First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Happy New Year everyone!

Man, I hear you all about coming back to work after taking all that time off. I took 5 days off, and it feels like I haven't been to work or seen my coworkers in weeks. I'm eating Phad See Ew for lunch...yum yum! It's been such a hectic day that I am just now getting to scarf down my lunch...

BabyW - sorry you're still not feeling well. I hope the symptoms subside fast!

Jen - Haha. Teenagers never know what to say. Heck, even adults don't know what to say! I'm with you - I'm not afraid to share with people! But yeah sometimes they say stuff like, "oh, did you hear about the lady who went thru IVF and had quads??" Ack! Don't scare me with that stuff!

Booger - I TOTALLY feel you. I start freaking out too. Like, do we REALLY want a kid? What if we just lived a carefree life with no little ones? I start to doubt myself. But, I know in the end, it will be worth it. For sure. I think with IVF we have SOO much time to think about it, that you start second-guessing your decisions. Hang in there and go with your gut!

Beagle and knit - woohoo! You're soo close!!

Kfs - oh man! That must've been fun to tell everyone! Glad everything is going well. :) Btw, I love your new pic!

Terri - how are you doing hun? I sure miss seeing your posts!

Oh man, guys! It's all starting!!! Today we had our blood drawn, this morning I ordered my meds!! Tomorrow is our U/S and informed consent with the doc!! Woot woot! Stimming starts Friday! I'm so excited! I need to think of a list to ask my doc for tomorrow's appointment....
Oh man, guys! It's all starting!!! Today we had our blood drawn, this morning I ordered my meds!! Tomorrow is our U/S and informed consent with the doc!! Woot woot! Stimming starts Friday! I'm so excited! I need to think of a list to ask my doc for tomorrow's appointment....

Hooray!!! I was thinking earlier that you should be getting on with things here soon. How exciting!! You're going to do great, I just know it. :happydance:

I think I'm just having cold feet. :haha: I know it will all be fine but yeah, all this time to think about it is getting on my nerves.
Happy New year!!
You guys are cracking me up. You'll be wonderful moms. Don't be scared. It's a natural thing and if you screw up, how will your baby know? All they know is you and how you do things. Hee hee. I can't wait for your results even though we have to wait another few weeks. I'll be checking in.

AF finally arrived for me, so that is like, whatever, but I've been running and cooking and doing stuff that I like so I'm pretty content. A friend is getting married in Mexico in June and I think I will be going, by myself. I used to do everything by myself and was so happy. Sometimes my hubs' emotions and lack of excitement for new adventures brings me down, so if I fly solo, I'll have a fun time for sure. I went to the Super Bowl by myself in 2010 and it was AMAZEBALLS so I'm never scared of my shadow. I'll let you guys know what I decide. No ttc report.
Hi Terri! Do the Mexico trip for sure! A solo trip sounds great. I haven't had a responsibility free time since our trip to Sayulita for a friends wedding. It was 4 days and while I missed Jack, the time away was great. I wish I could do a solo trip. I hardly ever have any alone time. Go for it!

I am so excited for Ladysosa, Knitgirl, Beagle and Booger!!! Booger those feelings are totally normal. You want something and when it's so close to being a realty it gives you anxiety. It's daunting. It also the most rewarding challenge ever. There is no better feeling. It is all worth it.

Leens and Brighteyez how are you?

Kfs I'm glad you're feeling good. Telling your family must have been so great. It makes it more real right!

Hi Erin! How are you feeling?

Moni? How's the sore tush?

Amy when are you doing the FET?

JCM kids and teens say the darnedest things. Your stories never disappoint.

