First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi all,

Just checking in. Sorry for being MIA but I promise I've been checking in to read. I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve. It looks like January's going to be a busy one for the thread - can't WAIT to hear about everyone's progress.

I'm not sure if I told everyone but my first OB appt was on Christmas Eve and things looked great. Strong heartbeat and things measuring on point. Also, my DH was finally able to come (he can't miss work ever because he's a teacher) so he was finally able to see and hear the heartbeat. :) I stopped progesterone a week ago so I'm only on prenatals now. Next appt is 2 weeks from Monday. I'll be nervous until then I'm sure.

Anyway, looking for to more BFPs in 2015 ladies!!!

So happy to hear all is as it should be. Takes a lot of the anxiety away right? And yeah for DH being able to go and see/hear the baby! Are you getting the Maternity21 test in 2 weeks? We are and will know the sex 10 days after which is so exciting. Hope you're feeling good.

Afm not much to report. Been sick all week with a bad cold virus and low grade fever. I'm a phlegm mess. I told dh to go skiing today so he gets out of the house and at least one of us feels like we did something fun this week. It's snowing upstate so he's all excited. Hope everyone had a great New Years!
Hi All,
Wondering if I can join here. Myself and my husband are due for ICSI in January. I started injections 3 days ago. We have a 3yr old daughter but have struggled to concieve #2 for 2yrs now and my hisbands SA showed low morophology so we were advised ICSI. Everything wasfine with my tests. Would welcome any advice or support anyone can offer

Good luck on your IVF. This thread is full of info & experience!
I was supposed to go to the outlets with my husband yesterday but my sister decided to drive down from MD last minute of course & not warn anyone. So I spent the day with her & my nephews at my moms. It is so exhausting. She is so horrible. My youngest nephew is spoiled & ridiculous. He flipped over monopoly when he made a bad play, constantly tries to cheat, ran through the woods back to my moms aware from his mom & my mom while they yelled for him to stop. And my sister is just a other way to put it. She can poke fun all day but if you try to do the same, she flaps you down in a horrible hateful tone. It actually made me never want to tell her when I am pregnant. I only tolerate her because of my nephews. I would have much rather been spending the day with my husband alone. So I think we are driving to the outets tonight instead. We got a Cracker Barrel gift card for Christmas so he is dying to use it.

My husband & I are neither close with our siblings. Sometimes I feel like packing up my life & the 2 of us just leaving.

I can't believe my FET class is on Tuesday. I will have 1 more week of bcp I am really hoping to just move forward as soon as possible.

My husband is supposed to be doing some small projects at home today & I hope to be doing some things this weekend as well. I think I will also start working on organizing my tax paperwork. I have to do mine, my father in law, & my mom. My father in law also has large medical expenses I have to organize. I am not much for New Years & resolution...but I do love tax time...that is when I feel like I have shut the door on the previous year & start new.
I was supposed to go to the outlets with my husband yesterday but my sister decided to drive down from MD last minute of course & not warn anyone. So I spent the day with her & my nephews at my moms. It is so exhausting. She is so horrible. My youngest nephew is spoiled & ridiculous. He flipped over monopoly when he made a bad play, constantly tries to cheat, ran through the woods back to my moms aware from his mom & my mom while they yelled for him to stop. And my sister is just a other way to put it. She can poke fun all day but if you try to do the same, she flaps you down in a horrible hateful tone. It actually made me never want to tell her when I am pregnant. I only tolerate her because of my nephews. I would have much rather been spending the day with my husband alone. So I think we are driving to the outets tonight instead. We got a Cracker Barrel gift card for Christmas so he is dying to use it.

My husband & I are neither close with our siblings. Sometimes I feel like packing up my life & the 2 of us just leaving.

I can't believe my FET class is on Tuesday. I will have 1 more week of bcp I am really hoping to just move forward as soon as possible.

My husband is supposed to be doing some small projects at home today & I hope to be doing some things this weekend as well. I think I will also start working on organizing my tax paperwork. I have to do mine, my father in law, & my mom. My father in law also has large medical expenses I have to organize. I am not much for New Years & resolution...but I do love tax time...that is when I feel like I have shut the door on the previous year & start new.

Sorry you have a strained relationship with your sister. Maybe having a baby will change the dynamic? One can hope. I know me getting prego made my brother want to visit us more and he became more sensitive and compassionate and even protective. I hope that changes for you. One more week of bcp! How psyched are you!! The class is helpful but after 1 night of injections you will have it down cold.

