First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

The women's institute. It's in charlotte.

I understand why they can't let us pick which sex we want but for me it would be fun just to know I have x amount of boys and x amount of girls��I'm such a planner!!

I wonder how exact it is? I would be so nervous if they told me that I would never announce it until after an u/s to confirm...even those still aren't 100%.

My RE is in Raleigh.
Beagle - I seriously doubt we will find out. I am just super curious now. It's almost like I only want to know because I can. Ridiculous. I still think it would be fun to keep it a surprise. One thing I know for sure is that even if we do find out the gender at some point, I am not telling anyone what we are naming the baby. Oh, and I've read where the screening is about 95% accurate for the sex chromosomes - maybe higher depending on what kind of PGS they are using.

jkb - I guess gender selection is allowed in Washington state because my clinic will let you choose. It's funny to me that there would be laws about it - somebody has to choose, whether it's you, the nurse or the doctor. I think I might ask my clinic how they choose if the parents don't. I'm guessing they go by embryo quality. :shrug:

knitgirl - I did all my injections myself (including my intramuscular trigger shot) and they were nothing like I imagined. I was super nervous the first night, even shaking a little bit, but after I did that first one, the rest were pretty easy. What medications do you have? I used Follistim, low-dose hCG and Ganirelix. The Follistim was a pen style injection and the needle was so small, I barely even felt it most days. The low-dose hCG used an insulin syringe and those were pretty painless too. I head read horror stories about the dull needle on the Ganirelix but I didn't have any issues with that shot either. I guess I got off pretty lucky, really. I never iced or anything. My dose for Follistim was split so I had to one dose in the morning (150iu) and one at night (150iu). I ended up having to do about 4 injections a day because of the cartridges used in that medicine. I did all my subcutaneous shots in my belly. It really wasn't bad. But that's just my experience. I was tired of doing them towards the end but that's just how it goes, I guess. You'll do great - it's very nerve wracking at first but once you get past that first shot, you'll see that it's not nearly as bad as you've imagined.
Booger - we probably wouldn't ask either, but like you...the fact we can know makes you more curious!

I love living in NC for the most part...but the politics in this state stink (among other things). We have messed up priorities. We are worried about gay marriage & gender selection in embrios, but our school system is in the toilet. I am not trying to get political or preachey...I just think my state focuses too much on things that don't matter that much in the big picture. Focus on bringing in some revenue & paying our teachers!

I have always said NEVER tell the baby name until the ink is dry on the certificate. People always have an opinion & I would hate for someone to reuin my name before my baby is even born. I would probably just give the baby a cute nickname like Moni is currently doing.
Ugh...I am waiting around before I can go to the country club to set up for my stupid work reception. I told my husband I need to get pregnant on the first try because I need to be on maternity leave next year during this stupid thing! I want to go out before the planning starts & come back after it is over!
Thanks for making me feel supported, it's keeping my spirits up despite a sh-t ton of stress ful things going on right now.

Beaglemom test omg!!! I forgot to test last cycle too, but I hope you get that bfp!

Terri, what a great response....I bet your incredibly positive attitude helped a lot. You have such a great energy!

Booger, 3 embies are awesome! The mock transfer is a breeze like 2minutes. I did it Monday.

JCM, I remember you and how much you like acupuncture. It is saving my life right now. I have so much stress I feel like I'm on the edge of a breakdown. I am very happy I took a month off from the meds. I am so happy you're doing so well. Sorry about not feeling so hot. When I was prego the idea of mayo made me gag. I found that lemon sours helped any nausea or queasiness. I think I had OHSS my 2nd IUI this time, I was tender for a week. I don't know if I will be on lupron og bcp, will find out Monday. Cornell is like 30k for ivf so I am wondering if I should take another month and do acupuncture, wait for this stress to go or just go for it.

Thank you again for all of your support ladies. We are not telling anyone we are doing this with the exception of those that absolutely need to know.
Booger - thanks so much, that is very encouraging. My plan is to do the first shot lying down so that if i pass out at least i won't fall! i'm a real wimp with this kind of thing. the meds they delivered are: crinone gel, HCG (sub q thank goodness), gonal-f rff, vivelle, menopur, and leupron.

And again, thanks so much to everyone!
Hey everyone! Happy (almost) Friday!

We are dog sitting this weekend so we have a house full of little dogs (3!) running around going crazy. :) Kfs - enjoy cape cod! Sounds like an absolute blast! I've always wanted to visit the northeast. Cape cod sounds magical.
Terri - you must be soo excited! I've got my fingers crossed for you!!
JCM - you must also be excited to see your little nugget!

Question for those who are pregnant: how many IVF cycles did it take you?

I just love reading this forum. It is always so positive and always puts me in a good mood. Love the supportive environment!!