Afm not much to report. This head cold virus thing was brutal. The phlegm and post nasal drip (yum) makes the nausea and gagging worse. It's gross. The fevers have stopped and I'm not feeling as bad but still getting waves of ms. And crying! I saw a segment on the "news" about RHONY Teresa Guidice going to jail and I cried. And the best pregnancy symptom ever has returned, uncontrollable laughing or as I like to call them church pew giggles. The kind that only get worse when I'm not supposed to be laughing like in a conference call, thank God for the mute button. My moron of a mgr was in NY today and asking me to call our phone guy bc he couldn't dial out. The phone guy is awesome, super Guido but hilarious. He checked the phone and asked "uh are you sure you are dialing 9 first?" My mgr said "oh I was dialing 8". I was laughing so hard tears were streaming down my face and I turned beet red and could barely breathe I was coughing so hard. My whole trading desk died laughing and most of it was at my reaction bc I literally laughed so hard I cried. This happens a lot when I'm prego. I find things so hilarious I ant help myself.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a great new year.
I'm still on target for friday the 9th. Having thoughts of telling them to transfer 2 but in my heart I know 1 would be best due to my high blood pressure.

Kfs- I love your new pic as well. So exciting that your family now knows!

Booger- with all this time we have waiting there is room to second guess but you will be a great mom and love every second of it!

Lady Sosa- yay!!! The time is finally here! Excited for ya

Terri- I agree the trip would be great! Nothing like some sunshine! I'm so missing the summer.

By the way... I started my PIO last night and it really was not too bad. I'm sure in a week or so I will be pretty sore tho!

I'm off to bed. Gotta be at work really early tomorrow. Good night girlies!
Good morning ladies!

Terri I am glad to hear that you're taking some time away from ttc. Going solo to the wedding in Mexico sounds amazing. Sometimes the best company is your own! You can do whatever you want! Read for three hours, sleep in, lounge by the pool, go to the spa, whatever! No man to try to accommodate. Hehe. This sounds like just the vacation to clear your head. I'm jealous!

BabyW- thanks for the reassurance! It's always encouraging to hear from mommies that it is worth it. My best friend has flat out decided that she doesn't want kids. I have such a hard time understanding people like that. Kids bring so much joy to life! OH well, to each their own I guess. I love how giggling is a symptom of yours! I hadn't heard that one before. Sounds like a pleasant symptom actually; the nausea- not so much!

Today is our appointment with the doc at 2:00! We are fitting two appointments into one today - I think it's also the mock transfer. So I think we'll be there for a while. Meanwhile they just called a last minute company meeting this morning at 10:30...I'm always suspicious when they call a last minute company meeting...Hmm. Busy busy day!

Beagle - today is your FET class right?
Good morning, ladies!!! :coffee:

LadySosa - I hope your impromptu work meeting isn't anything to worry about. Good luck with your appointment this afternoon (not that you need luck). I'm so excited for you to get going. :happydance:

jkb - Hooray that you're still on schedule for this Friday. Yay!! :happydance: I think one sounds like a good plan too. Thanks for the reassurance, it's helpful.

babywhisperer - Oh, how funny about getting the giggles. That's better than crying over RHONY. :haha: Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. And thanks for the kind words, too. I know it's just nerves (at least I hope so). It's just so terrifying after all these years of being able to do what we want when we want to do it. It's also super exciting though. The thought of being able to do things as a family just warms my heart.

Terri - Oooooh, Mexico! That sounds just wonderful!!! I agree - sometimes solo trips are the best. Actually, Mexico right about now sounds good too. We went to Hawaii last February for our honeymoon and it was so nice to escape winter for a couple of weeks - and I like winter. Just nice to see the sun..... Thanks for checking in - we miss you! :flower:

Beagle - We do know the sexes. Of the six that made it to blastocysts, we had the perfect ratio of 3 boys/3 girls. Three embryos were abnormal, so we have 2 girls and 1 boy waiting for us. It's so funny how things changed for me. I was so sure I would never want to pick but I'm now thinking we'll pick the sex before transfer. Well, actually I keep flip-flopping. One minute, I don't want to know and then the next, I want to pick. I keep thinking there might be some strategy involved based on our preferences but then I think it doesn't really matter because we don't know how the transfer is going to work out anyway (even though I'm trying to stay positive that it's going to work). :shrug: Let us know how your appointment goes today. I'm excited to learn your FET schedule.

Howdy :hi: to all the rest of you lovely ladies out there!!!

