First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Yeah for the LO being right on track! Sorry about the nausea, I hope it dissipates tends to peak weeks 9-11. Mine subsided after that.

Untucked shirts is a pet peeve of mine...guys who wear jeans and button down shirts untucked just looks sloppy to me, same with jeans in church, tsk tsk. Driving mocs are men's slip on shoes, rubber pegged bottoms and they usually wear them without socks. It's a certain type of guy who tend to live a town over from us that fake tan, wear super trendy clothes and flashy watches. And the contrasting cuffs are trendy shirts that are say blue but they turn the cuffs inside out and they will be like red or purple paisley. I guess it's not as bad as the Ed Hardy type shirts I see sometimes.

Haha - Thanks! Okay. I swear I'm not a total hick but I get it now. Just wasn't sure if it was some trendy thing I was totally missing. Which I guess it kind of is. It takes a while for things to make their way out here and honestly, even when trends do make their way here, it's very few that actually follow them.

As you can imagine, Montana is very cliche mountain style - at least where we live. Patagonia everywhere. Everything is casual all the time (which I love). I don't believe there is a restaurant within 200 miles of me where you couldn't get away with wearing jeans at any time. It's one of the things I love about the West.
booger, I agree, I love living in a casual area too. FL tends to be much more casual and laid back than much of the east coast. Even the place where I work, I'm able to throw on jeans and a nice top if I want to. When I travel out to our HQ in California though, I always take much nicer clothes. I'm so glad your scan went well and you got to hear the heartbeat! That was the first time I saw genuine wonder and excitement on my DH's face too. Sorry about the nausea. :( Sounds like a lot of ladies on this thread have had that symptom. Thank goodness you aren't actually throwing up though.

beagle, you're def on top of things with that nursery! I haven't even begun mine, LOL. I didn't intend on starting until the 2nd-tri anyway, but now even at 17 weeks, I still haven't started it! We started glancing at furniture for the first time about a week ago, so I guess when we find what we like, we'll go for it.

BabyW, wow, 16 teeth for baby Jack so far! Glad his recent appt went well. :)

terri, wow, getting so close! Glad the stimming has seemed to go pretty good, and that your follies have increased. :thumbup:

Amy, looking so forward to hearing about your u/s today, yay! I'm so sorry that you've been nervous, and I can totally understand that, given what you just went through. I'm sure I'd be feeling the exact same way. But I just know you're going to check in today and be ecstatic about how well it ended up going. :flower:

sars, i'm glad you're feeling pretty good! Sorry for the joint pain though. :( I hear ya on the sleep thing... That's been one of my things from the beginning. Takes me a while to fall asleep, and then when I do, I wake up a lot throughout the night. Which was a real pain in my first-tri because I didn't feel good in other ways and I was exhausted. But now in my 2nd-tri, I dont mind quite as much if I dont sleep well, because I have so much more energy and just feel better in general.

moni, glad your scan and appt went well!! Great to hear from you!

jkb, how's the bleeding now? I think your last post said it had slowed down, so i'm hoping its still staying away some for ya'....

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, things are going well here. Work is still crazy busy until March is over, but I've been super productive and on top of things, so I manage to get a break here and there. A coworker's wife knitted me a baby blanket, which was the sweetest thing ever. He surprised me and brought it into work. Nothing new to report on my end really. My next scan will be the anatomy scan at around 20 weeks, so I have some waiting. I do see my OB for a regular appt this Wed, but I'm not even sure what they do at this appt. DH and I spent our weekend looking at campers. We'd like to buy one in a year or so and start taking the kiddo to different places. There are some great camping spots all over FL, one in particular down in the Keys that I look forward to going to. We're just kinda over the whole tent camping... I'd like to have a bed to sleep in and my own shower, so it's time to step it up. ;)
Ok girls..I'm in meltdown mode. I'm out of insurance already for my meds, and my nurse told me today that I should order more Ganirelix because I only have enough until Wednesday night, and most likely I will have a Wednesday night or Thursday trigger, which means I need the Ganirelix to keep those from eggs from ovulating. So..I called the pharmacy and they're like for a refill on Ganirelix (6 needles), it's going to be 1,000 dollars. Oh're out of insurance. The cost for self-pay is $300 for two needles and that better be all I need. I'm like 'FINE-HERE"S MY CARD. THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS THAT INSURANCE CHARGES AN ARM AND A LEG TO SCREW ME AND THEN SELF PAY IS $300. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M ORDERING MEDS!!!!'

