First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I think we are all so close on this thread. Hubby knows all about you all aswell. He was also devastated for Erin. I plan to continue on this thread until everyone has their BFPs! Hope that is's not like it will be too much longer...

Terri, sorry the timing is getting messed up...just watch it willwork out perfectly. maybe the follieswanted to allow you to go to Fridays game?

Booger yay for 6!!

Everyone getting started..Yay and fxed!

Beagle, surprisingly I think the ivf retrieval was less crampy then the iuis, probablybecause my ovaries were nt trying to push out ridiculously large eggs. I was moreuncomfortable leading up to the retrieval, but afterwards recovered faster...on that note Terry you can definitely go to the game!

Afm, discharged from the RE today...all looks great!
Good morning, lovely ladies!

Terri - Boo, hiss to the evil, hag nurse. :devil: I know that not everyone can sweet and happy all the time, but I'm hoping that she is really good at all the other aspects of her job and that's why your office keeps her around. Barf. Obviously, it's up to you to decide if you want to go to the game or not after retrieval. Honestly, while I didn't feel like running a marathon after mine, I didn't feel nearly as bad as I was expecting and I totally think I could have sat through a game (provided I was able to take a nap beforehand). You'll just have to see how things work out and how you feel. I'm sorry that the timing is working out this way, but as the cliche goes, it will be worth it in the end.

Beagle - I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I never did IUI so I don't know what that feels like and how it compares to IVF. It sounds like your ovaries respond well to medication though. That's a good thing - even if it makes you feel a little gross. The things we will put our bodies through for a child........

Jen - I'm glad that your testing for Strep came negative. Man, it must feel so nice to be feeling normal again. :happydance: That is good to hear.

Hello to kfs, brighteyez, and Amy!

I was just thinking this morning, what am I going to have to talk to the ladies on BnB about now that I'm just waiting for transfer? I'm glad you guys still have a lot going on because I'm feeling pretty boring right now. I'm thinking I might try a run this afternoon - I know it's going to hurt and be super slow but I need some exercise. Starting to go a little crazy here being so sedentary. :fool:
Moni - congrats on graduation day!!! That is so exciting! I'm so happy that things are going smoothly for you and little bean. Does this mean you get to stop the PIO shots?? :happydance:
I hope so. They'll call me this afternoon to confirm they have to make sure my labs arefinefirst...

Congrats Moni! Great news.

Terri - Ugh. So annoying. I only hope that you get can your ER with a lot of strong eggs AND go to the game and still feel OK. Just play it by ear I guess.
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing?

Terri - I am sorry the nurse is being difficult. Do we go to the same clinic?
brighteyez-My clinic is in Towson (closer to work), and I think you go to the one downtown, right? I think the nurses rotate but not sure if they rotate to the city. The rude nurse's name starts with an E (that's all I'll say). I hope you don't have her, and if you do, beware. hee hee.

Moni-I'm so happy you are graduating. Yay!!

booger-Yeah, go for a run. Maybe that's what I should be doing. *sigh* I definitely have calmed down and will now just wait until tomorrow morning to see what happens. I did tell my boss that I'll be sick on Friday and maybe taking a half day Thursday. He doesn't care. hee hee.

Jen-I forgot to say that I'm glad your strep test came up negative. One more success on your side.

beagle-I agree with booger that you are responding well to the meds. I always felt bloated after IUI for days. With egg retrieval, I felt a little off, but not sore, not groggy. I could feel that something had happened, but I didn't have the bloating and yucky feeling like IUI. I'm not sure why IUI causes bloating?? Your husband is right, though, we would all be so happy if this cycle worked for you. It would be amazing as well.

kfs1/Amy-The great AF race is still on? Booooooooooooo..
Oh Terri, I hate that this crap messes with plans. It's like you don't want to be consumed with ivf but the schedule still manages to run your life. I had my retrieval at 10am. I came home and slept from noon til about 3. Hopefully it's a later game. I was pretty alert and ok. Mostly excited it was done. I say, go to the game and have a good time! It's not like you'll be driving or anything. Lol just watch out for foul balls!

Yay Moni! I hope you get to stop the progesterone! My RE keeps me on mine til 11 weeks. Then he releases me. I really hate these things. So gross. I had a waxing appt today and I was worried it might leak out during. Haha at least I'm still modest in front of someone I guess!

Beagle, I think you'll be ok for ivf. I remember just feeling really big leading up to retrieval. Then the morning of the retrieval the trigger shot started doing it's job and I was super crampy. As soon as they hooked up my IV, the cramps were gone and I was feeling really good. My iui I was super crampy and had to spread my legs with no twilight drugs. Lol you will be much happier the ivf way. BUUUUUUT, I hope you caught that egg already!!

Hi to everyone else! I plan on sticking around for awhile too. I can't leave!
I get to stop the progesterone - all was good!! Jen - I was doing the injections - so no yuckiness just a very sore bum!! Hubby says I am pretty bruised back there - although I have a big butt - there is still only so much room to inject every day for over 6 weeks!!

