First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - I am SO SO sorry. I am so heartbroken for you. I wish I knew the best thing to say or had some awesome advice to give you. Although I know only you can decide what's best for you, I hope you don't give up. How are you feeling?
Terri, sorry again. Curious as to what your doctor has to say.

Erin, excited for your scan. Did you do another beta?

Jen, ugh!

I an using the inhaler about once a day, usually dinner time. No vacations in 2015 for me to saveask my time for after the baby is born. We might take a road trip down southat the end of my leave to visit bro inlaw, depending on how things go.

So I fell down three steps yesterday and my butt is majorly bruised and sore, so I'm kinda with you Jen.... No cramping or bleeding so didn't call the doc. I have an appointment next week anyway

Happy New year to all, hoping for great things for all in 2015!!!.

Are you ok ? Be careful. When Im prego my brain works differently like walking down the stairs without looking or being more klutzy and preoccupied. I bet you're fine but tell the Dr for sure and no socks on bard wood floor stairs. Trust me.
Good morning ladies!

How is everyone doing today? I was just thinking there are a few ladies we haven't heard from lately...Leens, are you guys doing? If I remember correctly, brighteyez, we are about on the same schedule.

Moni - yikes! Be careful lady!

Last night we found out another one of our friends is pregnant [I swear, EVERYONE is announcing pregnancies and/or having babies on my FB newsfeed]. They had a daughter a couple years ago and every time we saw them they complained about how hard it is to have a baby and how they'll never do it again, blah blah blah. Well, I guess they had second thoughts! I know when I'm preggo and have a baby, I will certainly be appreciative! I felt a little less of a jealous sting this time tho...cause I know my time will be coming soon!

We are trying to plan a vacation but are thinking its best to wait until we at least have our first appointment out of the way. Then we'll hopefully have a better idea of the timeline. We were thinking either California (Carmel area) or NYC actually! It would be just a weekend trip...and NYC might be a bit of a distance for a weekend. We'll see.

Anyone doing anything exciting for New Years?? We are homebodies too - in fact, the last three or so years...(yes, this is really lame) we've actually gone to bed by like 10:00pm. Haha. This year we'll be in eastern Washington, in the middle of nowhere at my parents' cabin. They don't even do fireworks over there. Conducive to our 10:00 bedtime, LOL!!
Sh1t...just noticed that on my calendar my hubs is meant to take Zithromax on Jan 2. We won't get it in time since I have to call Freedom Fertility on Jan 2...anyone know if there is any flexibility on when he takes that? I asked my nurse, but she is often delayed in getting back to me...
Last year we went bowling with my sister & nephews. We went to an early time, so they did a countdown at like 8 or 9 for the kids. Then we went back home & did small fireworks & just hung out. We will probably be in bed early this year as well.

I am kind of stressing over the money these days. I need to go over my monthly budget to just see where we are. We have always just done what we major debt. But now the fertility stuff is just weighing on me. I want to talk to the finacial lady about my FET. I thought more & more & really don't know why I would have to pay full price. If I had done a fresh, it would have failed...which means a FET would be 50% off. I am only getting a credit of $625. Seems crazy. I have also considered getting a part time job. But I feel like that would be more stress than it is worth. I just wish things had worked out better for my husband getting promoted. I have no idea when new stores are opening for him to sign up for. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will see some movement there. I would be a lot less stressed if he got the promotion.

Ugh...anyways...sorry to be so negative...just need to vent a little about that. I hate having debt. If only we could go back in time & make better financial decisions, right? I think everyone has things like that they wish they could do over.
Sh1t...just noticed that on my calendar my hubs is meant to take Zithromax on Jan 2. We won't get it in time since I have to call Freedom Fertility on Jan 2...anyone know if there is any flexibility on when he takes that? I asked my nurse, but she is often delayed in getting back to me...

If that is just the antibiotic, you should be able to call that in locally. Did the dr give you the prescription already? My dr gave me a prescription for everything & told me which ones I could pick up locally, so I just got those whenever.
Good morning, ladies!

Terri-Beary - In case you are still :ninja:ing out there - Take all the time you need. I hope you don't stay away too long though because it just won't be the same without you here. I completely understand, though. Sorry DH wasn't as supportive as he should have been. Seems like men just can't process things sometimes. I often joke that my DH is a robot with no feelings.

