First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

sars90 - Welcome! You really have to do what feels right for you (and DH of course lol). I think you should go with your gut. Based on everything you were told, I'm not sure why you would need a second opinion either. If you feel ready to move on to IVF, then do it. We moved quickly on to IVF as well, so I know how you feel. You don't want to continue to try additional things that will only give you a small chance of getting pregnant and all the while taking up more and more time and then in the end you'll probably end up doing IVF anyway. This is why we decided to skip IUI's and went straight to IVF. The chance of success with IUI's was so low for us, we were like why bother. So unless your RE really thinks that clomid will make a huge difference, I can totally see why you want to move forward now. Did she give you an approximate percentage of conceiving naturally and the possibility after taking clomid? Or is it just one of those, take it and we'll see what happens?
@Jen and Beagle: Thanks for the quick replies. Awesome US pic Jen.

My gyno recommended my RE, they're affiliated with the same hospital, the hospital I hopefully one day will deliver in. Beagle, I don't blame you for feeling good about Duke.

I just am so tired of waiting. Trying something to hopefully improve the morphology will mean months of waiting. I'm ready to get this show on the road.
Hi, ladies!

Sars930 - My husband and I tried for 8 cycles with no success. I went to my regular doctor, who referred me to an OB/GYN, who did some testing and recommended we see a RE. We jumped straight to IVF. No IUIs, no clomid cycles BUT that was mainly due to my age. I am 36 and felt like I didn't have any more time to waste.

If you think you are ready to do IVF and can afford it, then I say go for it. You are young and should respond well since you don't have any issues on your end. If you don't mind waiting, then wait. But I don't see the need for a second opinion, especially if you really like your current RE. Good luck in making your decision!

Jen - Love the ultrasound picture!! Super cute.

Amy - Your little poodle is adorable. I love the one of her laying next to the fireplace. She looks so cozy. My TSH has fluctuated from 3.7 to 2.4 over the last 18 months or so. My nurse said my RE likes it to be below 2.25. So seeing as how I was over, but not by much, I just decided to go ahead and see if we could get it lower just to be safe. I don't want any regrets at this point. They will test me again in four weeks to see where it's at.
Yes, if you're done waiting, jump in. I'm only 30 but after 2 years I was sick of waiting!!
Amy - I felt very confident in it being the right thing to do. She told us our chance of conceiving with an IUI would be 6-7 percent. She didn't get into percentages on the Clomid as she didn't seem convinced there is a testosterone issue. If there is one and we went the Clomid route she said we could reassess after three months.

I know my mom just wants what is best for me and doesn't want me to have to go through this unnecessarily. She works in oncology so she's had ton of medical related questions. They're coming from a good place. It just can make me question myself a bit.

Booger- Thanks for sharing your experience. I feel like as I've told some folks close to me they seem surprised we are going right to IVF. But it just seems to make sense.

I love seeing photos of all your dogs. We too have a poodle mix Amy. We also think he's got some terrier. He melts my heart. He didn't love his Santa outfit. Only day a year I dress him up. I swear.


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Booger - I think it's a really good idea to make sure your thyroid levels are on track before your transfer. You don't want to go through all of that with any doubt in the back of your mind, ya know? Aww - I LOVE the pics of your doggie. So adorable. I think you have it right, too. Just spoil him to death! :)

LadySosa - I can't believe they messed up on your schedule!! I would be furious. I mean, you can't do anything about it since the FET sounds like the best option but it would have been nice to know, right?

Beagle - Good for you for not being superstitious and buying baby stuff. I am the opposite, actually, and always feel like I'm going to jinx something. So stupid, I know. :dohh:

Sars - Welcome! I completely understand why your mother is questioning the process - completely normal. I think you need to go with your gut. Only you can understand the emotional side of things and you obviously didn't get to this point overnight. For me, I tried for 2 years and had one very early miscarriage and then went through 2 failed IUIs. A year ago, I would have never IMAGINED that I would have gone through IVF but as the months went by, I was more and more convinced that this was the right option for us. I was SO excited to get things going actually. If you and your husband feel that this is the way to go, then I say go for it.

JCM - Love the new ultrasound pic. No more blob - an actual human! :)

LOVING THE DOG PICS GIRLS. :) I used to have Eli as my profile pic so some of you may have seen him already but here he is - now up in doggie heaven.