Anyone else rather read through this forum than do actual work, at work? :) Something about this whole infertility/IVF experience makes work seem a lot less important.
kfs1-I had my husband go to the transfer with me. I think they want someone there with you to take you home or just for moral support. I hate to say that something may go wrong because it's really not that serious, but it would be nice if your husband can take a half day or something and go with you. It is pretty cool watching it all happen.

knitgirl-I'm already 40, so don't be discouraged. Like I said before 'if the shots are terrible, are you going to waste your money and not do it?' They really aren't bad, but like booger said, you do get tired of doing them at the end. I did all of mine by myself with hubs being the holder of the gauze. I think I might have bled two times total. Most of the time he just stood there or wiped away a drop of medicine. hee hee. He was more nervous than I was.

I thought the nurse was going to call me today with my frosty update, but I just looked at the paper, and they said they'd call within the week. :growlmad: I'll wait. Tonight's dinner-baked hoagies with prosciutto, artichokes, roasted red peppers and mozzarella cheese. There is no name. Just baked hoagies. hee hee. I added the prosciutto because my hubs was like 'I don't see any meat on your grocery list.' Can't we be vegetarians for one week?? hee hee. The meat is sliced super thin. I was almost embarrassed when the guy put the sticker on it because it said $1. HA!!HA!! Yeah, that's within budget.
LadySosa - I am totally addicted to this site when at work...I try to resist, but it is hard :)

Terri - you are always eating some good food...but i agree with hubby...bring on the meat! I didn't eat anything at our reception...husband had food waiting for me at home...may not have been country club food, but much happier at home eating with him than with customers & work people.

Twinge feelings back in my right side...husband is excited, but I have had stuff like this before...I will try to put a test on the counter before bed tonight.
Beagle - How did that test go??? :thumbup: Glad your reception is over and hopefully you won't have to worry about it again!!!

LadySosa - You are in Seattle, I see. I suddenly don't feel so out of place here! I live in western Montana and my RE is in Spokane. It seems like most of the people on this thread are on the East coast - although I think Jen and Amy are Westerners too. Not that it matters, but I just felt so out of place for some reason, even though this is a virtual community. :dohh: Good luck with the 3 little dogs! Dog sitting is always fun - well, at least if the dogs are well behaved. I have had a very hard time concentrating on anything at work since we found out we would be going through IVF, though part of my problem is that I'm already bored at work (I really need to find a new job). You are not alone in that feeling!

Terri - After reading your post yesterday afternoon, I was craving some sort of hoagie type sandwich for dinner. I ended up making turkey meatball subs. Yum! Your posts always make me laugh. Ugh - sorry they are making you wait on your :cold: report.

knitgirl - I think once you get that first shot done, you'll see they really aren't that bad. By all means though, lay down if you need to - we don't need any missing teeth or head injuries around here!

babywhisperer - The only person who knows DH and are going through IVF is my sister. I haven't told anyone else in person - of course my virtual friends here know! The timing of my IVF cycle was serendipitous and I was able to swing it at work where I didn't have divulge any information. A few ladies at work know we have been trying but I keep acting like we still haven't completely made up our minds about kids. It's just easier for me that way - that way I feel like I'm not opening myself up to a bunch of prying questions and judgment.

Hello to Erin, Jen, jkb11, brighteyez, moni, Amy, nj112233 and kfs!!

Woot, woot for a long weekend here! Sorry for those of you that don't get Monday off. :cry: Even though I think it's stupid we get Columbus Day off, I'll take it. I guess it won't really be that enjoyable since I have to drive 8 hours round trip to my RE but that's okay, it's still better than work. How sad is that??
Terri - thanks so much for the info!

LadySosa - i totally agree with you! work is so much less a priority for me with all of this going on. and when things get really stressful at work, i have to remind myself that it is just work and not healthy for me to be so stressed.

So, i talked to one of the nurses at my RE's office and she said i should try to stick to only 2 cups of decaf per day ... Have any of you heard that? herbal tea just doesn't really do it for me. but honestly, i will follow any recommendation at this point!

it's so exciting to hear about everyone's progress. there is soooooo much waiting involved in this IVF process, that it is great to hear about what is coming. :)

booger - yes, i'm sure you're right - the worst one will be the first one ... i plan to go to my next appt with all my teeth. :)
I only have one 10 oz. cup of regular coffee in the morning. I didn't stop during my IVF cycle. My nurse told me to avoid alcohol and really hot showers/baths but I don't remember her saying anything about coffee. I don't see how one cup of coffee could hurt anything but that's just my opinion. Did she give you a reason?

