First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

JKB: What a precious U/S picture. Glad you feel better but this has to be so frustrating and scary. I hope it stops. At least you know if it does happen again you'll get another scan.

BabyW: Enjoy your dinner! Sounds like a riot. My mom would have a ball there. She loves to theorize/tell stories about people while we're out to eat.

Beagle: I think it is normal to get nervous before every scan. But yay for an awesome one and pics of DC.

Terri: Sounds like your stimming is going well! Before we ever knew we'd be dealing with infertility, hubs and I talked about adoption and it is something I'm still interested in. I know a child is nothing like a dog but adopting my dog was one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. There are so many children that need a good, loving home and we're certainly capable. A woman in my gym class was telling us how she and her husband spent six years on fertility treatments and moved on to adoption. The night they found out they were approved for their son they celebrated. Their children are 10 months apart.

One of my mom's good friends adopted her daughter and her son from the same mother. The kids have different fathers. The adoption went through in New Jersey and the birth mom had about 2 weeks to change her mind. So, they got the baby and stayed in a hotel. I can't imagine the pins and needles. It is crazy to me how much the average adoption can cost. I think it's awful.

LadySosa: Hope DH finds someone to travel with him so you can have a relaxing weekend to yourself.

Hi to all the other ladies. Brighteyez, any update?

I'm terribly unhappy that it's snowing on the freaking first day of spring. We're supposed to get six inches! Today is for flip flops and free Rita's, not snow shovels and boots. The only plus is it got me out of having to spend the day in court for work.

Speaking of clothes all over, my friend just brought me all of her maternity clothes. She honestly has more pairs of maternity work pants and dresses than I do. It's going to save me a ton of money. But I have no idea where to put them. I have two massive rubbermaid tubs filled with clothes, a bag and then 15-20 dresses.

I'm still feeling great, no nausea, just a little difficulty sleeping. Definitely getting hungry more frequently, needing to eat more small meals every few hours. I have been dealing with some serious hip/SI joint pain, which I'm not thrilled about. I normally have hyper-mobile joints that causes my SI to slide out of alignment, which causes a host of issues. Pregnancy makes your joints even more prone to that and it is impossible to get it back in yourself. So, it's kind of been interfering with doing much exercise. A least I have a great physical therapist. I might be spending a lot of time there in the next few months.
here he is guys. I feel much better. They said he is gorgeous & perfect. He is chillin in this pic but they got him to squirm...heard the heart...166. But we weren't allowed to record it...well she said she would make an exception but my husband chickened out. Lots of pics but this was the best. I love my dr...i always have loved this place. But they warm the jelly & there is a big screen in front so i don't have to awkwardly turn to see the u/s screen.

that's an awesome scan and heart rate!
Terri - I also meant to say I think NC is also a 30 day wait. Have to say glad they are in foster care & not the adoptive would be so hard on them if it went the other way. Have any of you seen "I'm Having Their Baby"? Very interesting show.

sars - I boxed all my old clothes & put them in the attic. No use in kidding myself on being able to wear any of it. I already feel bloated & think in the middle...even though I haven't gained anything really. I am already wearing maternity shirts & most of my work shirts were relaxed fit anyways. I wear a lot of dresses & skirts because I was putting on wait during treatment.

Side note: I just want to stare at that kid forever on the screen. This is the first time since my pos test I was emotional.
Hey all - the snow has started so working from home after my morning meeting. Great scan pics everyone!!
Oh, my scan went well - all is looking good. Bigboy kept sticking his armsin the way of their measurments. I told the tech, his daddy has long arms and so he is just showing off. Lots of waves meant no good pics.

Then had my non-stress test - baby is "perfect". After the nursed told me I had a couple of contractions during the test - didn't feel them. I guess that is pretty common at this stage - too bad they cant all be like that!
beagle-great picture!! No, I haven't watched that show. I'm an ID channel and sports kind of girl, so TLC, Bravo, Lifetime don't get a lot of airtime at our house. I don't even know what channel that show is on, obviously. hee hee.

sars-That's awesome that your friend gave you all her clothes. I hear that maternity clothes are expensive! Hopefully I won't have to buy too many when the time comes.

I've attached a cute picture. All of us around here are saying this today. Go Orioles!! hee hee.


  • orioles spring.JPG
    orioles spring.JPG
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Terri - I love that pic...even though I hate the Orioles. Side note: A-Rod getting some bad press lately. I can't wait for his first game at NY...I hope they boo him!

