First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Sars - I forgot about your upcoming trip to Italy. That sounds amazing!!! I'm a little jealous. And I actually enjoy being on vacation and not having internet or TV. I think it makes me find more entertaining things to do where I'm at. And yes, my mother is a fanatic it's safe to say. She has more UK crap than should ever be produced. She has lucky blue shoes, earrings, socks, purses, jackets, you name it - she has it. She's a hoot!

Terri - I keep hearing that Maryland is a tough team and could give KY fits. I guess we'll find out. I think KY is great this year, but it's anyone's game come tournament time. You just never know what's going to happen. I can't stand Duke. I can appreciate a good program and a great coach but you'll never find me cheering for them. I need to double check with my nurse but I'm pretty sure Claritin is okay to take for my allergies - if so, I need to start popping those things every morning.

Lady - I think it's normal to still feel sad and jealous. Who wouldn't? There is so much build up to this and so much emotional investment, it's hard not to feel hurt when it doesn't work. I feel it for you! I think you'll feel better after next week when you meet with your doctor and have a plan to move forward. But take all the time you need. None of this is easy.

moni - I'm glad your birthing class went so well! You are getting close!! Crazy how fast it seems to have gone by - well, at least for this bystander. And :happydance: for tax refunds!! Yeah!

Beagle - I think I might be starting to get some nausea. I can't really tell. Yesterday and today there have definitely been some moments where I've been pretty queasy. But it also feels pretty similar to when I had an ulcer once, so I'm not sure if it's just all in my head.

Babywhisperer - Sorry poor little Jack's chompers are giving him (and you guys) such a hard time. He sounds miserable, poor guy.

So, my Mom knows nothing. I'm pretty sure she has given up on us ever having kids so this is going to be a pretty big surprise for her. She's going to love it. She already has 4 grandchildren from my brothers and sister but it's been almost 12 years since the last one was born. I can't wait to tell her!

He's actually handling it very well, friends have told me their kids wake up every hr or don't sleep hardly at all. He takes it in stride, but the fact he's getting multiple teeth all at once has got to be tough for him. They say 20 teeth by the time they are 2 and he's on his way to having 15 at 15mos. It's b/c he eats adult food and masticates his food, it promotes teeth coming up sooner.
Booger - for me it was easier not telling family about treatments...I knew my moms worry would overwhelm me. Also she would probably insist on being at the dr my first u/s. The u/s is one thing...but all the other stuff with treatment was better left between us as a couple.

My sickness was really just queasy. And not sure what to eat but being hungry. I never got sick. However...this past week no queasy but I have thrown up twice while trying to brush my teeth...super gross. And I brush my tongue...had to skip that one morning.

My husband is all DUKE...ha ha ha!
Booger, I have all my paperwork from my doctor on what to take/not. 10 mg of Claritin is safe for pregnancy but they'd prefer you to wait until after 13 weeks to take anything if you can. I'd check with your nurse. I bet your mom is going to flip! I think my mom is starting to let herself get excited.

Question for all of you... this is definitely a first-world problem. My mother-in-law is obsessed with the Willow Tree figurines. I don't know if any of you are familiar with them. They're not my jam. (I don't want to offend anyone that likes them. I'm just not a figurine person. I don't decorate for any holiday other than Christmas. Not my style.) She bought us a married couple one ages ago and I just gave it away. They rarely come to our house, we usually go to their house, so I felt safe getting rid of it.

But now they're going to be here more because of the baby.
She got us the pregnant one. And I know the baby one is coming too. She just loves these things. Thinks they are so beautiful. This is just one of those things I keep my mouth shut on, put it out and suck it up, right?
Haha, Sars, yes I would say put the figurines out when they are there. Or you could put them in a really out of the way place, so nobody really sees them. She might get the hint! Will she ask where the 'married couple' figurine is? Btw, I have no idea what these are.
Yes, vacation without t.v. or internet actually sounds enticing to me. I'd love to challenge myself to see if I could break my electronics addition. DH, not so much. I don't think he would survive. LOL

My doctor emailed me today, bless her heart. She said because I bled so early in the process, she thinks an unmedicated cycle would be best. I am such a newb - does that mean absolutely NO medication leading up to FET?? Like, no lupron, no progesterone or edometrin?
Yes, vacation without t.v. or internet actually sounds enticing to me. I'd love to challenge myself to see if I could break my electronics addition. DH, not so much. I don't think he would survive. LOL

My doctor emailed me today, bless her heart. She said because I bled so early in the process, she thinks an unmedicated cycle would be best. I am such a newb - does that mean absolutely NO medication leading up to FET?? Like, no lupron, no progesterone or edometrin?

