First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good morning, ladies!

Erin - I have been thinking about you all weekend. :flower: I hope you're hanging in there and have been able enjoy some of your weekend even though I know it's probably been hard to relax. :hugs:

Terri - Your follies came back again! They must just get a little shy in the middle of all this..... I'm glad to hear that your are progressing nicely. I love your little dilemma. What to do, what to do? I guess you don't have a lot of choice since they'll tell you when to trigger. Triggering in the bathroom of a stadium would certainly be interesting! I wouldn't worry about the hangover so much as them having a hard time getting your IV in again if you're a little dehydrated. :haha: I'm guessing based on your follie size that your trigger will be either Wednesday or Thursday - here's hoping it's Thursday :beer:!

Jen - That's an awesome second beta number.:happydance:

Brighteyez - Sorry for the temp drop but I know you are ready to get this IVF train moving so I guess it's a good thing. :thumbup:

Moni - Hope you had fun in Boston and found your looser pants! :winkwink:

Beagle - I'm glad you were able to share your story with your friend. It must have been a relief to finally get some of that off your shoulders, even if you didn't even know you were carrying it around. I can completely relate to your sentiment about being private. I've been thinking lately that I need someone to talk about this with in person. The only person who knows we have been doing this is my sister and she lives 2000 miles away. It's great to have her to talk to about it with but it's not the same as being able to chit chat with someone about it on a daily, face to face level. That's why I'm so glad I have my little online outlet here on BnB!

How is everyone else doing??

I have not been able to sleep very well the last couple of nights! Anxious, much? I keep having crazy dreams about embryos and blastocysts and other crazy IVF stuff. I'm thinking I might need to go for a run! :haha: Seriously though, it has been hard for me to focus on anything else other than IVF for the last few weeks. I'm hoping that once I get the call this afternoon with the results about how our Day 5 embryos are doing, I might be able to breathe a sigh of relief and focus on "life outside of IVF" again. It's amazing how all-consuming it became for me. That's another downside to living in a small town, not much going on to distract yourself. I'm very glad DH have our vacation coming up in a few weeks.
Beta dropping. Just thought I'd update. They said i could stop my meds today, but they do need me in for another beta on Tues to make sure number keeps dropping.

I'm terribly upset, but again, at least I got prepared earlier rather than later. I'll be ok. I've had a CP before, so i know the drill. It still sucks, especially with everything that goes into IVF/FET. But at least it worked. If we can just grab the ones with the right number of chromosomes next time, I should be able to make this happen. Totally wishing I had done PGS on the embies from the very beginning. Those of you who are doing it, are making the right decision. I'll probably do it on these last four frozen ones that I have.

I need a day or so to get past these initial emotions, and then I will get my hope and joy back, and will come back and read everyone's updates and jump back on this crazy horse.
Oh, Erin. My heart is just hurting for you and your DH. Take all the time you need - we're here whenever you're ready to come back. ��
So sorry, sweet girl. I was so hoping for good news today. ((((hugs))))
Thread stalker here. Erin, so sorry. There are no words but you are not alone. I can't get mine to stick at all and just found out today that my FET cycle has been cancelled for the second time, to be followed by a third hysteroscopy. (I had a septum. We thought two surgeries got it all. Now we're not so sure so going back in. Fun.)

I'm chiming in because you mentioned PGS, which I did have done with my embryos. I had 12 fertilize, and 5 came back normal. The first FET was a BFN, so no guarantees, BUT if I hadn't had the PGS I'd have assumed it was the embryo. Pretty sure now it was the lining, which was allegedly at 9mm but I had a bleed before transfer and then a whole lotta doubt...

PGS narrows down what went wrong when there's a BFN or a chemical, and it also means you can consider putting back one instead of two at a time. That's the main reason we did it, to avoid multiples and do a SET. Had I not had PGS, I'd have put back two into a substandard uterus and now I'd have fewer healthy ones left in the tank. That said, we might have reached for the best one first and gotten lucky. I see that happen to a lot of women. Mid-30s it's hard to believe every embryo will take, and yet plenty of gals are getting pregnant on the first go. So who knows.