So last night I ended up babysitting for my good friend for a few hours. Her kids are 3 and 6 years old. It was so much fun. It made me feel better after I was posting about my doubts yesterday. They are good kids, so that helped, but it really was fun and I could totally see DH and I fitting into the parent role pretty well. :thumbup:
Hi girls! Finally getting a chance to post! January is certainly going to be another exciting month! Can't wait to hear everyone's updates as the month goes on.:thumbup:

terri, Mexico sounds awesome right now! I think its great that you're thinking about going yourself. A friend of mine got married in Costa Rica last year, and DH couldn't go because we were headed up to Long Island the following weekend for another wedding. I can take off as much work as I need usually (as long as its not quarter-end), but DH runs a business, so he can't be away as much. So I was planning on going to CR by myself. As it turned out, one of my BFFs ended up going thru a divorce during that time, so she came w/ me. But I had no qualms about going alone. I thoroughly enjoy my alone time, and I've had a lot of great experiences due to that independence.

beagle, GL at your class today! It should be an easy one. I found FET meds to be way easier than a fresh cycle, but I also didn't do IM injections for Estrogen... I used the patches instead. I'm curious about what your doc has planned for you.

LadySosa, how exciting your appt is today! I know you've been waiting for this for a LONG time.:thumbup: Let us know how it goes!

jkb, I'm glad your PIO injection didn't go badly! It seems to be hit or miss with everyone, but I was definitely the wussiest of all so far, haha!

BabyW, so sorry you're sick! So your nausea and gagging is still around, huh? Remind me how far along you are now? Did you mention that you had gotten a prescription for that recently?

booger, its funny you mention that about your DH, because I'm wondering how my DH will be too! I've never seen him actually hold a baby, I dont think... ha! He was a teenager when his brother and sister were born, so he does have past experience with having babies around. But I think it's been a really long time! Then again though, I doubt I really know what I'm doing either! My only experience has been the little bit that I've had with my niece and nephews.:wacko:

Hi to everyone else!! Hope the rest of our prego gals are doing great!
Erin - How are you feeling and when is your first scan? I can't remember if you have had it already or not. If not, I would guess it should be coming up soon??

I'm not sure I've ever seen my DH hold a baby either. He is great with toddlers on up but babies scare him a bit, I think. They will have to get over that pretty quick!!
Erin - How are you feeling and when is your first scan? I can't remember if you have had it already or not. If not, I would guess it should be coming up soon??

I'm not sure I've ever seen my DH hold a baby either. He is great with toddlers on up but babies scare him a bit, I think. They will have to get over that pretty quick!!

I feel pretty good! Just get super tired on and off. I haven't had nausea at all, except today I did get a wave of nausea while driving out to grab lunch a bit ago. Could've been unrelated though. My scan is this Friday! I'm super excited, and anxious at the same time. Just want to see that everything is progressing well and hear that heartbeat. :)
Hello everyone. So my FET is scheduled 1/29. My progesterone was changed so that SUCKS! So if anyone needs endometrin, I have a ton. If anyone has any Crinone they don't need, please let me know. If not for that, I would only need Estrace which is a pill I take 3 times a day. I have some from my IVF & it is not that expensive.
Hey guys!

Just a quick update and question before I get caught up on today's posts. I had my U/S and blood work today and my lining is measuring at 10 and she said everything looked great. I start the PIO tomorrow - 1/2 ml and then 1ml daily after that. I'm to continue on the 2mg of Estrace three times a day and am stopping the Lupron after tonight. Transfer is 1/12. I'm so excited and also terrified again. Terrified that I am going to do something wrong and get a BFN. Obviously, I will follow the guidelines of no heavy lifting, etc. But, after my fresh transfer they said i didn't need to lie there for any time and could just get up and go. Is that what you guys have done? I kind of feel like I should lie there for at least a few mins. Also, they say bed rest is not necessary, but what did you guys do? Some things I have read have said be a couch potato for a day, some say going for a walk is fine. I can already tell this 2WW and pre-transfer wait is going to be tough!
Hi everyone.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I'm so excited for all the activity going on this month :)

Babywhisperer - I won't be able to do the transfer until next month sometime. I'm just waiting on AF to arrive so I can go back on the dreaded BC pill. If I have a normal cycle (with the day of the D&C being cycle day 1) then she should arrive in about 10 days. Although they said it could take 4 - 6 weeks, so I really don't know what to expect.

