First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin - I was wondering when you would find out the gender. I think we are going to have them write it down for us on the day of transfer...then we will open it once we have a positive beta. I think I have def become an advocate for PGS. Can you imagine with us we basically had 3 embryos that would not have made it. We could have done 4 transfers before getting a positive.

Jen - Sorry you are having such a crappy time physically. Everyone says it will be worth it. But some days I wonder...LOL! Dealing with my sick puppy def has me seeing the future. Me up all night worrying or cleaning up throw up or letting him outside...going on no sleep...and my husband just sleeping through the night...ugh. But he did have to work the next day. But he never seems as concerned as I am...and he seems to sleep through anything.

Terri - I think PGS would be a good option for you. I don't know if your insurance covers it. It can be expensive. But I still feel like for us it was worth it.

No vacations for me...I am trying to work out our finances after IVF/fertility treatments. We are supposed to not spend any money in the new year on eating out & shopping. But all I want to do on New Year's Day is go to the outlets. Ugh. I also found out taking out this new credit card debt made my credit score drop 100 points. But it is still high. I think if we really start cutting back we can put a huge dent in the debt over the next year. I want to have as much paid off as possible before a baby comes.

I am just ready to do my transfer already! getting antsy just like before my IVF started.
Erin- so glad hubby's surgery went well. I would love to be preggo with my sis! How fun.
Jen and baby w- congrats on seeing your lil ones via ultra sound. I can't wait for that day!

So I got good news this am! I have no idea how but my lining went from 8.3 to 8.6 even though I had the full flow. So my FET is set for January 9th at 1100!! Erin I sure hope your US is before I'm to drugged for my transfer, I don't handle meds well but, I can't wait for your update!
Hi girls, just now getting to post! Between DH's surgery, then what ended up being a 2-day delay instead of 1, that long drive (that turned into much longer), Christmas, and all the family time, I'm finally getting a breather!

Terri, I'm so sorry that your pos beta didn't stay pos and start rising. :( One good thing I'm thinking though is that you did get implantation, and that's a big hurdle my RE always said once they get over they say your chances for a successful pregnancy go up. I feel like your body was ready this time, but the embryo just wasn't viable. I'm not sure how gung-ho you are about your next steps, but have you considered just going balls to the wall and doing another IVF with PGS? Now that you've had implantation, I feel SURE you can get prego with a viable embie.

Amy, I'm so happy to hear that your doctor is letting you go straight into a FET. I know that brings you some relief from the sadness and shock you experienced. There's just something about taking the next steps and moving forward that is very therapeutic!

Weezy, welcome to the thread. :flower: If you'd like me to add you to the front page, just let me know an estimated month/timeframe that you'll be doing a transfer, and I'll add you.

beagle, I was excited to read about your 2 perfect embies. :thumbup: I think you're looking at it exactly the right way... 2 perfect embies equals 2 babies for you and DH! Its all working out exactly as its supposed to.:flower:

jkb, today is your appt, right? Has your spotting stopped? I hope they don't tell you that they have to cancel, but like Terri said, you want everything to be just right in there! Sorry for this frustration though... I know I'd be super irritated at my uterus too!

knit, congrats on the clear mammo!!!

BabyW, I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm sure its nice to have relief from that nausea. I can imagine how difficult it was having to function like that. Hoping your constipation will get better, that's not a fun one either!

booger, I hope your funk has gone away and left you alone! Those are the worst! Its hard to pull myself out of those sometimes. I'm glad you felt somewhat better after getting all your Christmas stuff done. How are you now?

Moni, GREAT u/s pics, thanks for sharing!! My first u/s is on Jan 9th. As long as everything goes well, we'll go ahead and allow them to tell us the gender that day too. So, have you needed your inhaler much since you got it?

kfs, how'd your first OB appt go??

LadySosa, sorry you're feeling the blues! The weather can do that to me too sometimes, and I have to admit, as happy as I was to be in KY for a few days, it was nice to see the temperature gauge going up in my car the further south we got, hehe! How exciting that everything will be getting started for you soon, yay!! Getting so excited for you! So happy its finally just about here. :) Glad you enjoyed the NFL game. I love live football games.

Hi to Jen and brighteyez (and Leenz, if you're still with us)!

