First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen - crazy pic! Love the dogs. I will need to post a pic of mine sometime.

Moni - so excited for you!

Booger - take care of yourself over the next week. I am sure you will miss the family...but I always love staying at hotels!

Erin - how are you doing...sorry I cannot remember right off when your transfer is. I am hoping for a lot of Oct :bfp:!!!

So bad news guys...she is coming. But hopefully she will come full on today so I can do my u/s tomorrow before my class. I do not want to make another trip to Raleigh this week! But good news - my grant application has been received! I got an email back to day confirming. So I will count down the days until Oct 1. I just called in my letrozole script & hopefully baseline tomorrow to get things started for this cycle. I am more aggrevated that I am like 3-4 days late!!! I wanted a short cycle so I can get on the IVF track sooner. But at least with a medicated cylcle, it is manipulated so I should not go past 30 days at the most. I will probably not do the P the entire 14 days just so no more delays with AF. I am trying to get to a retrieval before Thanksgiving!
Haha thanks, booger! I have my garden hose ready! Could you just see me out there spraying a giant cat? Hilarious.

Soooo my other 3 embryos stalled too much and didn't make it. Oh well! Hopefully the two in there are planning on getting nice and comfy!

Sorry Jen...but I don't think you have anything to worry about :) Look at Moni! I don't think I ever asked...since you have the stepchildren, how many children would you like to have with your husband? Just curious.
Oh, I'm sorry about the other embryos! Statistics say that you should have the best ones inside of you then. Hooray!

All the advice on the website cracked me up. "Look for kittens and if you find them, consider tolerating them" Um, pretty sure I'm not going to go hunting for the kittens of a wild animal that is protective of them.

Oh, and your doggies are adorable!!!
Of course now all my dogs want to do is go outside! I used to joke they were like my secret service. Follow me EVERYWHERE! Even the bathroom. Lol now, I'm their chaperone every 5 mins.

Thanks everyone! Moni, you are my inspiration! Hopefully these slow growers are happier in my body than the dish!

Beagle I always wanted 3 but 7 is such a scary number! So I like the idea of two. Preferably at the same time so I only have to do this once! Plus, I like the idea of them having a built in best friend. My girlfriend has twin girls and they are 5 months now. They hold hands when they sleep. Too cute. Plus, the only stepchild I have that's below age 10 is turning 5 in a couple of months. So they will all be a lot older and they pretty much take care of themselves! I've taught them well. The littlest one is excited to be a big sister. I have a feeling I'm going to really appreciate her if I end up with two! Also, they live 50% of the time with their mom and she is remarrying hopefully soon. I think they want to have a baby as well since the fiancé is like me with no kids. They are both mid forties though so they will be looking into ivf. Whew! We are like the Brady bunch on crack!
Jen-That bobcat was scary! And it's just strolling down the walkway like it's nothing. I wonder why it came to your house? I hope it's gone for good. The dogs are too cute to be near that big cat!

booger-I'm glad you're feeling good today. And I'm also glad that your body is doing what it's supposed to. Seriously, don't worry about the Ganirelix. It's nothing.

beagle-I still don't believe that AF is coming for you, but I am glad that the place received your application. Did they say you got the grant, or that's what happens on 10/01?
Terri, right? Like he just comes here everyday or something? Apparently my stepson saw it the other day in the wash next to our house. Oh goody. He's decided to stick around. I really hate living next to a mountain reserve. Too many scary things. My cleaning girls are here today and they were so worried about me and my pups. She said "oh Jen you need to be careful out there, what will you do if if attacks you?" I laughed and said I guess scream and spray it with a hose!!! Hahahahaa laughing is good for embryos to implant right? It's gonna be a long 10 days!
Sorry about the others Jen - but you have the 2best!!!