LadySosa - Where are you going to be in eastern WA? That's getting sort of close to my neck of the woods. Well, that's kind of a stretch but I'm just curious. If you don't want to divulge, I understand. We have been in bed early the last couple of years for NYE too. I told DH the other day that I just don't understand what is so big about NYE. If my 20-yr old self met my current day self she would be so disappointed.:haha:

Moni - I hope you aren't too sore from your fall. I bet that was scary! :hugs:

jkb - Hooray!!! I'm glad you get to move ahead with your transfer. :happydance:

JCM - As always, your stories crack me up. I'm sorry you have a literal pain in the ass right now. :flower:

knitgirl - I'm sure it's fairly common for estrogen to make us emotional. I know just the BCP does it to me so I'm not looking forward to finding out what the Estrace does. Hopefully, your lower dose of Lupron will help you feel better too.

Erin - Sounds like the first trimester fatigue is starting to settle in. :happydance: I'm sure it's no fun to be so tired but it means that you are pregnant so I'm excited about it. :haha:

Beagle - At my clinic, you buy your way into a series. They have a line item for each procedure they do. Since we decided to go with a single cycle plan (and not a bundled multi-cycle package), we paid for the retrieval up front (before I could get started). We also paid for the biopsy and freezing prior to getting started too. After my first mock in October, when we though we might go ahead with the December FET, we paid for that at that time to buy our way into the December series. A FET at my clinic costs about $1600 (monitoring is not included in that price since my insurance picks up most of that). Does that make any sense??

babywhisperer - Ugh. Sorry you are dealing with multiple sicknesses at once. I sure hope you are on the mend soon. :flower:

Amy - I see you have February down for your FET. I'm sorry it has to be this way at all but maybe we will be cycle buddies.

kfs - How are you doing, lady??

Hello to brighteyez if you are still out there. You are starting again soon, right??

Hope I didn't miss anyone out there!!

All this talk about when to announce your pregnancy has me finally getting hopeful that I might get to that point someday!!! I don't plan on telling anyone until after the first trimester, if possible. They only person who I would tell right away is my sister as she is the only one who knows we are doing IVF. If my February FET works, the end of my first trimester would be around the beginning of May. I am thinking of planning a trip to KY to visit my family around then (and for the KY Derby) so I'm hoping I could tell my Mom in person. I won't do a Facebook announcement. I never posted that DH and I were engaged or getting married (we had already been together 9 years at that point). I ended up just posting a picture from our reception. I might do something similar for a baby. :shrug:
Thanks Beagle, that's what I was hoping.

Hang in there on the financial stuff. I TOTALLY can relate. It is so stressful to be in debt, especially just to get pregnant. I agree that a PT job (on top of your FT job??) would be way more stress that it's worth. It might make you feel better if you are able to sit down and go through your budget. You'll see things you can cut out and have a full picture of what you're spending each month. And, on the promotion-front, things always have a way of working themselves out, especially to good people. :) Hang in there!
Sh1t...just noticed that on my calendar my hubs is meant to take Zithromax on Jan 2. We won't get it in time since I have to call Freedom Fertility on Jan 2...anyone know if there is any flexibility on when he takes that? I asked my nurse, but she is often delayed in getting back to me...

If that is just the antibiotic, you should be able to call that in locally. Did the dr give you the prescription already? My dr gave me a prescription for everything & told me which ones I could pick up locally, so I just got those whenever.

What Beagle said - I would think you could get Zithromax anywhere locally.
I am kind of stressing over the money these days. I need to go over my monthly budget to just see where we are. We have always just done what we major debt. But now the fertility stuff is just weighing on me. I want to talk to the finacial lady about my FET. I thought more & more & really don't know why I would have to pay full price. If I had done a fresh, it would have failed...which means a FET would be 50% off. I am only getting a credit of $625. Seems crazy. I have also considered getting a part time job. But I feel like that would be more stress than it is worth. I just wish things had worked out better for my husband getting promoted. I have no idea when new stores are opening for him to sign up for. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will see some movement there. I would be a lot less stressed if he got the promotion.

Ugh...anyways...sorry to be so negative...just need to vent a little about that. I hate having debt. If only we could go back in time & make better financial decisions, right? I think everyone has things like that they wish they could do over.

Financial stress is no joke! I hate the way things are priced for IVF. It's kind of ridiculous. I know you had mentioned earlier that you were hoping to put most of your tax return towards paying down the IVF debt. Is that still the case??

DH and I need to budget better too. I would like to start saving a bit more since there are potential little ones in our future!
Lady - we actually couldn't get hubbys antibiotic from freedom - I had to fill it at target. just make sure you get the prescription.

Feeling ok - just a really sore bum! I will hold handrails from now on!

Beagle- I hope the finances work out - make them explain the logic behind the discount - you had paid for a transfer already and hadn't done that - shouldn't that be credited to you?

Terri - we'll miss your stories, but take the time you need!

