First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I have a feeling ALL of us will be bump buddies. I told my husband we may end up with an August baby. His bday is the 14th. I said you will have to share your birthday with the baby! And he said no it is MY birthday!

As another small note...we both want a girl...which means it will probably be a boy which is def okay by us...but anyways, we have now gotten in the habit when referring to our future baby, we say "her" & "she". It just sort of happened & I really like it.
Terri - I am so excited :happydance: :yipee: I started my BCP yesterday just waiting for her to send me the schedule. :coffee: [-o<
booger-I forgot that you have to wait a day after 5 days for freezing. Let's hope the nurse calls with great news. 9 remaining is still really, really good. Be happy for that.

beagle-You and your DH are too cute about talking about your future baby. It probably will be a boy, and you guys will be obsessed with him playing baseball. How fun! I hope your O pains don't get to be too bad tonight. I think this cycle will really work for you, and all your grant stuff won't matter one bit. I'm still eager to hear what they tell you on Wednesday.

Amy/kfs1-Who is going to be the first to get AF? Stay tuned...hee hee.

brighteyez-I'm glad you're moving forward. Now the question is how long do you have to take them. Your nurse will send you the schedule and you'll know when to do everything from here on out. Are you paying for IVF out of pocket, or is your insurance paying? Either way, let's hope you only have to go through this once. Oh, and I guess you have to schedule your injections class, practice transfer and meeting with the counselor lady. Get to it, hot stuff.

My coworker told me that she thinks the games will be in the daytime. She's ruining my mood because it's the freaking playoffs. Who wants to watch that in the daytime? Nobody. People at home watch playoffs and that's why they are at night. And...I will definitely have egg retrieval in the mornings, so I'm really not trying to leave retrieval and go straight to the ballpark. Seriously? I'll do some crazy things, but that is one I really don't want to have to do (but I will). HA!!HA!!
Girls what's good beta for 9dp 5dt ? I'm asking because my beta was today and came bck at 44 x
Hi ladies!

Terri - I, too, think they'll have night games. I imagine a good portion of any money made on these games comes from advertising and they'll want those games on during primetime. :shrug: Don't let her get to you! Sitting in one of those stadium seats right after retrieval might be a little uncomfortable but I'm glad to see you're willing to take one for the team in the name of sport!

Brighteyez - Hooray for the BCP! :haha: You're on your way!

kfs/Amy - Maybe we should start a bet to see who starts first? :haha: It will be nice for you guys to have both going through it at the same time. And of course, we'll be here too!

Beagle - If you are doing PGS, you can find out the sex of the embryo before you transfer. Some clinics won't let you pick unless you're trying to "balance your family". Our clinic doesn't care if you pick but I don't think we will. Since we are already having so much intervention to begin with, I'd at least like one part of this to remain a mystery. I don't think I would have found out the sex even if we had gotten pregnant, naturally. It does make me wonder though - if a couple does end of having several normal embryos, how does the clinic choose? Do they just pick the highest graded normal one? Or do they toss a coin: heads=girl and tails = boy?

Drumroll, please..........we have 6 embryos on ice! :cold: I am ecstatic! I know that not all of them are likely to be chromosomally normal, but I'm really hopeful that at least 2 of them will be. Our results should come back in 2-3 weeks. So, I'm kind of in a TWW. I am super happy with our results thus far.
Terri/Booger - Oh no my body never does what it's supposed to, so if you bet my body will for sure rebel and AF will probably show up two weeks late lol. Actually there you go, I'd put my money on kfs1 :haha:

Booger - WHOO HOO for 6 eggs!!! :yipee:

Terri - You're such a crack up. I love it!!

Brighteyez73 - YAY for BCP!!! :happydance:

kfs1/beaglemom - YAY!! It does seem a few of us will be starting around the same time. We have little waves going on in here.
Booger - awesome news on the embies! I don't think I would ever ask what the egg is beforehand...that is so strange. And like you said, this is all so scientific...I want some of the real stuff. My baby won't be made in the bedroom, so I need as much "normal" as possible.

Terri - the games are def at NIGHT! Besides the ads & all that, people have J - O - B - S! Plus I would hate for the heat to come back (it is cooler here these days) & you be at that stadium. I was there for a game (side note, Yankees won :p) & I was so hot, I was tempted to take my bra off in the bathroom for the rest of the game I was sweating so bad.