Yay the app was received - FXed you get it!!
Just app received. Decisions should be Oct 1. Now I am wondering how soon I get my money after a decision! I really hope quickly because I do not want to wait another cycle. I am not putting too much stock in it...but it will be great if I get it. Side & my husband both have chase cards...had them forever we just never use them. They both have high limits. So anyways I typically throw the mail from them out. Yesterday I opened it I knew it was probably cash advance info. They sent us cash advance checks for a 2% fee & 0% interest for a year. So that is a great option for us as well. I have until Oct 31 to use that may be my plan if no grant money instead of using the 401K. Then when the year is up, I can refinance it before all those crazy interest charges kick it.
October 1 isn't too far away! Hopefully, you guys get the grant. That would be pretty sweet. I've been keeping a running tally of all the costs and it's amazing how quickly it adds up. I've been including everything possibly related to get a good sense of how much it really costs because I think people tend to throw numbers around but it may not inlcude the whole picture, such as travel costs, etc. I'm only doing it out of curiosity, really but I guess it could come in handy come tax time.
Moni - Congrats on the beautiful heartbeat!! Great picture too. Sooo exciting!!!

Booger- Good luck this next week. Are you getting exited? nervous? scared? Are there any places you would like to go that are near where you are staying to help occupy your time?

Beaglemom - Glad they finally received your application (one less worry). Fingers crossed it goes your way!! But hopefully you won't end up needing it at all :)

Hi Terripeachy, Erin, kfs1 & brighteyez73 - Hope you ladies are doing well :)

As for me - So now I'm just waiting for AF to show up so I can start my BCP. I always have a 28 - 32 day cycle depending on how late I ovulate. So OF COURSE today is CD 22 and I haven't even ovulated yet. This is going to be the longest cycle in history for me and of course it's when I want it to be the shortest. Why does that happen? UGH so frustrating!!!

JMC - So crazy about the bobcat. I think the animals must be coming around to find water in this heat (it was 106 yesterday) because my DH had a similar experience yesterday!!

Isn't this scary. DH said it was making all sorts of noises at him. He's looking right at him too EEEEKK!!!


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Terri - I am doing well waiting for AF to start to start my cycle.
Oh my gosh! The bobcat did a 5 second stare right at DH yesterday! Almost like he was sizing him up! Yikes!
Call animal control! Will they relocate him/her? You shouldn't be out walking amongst bobcats.

brighteyez-What do you mean you're waiting for AF? You just ovulated! HA!!HA!! You're not hopeful for this month? Are you on break? I'm confused. :wacko:

I'm catching a cold, girls. My bald head is sweating like nobody's business and it's really unattractive. I don't even have a towel to wipe it off. The worst part is that if I use a tissue, the tissue gets caught in the little bit of stubble that I have. Gross, huh? I didn't get a cold last year after I cut my hair off, so I have not had this experience before. *freaking out a little* Must find a towel.
Terri - I am just ready to start my IVF cycle so anxious for AF to start. This cycle we really wasnt trying. LOL
Booger - So, you live 4 hours from your clinic??? That must be so hard.

Moni - Congratulations once again. Love those pics! :happydance:

JCM - I'm sorry about those 3 embies but like everyone else said, it won't matter because you have the 2 strongest in you already. :) Holy crap about that bobcat! Keep an eye on the kiddos and your dogs for sure! And your dogs are adorable btw. How are you feeling?

Beagle - I'm happy that your application was received. I hope they make the decision quickly so you can get that money asap! Just curious - have you tested? Is that why you're so certain that AF is coming?

Amy - I'm sorry that you haven't ovulated yet. Do you temp and everything? UGH. Frustrating is right. AF is such a witch - comes when you don't want her to and stays away when you do. And yikes about that bear picture. I would have FREAKED.

Terri - Sorry that you're feeling so sick. Your appt's today, right? Can't wait to hear.

brighteyez73 - I hope that witch comes quick (OR that it stays away for good and you get your BFP). :)

Erin - O n e m o r e d a y! Yahoo! Hope you're feeling good! :hugs:

No news here. Still waiting to O. :coffee: Urologist later today.
Ladies...quick update before my class starts...

