First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Beaglemom - I loved your meltdown story hee hee!! I'm sure it's the first of more to come! I would have been soo mad too lol. I'm usually really easy going but nothing is more annoying than when you warn someone about something (like watch out, you're going to knock that over) and two minutes later they knock it over!! Grrrr lol.
Also, the nursery looks really good, I can't wait to see it completed.
I have three younger brothers and I'm a lot older than all of them. When they were little, they sat down on the potty training toilet at first but when they started using the big boy toilet, they were the perfect height to just rest their little pee-pee on the edge of the toilet and it would go straight into the toilet. Unsanitary I know, but they would do it no matter how hard we tried to get them to stop. And it does make the mess more manageable lol. Although there were times where if they were mid stream and you called their name they would turn completely around and pee would shoot everywhere ha ha ha. So ya I guess pee does get everywhere at times lol.

Babywhisperer - Your story is hilarious as well. Did she react to you pulling her hair? Or did she just keep walking? We have a huge outlet mall here that is one large circle. Or actually oblong, exactly like a race track. So people going one way walk on one side, and the others going in the opposite direction walk on the other side. It's like an unspoken rule. But you always have those few idiots when it's totally crowded on the weekend walking against the current of the crowd. I always think, come on people, you can't be that oblivious.

Sars - I'm so glad you like your OBGYN. That is so important. I love my OBGYN too. I always see just her but now that I'm pregnant, I think they will rotate me with the 3 other OB's in the practice. Of course, I don't know any of them. They each have their own specialty and mine happens to be the high risk specialist so I'm going to try to play the age and ivf card to see if I can just stick with her lol. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's siblings as well. That must have been SO difficult.

kfs1 - When I talked to the nurse on the phone I was standing right in front of the teller at the bank so I didn't bring up the bleeding lol. I usually hate being rude on the phone when I'm at the bank or something but I just couldn't NOT take this call lol. But since the bleeding lasted less than a day, I figured they would tell me the same thing as last time. Either the Endometrin is irritating my cervix or I had another blood clot, but likely nothing serious since it stopped right away and there was no cramping.

Booger - I'm feeling pretty good, just EXHAUSTED. Even more tired than last time. I get up in the mornings just fine and I feel great, then around noon my eyes get heavy and all I want to do is take a nap. I've never been a nap person, it's hard for me to sleep when it's still day light. Well it's not hard right now lol. I was also queasy all last night. So I don't know if this is going to stick around or is just a one night thing. I also have really bad allergies as well. My RE said it was fine to take Claritin or Zyrtec as long as it wasn't the Claritin-D or Zyrtec-D. I used to take it daily, now I just wait until I can't stand the sneezing and running nose any longer then take it lol. How are you feeling?

Moni - That is awesome news about the breast pump. I'm going to have to look into that.

Brighteyez - How are things going? Did your two overachievers make it to freeze?

LadySosa - I hope you're feeling better. I can't wait to hear what your Dr. says, after she clarifies things for you.

Terri - I'm glad you're not feeling so bloated this time :)
Hi girls, sorry I've been Mia. Going to try to catch up, forgive me for the stuff I forget to mention.

Booger- I'm so happy your ultrasound went great! When is your next dr visit?

Lady - you have been on my mind. Glad you and hubby have been leaning on each other for support. Hope time flies and your next transfer is here fast.

Mrs w- you too have been in my thoughts. How are you? *hugs*

Terri- happy to hear things are progressing! Can't wait for your retrieval:) I'm with you 100% quality over quanity.

Moni- thanks for the heads up on the breast pump. That's great to hear.

Amy sorry you had the spotting but so glad it didn't last long. Are you using PIO? If not I would request a progesterone level check. I know some people prefer the vaginal progesterone but for me that was not enough in times past. I'm sure they will tell you the vaginal progesterone won't show up in your blood level which is true but if your blood level is low it can't hurt to supplement extra. I can't wait to hear if you have twins in there:) kudos on the great beta numbers! So happy for you!!

Erin- glad you have a breather at work and happy to hear your headache is better!

Brighteyez- hope your doing well! Thinking of you too!