That was sweet of your doctor to reach out even thought you aren't seeing her yet. I don't know much about the difference but I found this article:

Looks like it would mean no lupron!! She give you any indication of what she thinks happened?

I know I have to suck it up. I just wish there was a way to politely stop wasting her money. I've attached a picture of the figurine.


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Thanks Sars! That is really helpful. :)

And, I think the figurine is cute, although I'm with you, I am not a figurine person. I hate trinkets and clutter.
My dresser doesn't arrive until April 11th - so no baby until at least the end of April please...

I just found out that my insurance covers a breast pump 100%!!! Just saved myself $250! I guess that is part of the new health care act that most insurance companies cover it - so ladies when the time is right look into it. They have the exact one that I had put on my registry - so it is not like it is a cheap alternative either!
Moni-yeah I listened to a planet money podcast about c breast pumps being covered by insurance. Yeah!!

SARS-I've never heard of those figurines either but I would just put them out when they are around. I'm not big on chatchkis (sp?) either. Maybe your husband can tell her that you would rather have something else if you really can't deal anymore.
Thanks Moni. I had just read that somewhere and my insurance actually offers some really high end ones.

Terri, I'll have to listen to that Planet Money. I missed it. I love Planet Money. Yeah, she's too sweet, so DH won't feel like he can tell her without hurting her feelings. I just know it is the first of many. I've seen how many she's given my SIL, who has two kids. (It's tchotchkes, isn't that such a strange spelling?) How's the stimming going?
Thanks for the spelling. Next time I'll just write knick knacks. Hee hee. Stimming is fine. Stomach shots are a breeze!
Sars - I agree with everyone else. Just put them out when she's around. I HATE clutter and things like that so I would be the same way. :)

Moni - My SIL was just telling me about the insurance thing. Thanks for the info. I'll definitely look into it.

Terri - I think you have your next ultrasound today, right? Can't wait to hear the report.

LadySosa - So, can you jump right back in this month or do they want you to wait until you get your period again first? Either way, it sounds like they have a plan for you so that's good. Your appt is next week, right?
Booger, I have all my paperwork from my doctor on what to take/not. 10 mg of Claritin is safe for pregnancy but they'd prefer you to wait until after 13 weeks to take anything if you can. I'd check with your nurse. I bet your mom is going to flip! I think my mom is starting to let herself get excited.

Question for all of you... this is definitely a first-world problem. My mother-in-law is obsessed with the Willow Tree figurines. I don't know if any of you are familiar with them. They're not my jam. (I don't want to offend anyone that likes them. I'm just not a figurine person. I don't decorate for any holiday other than Christmas. Not my style.) She bought us a married couple one ages ago and I just gave it away. They rarely come to our house, we usually go to their house, so I felt safe getting rid of it.

But now they're going to be here more because of the baby.
She got us the pregnant one. And I know the baby one is coming too. She just loves these things. Thinks they are so beautiful. This is just one of those things I keep my mouth shut on, put it out and suck it up, right?

Put it out, and when baby starts to crawl put it away w/ the excuse that you are baby proofing....the fact that it can be put high up and out of baby's reach but you chose to put them away should be enough to stop the figurine giving. I am not into bric-a-brac or little things like that either....I see it as clutter.
ksf1-Thanks for remembering. My scan today went well. My doctor said that my estrogen made a good jump today and he's pleased with that. He said I probably have about 5-6 follies, but it's still early so ignore what he says. I was like "ok..gladly." hee hee. He is always pretty fast with the ultrasound so it was hard to see. I saw at least two on each side, so 4 is cool with me. Quality over quantity.

Ladysosa-When the doctor says unmedicated to me, that means take a month off altogether. Maybe the Lupron or whatever it was made you bleed early so she wants you to get your body back to normal and then try again. Just call her and ask because you're paying them to explain every single thing to you, and let them know that you're not really interested in taking a month off (unless you are), so make her explain WHY she wants to do that. I'm pretty verbal about stuff though so it may be easier for me to ask for all that stuff, but really, you should understand and agree with the reasoning behind whatever they tell you.
LadySosa, I agree with terri, I bet what your doc means by "unmedicated cycle" is to take one cycle off completely. I also agree though, that if you are ready to dive right in, I'd ask her if she really thinks its necessary. Obviously if it is, then you'll want to take her advice. But if not, then maybe she'd be fine with you getting started. I know my clinic recommended taking a cycle off between both of my two failed transfers, so I did. But not all clinics feel the same.

sars, I totally get what you're saying about stuff like that sitting around the house... I feel the same. I'm not a collector of anything. I agree that you could put it out when they come, and I like BabyW's reasoning for taking it down after that. Works out perfect, hehe!:thumbup:

terri, I'm so glad the stimming is going well. I'm sure you've become an expert at this point, huh? And I agree, quality vs quantity! Plus, I feel like that number is going to go up for you anyway. Didn't it last time?

moni, great tip on the breast pump, I had no idea! I'm so glad you mentioned that.