Oh & thanks Terri for the positive vibes. I have imagined how nice it would be to win the grant & be able to say to them I don't need it...give to another couple...sort of like Paying it Forward or good karma.

Oh & my kid will be a baseball nut either way. I told my husband my girl will play BASEBALL. I will be that parent that calls & says why can't my girl be on the baseball team? She doesn't want to play softball :) But luck...she will be all girl. I am not much of a girly girl. But I told my husband yesterday how awesome to have a little pink frilly girl! Basically boy/girl sports/no sports...I do not see a bad side either way...I just want to go ahead & start growing her (him)!
Girls what's good beta for 9dp 5dt ? I'm asking because my beta was today and came bck at 44 x

Excuse me 19 year old, but you said you are a stalker, so you know that we have just received bad news. We're not thrilled about it, and having you, a stranger, jump on the thread, announce your BFP and then ask questions about it just plain rude. I have been on BnB for a while and I have a pretty good idea there are other threads where you can ask about your BFP. We're happy you got one, but please, go to an appropriate thread for your questions. We're old, bitter girls on this thread. Thanks and H&H 9 months.
And now back to our regularly scheduled program....

booger-Woohoo for 6 embies! That's awesome. I am assuming they will test all of them, right? Let's hope for 6 perfects! I agree..I think the games have to be at night. It's been so long since the Os have been in the playoffs, I can't even remember watching them. Usually October means football time for this chick.

beagle-Are you serious? You wouldn't choose a boy or a girl? I find that hard to believe. hee hee. You probably will have a girly girl. She can be a girly girl and still play baseball though. That would be awesome. She wouldn't sweat and her barrettes will always match her uniform. I love the pay it forward with your grant money idea. So cool. Oh, and I'd definitely take boob sweat any day of the week over the cold. HA!!HA!! Gross.

Amy-I'm betting on kfs1 too, even though I hate to do that. I think she's a bit farther along in her cycle than you, but like you said, our bodies are always surprising us.
Terri - I am done all of those things ( injectons class, mock transfer and IVF talk). So I am just waiting for the schedule to come to my inbox tomorrow or Wednesday. We did all of those things at the beginning of the month, so happy we all of that done in advance. :happydance: :yipee:
Hi girls!
Terri, you are moving along quickly!! I remember very little after I really hope you don't have to go straight to the game. Although, you might be way more fun than the really drunk people! So you'll know when to trigger after your check tomorrow?

Booger, great news!!! So you and beagle will probably be tww buddies right? You're waiting til December for transfer I think right? And beagle you're doing (or shooting for if you even need it) after thanksgiving?

Brighteyez, hooray for getting this show on the road! Hope your BCPs go quickly! I hated that part the most.

Ksf and Amy, the race is on! Haha excited for you ladies to start together.

Hi Moni! Hi thread stalkers! ; )

Still praying for you and DH Erin. In church yesterday I was so emotional about all of this. The pastor was talking about how to pray for your friends and family and I just kind of got choked up. I was telling DH about your numbers and he too is so sad for you. Like Terri said, it's so funny how you guys become so close to me through all of this. Especially when I used to joke around saying "my internet friends". Now it's just like I'm talking and my husband will go "so Terri is getting ready to trigger this week and beagle is doing timed intercourse with meds this month right?" He likes to keep up!

Nothing new here. RE tested me for strep B and I'm negative so no amoxicillin for me! Keep on with my progesterone and estradiol vaginally. Actually, funny story my two meds are yellow/white and blue. So one morning last week I had blue spotting. Yes, blue. I freaked out and thought I know brown spotting can happen but why is it blue!? Then I realized my progesterone melted onto the estradiol. Geez! Oh, and my boobs are bigger and don't fit into any of my sports bras. So, I went to buy some new ones and got stuck in one inside the dressing room. Someone had to help me out of it. Really nice right? I felt so stupid. Other than feeling tired I feel pretty normal. I almost don't even believe I'm pregnant because I feel like I did before starting this whole infertility thing! Like I got myself back. It's a nice feeling. I think ivf took everything I had left and I was afraid I wouldn't get it back. Whew!
Brighteyez - happy that you're on your way! Can't wait to hear more details.

Booger - 6 is great! Woohoo.