So if anyone needs/wants follistim (maybe two vials) or menopur (at least 6 boxes), endometrin (2 boxes), etc..I have it..

So..i'll get this ganirelix and we'll hope for the best. I am not going to batch any eggs/embryos if I even have any and that's that. I probably won't move forward with the adoption either because I am so angry with my husband not even being able to think of one way to save $10/week that I just can't stand the idea of even having to pay for any type of child anything. I can't do it by myself. I'm so over this.
terri, I'm so sorry to hear that! It seems so early for your med insurance to run out... didn't it last you quite a while last year? I guess you do have a different plan this year, don't you? I think you mentioned that. Sorry you're dealing with this. There's nothing worse than when we're busting our @ss to do something important to us that we don't exactly love having to do as it is, and then obstacles like these pop up to make it even harder! Ugh. And sorry about your frustrations with DH too. :nope: We're here ANY time you need to vent.
Terri - I am sorry. Believe me I know the stress of med costs...after a while I was just like here is my card. I think it just sucks your husband is not helping at all! I get your frustration there too. He really just needs to get with it. You cannot get pregnant on your own or raise a child on your own. Well you can, but you have him & you need him to support you. I wish I could say something to help...just know we feel your frustrations & pain. And I kinda want to smack your husband!
Terri- I'm sorry you're going thru this trouble. Is it possible that it may be the timing of when you are trying to pick up the meds? I always have to wait until a certain day to get my refills or else insurance won't cover. I have had those shock moments when I was told but then when they got another person involved they were able to investigate and it would be a timing thing. It definitely seems early since you just got the new coverage.... It pisses me off as well that they rob the insured funds vs self pay.
Terri - I'm so frustrated for you! :( Insurance is just absolutely ridiculous.
Booger- yay for seeing and hearing the heartbeat!! That is such a sweet moment. Congrats girl! Hope the nausea isn't too bad for you but it is for the best of reasons. I actually vomited today for only the second time and my husband was happy. Mainly because with our son I was so sick, so I think he views it as a good sign.

Afm- bleeding is still at just a minimal spotting. Last time there was a week and a half between my big bleeds so I am shooting for the 2 week mark. Baby w- As far as what is causing it, I would love to know! That's the only reason I checked into the ER the first time. Otherwise I wouldn't have wasted my money. Dr just said as long as baby is fine that's what matters but, I know they just don't try to intervene until 20 weeks.
Ok girls..I'm in meltdown mode. I'm out of insurance already for my meds, and my nurse told me today that I should order more Ganirelix because I only have enough until Wednesday night, and most likely I will have a Wednesday night or Thursday trigger, which means I need the Ganirelix to keep those from eggs from ovulating. So..I called the pharmacy and they're like for a refill on Ganirelix (6 needles), it's going to be 1,000 dollars. Oh're out of insurance. The cost for self-pay is $300 for two needles and that better be all I need. I'm like 'FINE-HERE"S MY CARD. THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS THAT INSURANCE CHARGES AN ARM AND A LEG TO SCREW ME AND THEN SELF PAY IS $300. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M ORDERING MEDS!!!!'

So if anyone needs/wants follistim (maybe two vials) or menopur (at least 6 boxes), endometrin (2 boxes), etc..I have it..