I posted a pic of the scan in my journal...if anyone is interested.
Terri - Booooooo for rude nurses!! Especially when they work in a place where they need to be compassionate. Although it is kind of hard for me to believe that someone could be rude to you and you wouldn't tell them straight where they could go stick their attitude :haha: hee hee!! My IVF nurse also has a very brusque attitude, I was thinking about bribing her with donuts or something lol, happy nurse equals happy patient!! Also, I really hope your game schedule works out for you!!

beaglemom - I really hope you start to feel better soon. My husband is the same as your husband about tempting fate, he didn't want to find out any more information than necessary, so we would know basically the same as if we conceived naturally. There is a part of him that still thinks this whole process is so clinical and weird LOL.

JMC - YAY for negative Strep B. Will you test again for it later on? I was told it can develop at anytime during your pregnancy, that's why they usually test towards the end of your pregnancy, to be sure you're negative before delivery??

Moni - So glad you graduated and things are progressing smoothly. Very excited for you.

Hi booger, kfs1 & brighteyez!!

Well the race is still on LOL!!
Hi girls. Sorry for my absence, just taking a little break and regrouping. Thanks everyone, for all your sweetness and kindness! You girls sure are amazing! I got teary-eyed at some of your comments, they mean so much! And Terri...OMG... LOL... you know what I'm talking about! Nice to know you have our backs, hahah! That was awesome.

I thought I would've started bleeding by now, but I haven't. I was hoping it would come sooner rather than later, but looks like my body is just gonna do what it needs to do when it's ready. Had my third beta today so they can make sure my level continues down to negative. I have my follow-up with my RE this Friday, to figure out next steps.

I'm actually doing pretty okay... Oddly, the fact that the FET almost worked, gave me a renewed hope that I haven't felt since right after my last CP. Life tried to hang on in there. Somehow, instead of making me feel defeated, this has made me even more determined than ever. I feel like this just has me one step closer. Everything happens for a reason... Ok, so it was supposed to happen, and it did happen, and now time to move on, period. I will persevere. I have no intention of losing this battle. I will fight and keep going, and I will win. Mark my words, ladies. And I believe every single woman on this thread will win as well. I truly feel that in my heart.

I have LOTS of catching up to do, so will do it in a separate post.
Of course I have your backs! That goes for all of you. :) We love ya, ERose...No more crying now.

Amy-I was too busy trying to stop from boohooing when the nurse left, and then I ended up doing it in the lobby. Luckily there was only one other woman waiting in the area I was in, and I was just sniffling and trying to suck my snot in. :haha: THEN, I had to get up and get tissues, and THEN when I returned, she starting talking to me about other stuff, so I calmed down and waited for my bloodwork. Thanks, lady.

I'm feeling much better now. The nurse called and said my estrogen is now at 3541, and I will definitely be using the Lupron trigger, and she thinks it'll be tomorrow night. It is what it is. No sense getting this far to be upset. I have to remain positive. My bestie can't go to the game on Friday because it's now in the daytime and she has a huge case to turn in (she's a lawyer), but my neighbor can probably go on Friday if it turns out that the game is at noon. That's cutting it too close for retrieval and the game. The 3 o'clock game might be doable. Now I don't know if I should charge him the face value or make him pay me a little more so I feel better. These are high dollar tix. Stubhub has them for over $150 a piece for our seats.
Hi friends! (and I do truly feel that way after all your amazing comments and posts!!) :flower: Also, hello to all of our stalkers (who I also consider friends)! :flower: Thank you all for your kind words as well. I feel like i've met some truly awesome girls on these forums. xoxoxo

Terri, I giggle EVERY time I think about your post to our... ambusher. The first time I read it, I about cried. I could imagine you standing there with boxing gloves on, protecting your friends. LOL. You rock. Love to love ya'. Ok, so on to the important stuff! You're getting SO close now! I have to say, I've found that this IVF stuff doesn't seem to drag by as badly as regular TTC. Is it my imagination?? Anyway, sorry for no trigger tonight. :( I know that puts a damper on your game plans, so I will keep my FXd that the timing works out as well as possible!

Amy, looks like you will be getting AF soon (although I wish it would stay away and give you a miracle!). Either way, exciting stuff that you're on to IVF soon! I assume you'll start BCP after AF, right?

And kfs, same for you!! Are you also starting BCP right after AF?

Brighteyez, so you already started your BCP, that's great!! wuhu! I can't believe how close you, Amy, and kfs will be. I have a feeling there is going to be lots of good news to come on this thread all about the same time!:thumbup:

booger, 6 frosties, that's great hun!!! :thumbup: I can't wait to hear the results of the screening. I know you'll have at LEAST two in there, maybe even 3! My RE tends to say for women over 35, one out of three. Women under 35, usually about 50%. You and DH might have some super awesome eggs/sperm and end up having ALL normal ones. :winkwink:

Jen, I am beyond thrilled for you. So happy things are working out so well! And thanks for your prayers at church. So you were standing naked by your iPad screaming when you saw my BFP, and then praying for me in church after hearing my bad news. Quite a difference, huh? LOL! You are too sweet.:flower: Glad you're feeling good too!

