce more eggs, and ovulate sooner, with a stronger ovulation.
2-6 = you produce more eggs that usual, but not as many as taking it 1-5. Eggs may be more mature, and ovulation will be slightly more strong than 1-5.
3-7 = The best of both worlds, a few more eggs, and all eggs will be strong & mature, and ovulation will be alot stronger than 1-5.
4-8 = No more eggs will be produced, but the ones already there, will be matured alot more than usual, and ovulation will be very strong. Ovulation may only be brought forward a teeny bit.
5-9 = You'll have one very mature strong egg, from the ones you already produced on your own. Ovulation will either happen when it usually does, or a few days later, but your egg will be of great quality.

DOSE? The dose is really down to you but you should always use the lowest amount that works for you. With Clomid the starting dose is 100mg. Soya Isoflavones are said to be half the strength of Clomid, so it makes sense for the starting dose to be 100mg. The trouble with 100mg of soya is that the capsules tend to come as 40mg. So you have a choice of starting at 80mg or 120mg. I would recommend that if you know that you do ovulate without taking soy then you should start with 80mg. And if you know that you don’t usually ovulate you can start with 120mg. Some women change the dose on different days. So they may start at 120mg for the first 3 days then give an extra boost for the last 2 days with 160mg. As I have said though, use the lowest dose possible for yourself. If you ovulate using 120mg/day stick to that for a few cycles. GIVE IT A CHANCE. It is said that it takes 3months to get the full benefits of what you are taking. NEVER EXCEED 200mg/day. DO NOT TAKE SOY ISO AND VITEX AT THE SAME TIME! NOW FOR SOME STATS!!!!

74% of these BFP ladies got it FIRST CYCLE with SI
18% got it the 2nd CYCLE
remainding 8% got it between 3rd and 5th CYCLE!!
ok so the above stats are from Babycentre ladies...i took some time to research other birthboards and see what the stats were like and here they are! (not drilled down by birthboard - just in general)
82% BFP first cycle....11% 2nd cycle....7% between 3rd and 6th cycle
of the 82% of BFP's.....
25% CD1-5.....20%.....CD2-6....52% CD3-7....3% CD4+
1% of ladies on CD1-5 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
<1% of ladies on CD2-6 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
2% of ladies on CD3-7 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
0% on CD4+....(not to say it CANT happen but stats didnt show that it had from what i found!!!)
ok..now for the bit that worries most people...the MISCARRIAGE STATS!!
starting with the 82%..1st cycle......
of the 15% that miscarried....
12% had suffered miscarriages in the past - pre Soya taking

now the 11% of BFP 2nd Cycle.....
of the 8% that miscarried.....

6% had suffered miscarriages in the past - pre Soya taking
Doseages from the 82% BFP ladies: (in general over 5 days)
13% took 40-80mg - equal chance of miscarriage
37% took 80-120mg - equal chance of miscarriage
50% took 160-200mg - equal chance of miscarriage

i really hope this puts EVERYONES mind at ease and can help you ladies on that decision of taking the Soya or not!!"

Sorry that was so long! It really helped me understand more about soy isoflavones. I do not think I have a problem with ovulation but I guess it doesnt hurt to try and have a healthier egg!

Haha don't know why I feel so positive.. I guess after trying for so long you figure that there's no point being disappointed for too long. Hell we're all entitled to throw our toys out the cot at some point esp when seeing those darn bfns! But it WILL happen for us. It will happen sooner for some and later for others. But.. it WILL happen.

I REALLY have a good feeling for this thread and this cycle and I think its gr8 we keep the positive baby dust vibes flowing!!!

Is anyone going to be trying anything different from the norm this cycle??

Thanks so much for this Tesh! Definatley something to consider! I tried to find some in town today but now joy! No where seems to do it. I have found some on Amazon so will have to order some for next cycle now! It sounds like it is def worth a shot! &#128522;
Trying nothing new. Am only temping from CD7 through to ov. Going to use OPKs and conceive plus lube
Yeah mine has been out of whack since my MC in April too. I'm guessing it will take a while for our bodies to settle down!?

Trying, it feels like forever. Sometimes I wish there was an indicator. Hahaha like ok, your body will go back to norm after 3 months. Then you start trying after then. Before that you just enjoy yourself since nothing is going to happen.