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kfs - I do not think superstition is stupid at all. We tried years ago & I was so convinced we would be pregnant. I was 21 & healthy. We bought a few little things. Years went by & we did not have the money to seek help. So the baby things started to make me sad & angry. So I got rid of some & box up others. But when we started back our mind set was this was matter what. So I just feel like buying things keeps me positive. People probably think I am stupid for buying things when I am not even pregnant. To each her own.

sars - I felt the same as kfs. We started back Aug of 2013. I had it set I was going to adopt instead of IVF. I did not have any research to go on. I just had a mindset that IVF was too expensive, too hard, & no guarantees. After rsearching I realized the odds, was informed about FET (which I had no idea about). It ouldn't hurt to give yourself a month to get your head straight. But do your own will soon realize what is best for you. As you can see here, we have a lot of struggling women on this thread. Lots of successes & some of us still struggling...but we are all going to get where we need to be.
Morning ladies!

Beagle - I don't think anyone thinks you're stupid for buying things already!! Like you said, to each their own. You knew you'd get there one day so there's no reason not to take advantage of a good deal when you see something you like.

kfs - Oh, your Eli looks so sporty in his bandana. I love his squishy face. You must miss him bunches. :hugs: My friend was commenting the other day about how unfair it is that dogs only live to be 10-15 and parrots live for 70 years. I agree!

sars - Your pup is super cute too!! Even if he didn't love his Santa costume. :haha: It sounds like your Mom is just being motherly and there's nothing wrong with that! But if you feel confident and have done your research, then I don't think there's anything wrong with just jumping right in.....

I hope you ladies are staying warm! It looks miserable in a lot of places right now with the cold weather. We had it last week but it's back to normal now. Bundle up!!!
Good morning ladies!

Argh, I'm a little frustrated with the meds. Long story... So, we placed our order with Freedom Pharmacy. Then when we met with our nurse, she said that (I think it's MDM?) covers Follistim and Freedom doesn't. So, she asked if I wanted her to cancel the order with Freedom and place it all with MDM, or just place the Follistim order with MDM. I said, whatever's easiest. Then, I get a call from MDM yesterday calling to fill my order. So first they say, the Freedom order was never cancelled, so they can't fill my Zithromax order, as Cigna will only cover it once. Then, they said they need a pre-auth on the Lupron, which may take a few days. Then, they said the Follistim "exceeds the maximum" so they need an "override" from Cigna. I was like, "huh??" And of course my nurse works 8:30-3:30 so she was already gone for the day. I'm supposed to start meds tomorrow, I'm just not sure if that will still happen. Argh! Ok, rant over.

Sars - welcome!! I love your little doggy! For a minute, I thought you were saying your dog's name was Amy. Teehee. I dress Charlie up in sweaters when it's really cold outside, and he HATES it. He goes catatonic. He just freezes and won't make eye contact. We actually caught him the other day "burying" his sweater under the pillows on the couch. His thought process must've been: 'if my mom can't find my sweater then I won't have to wear it'.. He's so funny.

We also decided to go straight into IVF. After ttc for about a year and a half, we went through a few tests and it became clear that the issue was me - a bum fallopian tube. IVF was our only option. I'm only 28, so I do have time/age on my side, but I'm so ready to be a mom. We never got a second opinion, I trust my doc completely and have just done whatever she's advised. Maybe that's naive, but she's the expert! If you feel comfortable with your RE, and with the plan she's outlined, I'd say go for it!

Amy - LOVE your little poodle! I've heard poodles are very smart. She looks really sweet. :)

Jen - WOW! You can see her face so clearly! She's beautiful!

Kfs - Oh! Eli! I love him. He looks so wise and gentle. You must miss him. :(
I had the same issue with Freedom not fully cancelling an order. Just keep in mind, if everything is straight by today, you are good. All these places can do overnight shipping.
Hello Ladies
Thanks for everyone's advise. I called the nurse up and told them I was confused after my consultation and the nurse explained through it with me slowly and ensured me that I will be looked after by the nursing team every step of the way. I was told I don't get a dedicated nurse to myself, but I do get to see the same sonographer each time.
I then got an email from the consultant to say she was sorry the consultation didn't go as well as I had hoped, and have offered to see me again free of charge. That's a real result!!
The nurse said the consultant I saw is usually very thorough and tentative so she doesn't know what happen this time round and that she's one of the best in the clinic. Then I said to her, well it's my first time and I didn't have a clue what I'm suppose to do when february comes along and when I start treatment. I said I went to my TTC forum and I got advise from my TTC buddies to call the nurse!! She just said "oh, I'm really sorry that you have to get information from a forum"
Hello Ladies
Thanks for everyone's advise. I called the nurse up and told them I was confused after my consultation and the nurse explained through it with me slowly and ensured me that I will be looked after by the nursing team every step of the way. I was told I don't get a dedicated nurse to myself, but I do get to see the same sonographer each time.
I then got an email from the consultant to say she was sorry the consultation didn't go as well as I had hoped, and have offered to see me again free of charge. That's a real result!!
The nurse said the consultant I saw is usually very thorough and tentative so she doesn't know what happen this time round and that she's one of the best in the clinic. Then I said to her, well it's my first time and I didn't have a clue what I'm suppose to do when february comes along and when I start treatment. I said I went to my TTC forum and I got advise from my TTC buddies to call the nurse!! She just said "oh, I'm really sorry that you have to get information from a forum"