BabyW, I'm glad Jack is handling his teething well. :) While none of us remember what those times were like for us as babies, it can't possibly be fun! Ouch! I like the idea of giving them table food early to encourage the growth of the teeth... About how early did you start?

booger, I knew you were from KY, but I think I forget it sometimes! Did you say you're from Elizabethtown? I grew up in Bowling Green. I'm thinking about going up there for a week to visit my family in April or May. I actually looked specifically for Derby weekend so I could be there for that, and you're right, airfare was pricey (I usually fly between Orlando/Nashville). But there's that tiny airport in Owensboro and flights are SO much cheaper for that weekend (like half the price). Not sure how far away your family lives from Owensboro, but its about an hour from my hometown. The only problem with flying into Owensboro is that you'd have to fly OUT of a smaller airport too... I happen to live near a smaller airport in FL as well, so I'm able to take my pick between that one and Orlando when I fly home.

so beagle, your nausea has pretty much gone away for the most part then? Besides the gagging when you brush your teeth (I've heard other pregnant women say the same thing).

brighteyez, how are you doing/feeling??

Hi to everyone else! I wonder how Jen and knit are doing... Poor Jen has had a rough go of it, so I'm hoping all is well with her!

AFM, not much new to report... still crazy busy at work, but I happen to have all my contracts out waiting for customer responses at the moment. I love when the ball is in their court and I get to take a breather. Of course, that usually means they all come back at the same time and then I have back-to-back con calls for days, but it's worth the break. :)

My headaches sure have lessened up a LOT in the past week. It was so amazing to realize a few days had gone by without one! I've been feeling really good, so really grateful for that considering I have to be on my game at work right now.
Thanks Terri. I totally agree, when she suggested unmedicated, I did a little research and I'm not sure how confident I feel with that decision. I never really had super regular periods, and I see the success rate seems to be a little lower. I think she sent me that email yesterday to sort of appease me since I told my nurse that a week is a long time to wait before I can get some answers! I really love my doc though, she is very wise. So I will certainly ask my questions and make sure that the plan of action is the right one for me, but at the end of the day I trust her recommendations. We shall see next week. But yeah. I am ready to go!! Good to hear your scan went well. :)

How's everyone's morning going?
LadySosa, I agree with terri, I bet what your doc means by "unmedicated cycle" is to take one cycle off completely. I also agree though, that if you are ready to dive right in, I'd ask her if she really thinks its necessary. Obviously if it is, then you'll want to take her advice. But if not, then maybe she'd be fine with you getting started. I know my clinic recommended taking a cycle off between both of my two failed transfers, so I did. But not all clinics feel the same.

sars, I totally get what you're saying about stuff like that sitting around the house... I feel the same. I'm not a collector of anything. I agree that you could put it out when they come, and I like BabyW's reasoning for taking it down after that. Works out perfect, hehe!:thumbup:

terri, I'm so glad the stimming is going well. I'm sure you've become an expert at this point, huh? And I agree, quality vs quantity! Plus, I feel like that number is going to go up for you anyway. Didn't it last time?

moni, great tip on the breast pump, I had no idea! I'm so glad you mentioned that.

BabyW, I'm glad Jack is handling his teething well. :) While none of us remember what those times were like for us as babies, it can't possibly be fun! Ouch! I like the idea of giving them table food early to encourage the growth of the teeth... About how early did you start?

booger, I knew you were from KY, but I think I forget it sometimes! Did you say you're from Elizabethtown? I grew up in Bowling Green. I'm thinking about going up there for a week to visit my family in April or May. I actually looked specifically for Derby weekend so I could be there for that, and you're right, airfare was pricey (I usually fly between Orlando/Nashville). But there's that tiny airport in Owensboro and flights are SO much cheaper for that weekend (like half the price). Not sure how far away your family lives from Owensboro, but its about an hour from my hometown. The only problem with flying into Owensboro is that you'd have to fly OUT of a smaller airport too... I happen to live near a smaller airport in FL as well, so I'm able to take my pick between that one and Orlando when I fly home.

so beagle, your nausea has pretty much gone away for the most part then? Besides the gagging when you brush your teeth (I've heard other pregnant women say the same thing).

brighteyez, how are you doing/feeling??