I don't know if I should be excited or royally PISSED. Since I hate to have false hope, I am going with pissed at the moment. No AF. And when I say that I mean no spotting, completely dry! So frustrating! So if she shows I will have to make another drive to this town for a baseline. Even if it shows this morning some time, my dr stops u/s at 11:30 & my lunch break is not until at least 12 & it is a 20 minute drive there. Ugh. I forgot to test this AM. I will try again tomorrow. I was in class yesterday & felt so bad I went ahead & took some tylenol. On my way home I got these fierce pinching cramps so bad I was hunched over. They were short but intense. So I just KNEW I would see red when I got home. Nothing. Used a tampon in case & nothing on it before bed. Same thing when I woke up this morning. I can hope a pos shows up late...but I feel like it is just my body screwing with me.

kfs - yes I have tested neg I am about 17 dpo I think now...(double check my siggy below).
Ugh, beagle, sorry this is happening! Of course, when you're ready for AF, that always has to be the time our bodies do something out of the ordinary! I know that's frustrating. AND...I also know that you dont want false hope, but hey, I can't help but think, hmm.... you're like me, and you always get that brown spotting a few days before AF. Since it's been totally absent, I can't help but wonder a little bit......? Anyway, keep us posted on if she shows today, and if you test in the a.m.

Moni, yay for a great heartbeat!! Little chimmie is thriving in there. :) I'm so excited for you, I can hardly stand it, hehe! Can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or girl now!

kfs, I am feeling good, thank you! Physically, so much better than how I was feeling in my fresh cycle. And my E levels aren't high like they were in my fresh cycle either. The patches I've been wearing have kept it at a nice normal level. :) So I'm feeling really optimistic. My RE and the nurses talk optimistically as well. When i ask a question, their answers don't start with... "If you get a positive beta...." They are pretty much just like "After your beta, you'll keep doing that for 10 weeks into your pregnancy." They all seem to think this is it, which keeps me super hopeful as well. GL at the urologist!! Let us know how it goes!

brighteyez, I'm sure you're ready to get your IVF cycle started! I remember how ready I was. Its like it just couldn't come soon enough, hehe. FXd that AF will show for you soon then, so that you can get started. I'm surprised you didn't try naturally this cycle though! You've been PG a few times before, so I thought for sure you and DH would put in a good last ditch effort, hehe!

terri, i couldn't help but laugh a little at your comment about your head sweating and the tissue getting caught in your stubble! You are too funny. I am so sorry that you're getting a cold though! No fun. :( I hope it doesn't get in the way of any of your IVF prep.

Jen, that pic was so cool! Bobcats are beautiful animals! BUT, scary, LOL. Your pups are way too cute to be snatched up by that big cat, so I'm glad you saw it and can be prepared now, whew!! How crazy that its been coming right up to your house like that! Btw, I have TONS of faith in your two little embies!! I just know they're gonna stick around!!! They're probably happy little campers in your womb right now. :thumbup:

Amy, FXd that you'll O soon! I know the feeling. Right after my fresh cycle, i had to take a whole cycle off before starting my FET cycle. So during that cycle, I was hoping it would be a short one, especially since I O super early when unmedicated. Well, of course, NO. I didn't O until around cd21, and I was so irritated, LOL. I've never taken that long to O, ever! And my LP is just about always 13-15 days, so I ended up having a 35-day cycle before I could start my FET. Why do our bodies do this to us? LOL Well, FXd that you O any day now!

booger, i'm glad your RE liked what he saw and kept your meds the same. Seems to me that's a good sign. :thumbup: Sorry you have to drive so far to your clinic for the last of the monitoring. But sounds like you have a good plan, and hey, I think taking a week off and getting cozy in a hotel could be a nice little break. Is the town fun where you're going? Maybe you can even make it a little mini-vaca. :) Anyway, I can't believe how fast time has gone by. ER will be here before we know it!