That is a grea response. I don't know that yur consultant did not do a good job...I think it was a mix of you being so new & so much info & her being a little rushed.

I do not have a specific nurse either...or sonographer...or! They all work as a team & they function very well. I don't even see my dr when I see a dr. There are 3. And I like all of them.
Hi ladies,

I've been silently stalking this thread since early November when my RE told us IVF was our best option. I've read the entire thing so I've been rooting along for all of you that finally got your BFP (Erin, Moni, Jen, BW), those in the midst (Booger, Lady Sosa, Beagle) and also feeling your losses (Terri and Amy hope you're hanging in there).

I was planning on starting IVF in January but have had a few unexpected wrinkles. I was wondering if any of you got second opinions after meeting with your RE?

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since Oct. 2013.

I am 30 and have no fertility issues on my end. My husband's SA came back all normal count, motility but he's got severe morphology 2-3 percent normal. My RE recommended IVF immediately but first wanted us to undergo some testing (3rd day US for me and wanted him to meet with a urologist, get an US).

Hubby has a varicocele but it only showed up on an ultrasound, so the urologist was not recommending fixing it. And my RE says since his morphology issues are with the acrosome formation, it is unlikely the varicocele would help (helps more with count, motility.) ASRM guidelines say to only fix if its visible, which it isn't.

His bloodwork showed borderline low testosterone (surprising as he is hairy and has a good drive). She wants to do two more tests as he didn't follow the rules and went in the afternoon. If it is low she said we could try clomid for three months to see if that boosts the overall count and therefore # of normal guys.

I love, love, love my RE. She is thorough, funny, caring and patient. She never rushes us and answers all my questions. We have zero insurance coverage so we are paying out-of-pocket for everything with the help of our parents. She offered to give me 1800 units of Follistim someone donated b/c we didn't qualify for a discount program.

I feel ready to still go forward with the IVF, even with this new information, because it could take 6-7 months to see if anything works on his end. While I'm 30, my husband is 36, soon turning 37. We've been married a long time and we waited years b/c I wasn't ready; never anticipating any of this.

My mom suggested I get a second opinion. Am I being hardheaded for not feeling like I need one?

Sorry to just jump into the thread like this but I've learned so much from following you all already.

Welcome Sars. My dh has 4-5% normal morphology and while the 1st IUI where I conceived Jack worked, we tried 3 times in 2014 and my RE pushed for IVF. Before moving forward for my 1st IUI in 2013 I got 2 opinions. We ultimately went with the 2nd RE for multiple reasons and I am so glad we did. Having the utmost confidence in him made a huge difference. It's a miracle our 1st IUI worked, but I felt strongly about trying it before jumping straight to IVF. We didn't want to do a procedure to fix the varicocele and looking back I'm glad dh didn't have to go through that. Trust your gut, but there is no harm in a 2nd opinion, if anything you may become better informed and be able to ask more questions. Good luck!

Booger I'm sorry your pup is getting old, I know how pets truly become family members.

And I love everyone's pics of your furry little creatures. My brother has a German short haired pointer and when I was prego with Jack she kept her head on my belly, it was adorable.