I don't know what channel either...something I came across a while back. But since quitting cable, I haven't watched it. May have caught a few on Amazon...

Ugh...seems like the longest Friday EVER!
Hi girls!

Beagle awesome ultrasound. Love his pic!! Congrats!!

Baby w- enjoy dinner. Me and hubby are such people watchers too.

Terri- I'm throwing in a double yay for you as well. So happy you have some eggys popping up:) and that you and hubs are investigating the adoption route. Children in the system definitely deserve the stability and love that you and hubby would be able to give. It is very hard for me to see kids being let down multiple times at work. About a year ago I took care of a child in the system who had been abused by family and then by the foster care family. I pulled the new foster mom aside and told her he deserved so much better than what he has been given in life, and begged her to please take good care of him. I didn't sleep well for a week. I still think about him often. He was so sweet and the same age as my son now. I can definitely see my husband and I adopting down the road but I could not get attached then have a child taken from me.

Sars- yay for getting all the clothes! Love be hooked up by friends!! One of my friends has a little girl that is 9months old and she gave me a bag full of her clothes. They are so cute! She only buys designer, so I was thrilled. It was like a treasure hunt going thru them:)

Moni- glad your NST went well. You're getting soooo close !!

Lady- did you hear back from the dr? I may have missed a post... I will go back a check in a min. Hope your doing well!

Bleeding has been at a minimal today, praise the Lord! And I actually had a very easy, slow day at work. Was nice to be able to pace myself and not be running all day.
LadySosa - The lozenges aren't that bad but they definitely aren't pleasant. They dissolve under your tongue and it takes about 15 - 20 minutes each time which sucks. They are "supposed" to be grape flavored lol.

jkb11 - Your new picture is sooo cute. Awww I love that she is sucking her thumb. I was thinking. With all the bleeding you've been having shouldn't they be monitoring your iron levels or hemoglobin? Seems like so much blood loss.

Babywhisperer - Have a great time tonight!! Sounds like fun :)

Terri- That is just SO awesome you are considering adoption. As I told you guys before my dad was adopted and my grandparents were the BEST ever!! That is a bummer you have to wait 30 days though. Isn't that confusing for the baby and bonding? Although that would suck to have the baby 30 days and have the birth parents change their mind. By the way... I LOVE the ID channel too hee hee.

Beaglemom - Congrats on a great scan. Such a cute picture too!! I still can't get over how much detail you can see so early on.

Moni - So glad your scan went good as well. That is so funny about him showing off his long arms :)

Well my scan is on Monday. And can I just say I get more and more nervous as the day gets closer. I'm just so scared and I don't know how to shake this feeling. I know it's probably irrational but I think what happened was just too recent for me to get it out of my head. Pray for me you guys.

On a lighter note, I also agree that Applebee's food is junk. But have you had their Apple Chimi Cheesecake? OMG YUM YUM YUM. My girlfriend and I used to go there all the time just for dessert lol.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Amy-glad you checked in. I'm really excited about your scan on Monday. Have you had any symptoms lately? I wish MD was a state with a shorter waiting period but I guess it's good for the birth mother to really make sure she's making the right decision. Hopefully if we really do it, we can get this house in order and get placed quickly. Sometimes it takes a while and you have to sell yourself on a piece of paper. I'm better at selling myself in person, so we'll see. Hope you have a great weekend!!
They have checked my hemaglobin and it is maintaining. It dropped a little but was still In a good range for during pregnancy. When the bleeding is so bad it only last a few minutes but it will soak thru a pad in seconds. But after I pass the clots the bleeding turns into a light flow.
Amy- can't wait for your US tomorrow! I understand your nervous. Hope it eases your fears! You will do great!!
Yeah I was also going to wish you the best tomorrow, Amy!! Hope everything goes perfectly. <3

Oh and my meds are staying the same. 225 follistim, 225 menopur. I go back on Tuesday. My largest follie is now at 15. I'm hoping my retrieval ends up being on Friday because I have dinner plans on Thursday and I'm suppose to be working 2nd shift. We'll see what happens.
Amy - Cannot WAIT to hear your report today. Will be stalking.

Babyw - How's your DD doing? I hope all of the sickness has left your house.

Terri - Wooohooo for baseball tickets. Glad that you were able to get them. And again, sounds like you're making such good progress! Can't wait to hear the next report.