AFM, thanks for all the well-wishes for my DH! It def could've been worse if he hadn't been wearing a helmet and knee guards. My trip to KY was delayed 2 days because after DH's surgery, his blood oxygen level was a tad low, so they made him stay in the hospital overnight. The drive was terrible. I've been feeling fine so far (just some fatigue), so that wasn't an issue. But we hit SO much traffic through Atlanta, and there was rain for at least half the time we were on the road, which slowed us WAY down. It took us two hours longer to get there (13.5 instead of 11.5). But it was really great to see my fam. I really needed it. My little sister is about 17 weeks prego, and she already has a decent baby bump!

Thanks mama! Sorry your trip got delayed, but it must have been great to see your family. Is dh in any pain still? Did you tell your family the great news? If so how did they react?

Dh slipped to our family friend on Christmas Eve and my parents told their closest friends, 2 couples they've known for over 40yrs. They are like aunts and uncle to me and one of them is the obgyn that ref me to my RE. We told my Grandma finally on Christmas Eve but didn't realize she had me on speaker phone so my aunt, uncle and cousins all heard. She has 2 hearing aids and hears better when someone is on speaker. Dh is also telling friends as he sees them. I haven't gone that far and probably won't until after my next appt. I am definitely not telling work for as long as I can b/c people will go after my accts like last time. I just don't want the stress. I swear dh cannot keep a secret about anything. He even leaks what will happen in the next season of Game of Thrones! He read all the books and wants me to read them so he can talk about it. Too funny. I think at this point it's fine, at least that was what my Dr said, but I am not doing an announcement on FB or if I do it will be much later. Last time there wasn't a peep mentioned until I was 28 weeks. I just feel more comfortable that way. I have never called a friend to just tell them I'm prego...the ones who know we were trying stalked me every month. I literally got texts every day. Now if only I could get my brother to keep quiet and not post anything on FB like when my water broke! I was mortified!
BabyW, your dr is funny! I was trying to convince my girlfriend to have another baby at the same time as me. She kept saying no way, I don't want to be pregnant again! I called her on Christmas and said so this is why you told me no!? She couldn't stop laughing. It's painful but the worst part is I feel so gross. Like unclean. I HATE that feeling.
Beagle, I feel like I sympathize way more with animals. There's no way I sleep if one of them is sick. Lol when I watch movies, I only care if the dog lives. Not the humans. I watched aliens for the first time last week. I kept asking DH "does the cat live? Just tell me the cat makes it." He's like really? Like 4 people just died!!! I just took a video of my dog, Carl. I came home to a chewed slipper. All I have to do is ask "did you do this to MY shoe?" He won't even look at me. I can't help but laugh as he looks away. It's so funny. If we love our dogs this much, it must be worth the pregnancy when I get to hold the baby I actually made. I'm excited. Your transfer will be here before you know it. So weird, I didn't even get talked to about PGS. What a time saver!

Yay Jkb!!! That's great! I was only given a small Valium on transfer day. I wasn't even out of it. Unless you count that bobcat walking up to my glass back door! Lol! I was so happy to see it and normally I'd be freaking out. I think my words were "hey babe, look at this cute cat that's a big cat...I wonder whos it is!?"
That's great news, jkb!! I'm so excited for you!

Beagle - remind me, when is your transfer? I hear ya on the debt - it will feel good to pay things down in preparation for the baby. We know how expensive those lil suckers can be! :)

Jen - Ugh! That sounds awful! I can't imagine having hemorrhoids and a UTI and nausea! Good thing your hubby is a doctor so he can watch over you and take good care of you!

BabyW - how exciting that you're telling your family! And haha on your DH not keeping his mouth shut. My DH is the same way. Whenever he gets me a gift I have to practically beg him not to tell me what it is. He can't help it haha. He's like - "do you want your gift now?" I'm like, "NO! Wait until Christmas!" Haha. It seems like it should be the other way around.

My boss just asked about the IVF status. I had already told her everything a few months back and now I put in all the time for my upcoming appointments. She's being super supportive of everything, suggesting that i work from home whenever I need to, take as much time off, etc. She's really excited for me. That puts me in a good mood! :)
Terri, sorry again. Curious as to what your doctor has to say.

Erin, excited for your scan. Did you do another beta?

Jen, ugh!

I an using the inhaler about once a day, usually dinner time. No vacations in 2015 for me to saveask my time for after the baby is born. We might take a road trip down southat the end of my leave to visit bro inlaw, depending on how things go.