Just trying to catch up, the nausea of the last 24hrs has been unreal. I also came home Tues from work to find my neighbors house on fire. I stepped off the train, heard the sirens and followed a cop car to my block. He tried to prevent me from going down my street until I told him I had a 1yr old and a nanny at home and he asked me my address. I flew up the street and saw my nanny on the neighbors porch across the street and was relieved they were ok. Then they took my 88yr old neighbor out of his 2nd story window and on to the hospital for smoke inhalation. To make a long story short, we had been in touch with his family in NJ to let them know that something like this was going to happen. He was without heat since his furnace was broken, he fixed it himself and got an oil delivery. We had police and fire at his house last week b/c he wasn't responding to us banging on his door to make sure he was alive since we hadn't seen him in a few days. He's a hoarder and somewhat of a recluse. The fire and police saw the conditions he was living in and tried to involve social services since they had been here a few times since last winter when he had a furnace problem then too and had carbon monoxide fumes. I was so upset standing there watching this scene unfold despite knowing he would be ok, the fireman who came last week walked over to me and apologized and said that while I knew it was going to happen and told them so, there were limited in what they could do. Now he is staying with friends and we hope to find him a long term solution. The community is raising funds and doing a clothing drive. He's a former Olympian and track coach, probably very wealthy but beyond frugal and never spends his money. It's good that he is out of his home, no one was hurt, but the fact that social services allowed this to go on for years is upsetting. His house is surrounded by young families, this could have been much worse.
babywhisperer - That is an insane story about your neighbor. I'm sorry this happened to him. How lucky he is to have caring and attentive neighbors like you. That must have been very scary. I'm glad he is fairly safe now.

Weezy - So glad that you made the call and got the information you needed. That has to be somewhat reassuring!!!

LadySosa - Ugh. I'm sorry you're having the stress with meds right now. But they should be able to deliver them on time. Mine came overnight as well. Still stressful though to have to deal with this at the last minute! It will all work out.
babywhisperer - That is an insane story about your neighbor. I'm sorry this happened to him. How lucky he is to have caring and attentive neighbors like you. That must have been very scary. I'm glad he is fairly safe now.

Weezy - So glad that you made the call and got the information you needed. That has to be somewhat reassuring!!!

LadySosa - Ugh. I'm sorry you're having the stress with meds right now. But they should be able to deliver them on time. Mine came overnight as well. Still stressful though to have to deal with this at the last minute! It will all work out.

I'm happy our other neighbor was home and saw the smoke and hear him yelling. If we had all been asleep he would have died. He's the sweetest man, always going into some corner of his house and pulling out a stuffed animal he bought years ago and giving it to Jack. The label would be dirty and worn attributed to it's age, but the sentiment was always appreciated. Now we have the former owner of our house swooping in and trying to play White Knight and trying to take control of the situation when we haven't seen them in over a year. All of a sudden they care and want to help and shun me and dh for only knowing our neighbor for just over a year. Meanwhile we have been calling family, fire, police and the caseworker to help him since before the fire. She had the nerve to come into our house and ask to see what we've done with it. Before I could answer she was upstairs and her dh was in our basement. They were asking us if we were to replace the doors they want them. Vultures! I know they smell the potential of valuable possessions on my neighbors property and money he has and they are hovering. They came back today according to my nanny to take pictures and the fire dept kept her off the property. He has no home owners insurance so why is she taking pics? He's been to the house, he knows it's all boarded up. The family has given us a key to the padlock just in case and they don't want the former owner of our home to interfere. To make matters worse while in my home Jack fell and cut his head. My nanny iced it and got it to close and put an antibiotic on it. The former owner walks over and says "let me take a look". Before we could say anything she is touching my son's head, pulling the skin and opening the cut. She turns to me to tell me it's not deep. Where on earth do people get the nerve to insert themselves into situations like this and take it upon themselves to touch someone elses child????? What a control freak this one is. She keeps telling our neighbors how she wants "her" house back. Well considering she sold it to us 18mos ago, made us buy the jungle gym as if it was new when they weren't going to take it anyway b/c their kids were older, she can suck it. They are so damn cheap they wouldn't fix light fixtures, the alarm system, outlets, if they couldn't do it themselves for free it stayed broken. They even moved themselves scratching up all the floors! I hope there is no hidden agenda with trying to help our neighbor, I've already warned the family to be wary. She's walking around saying she knows our neighbor better than his own family....what that does for her I don't know but it's not being well received. Nervy, pushy, and overstepping.
That is insane. Does she still live in your neighborhood or something? She is lucky noone calls the cops with her acting crazy like that in your house.
That is insane. Does she still live in your neighborhood or something? She is lucky noone calls the cops with her acting crazy like that in your house.

She lives 1 town over but since she doesn't work and her husband is out of a job they have nothing else better to do since the kids are in school. My neighbor's niece just called and I feel so badly that they have to keep their guard up. Someone wanted to take him to see an assisted living facility tomorrow and they have no real estate or assisted living center experience and definitely would not know what questions to ask. He's 88, has lived in his house since 1956, let his family handle the more personal things. Donating money and clothes, have at it...but people need to know their place. I would never take the reigns and start showing him places he could live when he has nieces and nephews coordinating that. This is a major upheaval in his life and he needs to be handled in a delicate manner by people he trusts.
Love the dog pics ladies.