So..i'll get this ganirelix and we'll hope for the best. I am not going to batch any eggs/embryos if I even have any and that's that. I probably won't move forward with the adoption either because I am so angry with my husband not even being able to think of one way to save $10/week that I just can't stand the idea of even having to pay for any type of child anything. I can't do it by myself. I'm so over this.

Terri I am so sorry for this frustration. I will check at home if I have any Ganirelix left. I too might have some Gonal F and half my trigger, def boxes of Endometrin.
Can you believe I only have ONE baby in there!!! (I'm actually a little relieved lol). So far everything looks great. The Dr. was very happy with all the measurements. We saw and heard the heartbeat which was 115 bpm. He said my betas were definitely high but that he learned a long time ago never to try and guess based on the beta, that he's often surprised. He said I could have had both implant and one not make it but in his opinion that's probably unlikely since the second beta was a week after the first and had risen very appropriately. He thinks it's just a high beta and it's definitely not uncommon. I go back in two weeks.

I also dry heaved over the toilet this morning for 10 minutes. Ugh!! I still don't feel 100%.
Terri - I'm so sorry about the med situation. I agree it does seem like you ran out of med coverage really early this time. Could it be a reorder timing issue? I've also had that happen to me. I really hope you are able to work it out.
OH and I also have another blood clot that was/is causing the spotting. He said it is in the best spot possible though so he's not too worried about it and it will explain any additional spotting I may have.
Yay amy! And congrats!

Terri sorry for the frustrations..

hi to everyone else.

I still have a ton to do. Hubby pushed for a custom made dresser for the baby over an Ikea one and if doesn't arrive until April 11th. Then he tried to make plans for that day! I said nope, we are spending the weekend putting everything away! He was upset, but I feel we are already pushing the late button here and everything is in bags, boxes and suitcases until we get that dresser.
Terri - I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry you're having to deal with this right now. Ugh. :hugs: What horse crap! On all accounts.

Amy - Hooray for your healthy little bean in there!! :happydance: I bet seeing just one was a relief. Ours had a heartbeat of 119 so yours sounds right in line with that. My nurse said my due date is 11/11/2015. You were one day after me so do you have 11/12/2015 as your due date? I also found out that even though my embryo was frozen on Day 6 of my retrieval cycle, my transfer was considered a Day 5 for how they synced everything.

jkb - Glad your bleeding has slowed considerably. Hope it stays that way! The nausea is always there but is more tolerable at times than others. It hasn't impacted me too much other than just being annoying. I'm definitely having food aversions. Right now it seems like all I can stomach is starchy, carbohydrate type foods. Sweet and savory together. Depending on the day, I might be able to stomach meat. It really just depends.

moni - Haha - Good for you for making DH stay home to deal with the dresser. You guys will get there. And if not, baby won't notice. :winkwink:

Erin - I bet looking at campers is fun!!! Camping in the keys sounds amazing. We used to always go to the Boat and RV show when I was a kid (we had neither) and it was always a blast. But maybe I'm just a nerd.
Booger - I too calculated my due date as 11/12/15 but today he told me it was 11/11/15 and even went on to talk about the significance of that day (WW1 ended). I'm going to ask him next time I go though because I'm curious how he's calculating it LOL.
Amy congrats on the ultrasound! So happy for you! Glad they warned you about the possibility of more bleeding. Do you know where your bleeding is located? I can definitely understand you being relieved it's only one:) but wow you had some awesome betas!
My ob office kept trying to tell me 10/16. I didn't care, I was keeping all my apps at 10/17. But then my dr said she was keeping the 10/147 date my RE had. Also so annoying to have to answer questions about my last period. I barely remember & it doesn't matter. It was annoying but I know they just have to put something in the box.

People at work keep saying I am due on a Sat so I can just come back in Monday...the life of an assistant.