Hey Hungry!! Just wanted to tell you I can relate to the whacky luteal phase lengths! I started of with a perfect 13 day LP, and as I got further into ttc it has been so whacky, like a day or so off at times, and then this last cycle I had a 9 day LP after spotting from 7DPO! So many things can just throw our cycles out of whack... but I guess the important thing is that your LP length is very good still even if it changes sometimes. I would say 12, even 11 days and above is excellent!! So don't stress too much and fingers crossed for those two pink lines :happydance:

9 days? That's really a big difference compared to your norm of 13 days. Any reason that you can think of? Yeah I'm still glad mine is still of a decent length but my temps usually drop around 10dpo and just hovers over the coverline. That's when I know I'm out already. I wonder if it's a sign of low progesterone?

I do hope to see those 2 lines again soon. For all of us trying this month!!!

Hungry i know exactly what you mean! I think that too. Or if I know the month I would fall pregnant again I would just relax until then. It's the unknown that's horrible at times
Tesh I love your positivity! Two pink lines be amazing!!!!! So want that dream to become reality again! :happydance:
What is soy in the world of ttc? Does it help with implantation!? I'm very curious &#128522;
I have a good feeling about this thread too! Come on :bfp:!!!!!!

Hi Trying!!

I got this info about soy of a babycenter thread:

"Welcome to Soy Isoflavones For Dummies! Your starter location for info! Soy isoflavones tricks your body into producing more estrogen.

WHAT IS IT? Soya Isoflavones are derived from soya beans. They have been dubbed “the natural Clomid,” As they work in pretty much an identical manner. Just like Clomid; Soya Isoflavones work by tricking your body into thinking its low on oestrogen. Your body then kick starts production of FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) followed by LH (Luteinizing hormone) Which are both necessary to release Healthy Eggs during ovulation. FSH is released at the start of the menstrual cycle; it stimulates the growth of an immature egg into a fully matured egg. When the egg has matured your body then releases a surge of LH. LH is the hormone that tells the ovary to release the egg.

WHEN? You take Soy Isoflavones, like Clomid, on either CD 1-5 , 2-6, 3-7 , 4-8 or 5-9. If you take soy Isoflavones during the later time bracket, for example CD5-9, you shall strengthen the egg that has already started growing producing a healthier egg. The earlier in your cycle you take It, the higher your chance of releasing multiple eggs but these eggs will not be as mature as the eggs grown from taking Soya later. A lot of women will choose the middle cycle (3 -7) allowing time for a strong and healthy egg to develop without erasing the chance of a second egg being developed and released.
1-5 = you produce more eggs, and ovulate sooner, with a stronger ovulation.
2-6 = you produce more eggs that usual, but not as many as taking it 1-5. Eggs may be more mature, and ovulation will be slightly more strong than 1-5.
3-7 = The best of both worlds, a few more eggs, and all eggs will be strong & mature, and ovulation will be alot stronger than 1-5.
4-8 = No more eggs will be produced, but the ones already there, will be matured alot more than usual, and ovulation will be very strong. Ovulation may only be brought forward a teeny bit.
5-9 = You'll have one very mature strong egg, from the ones you already produced on your own. Ovulation will either happen when it usually does, or a few days later, but your egg will be of great quality.

DOSE? The dose is really down to you but you should always use the lowest amount that works for you. With Clomid the starting dose is 100mg. Soya Isoflavones are said to be half the strength of Clomid, so it makes sense for the starting dose to be 100mg. The trouble with 100mg of soya is that the capsules tend to come as 40mg. So you have a choice of starting at 80mg or 120mg. I would recommend that if you know that you do ovulate without taking soy then you should start with 80mg. And if you know that you don’t usually ovulate you can start with 120mg. Some women change the dose on different days. So they may start at 120mg for the first 3 days then give an extra boost for the last 2 days with 160mg. As I have said though, use the lowest dose possible for yourself. If you ovulate using 120mg/day stick to that for a few cycles. GIVE IT A CHANCE. It is said that it takes 3months to get the full benefits of what you are taking. NEVER EXCEED 200mg/day. DO NOT TAKE SOY ISO AND VITEX AT THE SAME TIME! NOW FOR SOME STATS!!!!