Ladysosa - So, did you get the weekend to yourself? Hope so! Sounds like you needed some alone time, which we all do! :)

Beagle - Congrats on the great scan! Cute picture.

Sars - That's so great about the maternity clothes! I've yet to buy any but have been living in leggings and "stretchier" work pants so I think I need to get on that soon. That's great that you're not nauseous but I'm sorry about the hip/SI pain. That must be awful.

Moni - I can't believe you're 33 weeks already. So crazy! Sounds like things are going great for you though. :)

JKB - Hope that bleeding has calmed down a bit for you!
Amy - very curious how many you have cooking!

kfs - I can't believe you are still not in maternity. My mom told me to go to a leggings wardrobe, but just not my thing. I have been loving wearing my maternity jeans on the weekend. I bought another pair at Kohls. The first pair was on ebay. That should set me on jeans. I have 2 pairs of capris. They felt a little tight in my behind, but I think I can wear them for a while.

My MIL made a comment on my FB status about hitting the same buffet 2 times in one day. I didn't mean to. We went there for breakfast & as usual my mom came by unannounced. It is her fav place. So my MIl said something about watching my weight & dr don't want you to go over 20 lbs. She is super sweet & only means well. Plus she has not had a baby in 35 years...things have changed. She is tall...I bet drs treated all women of all body types the same back then. Anyways...I left it alone.

Also a friend at work loves to tell me when I look pregnant. I have either "popped" already or super bloated. But what was a gut before has gotten a little more solid feeling. I know she means well. She just thinks pregnancy is a great thing. But it is hard to hear someone tell you you look pregnant when you haven't even reached 12 weeks. I am trying not to think about it. Trying to eat healthy when I can. But I am hoping I can get through this without stressing over how big I may get. I just want to be healthy & have a healthy baby.

Our weekend got shot by my mom. I was super exhausted Sun. So my husband did some touch up painting & put together one piece of furniture. The poor guy...he accidentially opened 2 #1 boxes from IKEA. So by the time he realized he had all those pieces in piles mixed up! So now half of my other dresser is in a pile.

Last week with him until he leaves for Arkansas for a week. That is going to suck. Women out there who have men who work out of town all the time, I don't know how you do it. Sometimes a break is nice, though.
beagle-Is your ticker going to start growing a belly as time goes on? I've been curious about that. That would be cool if it did. Sorry your MIL is saying stuff to you on FB. You also have to remember that your hormones are probably making you sensitive too. :shrug: Who knows? I also am sorry that your hubs is about to leave for a week. Technology is so awesome now, that you can still talk to him and see him everyday. You'll just be lonely at nighttime. It'll be ok.

kfs1-I posted to you in the oldies thread.

Happy Monday everyone. :football: :juggle:
Amy, crossing fingers all is ok...I have a feeling it is. Update when you can.

Jkb, I'm glad the bleeding isn't constant but what the heck is causing this over and over...was your lining extra think or something? Maybe the hormones did that.

Terri, my Dr said the best way to get a bfp is to adopt...he sees it all the time and it happened to a friend of mine. Sounds like you have some good follies growing!! So excited for your retrieval.

How are you feeling Kfs?

Afm, poor Jack has 16 teeth!! Literally they are all coming in at the same time. He has 6 in all different stages but they have all cut through. He's chewing on everything and drooling like crazy!!! When my parents came over Sat to babysit he went bananas. He started stomping his feet really fast, left right left right left right and saying Ahhhhhhh like a little Indian, then running back to the door and sprinting to the couch and bouncing into it, over and over....he was literally bouncing off the walls. He went nuts! He loves them and gets so excited when they come over which btw is very often. They care for him every Friday.

We went to dinner with friends who happened to be going to the same restaurant which is kind of random b/c they live 30min away. Dinner was awesome, fresh fish, amazing people watching and a lot of laughs. They treated us this time which was great b/c we have treated them several times. I felt pretty good, had my hair colored that morning, went to BBB for a convertible car seat for Jack and a new baby monitor, then Destination Maternity for some clothes and bras...hello D cup!