Afm- I'm having heavy bleeding and passing clots the size of my fist again. Have appt tomorrow with high risk dr, from when this happened last week. So that actually worked in my favor. Praying baby is still safe and snuggled in there unaffected.
Jkb - I'm soo glad you have an appointment with the high risk Dr. tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Hopefully she/he will be able to give you some answers and peace of mind. I am taking the vaginal progesterone and also an oral progesterone lozenge, both 3 times a day. They test my estrogen and progesterone weekly, and it is always on the high side. It was one of the reasons they allowed me to continue with this regimen for my FET because I seem to respond really well to it.
BabyW - I just heard about something called baby led feeding. Pretty much what you are saying. So weird there is a name for it & it is considered a parenting plan. I am sure all of our parents were doing the same thing. We wanted real food, so we got real food. I think it is important to take hints from your baby on things like you said, they see you eat, so they want to eat it.

Here is a weird dad only had girls. Apparently my sister tried to pee standing up because she saw my dad peeing. So now he tells us the men in the house should leave the door open if we have boys to help them potty train...or pee standing up rather...because I think boys sit down in the beginning, right? I don't know. I just know I have to be prepared for there to be pee everywhere!

Yes they usually start sitting down. A friend taught their son how to stand up and pee by putting Cheerios in the toilet, they made it like target practice.

Jack wants everything we hold in our hands, coffee travel mugs and water bottles especially. He pretends to drink and makes the sound like he's sipping, it's hilarious. All went pretty well yesterday. baby girl was stubborn and they couldn't get a good image of the mid-line brain. They want me to come back for it, but really, at this point what's the difference between next week and 3 weeks after that? Not like that can do anything if there is an issue. It's a common image to have problems with due to position and we tried turning this way and that way. Everything else looked normal so I am not making an extra trip for a sono esp if she could be in a bad position again. I can't keep leaving work early for the appts. I will say she is much more chill than Jack was at this stage. He was pulling legs over his head, playing with his wee-wee, and constantly moving.

How is everyone doing?
Good morning ladies!

Amy - Ooh, your scan is almost here! Can't wait to hear if you have twins! I bet the anticipation is killing you! Haha, I love your story about your little brothers. That's adorable to imagine them turning around and spraying pee everywhere. Oh the joys (and mess) of little kids, haha. Btw, a progesterone lozenge?? BLeck! That sounds awful.

Jkb - good to hear from you! And thank you for the kind words. I'm sorry you're bleeding again. I am glad that you have your appointment today to get some answers and see your little one.

Afm, nothing much. I had an eye appointment yesterday afternoon and my eyes were dilated. I'm not sure if I've ever had that done before, but it was awful! I couldn't see for the rest of the afternoon and I got a headache from it. Woke up this morning, and I can see fine, but the headache remains. On the bright side, I'm getting some new glasses, and I'm super excited about that. My current ones are like 3 years old and are super scratched. Yay for better vision!
Beaglemom - I loved your meltdown story hee hee!! I'm sure it's the first of more to come! I would have been soo mad too lol. I'm usually really easy going but nothing is more annoying than when you warn someone about something (like watch out, you're going to knock that over) and two minutes later they knock it over!! Grrrr lol.
Also, the nursery looks really good, I can't wait to see it completed.
I have three younger brothers and I'm a lot older than all of them. When they were little, they sat down on the potty training toilet at first but when they started using the big boy toilet, they were the perfect height to just rest their little pee-pee on the edge of the toilet and it would go straight into the toilet. Unsanitary I know, but they would do it no matter how hard we tried to get them to stop. And it does make the mess more manageable lol. Although there were times where if they were mid stream and you called their name they would turn completely around and pee would shoot everywhere ha ha ha. So ya I guess pee does get everywhere at times lol.

Babywhisperer - Your story is hilarious as well. Did she react to you pulling her hair? Or did she just keep walking? We have a huge outlet mall here that is one large circle. Or actually oblong, exactly like a race track. So people going one way walk on one side, and the others going in the opposite direction walk on the other side. It's like an unspoken rule. But you always have those few idiots when it's totally crowded on the weekend walking against the current of the crowd. I always think, come on people, you can't be that oblivious.

Sars - I'm so glad you like your OBGYN. That is so important. I love my OBGYN too. I always see just her but now that I'm pregnant, I think they will rotate me with the 3 other OB's in the practice. Of course, I don't know any of them. They each have their own specialty and mine happens to be the high risk specialist so I'm going to try to play the age and ivf card to see if I can just stick with her lol. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's siblings as well. That must have been SO difficult.

kfs1 - When I talked to the nurse on the phone I was standing right in front of the teller at the bank so I didn't bring up the bleeding lol. I usually hate being rude on the phone when I'm at the bank or something but I just couldn't NOT take this call lol. But since the bleeding lasted less than a day, I figured they would tell me the same thing as last time. Either the Endometrin is irritating my cervix or I had another blood clot, but likely nothing serious since it stopped right away and there was no cramping.