Whatever you decide--and I know you know this, but--it's a GREAT sign that you had implantation. Your baby (or babies!) is there in the bunch you have left. And your uterus will be all set when the right one(s) goes in. :flower:
Erin - I am sorry. I just knew this was it for you...I was not concerned about your beta number at all. But you still have 4 left. I am still confident we will all be pregnant before the end of 2014.
I guess I'm going crazy and I did not hit enter after posting. ERose-we'll be here when you need us. Much love to you and your DH. I'm so sorry.
I am SOOO sorry. My heart is breaking for you. Take your time to heal. Like everyone else has already said, we'll be here when you're ready.
Erin, my heart is so sad for you. I will keep you in my prayers. Love you girl!
Oh so sorry. Take the time...
Oh Erin. :( So completely unfair. I'm totally shocked. Take the time to heal and let your anger/frustration/sadness out. You're in my thoughts. Huge hugs coming from over here.
I am so sorry Erin!!! We are here when you need us. take all the time you need. :cry:
:hugs: I'm soooooo sorry, Erin! I was hoping to see good news here. I'm completely heart broken for you.

Don't give up! It WILL happen!!

I checked in to see how you were and I'm so sorry Erin! HUGS :hugs::hugs::hugs:
brighteyez- Time to start BCP!! Woop woop! Did you get your schedule? So exciting...

booger-Well, did the nurse call you back yesterday? What's the word, babe? This does get all consuming. You wait for the first thing. That happens then you wait for the next thing. Lather, rinse, repeat. Hopefully you can do some fun stuff and not think about embies and such.

Amy-Your chart is looking spectacular! How are you doing?

Hi Jen/moni/beagle.

AFM-I'm still a little depressed about ERose. It's like a depression in the back of my mind and I want to know what happened, but that's something I'll never know. I'm really sad too. I was thinking that she will have her BFP and then I will be right behind her. Crazy how internet friends become real friends and you have real feelings for them. :cry:

The clinic called yesterday afternoon and said to go in today for b/w and u/s. My follies are still growing, with the largest one at 19mm, and the smallest worth measuring was 14mm (she said there were 4 greater than, but greater than what, I do not know). There were a lot, so I couldn't actually count them. Yesterday my estrogen was 2352, so it's getting up there. That's probably why they had me go in today. I'm to return tomorrow.

And finally, my bestie was able to get 4 tickets to Game 5 for the playoffs (2 seats in adjacent rows). I don't really want to have to go to Game 5, but if they do, she and I will be going. It's so great having good friends who like to do the same stuff you do.
Morning Terri!

Quick update for me...I had one dominant follicle on Saturday & a few smaller. They said I could trigger that same morning or that night depending on when I wanted to BD. But I decided I would give them a little time to grow some more just in case. So I triggered Sun morning. That puts O this evening. We bd Sat night & will again tonight. You all know I am not putting a lot of faith in this cycle. I have decided I am not even going to take the Progesterone. Nothing has indicated mine is low, so I figured I would just save what I have for IVF.

I am more anxious to hear back on my grant...hopefully on Wed...and get on track for IVF. I am hoping my cycle cooperates & is not any longer than it needs to be. I think it will be fine since I can pin point O exactly. My cycle was never long during IUI...only delayed from the P. It looks like AF should come around Oct 14...that gives me almost 6 weeks for IVF. But after talking with my husband, I think we will delay that by a week putting retrieval & transfer the first part of December. I cannot take time off during Thanksgiving & I hate to be rushed & worried about timing when it is so close. So if I push it back to December, I have plenty of time. Plus since my husband is in retail, it will be much easier for him to get days off in December after the Black Friday nonsense.

I am also very upset about Erin. I told my husband about it. Some of you may know, but I met Erin a few months back. She is in FL & we met up in Orlando to rub the fertility statue at Ripley's believe it or not. I am in NC, so I looked pretty much like a crazy person driving that like. But we had fun, even though it hasn't kicked in yet (the fertility mojo).

So Erin, I know you are taking a break for a few days, but know I am thinking about you. We all are.