74% of these BFP ladies got it FIRST CYCLE with SI
18% got it the 2nd CYCLE
remainding 8% got it between 3rd and 5th CYCLE!!
ok so the above stats are from Babycentre ladies...i took some time to research other birthboards and see what the stats were like and here they are! (not drilled down by birthboard - just in general)
82% BFP first cycle....11% 2nd cycle....7% between 3rd and 6th cycle
of the 82% of BFP's.....
25% CD1-5.....20%.....CD2-6....52% CD3-7....3% CD4+
1% of ladies on CD1-5 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
<1% of ladies on CD2-6 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
2% of ladies on CD3-7 had a MULTIPLE pregnancy
0% on CD4+....(not to say it CANT happen but stats didnt show that it had from what i found!!!)
ok..now for the bit that worries most people...the MISCARRIAGE STATS!!
starting with the 82%..1st cycle......
of the 15% that miscarried....
12% had suffered miscarriages in the past - pre Soya taking

now the 11% of BFP 2nd Cycle.....
of the 8% that miscarried.....

6% had suffered miscarriages in the past - pre Soya taking
Doseages from the 82% BFP ladies: (in general over 5 days)
13% took 40-80mg - equal chance of miscarriage
37% took 80-120mg - equal chance of miscarriage
50% took 160-200mg - equal chance of miscarriage

i really hope this puts EVERYONES mind at ease and can help you ladies on that decision of taking the Soya or not!!"

Sorry that was so long! It really helped me understand more about soy isoflavones. I do not think I have a problem with ovulation but I guess it doesnt hurt to try and have a healthier egg!

Haha don't know why I feel so positive.. I guess after trying for so long you figure that there's no point being disappointed for too long. Hell we're all entitled to throw our toys out the cot at some point esp when seeing those darn bfns! But it WILL happen for us. It will happen sooner for some and later for others. But.. it WILL happen.

I REALLY have a good feeling for this thread and this cycle and I think its gr8 we keep the positive baby dust vibes flowing!!!

Is anyone going to be trying anything different from the norm this cycle??

Thanks so much for this Tesh! Definatley something to consider! I tried to find some in town today but now joy! No where seems to do it. I have found some on Amazon so will have to order some for next cycle now! It sounds like it is def worth a shot! &#128522;
Trying nothing new. Am only temping from CD7 through to ov. Going to use OPKs and conceive plus lube

My pleasure :winkwink:

I see you're in the UK. I used to live in London a while back and I am pretty sure you can get them at Tesco? Or any health shop would also stock them, I am using the Solgar Brand. Not sure if you get that over there. I always hear ladies testing with FRER, and we don't get it over here, I have always wanted to test with a FRER because it seems so cool!! :brat: LOL :laugh2:

Yeah mine has been out of whack since my MC in April too. I'm guessing it will take a while for our bodies to settle down!?

Trying, it feels like forever. Sometimes I wish there was an indicator. Hahaha like ok, your body will go back to norm after 3 months. Then you start trying after then. Before that you just enjoy yourself since nothing is going to happen.

Hey Hungry!! Just wanted to tell you I can relate to the whacky luteal phase lengths! I started of with a perfect 13 day LP, and as I got further into ttc it has been so whacky, like a day or so off at times, and then this last cycle I had a 9 day LP after spotting from 7DPO! So many things can just throw our cycles out of whack... but I guess the important thing is that your LP length is very good still even if it changes sometimes. I would say 12, even 11 days and above is excellent!! So don't stress too much and fingers crossed for those two pink lines :happydance:

9 days? That's really a big difference compared to your norm of 13 days. Any reason that you can think of? Yeah I'm still glad mine is still of a decent length but my temps usually drop around 10dpo and just hovers over the coverline. That's when I know I'm out already. I wonder if it's a sign of low progesterone?

I do hope to see those 2 lines again soon. For all of us trying this month!!!

Yep 9 days. Crazy! Plus had 3 days of spotting before that. I suspect its because I had terrible flu at the beginning of my LP that caused it :shrug:

Hmm... it does sound like it possibly could be a sign of LP, the only way to know for sure is for you to do a Progesterone test. Have you thought about perhaps using a natural progesterone cream at the start of your LP to see if that helps? A lot of ladies also take Vit. B Complex to help with their LP.


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