Booger - I'm feeling pretty good, just EXHAUSTED. Even more tired than last time. I get up in the mornings just fine and I feel great, then around noon my eyes get heavy and all I want to do is take a nap. I've never been a nap person, it's hard for me to sleep when it's still day light. Well it's not hard right now lol. I was also queasy all last night. So I don't know if this is going to stick around or is just a one night thing. I also have really bad allergies as well. My RE said it was fine to take Claritin or Zyrtec as long as it wasn't the Claritin-D or Zyrtec-D. I used to take it daily, now I just wait until I can't stand the sneezing and running nose any longer then take it lol. How are you feeling?

Moni - That is awesome news about the breast pump. I'm going to have to look into that.

Brighteyez - How are things going? Did your two overachievers make it to freeze?

LadySosa - I hope you're feeling better. I can't wait to hear what your Dr. says, after she clarifies things for you.

Terri - I'm glad you're not feeling so bloated this time :)

Oh she reacted alright. She yelled at me and my friend who I commute with screamed at her that she was pushing a prego woman down the stairs. I get that a lot in the city...some people are just so spiteful and angry.

Allergies are awful here, but more snow tomorrow????? 1st day of Spring and we are getting snow!

Jkb, I am so sorry you are still experiencing this, but it sounds like you could know more from the high risk Dr. I hope everything is ok, and I feel in my gut that it is.

It truly is such a stress and anxiety filled 9mos for us. We struggle to get prego so we are on edge and scared that something will happen. We spot, cramp, betas are low, then as we get to the anatomy scans we start to worry if everything is normal. Then as we near the end we fear labor and what could happen. Then the baby is born, all safe and sound and we worry about them sleeping, their breathing, they make snorting noises like a pig, their first bath, why are they crying...their first shot, cold, steps...we will never stop worrying even as they go off to college and get married. But it is truly the most rewarding and wonderful thing. It is truly a gift, and we all cherish it. I have no doubt that everyone here gets that gift and will be remarkable Mothers. :hugs:
Baby w - you are so right about the stress won't end:) will be worth it tho!

Lady -yay for getting new glasses! Always fun getting a new accessory! Share a pic once you get them.

Amy - glad to hear they are keeping an eye on your levels and things are going great. I can't wait for your ultrasound!!!

I did get some peace of mind by going for my appt, sweet girl is measuring on target with a good heart rate. Dr still doesn't know why I'm having so much bleeding. I took in a pic of the clot and the dr was like wow! Then proceded to ask if I was sure it was never twins which every dr has asked. I'm just like nope I just am having freakishly large clots for some reason. The high risk dr was nice but I feel they were just trying to pat my hand. I know from working there that they don't try to intervene until 20 weeks gestation but I just want a reason why if something were to happen. I was told that everytime I pass clots this size I have to call them to get scanned. On US today the hematoma is now in a different place they think it's a new bleed. And they also said I have a venous lake. Which I had never heard of ... So I googled and immediately put my phone down and said I want nothing else to worry about. The dr didn't seemed concerned about it so I'm going to ignore it;) for now.

Thanks for all the well wishes girls. I put an updated pic for my avatar. She's sucking her thumb<3
jkb, i LOOOVE the scan!! So glad to hear everything is still okay! That's def some odd bleeding with all those giant clots, but your LO seems to be unphased by it, hehe! So sounds like all is well. I'm glad you have your docs keeping an eye on you though.:flower:

Venous lake?? I will refrain from googling myself too!
Baby w- I also meant to say congrats on your scan. Sorry she didn't compromise positioning wise but glad everything looked good!
Baby w- I also meant to say congrats on your scan. Sorry she didn't compromise positioning wise but glad everything looked good!

Glad to hear all is ok. The baby is measuring on schedule and good heartbeat. I would try and stay in that moment and stay off Dr Google. They will monitor you closely now which will give you piece of mind. Did you get a Rhogam shot yet? When I had a bleed they insisted on it for fear of my and baby's blood mixing and having different Rh factors.