Since everyone else is behind me on the just means that what you are focusing on now...which means at the end, I will have WAY MORE time to panic about birth while you guys were panicking about a crib. :)

Terri - again - bull crap on all sides of this thing. I just gave away my last ganirelix...wish I could have known how things would go for you. I truly hope you have a fantastic cycle & this is the one...& no other retrieval would have even been needed. :)
Terri, I have a Ganirelix needle. It's a one-time usage. Not sure if it comes in other forms. I'd be happy to over night it to you. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I second it could be a reorder issue. I paid for all of my meds out of pocket and went through Glen Rock Pharmacy in New Jersey, they overnight everything as long as your order is in before 3 p.m. They had really competitive pricing.
I already ordered it, but thanks. What's done is done.

I forgot to congratulate you on the heartbeat, booger. How awesome that it just started. Imagine being there the day; the exact day your baby's heart started beating. I can't even imagine.

Amy-so happy you only have one baby in there. It's a good strong embie too, so super happy for you as well.

Cheapskate Terri is trying to figure out the maximum amount of follistim in that 600 vial. Hee hee. I have a million extra needles, so I'm checking at 50cc increments. I have enough but since this is the last time I might as well use as much as I can so I can pass on those other vials.

My hubs is still being a jerk. He bought a pizza and cooked it. He knows I love pizza, but I'm not eating it. I'll have chips and dip for dinner.

Thanks for the empathy everybody. I'll be better tomorrow when I find out how my follies are doing.
Hang in there, Terri! I hope you get good news on your follies tomorrow.

I didn't check in all weekend or today due to a busy day, so I am trying to catch up.

Amy: Yay for an excellent ultrasound!! Your doctor sounds funny. I'm glad you're happy and relieved there is just one baby in there.

Booger: Awesome news on the heartbeat and yay for DH getting to attend this one. The frequent ones are fun. My next one isn't until April and I miss getting a glimpse. Sorry you're starting to feel bad. I was hoping you'd be lucky like me!

Moni: You're getting so close! Good for you for putting your foot down and getting that dresser together. I'm sure you'll feel so much better when you can organize everything.

BabyW: Glad the dinner was fun. I knew exactly who you meant with the mocs and shirts. Sorry to hear Jack has so many teeth coming in. No fun. But that's awesome his wellness appointment went perfect. Car seats are so expensive but obviously it is soooo important. I've heard great things about both strollers. Might be good to take Jack to Buy Buy Baby and see how he does on the rumble.

Beagle: You're so on top of things. Sorry DH is leaving soon, hope you get to make great progress before he goes. My due date had consistently been 10/17 at the last one based on the measurements the doc said 10/16. But I figure it is all rather fluid. Are your maternity pants the sort with the elastic in the side? Most of the ones my friend gave me are the pants with the full panel and the crotch is around my knees.
I can fit into all of my jeans but some of my work pants are getting a tad tight. I've just been wearing dresses.

JKB: Glad things are dissipating. I hope it stops all together so you can finally relax!

Hi to everyone else!

We had a great weekend where I was sad for it to end. Love those kind. I got to a yoga class Saturday morning and knocked out a run. It's been awhile since I could do both. We went to dinner with our neighbors and friends and then out for drinks with four of our other friends. They all know I'm pregnant, two found out for the first time Saturday, and it was fun to chat about it. I stayed out until 1 a.m. I was proud of myself :thumbup:

We actually put our crib together this weekend. It's a Baby Bellini crib we've had for a few years. Our friend's mom works at the store and it was a floor model. We were worried it might be drop side so we put it together to check. It isn't, so free $1,000 crib for the win. It isn't totally my style anymore but it is well made and solid. It's the Vanessa if anyone cares. Only downside is that it is a creamy ivory that clashes with the trim and blinds in the rooms, which are pure white. We're going to have to paint it because it will drive me crazy. But I found some nontoxic milk paint by Lullaby that is supposed to be great for cribs. Anyone have experience with it?

I want a vintage/antique dresser for the nursery and we enjoy antiquing so Saturday and Sunday we hit up a few new to us spots. Some hits, some misses. No dresser yet. But we have lots and lots of time.

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