I am so excited for this month!! Come on 2015 bfps!!
For the already pregnant ladies out there...Motherhood Maternity Outlet is having a buy one get one free sale in the outlet stores & online.
Funny story!
So DH and I went shopping on New Years and we were in Vans trying on some shoes. The kid (16 maybe?) that was helping us was friendly. Over friendly maybe. Kept asking how our New Years was going but I kept answering cause I figured he was nervous or something or it was his first day...first job ever...or maybe he was really high. I don't really know. Haha anyway so he asks if I know if I'm having a boy or a girl and I say girl and he tells me how his mom had a baby 3 years ago and it was a boy and babies are so cool blah blah blah. So I say yeah I'm pretty excited to meet her. Then he says yeah my mom had to do that IVF or whatever it's called and I said oh me too! I am not private at all about how we got pregnant. It's not a disease. Lol I'm proud of all that hard work! So I said your mom must have been so thrilled and he responds with yeeeeaaahhh we just can't figure out why he has red hair. Hahahahaa my face must have been priceless. My husband laughed a little and we bought shoes and got outta there. I really don't think this kid had any idea why you shouldn't say that to someone and to be honest I think he was totally stoned but I have to say I NEVER even worried about getting somebody elses sperm...and I watch ALOT of lifetime movies! Haha what a day!
How are all of the January ladies feeling?????

JKB - Are you still on track for the 8th?

Beagle, knit, ladysosa, brighteyez (if you're still here) - Do you know your dates yet?

Babyw - Hope you're feeling better! I've really been feeling fine but just tired. Yes, I'll be getting the Maternity test to test for abnormalities but I'm not sure that we want to find out the sex. We haven't decided yet!!

Beagle - That stinks that your sister ruined your shopping day. I HATE when people drop in unannounced.

JCM - Oh man - I can't believe that kid in the shoe store. Sounds like he was definitely high to me. :)

Back to work today after 2 weeks off and it stiiiiiiiiinks. :) Just have to get back into the swing of things. The first week was nuts because my mom was in town so we did a lot of running around. The second week, we honestly didn't do much. We had a friends' Christmas party and went to a friend's for NYE but other than that, we laid low. I got a new car though which I'm so excited about - a subaru forester. Both of our cars were pretty old but mine was in pretty bad shape and I had to dump a lot of money into it this past year. So, we figured we'd better buy at least 1 now so we hopefully don't have overlapping payments for too long.

We ended up telling both of our families (immediate and first cousins/aunts/uncles) over the break because half of them already knew (my mom told a bunch of people - thanks mom) and so it was getting confusing. So, the cat is out of the bag for the most part I guess. I won't be telling work until it's absolutely necessary (except for my boss who already knows).
How are all of the January ladies feeling?????

JKB - Are you still on track for the 8th?

Beagle, knit, ladysosa, brighteyez (if you're still here) - Do you know your dates yet?

Babyw - Hope you're feeling better! I've really been feeling fine but just tired. Yes, I'll be getting the Maternity test to test for abnormalities but I'm not sure that we want to find out the sex. We haven't decided yet!!

Beagle - That stinks that your sister ruined your shopping day. I HATE when people drop in unannounced.

JCM - Oh man - I can't believe that kid in the shoe store. Sounds like he was definitely high to me. :)

Back to work today after 2 weeks off and it stiiiiiiiiinks. :) Just have to get back into the swing of things. The first week was nuts because my mom was in town so we did a lot of running around. The second week, we honestly didn't do much. We had a friends' Christmas party and went to a friend's for NYE but other than that, we laid low. I got a new car though which I'm so excited about - a subaru forester. Both of our cars were pretty old but mine was in pretty bad shape and I had to dump a lot of money into it this past year. So, we figured we'd better buy at least 1 now so we hopefully don't have overlapping payments for too long.

We ended up telling both of our families (immediate and first cousins/aunts/uncles) over the break because half of them already knew (my mom told a bunch of people - thanks mom) and so it was getting confusing. So, the cat is out of the bag for the most part I guess. I won't be telling work until it's absolutely necessary (except for my boss who already knows).

Good to hear you're doing well! My transfer is tentatively scheduled for Jan 12th - but I go in tomorrow for US and blood work, so will know more tomorrow afternoon.
Good morning, ladies!!

Happy New Year to all of you!

I hope everyone had at least a few days off where they could relax and enjoy the holidays (if that's your thing).

kfs - Boy, oh boy are you right about going back to work! I didn't have the full two week off but I did have the last 4.5 days off and coming back this morning has been rough enough. How exciting that your families all know now, even if you hadn't planned on telling them this soon. Glad that things are looking good!!!

knitgirl - How is your cycle going - you're still prepping for your FET which should be soon, right??

JCM - Haha. As usual, your stories are the best. I'm pretty sure teenagers are their own species.

Beagle - Sorry your sister popped in and was a drag. Ugh. How annoying. Your meds class is tomorrow, right?? Will you find out then more about your FET schedule??

Babywhisperer - I hope you're feeling better!

Libby4Snoopy - Welcome! There is a wealth of knowledge here and many different experiences to learn from. Good Luck!