So Jack had his 15mo check up, he's 33 inches and in the 95% percentile, and 25lbs 1oz which was 80th percentile. They tested him for autistic behavior of which he exhibited none and he got his chicken pox vax and didn't even cry. Such a good boy!! Seriously, just give him a tongue depressor to chew on for a few min and he's all good. So 33 inches means bye-bye Graco sung ride's 35lbs OR 32 inches. So I took my 20% coupon to BBB and got him the Britax Marathon Easy Click...damn that was $360 thank God I had the coupon. I also replaced his baby monitor since he has gotten a hold of our old one and dropped it a few times. I am so happy I went with my gut and got the Summer Infant this time and not the Motorola. We got the one with 2 cameras where you can do a split screen on the 2 rooms. The picture is great, clear sound, no room temp but our house is pretty uniform. I just hated the Motorola's battery life and monitor quality. Their customer service is also garbage. I had been looking at the Infant Optix but it was impossible to find a second camera anywhere. I didn't want to get stuck like I did with the Motorola which discontinued their model, released a new one and made the cameras incompatible forcing you to buy a new monitor and camera. We love this new monitor now and the Britax car seat was very easy to install.

Now I have to get the stroller situation figured out since I need a I get a rumble seat for my Uppababy Vista or get a Citi Mini Select which can be a mono or a double w/ a 2nd seat attachment...only downside w/ Citi was their basket underneath doesn't fit my diaper bag, there is this curved bar which makes it hard to fit anything underneath. It is also not easy to maneuver as a double. I love my UB but the rumble seat isn't very big and Jack is tall. I also don't think I can use the bassinet with the 2nd seat on my UB. Word to the wise...if you are planning on having a 2nd baby close together, keep that in the back of your mind when looking at strollers.

Ugh I feel another sore throat coming on...hoping it's just allergies!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Sorry I have been away. I'm not ignoring you on purpose. I have been reading everyone's posts and am following along with you guys. I'll catch up at the bottom.

Beagle - Sorry your DH is about to leave for his training. Enjoy this week with him!! Hopefully, he can get those dressers done before he heads out of town - although, I guess you still have plenty of time to get them together. However, you strike me as the type who doesn't like unfinished things lying around. :winkwink:

kfs - That's great you have made it this far without needing maternity clothes! I really have no idea what to expect. I love skirts in the summer time and have lots that are stretchy so I'm thinking that will get me through towards the end of summer.

Terri - I'm glad to see you're progressing nicely. I've been tracking to see how you were doing. I hope you get your retrieval on Friday so you can do dinner on Thursday. So with your banking, do you take a cycle off or just go again right away after AF?? And, hooray for Opening Day tickets!!! I've got to say, I'm a little jealous. Sometimes I wish we lived a little closer to a big city so we could partake in things like that.

jkb - I'm glad that your little bean is still doing great after all this craziness you have been through. You are one tough cookie!!! I really hope it stops soon and you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

Amy - Hooray for scan day!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes and find out if you're cooking up one or two in there. What time is your appointment? I hope it's not too late in the day - and that's for my own selfish reasons of wanting to know sooner rather than later! Is DH going with you? Good luck!!

sars - Score on getting all those maternity clothes!!! That's fantastic. Sorry to hear about your SI/hip pain. I get that from time to time too with running. It can be really annoying. Hopefully, your physical therapist can keep you straight.

moni - Glad your latest scan went well! I can't believe how close you are getting - although maybe it still seems like a long time away for you. Are you guys all ready at home??

Babywhisperer - Glad to hear your lst scan went well even if baby girl wasn't cooperating. Hope your evening out with DH was entertaining. I have to admit though, I have no idea what you mean by "driving mocs" and "untucked shirts" (I mean, I know what untucked shirts are but I'm not sure what the context of you saying it means in this case). :shrug:

LadySosa - Hooray for new glasses!! How was your weekend? When is your appointment this week?

Erin - I hope your crazy month is slowing down!

Hello to everyone else! :hi: How are you doing JCM, knitgirl, brighteyez, and Mrs W?

I'm doing well. The nausea has settled in nicely though so I feel like poo almost all day. No upchucking - just a general feeling like I might at any time. It comes and goes in waves. I know it's a good thing though so I'm trying not to whine. Anyway, we had another US last Friday and we got to see and hear the heartbeat. It was pretty amazing. I think even DH was excited. Little bean measured right on track. The doctor doing the US was so funny - he said "The heartbeat is slow (but normal) because it literally started beating like 10 minutes ago." I go back this Friday and it should be quite a bit faster. It's amazing how much a difference a week makes.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Sorry I have been away. I'm not ignoring you on purpose. I have been reading everyone's posts and am following along with you guys. I'll catch up at the bottom.

