First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies, quick check-in before I have to get back to work!

The scan went great! The baby is measuring a little bit ahead of schedule, and the heartbeat was nice and strong! I got really choked up. She showed us our little peanut, and then we heard the heartbeat and saw the flickering! It was wild how much of a relief it was to see and hear everything. I think that's why I got so choked up.

And, we did let them tell us the gender. Feels so weird to know already! When we were sitting there waiting for her to look it up in my file, my DH was like "Its gonna be a boy, I just know it". And I was feeling like it was going to be a girl. So the nurse was like "Ok, looks like your husband is right. It's a boy!" HA! I have to admit, I was a little surprised!

So anyway, we are so happy and relieved and about a hundred other things. Haha.

I'll have to check back in later so that I can respond to everyone!! :flower:

Yeah!!! Boys are wonderful and great pregnancies! They LOVE their mommies! So happy for you, what an amazing moment when you hear the heartbeat, it's like your entire body exhales in relief. All is as it should be mama!! Congrats!
Transfer done!!!! Everything went great. We only transfered one. I am over the moon, IT'S A GIRL!! Praying she sticks and grows!!

Erin can't wait for your update!

Congrats lady! Stick and grow, stick and grow!!!!
Erin - CONGRATS on the baby boy!!! I'm SO happy for you!!!

jkb11 - YAY for transferring a little girl. So sweet!! I'm very excited for you!!

Babywhisperer - So crazy about your neighbor. I hope everything works out for him.

LadySosa - Did your med situation work out?

Terri - How did your talk go?

This thread is starting to see some action again!! I'm so excited for everyone!!
sorry all - I am being a thread bomber here....

EROSE!!!! a boy!!!! how wonderful!!:blue::blue::blue::blue:

much love from your OG ladies!!!!!


much love to you other ladies too - ( I have girls so YAY for those too!!!)
Oh ERose!! I'm so excited for you. A little boy is so great. Truly, absolutely thrilled.

Jkb-congrats on a successful girl transfer. Stick little chica!! I can't wait until the 23rd but let's hope for some line poem before then. Fxfx.

Have an awesome weekend everyone. I'm going out with my bestie tonight. I didn't get to talk to hubs as I was knocked out (tired) when he got home and at 10:30 he's like 'Terri. Wake up. It's time for bed.' Oopsies.
Hi everyone! Man what a crazy day at work! I didn't have time to post earlier. We just picked up the meds from FedEx (finally got them all sorted) and I just injected the follistim and the menopur. Easy peasy! Haha my DH was so cute. He was all nervous and was mixing it all for me and trying to help. When I was injecting the menopur it was taking me a while, and he got woozy. He had to go sit down. Afterward he said, "you're so brave!" And gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Erin! I'm soooo excited and happy for you. How neat to hear the heartbeat. Have you started thinking of boy names?

Jkb- congrats on the transfer! And a little girl! Yayy!

BabyW- woah. Sounds like a pretty hectic week. I hope your neighbor's situation improves. Poor guy.

Terri-enjoy your Friday night!
Thanks again girls! Y'all are the best!!

Lady Sosa- that's so sweet of your hubby:) glad you got all your meds and got it started.

Terri, did you have a fun girls night last night? I'm over due for one.
Woo hoo Erin! Love when I pop on here and see amazing news!! Super psyched for you and praying for a happy and healthy 9 months. You soooo deserve it! :happydance:

Beaglemom I will be popping over for an update on your FET too!! When is it scheduled for? Soon now, huh? FX!!

Good luck to all you sweet ladies! Please excuse my thread crashing! ;)
Also popping in to say congrats to Erin on your little boy and the strong heart beat!! I'm so happy for you!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Just wanted to say good luck today knit girl!!!! It's finally herein sure you're super excited. Update us when you get the chance.
Yes good luck today knit girl! I am so excited for this month. So happy to have so bump buddies!

So again, my crazy shopper has come out. I started looking on ebay for clothes. So I actually bought used maternity stuff. I only bought a few things..mostly pants. I bought a dres at Target for $13 which was originally $50. We went to Kmart & found some more sleepers...a Thanksgiving one and a winter one. I asked my husband if I was crazy. He said no. I said I just don't have any doubts right now. I just feel so good about it. And I think we have decided we want to know the day of transfer what the gender is. We still go back & forth. So either we know from the start...or we have them put it in an envelope & we do something on our own...either open it together when we have a positive...or take it to a bakery & have them make us a gender reveal cake that we cut open together.

My first scan is the end of this week. I had ome bleeding after the stop of bcp. My body is so confused. It feels gross & crampy & jst usual CD 1 stuff...but the bleeding is werd...lighter & more brown. This happened last time I quit s just a yucky few das for I think that is coming to a close today or tomorrow.