Beaglemom - If you still have your Endometrin when I start my FET cycle, I will gladly buy it off you rather than give more money to the pharmacy. I still have a ways to go before then so just don't let me forget you have it lol.

Booger - Your thoughts are TOTALLY normal. My DH and I have also had these conversations, especially because of our age. Like do we really want to do this so late in life. When our child is in their 20's, we will be in our 60's. We will be so old by the time we have grandchildren. What if we die young and our child is left alone, etc, etc. But I can tell you, when I did get pregnant, ALL those thoughts went right out the window.

knitgirl - Every Dr. is different. Some want you to rest, some want you to resume normal activity. My RE wanted me to wait 15 mins on the table before getting up, but since I had a full bladder that was screaming he said just 5 mins will do. He said it's not like they could fall out, even though this is what I was thinking when I went pee afterwards LOL. He also wanted me to just be couch lazy (as he called it) for that day and the next day. I was lazy for that day, and resumed about half-paced normal activity the next day. I was also torn on this too since I know other RE's recommend normal activity right away since that keeps the blood flow in the uterus moving. So I would just go with what you feel best doing. When I do the FET, I will probably do as I did last time. Lazy for the day of the transfer, but back to normal (but taking it easy) the next day.

JCM - Your stories are so funny. I was laughing about the red hair because my DH actually made a joke that when the baby was born he was going to have a DNA test done to make sure there were no screw ups lol... I was just like, whatever makes you happy hon hahaha.

Terri - I think your trip sounds awesome. How are you feeling these days? Do you know what you'll ultimately do in regards to TTC or are you just going with the flow for now?

LadySosa - Things are finally getting started for you. So exciting!!

jkb11 - YAY for Friday!! Super excited for you as well.

Erin - I can't wait until your appointment this week :)

kfs1 - Love the new picture!!

We went up to the mountains near our house to see the snow on NY's day (about an hour away). We took our dog and I was so curious to see how she would react to the snow since she's never seen or touched it before. She's a total inside dog and doesn't like the rain or to get wet so I thought for sure she'd be like get me the heck out of here. Well turns out she's a little snow dog. She bounded out of the car without a care in the world, ran around playing and sniffing in the snow and ice like she's lived in it her whole life. It was fun to watch.
Hey guys!

Just a quick update and question before I get caught up on today's posts. I had my U/S and blood work today and my lining is measuring at 10 and she said everything looked great. I start the PIO tomorrow - 1/2 ml and then 1ml daily after that. I'm to continue on the 2mg of Estrace three times a day and am stopping the Lupron after tonight. Transfer is 1/12. I'm so excited and also terrified again. Terrified that I am going to do something wrong and get a BFN. Obviously, I will follow the guidelines of no heavy lifting, etc. But, after my fresh transfer they said i didn't need to lie there for any time and could just get up and go. Is that what you guys have done? I kind of feel like I should lie there for at least a few mins. Also, they say bed rest is not necessary, but what did you guys do? Some things I have read have said be a couch potato for a day, some say going for a walk is fine. I can already tell this 2WW and pre-transfer wait is going to be tough!

I am pretty sure my dr will have me lie there for about 10-20 minutes like an IUI. I have not done a transfer yet. As far as bed rest, I am sorry to tell you there is no definite answer either way. My sheet says to rest the rest of the day & pick up normal activities the following day. It is a Thurs...I plan to take Thurs through Mon off for me. I want to relax & walk around in my fuzzy slippers. It seems most things I read advise AGAINST actual bed rest. They say you should be up to keep the blood flow going...which is good for implantation. So I plan to be at home but moving around. Nothing too intense. They also say to keep your core warm. So no cold food or drinks. Warm temp water or hot beverages. So we are stocked on soups at home. Also always keep wear socks when possible. I also plan to eat pineapple core. You eat it for 5 days starting on the day of transfer. Supposed to help with implantation. I also heard dark chocolate is good. So I keep some in the fridge. I eat one or 2 a day. My dr also has me taking baby aspirin to help blood flow. You may want to ask your dr about that if you are not on it.

But my take on bed rest is do what feels comfortable to you. I am really only taking time off to have the stress relief...& to stay warm & comfy the first few days.