AFM, tomorrow is the big day, so I've just been waiting. DH and I are excited. I took off work tomorrow and Fri. The transfer isn't until noon, so I'll sleep in a little, and get to be nice and leisurely getting there. I feel very relaxed about the whole thing. Did I mention the antibiotics I'm taking are frikkin disgusting? They smell HORRID. I mean, THE worst I have ever smelled, like sewer or something. I'm glad tomorrow is the last day of those, lol!
Good morning, ladies. :flower:

Beagle - Maybe you just have a late bloomer. :winkwink: It must be very frustrating all the same to be in Limboland. I am still holding out hope that you are pregnant. Fingers crossed for you!

kfs - Good luck at the appointment today. Yes, our clinic is 4 hours from where we live and it's the closest one! Kind of crazy, huh? They aren't lying when they call Montana "Big Sky Country". My clinic isn't even in Montana, it's in Washington state. There is only one clinic in Montana and it's 6 hours away from us. When we drive back East, it takes us almost an entire day to drive across the state. Craziness.

Terri - Oh, man. What a horrible time to come down with a cold. Sorry, honey. :hugs: Your story about the tissue getting caught in your stubble made me chuckle. Yes, you need to find a towel. Quick! Hopefully, you get to feeling better quickly.

Jen - Maybe your DH won the stare down and the bobcat will stay away. Seriously though, something is keeping him in the neighborhood. Wonder if any your neighbors are keeping stuff out that is attracting him/her. Still kinda scary though.

Amy - Oh, bears and dumpsters. They do love digging through some trash. Kind of crazy! Wonder if those dumpsters are bear proof. I hope so! That he'll be more likely to just move along if he can't get what he wants. I'm not sure if you are in the drought area of Cali but if so, I bet he's hungry. Probably not a lot growing out in the wild right now if it's super dry. Seems like everyone's cycle is driving them batty right now. How annoying. :dohh: The city my clinic is in has lots to do so I plan on taking advantage since the town I live in is pretty small. They have an amazing paved, multi-use bike/running path just outside my hotel that runs along the river so I brought my bike to take for a ride in the afternoons. I need some exercise! I can't do my usual running but I think biking would be okay if I keep it leisurely. I can work from my hotel room, which is great so I won't have to use any leave other than for retrieval day. I'm not really nervous (okay, maybe a little). I'm definitely excited. And I'm hopeful that we get at least a few quality embryos. We are doing chromosomal testing of any embryos that make it to blastocyst stage so I won't have a transfer until November or December. More waiting.....

Brighteyez - Maybe AF won't show and you won't have to worry about IVF. But I completely understand just being ready to get moving. I was there a couple months ago. Even though it doesn't feel like it at the time, things really do move pretty quickly.

Hello to everyone else! :thumbup:
Oh, and this made me chuckle this morning. My REs office is in a building with a bunch of other medical type clinics. There is a coffee shop on the ground floor and it's called "Fertile Grounds"
Guess what?! I had two towels in my car. When I USED to run (and I'm starting back up tomorrow for short runs), I kept these quick dry towels in my car so I could do a quick wipedown before I sat my sweaty behind in the car. Well, they are STILL in the car. HA!!HA!! I am now carrying one around with me to wipe my head. Still, so gross though. I would wear my Os hat, but it makes me head even hotter. And btw, the Os won the American League East. MOST people in Bmore are super excited (brighteyez excluded!). Orioles Magic is in the air.

brighteyez-Oh I hear you about getting started and the excitement along with it. Gotcha...if you guys did try, I wouldnt' be surprised if it works for you. But I know you're raring to go.

beagle-Hmmm....that's all I'll say.

booger-Are you going to Spokane? If not, hopefully you're close to the border of WA state somewhere. I'm glad you're going to make a vacation out of it. So what did you decide to tell your coworkers?

ERose-So pumped for you to be PUPO. 24 hours and you're golden.

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