Welcome sars/Weezy. It all seems so overwhelming but we'll all work you through it. We've all been through the ringer with meds/shots/etc. so someone will be able to advise you.

The travel agent is getting back to me tomorrow on prices. Hubs said 'I think I'd like to go.' Well, the due date for the deposit is in a few days. It's $100 so no biggie but the balance is due in April. We'll see if he can get it together. Otherwise, bon voyage, amigo. So the story is to be continued.

As far as TTC-who knows. He was trying to push up on me last night but I wasnt feelin' it. I may go back on the pill for a while. He hasn't said one thing either way about trying again so of course, I kind of feel like 'I'm not doing this alone,' but on the other hand I'm like 'I can do it alone, just provide your sample and leave me be.' So still conflicted and that's not very healthy. The plan is to talk about it tonight but I just hate that I always have to bring up the serious stuff. Apparently his life is roses and unicorns without talking. :growlmad:

Speaking of waxes, I got mine done today. Yay!! I have a massage scheduled for next month too. I need it, badly. I may try to schedule one elsewhere in the meantime because I feel desperately pent up. Ha ha. Going to dinner with my bestie tomorrow so happiness is coming tomorrow. Have a great weekend ladies!!
Thanks for the warm welcome. We're moving forward as planned. We both discussed it last night and feel like waiting any longer is just too painful.

I just got loads of informed consent forms, so we are wading through them. I got good news on my medicine that with the Follistim donation I will save $1,800. I'll take it.

Babywhisperer- That is so sad about your neighbor. I'm so happy it turned out OK. But man the lady you bought your house from sounds like a real pill. I would not be wanting her stepping foot in my house again. Hope you feel better soon.

Terri: Hope your talk with DH goes well. Sometimes men just suck at verbalizing how they're feeling or picking up on your emotions. Your trip sounds awesome! I would love to be somewhere warm right now.
Love the dog pics ladies.

Welcome sars/Weezy. It all seems so overwhelming but we'll all work you through it. We've all been through the ringer with meds/shots/etc. so someone will be able to advise you.

The travel agent is getting back to me tomorrow on prices. Hubs said 'I think I'd like to go.' Well, the due date for the deposit is in a few days. It's $100 so no biggie but the balance is due in April. We'll see if he can get it together. Otherwise, bon voyage, amigo. So the story is to be continued.

As far as TTC-who knows. He was trying to push up on me last night but I wasnt feelin' it. I may go back on the pill for a while. He hasn't said one thing either way about trying again so of course, I kind of feel like 'I'm not doing this alone,' but on the other hand I'm like 'I can do it alone, just provide your sample and leave me be.' So still conflicted and that's not very healthy. The plan is to talk about it tonight but I just hate that I always have to bring up the serious stuff. Apparently his life is roses and unicorns without talking. :growlmad:

Speaking of waxes, I got mine done today. Yay!! I have a massage scheduled for next month too. I need it, badly. I may try to schedule one elsewhere in the meantime because I feel desperately pent up. Ha ha. Going to dinner with my bestie tomorrow so happiness is coming tomorrow. Have a great weekend ladies!!

Terri - I hope your talk went well. I know exactly how this is. My husband was the same way. I was so stressed out. He would spend his days off taking pictures & doing nothing around the house. One day he was supposed to take my car in to get it serviced. His appointment was later in the day...he had already left the house by 8 taking pictures & that is how his day was going to be spent. So I told him to bring me my car...I rescheduled the appointment for when I could do it myself. I said take all the damn pictures you want, I don't need you pretending you are doing me favors. Petty, I know...but I was at my boiling point. I was not asking him to give up all his free time. We all need stress relief. But week after week would go by...I am driving 3 hours round trip to the RE then going to work several times a week. Grocery shopping & laundry on the weekends. Plus the meds. Yes I had my stress relief too...but I was putting in way more than he was. But he would do whatever he wanted on his days off. We have home improvements over a year old. If he just put in one small project a week, it would get done. Plus I am an assistant at work. And everyone else comes to me about things. So I felt like all I did was take care of everyone else. And I was trying to make a baby to top it all off. After that, he was so much better. And I also stopped being so up people's ass at work doing every little thing. So I was able to focus more on my husband...and my husband started trying to absorb my stresses at home.

A lot of women say men are men & women just have to deal with it. But that is not my philosophy. They are not children & they need to learn to step up & stop making us so stressed out because we take on so much.

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