I am sure this one will work for you! We will be getting our October babies!!!
Amy - def let me know if you need the endometrin. But my dr is switching me because this is FET. They say the crinone is better. No evidence to say the endometrin won't be okay, but since the research isn't there, they are going with what they know. So if they let you use endometrin, just let me know.

Your DNA remark made me remember...I always tell my husband if our baby comes out with dark skin & black hair he cannot deny it (this was before IVF). My father's side is mexican/spanish. But I am pale with red hair. Who knows what kind of kid we will make!

My dog used to hate the rain. But she likes to fight the monster of the storm. She thinks thunder is a she barks at it all brave & such...looks at us like HELLO! MONSTER outside! So now she comes in soaking wet! She loves running in the snow. I think when it comes up to hit her belly, it tickles or something.
Happy New year!!
You guys are cracking me up. You'll be wonderful moms. Don't be scared. It's a natural thing and if you screw up, how will your baby know? All they know is you and how you do things. Hee hee. I can't wait for your results even though we have to wait another few weeks. I'll be checking in.

AF finally arrived for me, so that is like, whatever, but I've been running and cooking and doing stuff that I like so I'm pretty content. A friend is getting married in Mexico in June and I think I will be going, by myself. I used to do everything by myself and was so happy. Sometimes my hubs' emotions and lack of excitement for new adventures brings me down, so if I fly solo, I'll have a fun time for sure. I went to the Super Bowl by myself in 2010 and it was AMAZEBALLS so I'm never scared of my shadow. I'll let you guys know what I decide. No ttc report.

Terri - I hope you are able to go to Mexico & have some fun! I love Mexico. I probably wouldn't go alone...but me & my husband have been together forever so we just naturally do everything together. I enjoy my time alone at home. But when we are on vacation it is fine up until about day 7 then I am like get off me! I need to breathe!
Hi girls! Finally getting a chance to post! January is certainly going to be another exciting month! Can't wait to hear everyone's updates as the month goes on.:thumbup:

terri, Mexico sounds awesome right now! I think its great that you're thinking about going yourself. A friend of mine got married in Costa Rica last year, and DH couldn't go because we were headed up to Long Island the following weekend for another wedding. I can take off as much work as I need usually (as long as its not quarter-end), but DH runs a business, so he can't be away as much. So I was planning on going to CR by myself. As it turned out, one of my BFFs ended up going thru a divorce during that time, so she came w/ me. But I had no qualms about going alone. I thoroughly enjoy my alone time, and I've had a lot of great experiences due to that independence.

beagle, GL at your class today! It should be an easy one. I found FET meds to be way easier than a fresh cycle, but I also didn't do IM injections for Estrogen... I used the patches instead. I'm curious about what your doc has planned for you.

LadySosa, how exciting your appt is today! I know you've been waiting for this for a LONG time.:thumbup: Let us know how it goes!

jkb, I'm glad your PIO injection didn't go badly! It seems to be hit or miss with everyone, but I was definitely the wussiest of all so far, haha!

BabyW, so sorry you're sick! So your nausea and gagging is still around, huh? Remind me how far along you are now? Did you mention that you had gotten a prescription for that recently?

booger, its funny you mention that about your DH, because I'm wondering how my DH will be too! I've never seen him actually hold a baby, I dont think... ha! He was a teenager when his brother and sister were born, so he does have past experience with having babies around. But I think it's been a really long time! Then again though, I doubt I really know what I'm doing either! My only experience has been the little bit that I've had with my niece and nephews.:wacko:

Hi to everyone else!! Hope the rest of our prego gals are doing great!

I am almost 11 weeks. My EDD has gone from 7/31 to 7/29 but I'm not changing my ticker unless we get further confirmation from our scan next Wed. I have Zofran for nausea but the constipation is of epic proportion when I take it. The head cold lingers but it's getting better. It is just the gunk that I wake up with in my throat that makes me gag. Well that and the guy next to me at work picks his nose and eats it, and has an egg salad with American cheese on a hero every day with a large bag of Fritos. Yuck. Glad you're feeling good despite some fatigue.
Babywhisperer - I can't believe your coworker picks his nose and EATS IT! That is hilarious and disgusting all at the same time. Luckily, we have an office break room in my office and most people that eat at work, eat in there so there aren't any weird smells lingering in the office. I go home for lunch anyway. One of the perks of small town living, I guess.