So I fell down three steps yesterday and my butt is majorly bruised and sore, so I'm kinda with you Jen.... No cramping or bleeding so didn't call the doc. I have an appointment next week anyway

Happy New year to all, hoping for great things for all in 2015!!!.
My dr mentioned PGS right from the beginning. She didn't oversell it or anything...just explaained it & gave us a pamplet. I researched more & we talked a lot. In the end, I really just didn't feel comfortable transferring 2. But now it is done I am even happier I did it. No second guessing anything. But in the back of my head I keep thinking I only have 2. But I do feel good about my chances...especially after Erin's experience. Every time I have an u/s they just keep telling me how beautiful my uterus is.

I hate when animals die on tv too. Even my husband. When we see a dog show up in a movie we are just like ugh please not the dog!

We talked about gender the other night. He asked me if I had a gut feeling. I really don't. But if I had to chose, I would chose 1 boy & 1 girl or 2 girls. I don't want 2 boys. It is funny because we have our names picked out...but the girl name is fading on me & I am loving the boy name more & more. So I am just torn. I know we will be happy either way...but my side of the family has no girl grandchildren. But I keep picturing myself talking to a baby boy while pregnant...but I think it is the name thing that makes me feel that way.

Work is so dead this week! I am so bored.
No date for FET meds class is next Tues. They just said I had to be on bcp for at least 2 weeks. I started them on the 24th, so I will be right at 2 weeks at my class. Not sure of the time line after that. Hopefully SOON!

Me & my husband can never hold out on gifts. This year he literally sent me to the bedroom, wrapped all my stuff, then I came out & we opened everything.

I have a few people who I really don't like in my business at work. So I am not sure how telling people at work will go. I had a woman in my office I despised so I had fantasies of just getting prego big & never saying a word to her about it. Just walk around normal. But she is gone now. I am in an office with 3 guys so I sympathize with what they will be going through with a pregnant me in the office. I was bad enough some days on my meds. They range in is young married & no kids, one has been married a while & 2 kids, the other is married with kids in college.
Thanks girls. I'm excited!

Moni!! Hope you're not too sore, sorry you fell.

Baby w- hope you feel better soon! Stinks being sick.

Beagle- we will probably be bump buddies:) remind me are you doing PIO shots?
Thanks girls. I'm excited!

Moni!! Hope you're not too sore, sorry you fell.

Baby w- hope you feel better soon! Stinks being sick.

Beagle- we will probably be bump buddies:) remind me are you doing PIO shots?

No...endometrin...I couldn't bear the thought of taking a shot for 8 weeks.
beagle, do you know what form of estrogen you'll be taking for your FET?

jkb, that's great news, wow!! I thought for sure they'd have to cancel with the full flow, so I'm sure you were SO relieved today! I was really happy to read that. So pleased for you!

moni, yep, I went in for my last beta over a week ago (last Sat - 11dpt), and it was 762. That was the last they needed to see me until my u/s.

Oh Jen, I am so sorry you have all that! Of course, your stories always crack me up! But I know how miserable a UTI can be, so thinking about having that combined with pregnancy AND hemorroids.... bless you!!

babyW, my parents/siblings already knew since they were aware I was doing IVF, so they were literally waiting for news, haha. Other than that, I've told only a couple of my best friends who also knew about the IVF. I suppose I will feel comfortable making a formal announcement after our first u/s, even though I know that's still early. I dont think i'll be able to hold out.

LadySosa, I'm so glad your boss is being understanding and supportive. That made a HUGE difference for me too.

So, I am so super freaking exhausted. I've had some fatigue on and off for the past week. But over the past couple days, its been the worst. It's really my only symptom, besides a little cramping here and there. I'm sitting here at my desk about to fall asleep, and I've never been a daytime napper. But right now, I feel like I could lay my head down and snooze on my DESK. In fact, my neck hurts from trying to keep my head up. Is that normal this early in pregnancy??? I literally feel like it takes every ounce of energy I have just to walk to the bathroom. I'm not even sure how I got through my shower this morning. Pretty sure my body has been hijacked. :winkwink:
Ha ha Erin...I love you are so tired...means this is for real! EVERYONE says being tired is like the first symptom. So I am kind of glad that is starting for you.

I do not know ANY of my meds. Which makes me so anxious. So I am ready for my class to find out. I almost called to see if there was a class tomorrow (seemed they were doing them on Tuesdays) but I just decided not to. I have 4 hours of time left, so I am leaving early on the 31st instead. Nothing exciting for New Years. Just getting my car serviced. My husband has to work late...but we will be off together on the 1st. New Years Eve is our anniversary of when we started dating. So on Wed we will have been together 14 years. Pretty unbelievable.