Hello to Terri, Erin, Moni, LadySosa, Amy, jkb, Weezy and brighteyez!!! How is everyone doing??

Not too much going on here. Did some more skiing over the last few days. My plan is to get out as much as possible this winter as I'm hoping that next winter it won't be so easy to get out and ski. :winkwink:
Yep...class tomorrow. My husband is taking the day off, so he can come with me. I do not have to be in until 1, so hoping we have a little time to spend together after the class before heading back.

I hope to be close behind knitgirl! I am so ready...ready to be pregnant...ready to be back off bcp...just READY!
Good morning, ladies!!

Happy New Year to all of you!

I hope everyone had at least a few days off where they could relax and enjoy the holidays (if that's your thing).

kfs - Boy, oh boy are you right about going back to work! I didn't have the full two week off but I did have the last 4.5 days off and coming back this morning has been rough enough. How exciting that your families all know now, even if you hadn't planned on telling them this soon. Glad that things are looking good!!!

knitgirl - How is your cycle going - you're still prepping for your FET which should be soon, right??

JCM - Haha. As usual, your stories are the best. I'm pretty sure teenagers are their own species.

Beagle - Sorry your sister popped in and was a drag. Ugh. How annoying. Your meds class is tomorrow, right?? Will you find out then more about your FET schedule??

Babywhisperer - I hope you're feeling better!

Libby4Snoopy - Welcome! There is a wealth of knowledge here and many different experiences to learn from. Good Luck!

Hello to Terri, Erin, Moni, LadySosa, Amy, jkb, Weezy and brighteyez!!! How is everyone doing??

Not too much going on here. Did some more skiing over the last few days. My plan is to get out as much as possible this winter as I'm hoping that next winter it won't be so easy to get out and ski. :winkwink:

I'm doing pretty well this cycle. My FET is tentatively scheduled for 1/12. I have my first US tomorrow to confirm. PIO to start on Wednesday I think ... yikes! Glad to hear you are doing well. :)
Yep...class tomorrow. My husband is taking the day off, so he can come with me. I do not have to be in until 1, so hoping we have a little time to spend together after the class before heading back.

I hope to be close behind knitgirl! I am so ready...ready to be pregnant...ready to be back off bcp...just READY!

I hear you, Beaglemom!! I am so READY too! :thumbup:
Yep...class tomorrow. My husband is taking the day off, so he can come with me. I do not have to be in until 1, so hoping we have a little time to spend together after the class before heading back.

I hope to be close behind knitgirl! I am so ready...ready to be pregnant...ready to be back off bcp...just READY!

I hear you, Beaglemom!! I am so READY too! :thumbup:

Me too, ladies!!! I am trying to be patient but I am so antsy at the same time. And nervous. Really, really nervous.

It probably sounds weird but I am starting to panic a bit at the same time. I keep wondering if I really do want kids! I'm not sure if I'm ready for this huge, life-altering, no going back change. It's freaking me out.
Yep...class tomorrow. My husband is taking the day off, so he can come with me. I do not have to be in until 1, so hoping we have a little time to spend together after the class before heading back.

I hope to be close behind knitgirl! I am so ready...ready to be pregnant...ready to be back off bcp...just READY!

I hear you, Beaglemom!! I am so READY too! :thumbup:

Me too, ladies!!! I am trying to be patient but I am so antsy at the same time. And nervous. Really, really nervous.

It probably sounds weird but I am starting to panic a bit at the same time. I keep wondering if I really do want kids! I'm not sure if I'm ready for this huge, life-altering, no going back change. It's freaking me out.

It is so funny you said that. Sometimes I feel like the past year has just been something filling up our time & keeping us busy. Like we haven't thought the result all the way through. It's like we like the idea of a baby. When my dogs wake me up at 3 am I start thinking this will be my life soon. I think it is just because of the process. Becuase we put so much time & money in to something which should be so simple it sometimes feels like is it worth it. But I am told it is. :) I think we will probably be freaking out when it gets close to time to deliver for the same reasons.
Oh & my husband has limited experience with he is going to be totally freaking out over holding the baby. I show him baby clothes when we are in stores & say this is how little the baby will be!
Oh & my husband has limited experience with he is going to be totally freaking out over holding the baby. I show him baby clothes when we are in stores & say this is how little the baby will be!

My husband is the same way. I keep telling him he's going to have to learn how to hold a baby and change diapers and he just looks at me like I have two heads. Um, yeah, pretty sure I can't do it all by myself! He has no idea what he is in for (and neither do I really). I have spent lots of time babysitting, even really small infants, but I know it can't prepare you for the real deal.
Booger - I can't you know the sex of your embryos? For some reason I am thinking they were half & half before the results came back. What are your thoughts on when to find out the sex?

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