This is such a desperate journey we are on. I am grateful to have everyone here to listen to me. Sometimes I feel out of place in this thread because you guys are going through so much more than me at the moment. But I know you guys don't think never treat me like I don't belong. You all have educated me so much over the last couple of months. And in a few weeks, I will be right there with you. I feel like the baby of the group & with that really expected & hoped to be the last one pregnant.

Anyways...enough of all that! Back to work again today...I hope this will be a short week. I am also happy because my husband is FINALLY on a new schedule. He was 3 on 3 off working 7 am - 8 pm. Now he works 2 days 7-5, 2 says 12-10, then 2 days off. This is great because it means there are only 2 days during the rotation when he is not home in the evenings with me. Also he likes the idea of being able to sleep in 4 of the days.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday. Booger, I hope you receive some great news soon about the little ones! I am already starting to feel the O pains...I hope I make it through the day. It can get pretty intense.
Good morning, ladies!

Terri and Beagle - I'm also super bummed for Erin. It just isn't fair. That is one of the things that sucks the most about TTC - you can try and try and try and do everything right and still get skunked. :cry: It's infuriating! :grr: I feel like a fake sometimes because DH and I have only been at this a year - I don't know how women try for years and years on end. Much stronger than me, I can safely say that. I know it's not any comfort but hopefully those 4 that are still frozen are her ticket to motherhood.

Terri - I know you'd like a sweep and short playoff but I love it when they have to play all the games - makes it so much more exciting! :yipee: But that is easy to say when it's not your team. I'm jealous - that games sounds like so much fun! Yes, your estrogen is getting up there, I'm sure that's why they are doing the extra monitoring. Hopefully, it doesn't get too high!

Beagle - Ouch on the O pain. I had never felt anything before stimulation for IVF so that was all new to me. Hopefully, it doesn't bother you too much today at work. :thumbup: I really hope you hear about your grant this week. I know how ready you guys are to get this thing moving. Glad DH has a better schedule now. Fire season is finally (mostly) over here so my DH should be around more as well. You mentioned this before but it looks like we could be in the TWW around the same time. Even though I hope everyone else is already pregnant by then, I was a little sad about being by myself there at the end. I figured everyone else would have abandoned this thread for the pregnancy forums (well, I kind of hope so, anyway). We'll still be here for you though as you go through IVF - and I wouldn't feel out of place - I'm glad you're here as you have offered me lots of great advice and support! :hugs:

Amy - I agree with Terri - your chart is looking mighty fine! :thumbup:

How is everyone else??

Today is the moment of truth, my friends! The weekend nurse (who I am not too keen on) called yesterday to let us know that we still had 9 embryos. She didn't offer any other information though which is almost worse than no information at all. She said was that we still had 9 and that they need them to be at the expanded blastocyst stage in order to do the biopsy. No info as to how many I had a that stage or anything. I was at the grocery at the time she called so I couldn't really press her for too much information. Ugh!!!! She said my regular nurse would call me today to let me know how many were biopsied. I am so nervous! As DH and I were laying in bed last night, he started asking me a bunch of questions about the different stages and what was going on - this was the first time he's really shown any emotion in all of this; he's usually very stoic and level-headed - it was very cute. I think he is finally getting excited. :happydance:

I'll let you guys know something as soon as I do! I'm going to throw some babydust around now (mainly because that term cracks me up).........
Erin, I am completely heartbroken for you. Take all the time you need and know that we are all here for you. I am definitely thinking about you and praying for you and your husband.
Happy Monday :)

I hope everyone is doing well. Erin's news is still weighing heavy on my heart.

Terri & Booger - my chart always looks really good right before it plummets to the ground lol. So annoying. :dohh: On a good note though, AF should hopefully start this week and we can get this show on the road!!
Hi everyone!

I feel the same way about Erin. It's just so unfair!!! :( Erin - know that we're all so sad for you and you're in our thoughts and prayers. Your time WILL come. I know that's probably annoying to hear over and over but it WILL!!! :hugs:

Beagle/Booger/Terri - sounds like things are progressing nicely for you! Love that so many things are happening on this thread.

Amy - sounds like we might be IVF buddies then. I'm hoping to get things moving when AF shows this week, too!

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