My only other concern is the sniffles I have righ now. No fever. So I am trying to kick that. I have been avoiding meds, but I think it is time to really nurse this thing & get it out of me before the transfer.
Hi all! Hope you had a great weekend! We went shopping and worked out. Fun stuff! I have less than 2 months to tone up before maternity pictures. Haha I am determined! Not to lose weight of course but I just need my arms to be tighter!

Congrats Erin! I loved the first scan. I of course cried my eyes out and I still do today!

Glad you're feeling good after the transfer, Jkb! Little girl has definitely been fun to buy for! ; ) I am out of control. I found little baby jeans and sweaters yesterday on sale...and then my mom found another 100 things. This spoiled child...can't wait for your blood test or pee stick! Whichever happens first.

Hope all the other pregnant girls are feeling good. Heartburn has made itself a very steady part of my evenings. I think I have to do prescription drugs so I can sleep! None of the over the counter stuff works and it's anything I eat now that does it. Yuck! Even dry toast or cereal.
So, I've been feeling her move for weeks but it feels like little bubbles and very small. Yesterday morning I'm sitting on my bed with my head up (thank god for my adjustable bed because I've been sleeping on an incline with this heartburn)! Anyway, I see this poke THROUGH MY SKIN. I flipped out! Not to mention it felt like my stomach dropped. 10 seconds later it happened again so I started yelling for DH. Haha I thought something was wrong! Apparently she is now over half a pound and that's all it takes for my body to feel her. A cool, different feeling but wow I was not expecting that! So of course I wanted her to do it all day while I was shopping with DH and my parents and nope! I get home exhausted and lay down on my inclined bed on my left side (sound comfy?? Lol) and she starts really moving. Haha at this point I was like knock it off I'm tired! All night long. So crazy. I mean, I know there's a baby in there but THERES A BABY in there punching and kicking me!!!
Busy week this week. My stepkids come back for their normal scheduled time at our house after the holidays. It will be nice to get on a normal schedule. Plus, I really miss the 12 year old girl. I always get the best middle school gossip! Haha! And she loves all of the baby stuff so it's fun to have a girl around to help and likes to feel included. I feel so bad for the kids. Their moms fiancé broke up with them all again. He's done this a million times in the last two years. He lives with them so I'm sure it's really awkward over there. They are supposed to move out but that's gonna take some time. Not a good stable environment over there so it's good they will be here this week! Plus, the 12 year old just despises her mother. She never wants to talk about it but she's wanting to live over here full time. I'm fine with that but she should have a relationship with her mom! She's only 12! I hated my mom at 12 but this little girl has always had issues with her apparently. I bet she will get her period soon. Ahhhhh so many hormones!

Hi to everyone else! Beagle I will send your stuff today or tomorrow! I love that things are really moving over here again!
Jen - I am sorry for your step kids. A while back didn't you say the mom & fiance were going to try for a baby? Sounds very unstable over there. It is hard enough being a 12 year old girl...then add on extra stresses in life.

I am afraid of myself when I fnd out the gender & get a positive...I will be a shopping NUT! But I am trying to stick to sales online & consignment. It is nice right now because the clothes I need are on clearance.

Thanks for the extra meds. I really appreciate it!
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

knitgirl - Good luck today!!! I hope your transfer goes nice and smooth.

JCM - How exciting to feel your baby girl moving around in there. Even if it's keeping you awake. I laughed when you said you freaked out about seeing her move. It reminded me of a crazy story about one of my friends. Her sister apparently got pregnant and didn't realize it until she went into labor. Now, I know this is one of things that seems simply impossible to any of us but "apparently" she didn't know. When my friend asked her how she didn't know based on the fact she was gaining weight and how she didn't feel the baby move, her sister just said "well, one time we saw my stomach move but just thought it was moving tumor"!! Um, wouldn't that be enough to make you go to the doctor??? I don't know the sister at all but she doesn't sound too smart to me.

Beagle - You are almost on your way! Hopefully, your spotting has stopped. I love your positivity. I wish I could muster some up!!!

jkb - How exciting about your transfer of a girl!! Can't wait to hear your test results. You said you were going to start testing tomorrow, right??

Terri - Hope you had a nice night out with your bestie. Sorry your Ravens lost but I'm sure you are secretly happy (or not so secretly happy) the stupid Cowboys lost, too!

LasySosa - How is the stimming going?? You feeling okay? Hopefully, everything is going well.