We are having a new years party - so the commute home afterwards is easy - living room to bed!! Only about a dozen people have said that they are coming, so it should be a quiet affair!
I do still plan to put all my tax return towards it as well as the bonus my husband will get around the same time. My tax return should be better since I have all the medical stuff to add in.

I think if I look at our budget I will feel better. I want to see what we spend & what we bring in so I can see a dollar amount that will be contributed to the debt every month. If that dollar amount makes me happy, I will feel much better. I do not expect to have it all paid by the time the promotion ends in November, but I would love to have a chunk of it. Plus we are still paying on the IUIs & not just IVF which was pretty expensive as it is.

I think my FETs seem to be much higher. But my momitoring is insurance does not cover the monitoring since it is for infertility. It says in my paper work the discount was about $ I expect the full price to be about $3600. I got the $600 credit. I got an email back from the financial lady explaining things which really wasn't an explanation. She said I was converted from the One Plan which allows the discount to the regular IVF. No idea why. But she did say I can pay now. I have to call before the end of the day because they are closed tomorrow. So I can add that in to the medical expenses for 2014...which is good.

I think the PT job would be too stressful...& yes that would be on top of my current 8-5, M-F.
If my insurance didn't cover the bloodwork and ultrasounds, my FET would cost around $3,600. It's amazing how quickly those monitoring appointments add up.....

I use to track all of our expenses. It allows me to monitor every account we have in one place - mortgage, credit cards, bank accounts, and car loan. It's completely free too. It allows you to see how much income you have coming in and what is going out. I am also using it to track IVF cost by having a tag for IVF. Any expense that is IVF related, I just check a box saying so and then I can click on the tag to see a total. It also has a feature that allows you to set up a budget; I haven't used that yet.
If my insurance didn't cover the bloodwork and ultrasounds, my FET would cost around $3,600. It's amazing how quickly those monitoring appointments add up.....

I use to track all of our expenses. It allows me to monitor every account we have in one place - mortgage, credit cards, bank accounts, and car loan. It's completely free too. It allows you to see how much income you have coming in and what is going out. I am also using it to track IVF cost by having a tag for IVF. Any expense that is IVF related, I just check a box saying so and then I can click on the tag to see a total. It also has a feature that allows you to set up a budget; I haven't used that yet.

I may have to look in to that site. I currently have all my bank stuff & bills on a spreadsheet. So my register is an excel document that keeps a running balance. And I have several 0% items on credit cards so I have them set up so it shows my 0% & my regular balance so I know what I have to pay. My husband watched me last night & thinks I am a!

My insurance should cover blood work I think...but I have new insurance for 2015, so not sure. I talked to her & it is like I am buying a car...nothing makes sense & I feel like I am being screwed, but I need a car. So the price was $2600 which does not include monitoring. I know my u/s are $250 each. And I have the $600 credit. I asked if my FET fails, do I get the next one half off & she said no. Which is really dumb. So my original plan covers a fresh...if fresh fails all FETs are 50% off until no more embryos or I am pregnant. But now it is converted so I got a refund on part of my IVF & have to pay full price for any FETs after. Makes no sense. But I guess it doesn't matter because FET #1 will work!

How many visits should I expect during my FET cycle?
Attached is my FET schedule. Not sure if my clinic does more/less monitoring than average.


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Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2015 brings you health, happiness and prosperity (all of us on this thread need that!). <3 <3
Weezy, welcome to the thread. :flower: If you'd like me to add you to the front page, just let me know an estimated month/timeframe that you'll be doing a transfer, and I'll add you.

Yes, that would be great. I've got my consultation next Monday, so I,'ll have a better idea then.
Can anyone tell me what FET mean...Sorry, I'm still not very familiar with it all.
Still trying to read through the thread to get to know what is happening to everyone hehe....this is such an active thread...I'm struggling to keep up hee hee...bear with me ladies
Hi All,
Wondering if I can join here. Myself and my husband are due for ICSI in January. I started injections 3 days ago. We have a 3yr old daughter but have struggled to concieve #2 for 2yrs now and my hisbands SA showed low morophology so we were advised ICSI. Everything wasfine with my tests. Would welcome any advice or support anyone can offer
Hi all,

Just checking in. Sorry for being MIA but I promise I've been checking in to read. I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve. It looks like January's going to be a busy one for the thread - can't WAIT to hear about everyone's progress.

I'm not sure if I told everyone but my first OB appt was on Christmas Eve and things looked great. Strong heartbeat and things measuring on point. Also, my DH was finally able to come (he can't miss work ever because he's a teacher) so he was finally able to see and hear the heartbeat. :) I stopped progesterone a week ago so I'm only on prenatals now. Next appt is 2 weeks from Monday. I'll be nervous until then I'm sure.

Anyway, looking for to more BFPs in 2015 ladies!!!

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