Jcm - aww, you poor thing getting stuck in a bra! Did the sales associate have to help you? Oh man, I would have died. :haha:

Beagle - hope you hear back on that grant soon!! :coffee:

You're all too funny. No placing bets here, Amy. Let's hope we're both ready sooner than later. :)
Jen - yes I am thinking an early Dec transfer & retrieval. So I want to aim for late Nov for most of my meds. I am glad you are feeling more normal...enjoy it while it lasts! But I know your body was going through so much during all this. Anything I am going through physically is nothing compared to you.

Terri - I just told my husband about the whole gender thing with PGS...he was like no way...we are not doing that. He called it tempting fate. I think he kind of means we tried for so long & lucky enough to be able to do IVF...if we are lucky enough to get pregnant, choosing the gender almost seems selfish & pushing it. But I also think it will just be awesome to be told on a scan what we are having...can't give up that moment.
also jen a little strange to have a guy i dont know discuss my timed intercourse!...LOL!!! :)
I know I'm just a stalker in this thread but I've known Erin for a while in another thread.

I told DH about her numbers yesterday and how I was really sad for her that it was not working out.

He asked me why I was telling him this and I said, "well, I talk to these people every day and I consider them my friends!"

And I really do!
Yes, kfs! She had to help me out of it!! So embarrassing!

Haha Beagle! We are all rooting for you over here!
JCM-Aww...I'm glad your hubs is involved in our lives. I'll take all the prayers and thoughts I can get.

floridasian-I know that you're ERose's friend and some of the others here from the TTC#1 thread. I stalked that thread a while back too. HA!!HA!! It's so nice having someone to talk/write to about all this stuff, because as we all know, it's all consuming and real friends would probably get sick of it. My best friend has two girls 12 and 10, and I just give her the short version, like, 'my follies look good. I hope I can take my trigger shot before I go to the game' That's all she really needs to hear. I was surprised when her husband said 'congrats' to me the night of her bday dinner. I was like 'huh? Oh..well, it's not positive yet, but thank you.' He's a man of few words so I'm glad he talked to me. Usually he and I just joke about football or our other friends. hee hee.

beagle-I believe you, I was just surprised, that's all. I think it'll be really nice to have a surprise at the scan or when the baby's born. I know my coworkers and friends will be pretty annoying about it, but I think I'm still team yellow. I really don't care what they think.

Have a great night all. I'm getting my beauty sleep this week because a lot is going on and I want to be fresh for all of it! <3 :flower:
Good morning ladies...feeling pretty gross & exhausted today. The trigger started to hit me last night. I had a horrible headache off & on all day. Then before bed I felt like I was going to throw up. Cramping started & I can tell my ovaries were enlarged. I am still hoping waiting that extra day gave me a couple extra eggs. We were still able to get in a baby making session so the night was a success. But I slept really terribly. Cramping, back hurt, uncomfortable. Then this morning I still feel a little cramping & bloated. I am really going to be glad for the day when my ovaries do not feel like small water balloons from all these meds. But going through this makes me so nervous how my body will respond when I do IVF. I can't imagine getting through the day feeling more intense than I already do.

I asked my husband last night do you think we can really get pregnant this cycle? He said yeh of course (always says that). Then he said your friends online would go NUTS if that happened!

I also told him how crazy Terri is LOL! :wacko: :)
beagle-Hopefully today your ovaries are feeling better. You can power through tired, but ovary pain is not good. What?! Me crazy? HA!!HA!!

Here's my disheartening update for the day.
The nurse reduced my medicine last night and when I went for a follicle check today, everything looked exactly like it did yesterday. :growlmad: The rude nurse was there, and she said 'You practically live here. We should get you a cot.See you tomorrow. ' She also made me mad because I said 'Do you think I could go to egg retrieval and then go to the game?' She said "no." I just stared at her, and then she said 'Do you want me to lie?' I said 'yes.' Then she said 'No.' Whatever. I can do what I want when my eggs are gone. So, no trigger tonight, which is terrible. I bet you I will trigger tomorrow and that means retrieval Friday. The worst part is that the game on Friday is either going to be at noon or 3pm. At this point, I have to hope for a 3pm game, or for my follicles to not grow overnight, and do a trigger on Thursday. I'm upset. Why can't this work out for me? I think that had my medicine remained the same (225 Gonal F and 187.5 Menopur), my follies would have grown at least 1 mm, and I'd be ready for trigger. I might have to ask my bestie to go to the Friday day game and we go to the Thursday night game. I hate this.

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