I don't think I really have a whole lot of people to tell when I am pregnant. I have a small immediate family & not close to anyone outside of that as far as family goes. My husband really is only close to his parents & his uncle. And we have a small group of close friends. I guess the only thing to decide is FB. I know we will announce it. But lately we have been less active on FB. I looked up a due date calculator & guessed a transfer day. It comes up with a calendar of said tell people on April I thought that was funny...announce your new tax deduction on tax day :) We are still undecided on how we will announce it on FB. I know some people are against the FB announcement, but I have had to watch everyone else announce to the it is my turn!
Hello everyone! I have a lot of catching up to do after this past week ...

Terri - I did see your post and I am so sorry - it's just not fair. Sending you hugs.

I will catch up with the rest of the thread, but am wondering if others have experienced what I have since starting the Estrace. I am feeling fairly emotional, which seems strange since I have estrogen in my system during a natural cycle. Anyone else have that? Maybe it's just the anticipation of the upcoming FET. I just went up to 4mg of the Estrace a day starting yesterday, and was super sleepy today. I'm still on the Lupron - down to 10 units. My FET is tentatively scheduled for January 12th. The other day I was so confident this FET will work, and today I'm so worried it won't. What a roller coaster.
How funny, I was exhausted! I would get dressed, dry my hair and head out of the house and I felt like just lying down for a bit. Couldn't keep my eyes open and I was too afraid to drink caffeine due to my crazy strict RE. When I saw my OB and she said I could have some I was so excited! Lol it's the little boobs are still growing! I set up my maternity pics with my awesome photographer and she said oh wait til the week before to buy any bras or little outfits cause your boobs are bigger in every picture I see! I haven't gained weight but my belly is really out there this week and so are my boobs. My mom saw me Friday and then saw me yesterday and said WOW! You really changed in 2 days. She's right. I woke up with a huge belly!
I'm so curious to see what symptoms everyone gets! So I can guess gender and compare of course!

We didn't do a honeymoon so I for sure want to do a babymoon. I want a beach. With a virgin piña colada! DH is going hunting end of March so maybe before then!
I don't know if I will do a follow up appt.

Thanks for all of your kind words. I'll be :ninja: but probably won't be posting much. I'm trying not to login at work and actually doing my work. Crazy huh? My workday is on my schedule so if I play around all day, one day a week I have to hunker down. Pretty boring but I need a break. I told hubs today on chat that we had negative results and all he said is 'well that means 2015 is our year.' I just said 'Maybe. I gotta go.' I can tell this is really important to him. Groan. Thanks girls for being here. Fml.
Oh Knitgirl, I was on estrace BEFORE RE stuff. I was so emotional and I always felt overwhelmed. One day at a time...I would actually say it out loud to myself. 2 more weeks.

For anyone waiting, I would schedule one nice thing for myself every week. I would set them up in advance. Appointments for a massage or pedicure or lunch with a friend so I always had something to look forward to for me. I got so overwhelmed during iuis and ivf doing 1000 things for everyone else so I blocked out me time. It really worked. So by the time I started my meds or had the iui or transfer, I was ready to plan more things. Everything just kind of snuck up on me instead of waiting. Waiting is stressful and you don't want stress! Haha, you'll get a hemrroid!
I don't know if I will do a follow up appt.

Thanks for all of your kind words. I'll be :ninja: but probably won't be posting much. I'm trying not to login at work and actually doing my work. Crazy huh? My workday is on my schedule so if I play around all day, one day a week I have to hunker down. Pretty boring but I need a break. I told hubs today on chat that we had negative results and all he said is 'well that means 2015 is our year.' I just said 'Maybe. I gotta go.' I can tell this is really important to him. Groan. Thanks girls for being here. Fml.

I'll be thinking of you, Terri. :hugs:
Sorry Terri. :( I'm thinking about you. Take the time that you need! Sounds like you need a beach vacay too. :)
So I got an invoice saying my fet will not be 50% off because I never did the fresh. So I have a credit but it doesn't seem like a lot. All this money just sucks.

Booger how did they cost out your fet after the retrieval?
Terri- my heart hurts for you right now. Lean on hubby! He is right 2015 will be your year! But that doesn't make the pain now any better, I know. Don't lose hope chica! Hugs.

Beagle - I would make sure they know the Dr. Recommended you to wait for frozen due to OHSS. Perhaps the dr could write them that it was medically necessary.

Knit girl - you will be right there with me and beagle in the wait:) of all the meds I have done I feel the lupron is the worst so far. I'm on the same dose of Estrada as you, it does make me mildly emotional but the lupron was soooo bad for me.

Erin- :) I too am celebrating your new found exhaustion!

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