Hello to Amy, babywhisperer, Erin, sars, kfs, moni, and weezy!!!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

Well, our weekend wasn't so great. We ended up having to put our sweet Buddy down on Saturday. :cry: We obviously knew the time was near but I still don't think one is ever ready to really say goodbye. I'm just glad we were able to be there with him and he was able to go peacefully. I cried pretty much all day Saturday and I looked like shit at the retirement party we had to go to but oh well! He was my dog for almost 13 years and it just feels weird that he's not here. But he was a good boy and I know we did the right thing.
Beagle- I'm glad we found out the gender asap. I can see you finding out as well because then you will know what sex to buy for. I think it's great you feel so strongly that this is it for you. I have that feeling too since you are all clear. With the assistance the ivf gave for hubby's low count y'all should be ready to roll. I say keep on buying when you find a great deal��

Jen- that's awesome that she is moving so much. Hope the reflux settles down for you!! Do you have a name picked out yet?

AFM- I'm getting really impatient girls. I want to pre on a stick soooooo bad. Think I might tomorrow. I will be 4dpt. She was a 6 day blast and the embryologist said she is already hacted and ready to implant the day of the transfer, going by her picture she provided. I know it's early so I keep telling myself to expect a negative. I just don't want to cause undue stress. What do y'all think?
Booger- we must have been posting together. I'm so sorry about buddy. Sending you hugs! I have had my Bentley for 8 years and I can't imagine not having him. :( sorry about your pup. It is def a good thing you were there with him. When my dog died, he died naturally at home (cancer). Sometimes I amthankful fortht because I never had to make the decision. But up until that last weekend, he was happy...we were treating it the best we could. The one regrt is my husband had to work, so he couldn't be there with him. When my cat died, he had been infected by a tick...I wish I had known...I would have put him down instead of driving him an hour to the specialty vet. It wasn't the extra time or was the extra pain he had...& that I couldn't just hold him while he went peacefully.

As far as positivity...I wish I could break some off & mail it to you! I am normally a negative person...a realist. But I just feel so hopeful. So I will just say this to are on the same page as me...just a few years older (I will be 33 in April). Can't remember if your husband has issues. But you did the hysto to fix the uterus, I had the polyp removed, we both did PGS & FET. You have 1 more embryo than I do. And you are much healthir & more active than I am...I can tell. So there is no reason to not be excited & ready!
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

knitgirl - Good luck today!!! I hope your transfer goes nice and smooth.

JCM - How exciting to feel your baby girl moving around in there. Even if it's keeping you awake. I laughed when you said you freaked out about seeing her move. It reminded me of a crazy story about one of my friends. Her sister apparently got pregnant and didn't realize it until she went into labor. Now, I know this is one of things that seems simply impossible to any of us but "apparently" she didn't know. When my friend asked her how she didn't know based on the fact she was gaining weight and how she didn't feel the baby move, her sister just said "well, one time we saw my stomach move but just thought it was moving tumor"!! Um, wouldn't that be enough to make you go to the doctor??? I don't know the sister at all but she doesn't sound too smart to me.

Beagle - You are almost on your way! Hopefully, your spotting has stopped. I love your positivity. I wish I could muster some up!!!

jkb - How exciting about your transfer of a girl!! Can't wait to hear your test results. You said you were going to start testing tomorrow, right??

Terri - Hope you had a nice night out with your bestie. Sorry your Ravens lost but I'm sure you are secretly happy (or not so secretly happy) the stupid Cowboys lost, too!

LasySosa - How is the stimming going?? You feeling okay? Hopefully, everything is going well.

Hello to Amy, babywhisperer, Erin, sars, kfs, moni, and weezy!!!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

Well, our weekend wasn't so great. We ended up having to put our sweet Buddy down on Saturday. :cry: We obviously knew the time was near but I still don't think one is ever ready to really say goodbye. I'm just glad we were able to be there with him and he was able to go peacefully. I cried pretty much all day Saturday and I looked like shit at the retirement party we had to go to but oh well! He was my dog for almost 13 years and it just feels weird that he's not here. But he was a good boy and I know we did the right thing.

I am so sorry about Buddy. You gave him a wonderful life and you were all lucky to have each other. I am so sorry for your loss but hope you find comfort in the wonderful memories. xo
Don't have a lot of time today to post but just wanted to pop in and say I'm so sorry Booger. That must've been just heartbreaking. But yes, it sounds like you absolutely did the right thing for Buddy. My heart goes out to you. He is surely in doggy heaven now.

Jen - how exciting!! Wow, I can't imagine seeing something moving inside me. Must be weird!

Knitgirl - GL today!

Stimming is going fine, they decreased my follistim dosage a bit cause the estrogen was a little high. I felt really crummy on Sat. Had a headache, felt crampy and bloated. And I was coughing too. And Friday - woo, get outta my way. I was feeling so emotional. I was depressed, stressed, on the verge of tears all day at work. I started my period Sat so it must've been PMS symptoms. But Sunday I felt a thousand times better and today I feel pretty good. Sat I almost fainted giving myself the injection cause the menopur hurt. So last night my DH did the injections for me cause it was easier for him to do it so I didn't have to look. It is getting easier tho. Anyways, hi to everyone else! Hope you guys had a good weekend!

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