You hear so many different things that REs and nurses tell their patients that it's hard to decide what is right and wrong. Kind of annoying, really.
knitgirl-You're welcome. My place told me to stay away from caffeine and alcohol. I drink one cup in the morning like booger, EXCEPT I have been listening since the transfer. Of course, I listened last time and it didn't help, SO...hee hee. Do what you think is best.

booger-Every time people say my posts are funny I have to go back and read what I wrote. I'm glad I make you laugh, and don't feel out of place. I can't believe you typed that. The only reason I can think of is on days when we're all chatty cathy and then when you get on to play, we're all snoozing or eating dinner. HA!!HA!! you have a friend that can stay up with you. Yay! Sometimes I think that I need a new job, but my work is paying for my school so after this semester, and receiving my reimbursement check in January, they can suck it. hee hee. J/K. I am thankful for the opportunity. If I get laid off, they eat the money they spent. If I leave, I'm supposed to pay back a certain percentage, but there is a weird sentence about how much exactly. I don't want to ask anyone because they will think that I'm thinking about leaving. Our HR is not confidential at all. They're pretty terrible so I try to avoid them at all costs.

The Os put more tickets up for sale today and I was able to get through. However, I have homework to do and it's threatening rain all night, so I'm going to be a wuss and get my schoolwork done prior to the game at 8pm tonight. I didn't buy tickets. If I finish my work tonight I will consider buying tickets for tomorrow's game. The weather is supposed to be much better. So my weekend is Os, Os schoolwork and Os. hee he. And wedding anniversary brunch/cake on Sunday. I'm REALLY excited about that. No bellinis or mimosas or :coffee: Grr..I love coffee with brunch.
Oh, I didn't mean to imply that you guys make me feel out of place! :blush::flower: That's not it at all. I just meant that I felt disconnected spatially - and again I don't even know why because we are all disconnected spatially, obviously! I am such an old person already, I wouldn't be surprised if most of you Eastern Time zoners are up later than I am. :coffee: I love all you guys here - that's why I keep coming back!

So, I just got the best news at work - my boss is leaving!!!! :happydance: I feel kind of bad being so happy about it because it's not like he is a bad boss or anything, but he drives me bonkers. I know that it could always be worse, so I'm hopeful that whoever comes in to replace him isn't terrible. Hearing the news he is leaving totally just changed my attitude this morning! I can totally relate to your statement about staying at your job because of the benefits. I actually have a great job but it's just not the right career for me. DH and I have talked about me staying home when we have a child but I'm not sure I could stay home all the time. I like the social aspect of my work. I have just been in my position for 6 years now and need a change. When you get done with your schooling will you be able to pursue something new?? That's kind of exciting!
Sorry guys...test was negative. But my husband said too early & I am pregnant because my face is breaking out. So awesome that my breakouts are so noticeable! But I feel like I have a problem with my chin area anyways. Plus today when I was holding my phone, I realized it may be touching my chin all day. But we will see. He says test again Sunday. But I am feeling heavier cramps today. If I start soptting, I will hold off on testing until after Tues.
Booger - I hear you completely! Bored at work too. It's terrible, especially because I just started about 3 months ago. Left a company where I was for about 4 years, joined this company in July. Part of me worries I made a mistake :/ Yay for a fellow west-coaster! I've heard great things about Montana. But that is QUITE the drive to your RE! What a pain!
Terri - yum! Your recipe yesterday made me so hungry, lol.

I've been pretty open about IVF to a lot of people - my boss, my friends, my family. That's just me though, sometimes I can be an oversharer! Lol. I figured, this is going to be such a huge thing in our lives that people should know what's going on. And if I get irritable from all the meds, they can cut me some slack! =)
Beaglemom- sorry this mornings test was negative :hugs: like hubby said though it's still early. Hope next test is a bfp!!

Hi ladies:flower: hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Sorry about your negative beagle and sorry you're feeling yucky too. :hugs: Let's hope your husband is right. He's so positive!

AFM-I am feeling some kind of way this afternoon. Not sure, really. The nurse called and left a message saying that my transfer was great, and that I had two frosties. ONLY TWO?! So, I'm glad that I have them, of course, but out of 13-3 transferred-1 (slower growing embryo)=9. This means that 7 of them just stopped growing? What happened to them, and what are the chances that the three inside me are still growing??? I'm guess i'm just feeling bad, and now I want to eat cookies instead of these beautiful apples that I bought for a snack. I have homework to do, so don't worry, I'm not walking off the ledge, but I am getting pretty close to it. *sigh*
Beagle - Sorry about the negative test. :hugs: Nice of your husband to put a positive spin on the breakout! It is funny the things they actually notice - dirty countertop? Nope. Zit on face - let's point it out! :growlmad:

Terri - they picked the best ones to transfer! Two to freeze is still great - it is two more than last time! I understand being upset though. You get attached to those little embies. I'm sure the ones they transferred are making themselves at home so try not to worry too much. Eat an apple then a cookie!

LadySosa - The drive isn't too bad but I am glad I am not doing it in the winter! The funny thing is that even with it being 4 hours away, it is still the closest clinic. I think jobs ebb and flow with how excited we are about them. I wish I was one of those people who loved their job all the time but that just isn't happening. Oh well, it pays the bills.

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