Moni, I'm going to look at your scan for sure and read some of your journal. I'm so thrilled for you too! Just happy for these good vibes and healthy babes.

Well beagle, sorry to hear of your discomfort from the trigger. I know that feeling all too well! I recall O being really tough on me during my IUIs. Whew! But at least you know you've got some good plump eggs ready to be fertilized.:thumbup:

jsquared.... I wanted to say thanks for chiming in. Not sure if you're still checking this thread... But it was sweet of you to give your story, and I'm so sorry for the troubles you're having. And yes, I agree, even though PGS doesnt guarantee a sticky bean, it at least gives the patient and the RE knowledge that it wasn't chromosomal, and opens the door for figuring out what else might be preventing it. I've said it before... knowledge is power. The more we know, the closer we'll get to our goal. :) GL on your hysteroscopy and FET #2. FXd!!
I am feeling better now except just got back from the dentist & my mouth is numb...ugh! I may try to BD tonight as well for good measure if my husband is up for it.

Erin - glad to see you are back...I def think we all have good things coming...we will be celebrating the new year doubt :)

So my manager was at my branch today to give us our mid year reviews. Everything went fine. She asked about everything & I went in to the whole IVF spiel. She is very supportive. She said I shouldn't worry about taking time off during Thanksgiving...but I said I would just rather avoid the drama. One more week is no big deal. I was explaining everything & she was amazed at the whole process. She asked how I felt about it all & I said I was very excited. A year ago I never would have considered IVF. Now I am way more educated & can't wait to start. Now I will need to make time to talk to my banker about it. He knows it is possible...I just haven't confirmed it all with him.

I hope time starts to fly gets way busier this time of year for that is a plus.
terri, glad you are feeling better. But I'm really sorry about the way the timing is working out with the games. I know how much you've been looking forward to that.

beagle, very good that your manager is understanding and supportive. That's SO important. My manager has made this whole process really easy, as far as work goes... I would hate to have to add work conflicts to all this.

So, update right after my last update... nurse called to let me know my level has dropped again, so at least its happening fast, since it had to happen at all. Anyway, when I was on the phone w/ her, she told me my RE had already started reviewing my file first thing yesterday morning and had taken some notes. She has a couple other tests in mind to run, and is already working on our game plan. Its really nice to know that she's on top of it like that. Curious what the additional tests are... I'm fine with whatever. I honestly thought I'd been tested for just about everything, so we'll see. I'll be asking about PGS for our last four embies as well, and decide whether we want to do that, or just transfer more than two next time...? Not real sure what she has in mind.
Erin - glad you are feeling better! I know this will happen for you!!

Terri - Fxed for a 3pm game!! who would they be playing then - ie who should we be rooting for tonight or tomorrow?
Hi Erin - SO happy to see you back!! You've definitely been in my thoughts. I'm glad you are doing better and are more determined than ever :)

Terri - Oh no! Boohooooing! Snot and all too! I'm so sorry! Oh man she must be a WITCH!! (you know the word I'm really thinking lol)!! I'm pissed for you! We can't let her get away with that!!
Erin - You are seriously so amazing. :hugs: I LOVE your positive attitude and I totally agree. It is going to happen for you! No doubt about it. Can't wait to hear what your RE says for your next steps.

Beagle - I TOTALLY feel the same way as you. A year ago, IVF wasn't even a thought in my head. And now I'm beyond excited! Anyway, glad to hear that your manager is so supportive. The only person who knows at my job is my one friend who's been through all of this herself. I have been debating on telling my immediate team, though, since I'll be in and out a lot with appointments.

Terri - I hate to hear that you were crying and upset. NOOOO. That nurse is going down. :gun: Anyway, happy you're feeling better. What happened at today's appointment?

Hi everyone else!!

AF flew in this morning and I already met with my RE and got my script for BCPs. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited. brighteyez - I'm right there behind ya! Amy - get moving! :)

Sonohysterogram on Monday to make sure that my uterus is still lookin' good and brandy new since the polyp removal. And then we'll discuss next steps/risks. I should be on BCPs for around 3 weeks and if all goes well, ER should be the first or second week of November! :happydance: :happydance:
kfs - very exciting.

I don't have much today...wan't planning on signing on because I have so much to do at work. But I went to the bathroom...I had the wet feeling & expected cm. Well when I went in there was a glob on my underwear but it was sticky. Very odd...I have not had anything like this for a while now. I don't think it means anything since I am only 2 dpo...just odd.

I am waiting & hoping I hear something today from the grant. Also had a FB pregnancy anouncement. It seems all my high school people are having baby #2. Didn't upset me too much though.

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