Beagle - Sorry your DH is about to leave for his training. Enjoy this week with him!! Hopefully, he can get those dressers done before he heads out of town - although, I guess you still have plenty of time to get them together. However, you strike me as the type who doesn't like unfinished things lying around. :winkwink:

kfs - That's great you have made it this far without needing maternity clothes! I really have no idea what to expect. I love skirts in the summer time and have lots that are stretchy so I'm thinking that will get me through towards the end of summer.

Terri - I'm glad to see you're progressing nicely. I've been tracking to see how you were doing. I hope you get your retrieval on Friday so you can do dinner on Thursday. So with your banking, do you take a cycle off or just go again right away after AF?? And, hooray for Opening Day tickets!!! I've got to say, I'm a little jealous. Sometimes I wish we lived a little closer to a big city so we could partake in things like that.

jkb - I'm glad that your little bean is still doing great after all this craziness you have been through. You are one tough cookie!!! I really hope it stops soon and you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

Amy - Hooray for scan day!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes and find out if you're cooking up one or two in there. What time is your appointment? I hope it's not too late in the day - and that's for my own selfish reasons of wanting to know sooner rather than later! Is DH going with you? Good luck!!

sars - Score on getting all those maternity clothes!!! That's fantastic. Sorry to hear about your SI/hip pain. I get that from time to time too with running. It can be really annoying. Hopefully, your physical therapist can keep you straight.

moni - Glad your latest scan went well! I can't believe how close you are getting - although maybe it still seems like a long time away for you. Are you guys all ready at home??

Babywhisperer - Glad to hear your lst scan went well even if baby girl wasn't cooperating. Hope your evening out with DH was entertaining. I have to admit though, I have no idea what you mean by "driving mocs" and "untucked shirts" (I mean, I know what untucked shirts are but I'm not sure what the context of you saying it means in this case). :shrug:

LadySosa - Hooray for new glasses!! How was your weekend? When is your appointment this week?

Erin - I hope your crazy month is slowing down!

Hello to everyone else! :hi: How are you doing JCM, knitgirl, brighteyez, and Mrs W?

I'm doing well. The nausea has settled in nicely though so I feel like poo almost all day. No upchucking - just a general feeling like I might at any time. It comes and goes in waves. I know it's a good thing though so I'm trying not to whine. Anyway, we had another US last Friday and we got to see and hear the heartbeat. It was pretty amazing. I think even DH was excited. Little bean measured right on track. The doctor doing the US was so funny - he said "The heartbeat is slow (but normal) because it literally started beating like 10 minutes ago." I go back this Friday and it should be quite a bit faster. It's amazing how much a difference a week makes.

Yeah for the LO being right on track! Sorry about the nausea, I hope it dissipates tends to peak weeks 9-11. Mine subsided after that.

Untucked shirts is a pet peeve of mine...guys who wear jeans and button down shirts untucked just looks sloppy to me, same with jeans in church, tsk tsk. Driving mocs are men's slip on shoes, rubber pegged bottoms and they usually wear them without socks. It's a certain type of guy who tend to live a town over from us that fake tan, wear super trendy clothes and flashy watches. And the contrasting cuffs are trendy shirts that are say blue but they turn the cuffs inside out and they will be like red or purple paisley. I guess it's not as bad as the Ed Hardy type shirts I see sometimes.
Terri - yes my ticker should expand which is what I liked about it. Only because it is my MIL, I am not that upset. I know how to take her & she NEVER says anything to hurt people. She is truly concerned & like I said, she doesn't realize the 20 lbs thing is not really a thing anymore.

booger - your nausea def sounds like mine. Get some hard lemon candy or the prego pops. They are short term fixes but it does fix it especially if you are out in a crowd & feel uneasy.

I def do not like the unfinished business of the nursery. But it is really because the baby stuff is cluttering the spare room. So once the painting is done, I can store everything in there. I plan to do some touch ups myself this week. But we will have to see how I feel. I do great all day...but my tiredness shows up in the evenings. And I just want to lay down & relax. My husband has a long week...he is driving around with the market manager. So no idea where he will end up, so he will be pretty tired as well.

Oh & Booger congrats on the ticker!!! Not sure if you already had it...I am just noticing it. Sorry the anxiety does not go away...but I hope the symptoms stay in some form because it is reassuring. Wait until the little one is around 10 is WILD!!!

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