Beagle - Woohoo on your Jan. 29 transfer. :happydance: That's coming right up! I'll be taking oral estrace too but I have to use the PIO. I don't mind though. Well, at least I say I don't mind. I haven't had to use it yet. But none of my other injections have bothered me, including my trigger which was IM. I have a big butt so I'm hoping that will help.

Erin - I can't wait to hear about your scan!!!! Hooray!

Amy - Glad your doggie loved the snow! My big St. Bernard mix LOVES it (as he should, right?). He's almost 14 now so he can't do much anymore, but when he was younger, if there was a hill covered in snow, he used to run up it and slide down on his back. It was hilarious.

knitgirl - Woohoo on your upcoming transfer too! It is getting a bit busy around here again. My RE doesn't prescribe any sort of bed rest. Not even immediately after transfer. New studies show that bed rest doesn't help and that in some cases, if prescribed for too long, can actually lead to lower implantation rates. I will have to ask my RE about exercise as I just started training for a half-marathon. I am assuming they'll want me to take it a bit easier for a couple of days but I'm hoping to not have to stop completely. I don't see how running could hurt. Plenty of people run, exercise and do crazier things before they know they are pregnant. It's not like you can shake the embryo out or anything. :haha: But I think this is one of the instances where you have to do what you feel comfortable with.
Yay for an exciting month.

I laid on the table for about 10 minutes after the transfer. I then got in a car while hubby drove us back to the inlaws (3 hour drive) where I mainly relaxed for the weekend. Hubby and fam went rivertubing the next day and I skipped that because my paperwork was clear - no baths/swimming, impact activities, sex, etc until the pregnancy test. Prob a good thing because it turned out to be unseasonably cold that day and the river was freezing. I spent the day with my mother-in-law walking around and old town and then going to Yankee Candle. So a bit of activity, but nothing big.

I had my first special scan yesterday - I will be getting these every 2 weeks to monitor the babies heart rhythm due to the fact I have weird antibodies in my system that could (unlikely) but could effect it. So I will get to see him every other week! All is looking good. Had reg OB apt today and jumped a bit on the weight - (blaming the holidays) but no comments. My next appointment next month will include the glucose test. yuck!!

Anyways, my behind has healed. I went for a wax appointment over the weekend - because I can no longer see my bikini line - and now that hurts!! But I think it will be better to stay well groomed before the delivery so that he is not pushing through a rats nest!!

I go through periods of doubt myself. (it might partially be the hormones ;)) but I feel that hubbys drinking has been escalating - I hope he is just getting it out of his system before the baby arrives, but I was sitting there thinking over the weekend - this better not happen in 6 months and what have I gotten myself into! But the next hour I am excited again.

Anyways, good luck to this weeks FETs! I have vowed to spend more time working at work, so I'll be posting less, but still stalking!!
Hey guys!

Just a quick update and question before I get caught up on today's posts. I had my U/S and blood work today and my lining is measuring at 10 and she said everything looked great. I start the PIO tomorrow - 1/2 ml and then 1ml daily after that. I'm to continue on the 2mg of Estrace three times a day and am stopping the Lupron after tonight. Transfer is 1/12. I'm so excited and also terrified again. Terrified that I am going to do something wrong and get a BFN. Obviously, I will follow the guidelines of no heavy lifting, etc. But, after my fresh transfer they said i didn't need to lie there for any time and could just get up and go. Is that what you guys have done? I kind of feel like I should lie there for at least a few mins. Also, they say bed rest is not necessary, but what did you guys do? Some things I have read have said be a couch potato for a day, some say going for a walk is fine. I can already tell this 2WW and pre-transfer wait is going to be tough!

My RE had me lie there for around 20-30 minutes. Then she said to take it easy but I definitely wasn't on bed rest. Like Beagle, no swimming, baths, sex, etc and I was on progesterone, estrogen patches, and baby aspirin. I also tried to stay away from cold liquids and tried to keep my core warm. I went to lunch right after and then just relaxed but was up and around for sure. :)

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