Hi to everyone else! I wonder how Jen and knit are doing... Poor Jen has had a rough go of it, so I'm hoping all is well with her!

AFM, not much new to report... still crazy busy at work, but I happen to have all my contracts out waiting for customer responses at the moment. I love when the ball is in their court and I get to take a breather. Of course, that usually means they all come back at the same time and then I have back-to-back con calls for days, but it's worth the break. :)

My headaches sure have lessened up a LOT in the past week. It was so amazing to realize a few days had gone by without one! I've been feeling really good, so really grateful for that considering I have to be on my game at work right now.

We started him on table food slowly around 8mos when he had some bottom and top teeth to chew with. He wanted what we were having so badly and even wanted to use a fork like us which he does sometimes...I cut up food and he takes his fork, stabs it and eats it...other times he's tired or hungry and just wants to be fed. Meatballs work well to start when they have a couple of teeth and we worked our way up to chicken, steak...the pieces are small enough that he won't choke if swallowed whole. He loves mozzarella cheese, I buy a block and cut it up. Cheerios is also a great's small and they can crunch which gives them something to gnaw against their gums. He started having baby food or pureed food at 5/6mos when he could sit up in the highchair.

Terri, that's awesome your estrogen jumped! Things are percolating in there!

Crazy fact, baby girl has all her eggs now in utero. All the eggs she will have in her lifetime are there already. It's so crazy to think about that. Can't wait for the scan today. Crossing fingers all is as it should be.
ERose-Good to hear from you and I'm happy that you're feeling better. As far as my follies, yeah, I usually have mid teens. I think I had between 10-14 the first time, and I think 17 the second time, so that number should increase as the days go on. My next scan is on Friday. I'm still an every other day girl until things really start growing.

LadySosa-Good idea to just wait until Friday and at least it gives you something to think about in the meantime.

BabyW-I hope all goes well today too. Keep us updated. I also love fresh mozzarella cheese. Most people like that mozzarella, tomato and basil salad, but I'll take the basil and mozz. No tomatoes for this girl. Yeah, I'm happy things are on the move. I'm not feeling very bloated this time, but again, it's still early so we'll see.
Erin - yes seems the constant nausea is gone. But I do wake up feeling really throwing up but almost like a stomach ache I guess. If I were to get up I would probably throw up. And I have thrown up while trying to brush my teeth. Luckily I brush after my shower, before nothing really to throw up.

Lady - I hope you you don't have to wait too long...I am not a dr of course, but seems if I can do a retrieval cycle (always meant to be fresh transfer up until last minute) then jump right in to an FET, you could do back to back. But I was only on bcp then the estrogen & progesterone. Good luck. And remember, if you have to wait, it will be okay. Use the time to become more relaxed & focused. It will happen!

It is so weird not feeling sick. I didn't even realize it had stopped...just all of a sudden I was like I am not sick today. I get a little sick if I haven't eatten. I still have extremely sore breasts when I wake up. And I feel like I am always hungry. Yesterday I went from completely full to starving in a split second. Trying to snack a lot. My main concern is my liquid intake. I am so not good at staying hydrated. I want to get some fruit that is high in h2o like watermelon. I get tired out on water fast.

My husband got the start of his training schedule. He will be in Arkansas the 29th-3rd. Then he has 2 weeks in the middle training somewhere closer. His manager said hoping within driving distance...which means it could be 4-6 hours...but better than a plane & also he will have his car. Here is something pretty crappy...I don't know if he has to have a roomate, but in Arkansas they have to share a car with their "team". My husband likes to take pics...he is going to hate being held captive like that.

Next scan is Friday...I am nervous. I think I will stay nervous until I start feeling him. My doppler is not picking up the heartbeat yet either :(. Hopefully soon.
BabyW - I just heard about something called baby led feeding. Pretty much what you are saying. So weird there is a name for it & it is considered a parenting plan. I am sure all of our parents were doing the same thing. We wanted real food, so we got real food. I think it is important to take hints from your baby on things like you said, they see you eat, so they want to eat it.

Here is a weird dad only had girls. Apparently my sister tried to pee standing up because she saw my dad peeing. So now he tells us the men in the house should leave the door open if we have boys to help them potty train...or pee standing up rather...because I think boys sit down in the beginning, right? I don't know. I just know I have to be prepared for there to be pee everywhere!

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