TGIF's been a trying week at work. Jack slept great, no 5am wake up, and today is his 15mo well visit. Dh is taking him w/ my Mom, but I may leave early as it is supposed to snow and get very messy by rush hour. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Dh and I are having date night to a place called Limani...sure to be epic people watching...think untucked shirts, contrasting cuffs on shirts, driving mocs, women who from behind look 25 and they turn around and you wonder if they raided their granddaughter's closet, lots of plastic surgery, obnoxious Bently's and Maserati's, but the food is amazing. The scene is worth it for a goof b/c it is just too entertaining. So much ostentatious displays of wealth, it's a wonder they don't pin their W-2s to their chests. We have a few restaurants around us like that and it's hilarious to watch. I am just waiting for an installment of RHOLI.
BabyW-RHOLI!! Bwwahaaa...Yes, I'm sure it's on their radar. They have to get rid of those skanks in Atlanta first though. Glad your appointment yesterday went well and glad Jack is feeling better. Phew! Enjoy your dinner.

I went in for my follicle check today and I have about 10 total. 6 of them are still pretty small (6mm), so I'm curious to see if they increase my meds tonight. I'm still pleased with 4 quality, plumpy eggs.

Hubs and I went to an adoption seminar yesterday too. Now that school is out, I'm just getting bored with watching tv. Of course, I would've been perfectly happy watching basketball, but the monthly seminar was yesterday so we went. It's a Christian place, and they didn't seem as scammy as some of the other places. It was also a little less expensive and not as strict, so I liked that too. They said their wait list can be from 6 months-2 years. That's fine by me. I think we may get started. One funny is that I keep 1/2 of my clothes in our spare room on my futon (the other half in the bedroom closet), and just rummage through them in the mornings. After the seminar I said 'Hmmm...if someone is coming to inspect the house, I guess I better get a dresser!' Hubs got a good laugh out of that. I could go from 0 kids to 3 kids in an instant! Yeah!
jkb - sorry this is still happening...glad baby is okay...but I know you just want all the drama to STOP!

BW - I would love to just watch that scene. My husband's last day at his current store was yesterday. They gave him a gc to Applebee's so we went. That is the last time. We have 2 in town...the food is just not good quality. I am not speaking for all Applebees...just ours.

Terri - awesome about the seminar. It is good to have a back up. Have you ever seen King of Queens? In the finale they adopt a Chinese baby...10+ years no kids...then while they were in China, she got a positive test. So the last scene is the cauious in their house...her dad living in the basement & 2 babies under 2...all in a 2 bedroom house in queens. Ah the good life :)

My appt is soon...I am nervous. Just like you guys were saying...the nerves never stop. Then the other day I had a delivery anxiety moment. It is too early for that! But every once in a while the thought crosses...This kid has to come OUT somehow! :)
Beagle - I'm pretty sure all Applebee's are terrible. :) I know things will be just fine at your appt but I know it doesn't help hearing that. Ha - funny about the delivery anxiety. I haven't been thinking about it yet but you're right, it's going to happen! :)

Babyw - wow. The things we put up with for good food. :) can't wait to hear the stories.

Terri - yaaaay x 2: for your beautiful growing eggs and for moving forward in the adoption process!!! This is going to be your year - I'm telling you girl! Oh, and I'm totally in the same boat as you are with clothes in different rooms. We'll make it work somehow. :)

Happy weekend everyone! Finally getting my hair done today - so excited not to look like a crazy person anymore.
Good morning ladies!

Amy - Your scan is today, right? GL!

Beagle - Yup, I've come to terms that Applebee's is terrible, LOL. We got a gc a couple years back too so we went, and I vowed to never go again. I feel the same way about the Olive Garden. Overpriced for terrible food.

BabyW - Yay for date night! I love going out to nice restaurants, if not just for the people-watching. We went to a nice Italian place in downtown Seattle a couple months back, and there was some lady that looked SO out of place, she was wearing almost nothing with 5-inch clear heels. She was with a nicer dressed guy and we were speculating that she was escort. That's our favorite thing when we're out to eat, to look around the room and guess who's on a first date (and if they are, are they into each other?), who's married, who's fighting, etc. It's quite entertaining.

Terri - YAY! I am so excited for you! That is an excellent plan. Good for you for planning to adopt. That is really, really admirable. Would you adopt from the states or internationally?

Jkb - What a great scan. Glad your baby girl is ok!

Kfs - yay for getting your hair done! That's the best feeling ever. You're making me want to schedule an appt. haha.

Afm - DH is talking about going to Portland for the weekend to watch his Buckeyes play basketball. I didn't want to go, so he's trying to find a buddy to go with him. I hope he does, I could use a weekend to myself! TGIF - it was so hard to get outta bed this morning. So glad its the weekend.

Ladies on the east coast - stay safe in the snow! Sorry you're getting MORE snow when it's now Spring. That is just not fair.
Lady, clear heels is an escort staple, so is head-to-toe animal print.

Terri, so happy you are exploring adoption. You don't need to go through labor or pregnancy to be a parent. You would be a blessing to any child.

Beagle, pretty sure Crapplebee's is not good anywhere near us. I had a guy take me there on a 1st was our last. I would have preferred going to Nathan's and playing arcade games like I did on another 1st date that turned out to be an awesome relationship. Put some effort into a 1st date! That being said....when I was prego to Jack and on a road trip we stopped for a quick bite and I was surprised how good it was...guy behind the bar said it's bc there are no restaurants around and the cook was really good and took pride in what he did. I am not a big fan of chain restaurants, mostly b/c the patrons are death defying obese and it ruins my appetite. It's depressing to see. Our towns don't usually green light chains except for D&D, a TGIF snuck in is beyond me...but I was very glad it did when I took my series 7 in 2001...on my lunch break from the test I went downstairs to the TGIF and had an ultimate mudslide b/c I was so scared of failing...if you failed you got fired. Mudslide helped :)
I call it Crapapplebees as well. I don't know how they stay in business. The food is usually lukewarm, even though it's microwaved. I told my husband, the day he takes me there better be the day he's telling me he's divorcing me because that's what's going to happen. HA!!HA!! I do go there every now and again with my girlfriend who is gluten-free. She likes their gluten free menu. I can get over myself to spend time with her, but I hate when she suggests it. hee hee.

LadySosa-did I tell you that my bestie and I booked our fall trip for Seattle? I'll be PM'ing you for the scoop. We're going at the end of September for about 4 days. I hope your husband finds a friend for the weekend so you can just chill out. It is seriously still snowing here, but it's not really sticking. I can deal with one more snow day and wearing these stupid snow boots, but tonight I'm putting them in the closet and not taking them out again. Um..we would be doing domestic adoption. The international is way too expensive, and then you have to go to the country, and things get delayed, and it's just too much to deal with. I also have a problem with other countries taking advantage of "rich Americans" so they can get rid of their kids that have been in terrible orphanages forever. It sucks for those kids, but I hate the government control of those other countries and don't want to pay them.

beagle-I hope all goes well today at your scan. I'm sure it's completely normal to be a little worried/anxious/excited. Oh and yes, I love King of Queens.

kfs1-Yeah for a hair appointment. What are you having done? Do you have a bump picture yet to show us? I bet you're still so thin. hee hee.

And finally-We got our Opening Day tickets. Our work internet shut down for about 1/2 hour right during the sale. I was FREAKING OUT. I called hubs and had him get tickets. I had two coworkers that were also freaking out because everyone was on the internet yesterday for the NCAA tourney as well as a million people trying to buy Os tickets. One coworker was able to get tix once the internet came back up and the other said he got a notice at 2:20 saying that all tickets were sold out. We probably didn't get ours until about 2:15, and my other coworker got his around 2:40, so not sure why the other guy got that notice. The bar I go to usually sells tickets and has a bus of people going down, so if I can get tix through the bar, I'll sell my coworker our tickets. I feel really bad for him. Both of his parents just passed away in the last 6 months, and he LOVES baseball. It's the least I could do.

Ok..I'm totally chatty Kathy today, but listen to this. In MD, the birth parents have 30 days to change their minds about giving their baby up for adoption. Once the baby is born, they go stay with a family (interim care) until the 30 days are up and the adoptive family can take their kid. Can you imagine fostering a baby for 30 days and giving them up? I can foster dogs, but I REALLY don't think I could foster babies. The lady said that the families they have doing this have been doing it for about 10 years. That's love right there. I can't EVEN imagine.

Have a fun weekend all! <3
Here he is guys. I feel much better. They said he is gorgeous & perfect. He is chillin in this pic but they got him to squirm...heard the heart...166. But we weren't allowed to record it...well she said she would make an exception but my husband chickened out. Lots of pics but this was the best. I love my dr...I always have loved this place. But they warm the jelly & there is a big screen in front so I don't have to awkwardly turn to see the u/s screen.


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I used to like the steak I got last is sirloin with parmasan cheese & shrimp on top. But not last for us never again. We even got appetizers since we had the card. I wish we hadn't so then we would not have actually spent any of our own money.

No snow for us in NC...but rainy & cool today...should be nice tomorrow though...70.

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