First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen-I saw those ginger chews on Amazon and a lot of people say they work. So they're right? That's yucky that you had to swallow back down, but it's good that you're having some nausea/morning sickness. Yay!! Is this Thursday the heartbeat scan? What else are we learning?

Amy-Bravelle is on the video link that ERose posted a while back. I think they have different names based on the manufacturer. I have seen it before, so I wouldn't worry. How exciting that you have your schedule. 10 more days of BCP and you'll be golden! Are you feeling more at ease now?

knitgirl-Don't worry. I didn't do PGS, but ERose is thinking about it, and booger did it. It just depends on how you feel about it. I just want a baby. I don't need to know that everything is fine (we did our due diligence beforehand, and to me, it's not worth the extra cost), and I will take things as they come. In real life, I'm a risk taker, so I wasn't that concerned about it. If it was included, then I'd probably do it, but it's not, so...And if you're a worrier, I would stop looking at google. You'll stop leaving the house! hee hee.
Amy, I did Bravelle too. It's all the same really. Yay for your schedule! I love when everything is all set. I love organization!!!

Terri, we will see how many are in there as well! Doc says it's either one or two. None of that quads nonsense! My mom actually took the afternoon off to come too. I know I was actually happy that I had some kind of sickness. Reminds me that it's real and when I feel like complaining I remind myself that the baby is growing. The chews are tolerable with a little at a time. I can't eat the whole candy at once. Too spicy! Lol but after I eat it, the nausea calms down and I can't eat something small. It's like I have a 5 minute window to get something in me before I get sick. Fun little game. Lol
Is your blood test the end of this week?
My test is on the 21st, so I still have over a week to wait. It hasn't been bad so far though, but I've been keeping busy and doing tons of stuff, so I haven't been bored. Hopefully I'll feel the same at the end of this week. hee hee. We'll see...Aww..that's so sweet that your mom is coming with you to your appointment. I hope there are as many babies as you want inside your belly! fxfx
Happy Monday Everyone!!! Well not really, I really dislike Mondays but it sounded nice lol :)

brighteyez73- I watched some of your vlogs over the weekend. You and your husband are so cute together... and your family is just beautiful.

JMC & knitgirl - You were right, the sonohysterogram was not bad at all :)

Booger76 - I hope your appointment went good today!!

Beagle - I hope you had a nice day shopping!!

AFM - I had my sonohysterogram and mock transfer this morning. Everything went well. It was a pretty simple procedure and everything looked great according to my Dr.

I got my schedule today as well :)

October 23rd - Last Day of BCP
October 27th - Start Medication
November 7th or 8th - Egg Retrieval
November 12th or 13th - Egg Transfer - My DH's birthday is on the 13th, I hope that's a good sign :)

Of course these are just the important dates, I left out all the ultrasound/blood work dates.

I also got my prescription today. I was prescribed Bravelle, Menopur, and Ganirelix. I have seen lots of people prescribed Gonal-F and Follistim but Bravelle is one I've rarely seen?? My Dr. says there's really no difference but it's got me a little worried. Although I'm not sure why lol.

Hi to everyone else!!

I think you and I are on a very similar cycle. I start the estrogen patch this Saturday. I will be looking at a retrieval around Nov 5th, possible 3 or 5 day transfer so a bets around Nov 19th. I was prescribed Menopur, Ganirelix, Gonal F...and took the class today to learn how to mix the menopur...can we be cycle buddies?? Glad the sonohys wasn't bad, it was a little uncomfortable but not bad, I was happy to learn they wouldn't be doing another HSG which reminds me of labor pains, not fun.

Moni & Beagle thank you for posting that, the timing was perfect. I went to see my BFF and her 1mo old and 17mo old. I was fine, happy for her and unfazed until I drove home. I'm scared, we are bringing out the big guns after 3 failed IUIs and we only have enough funds for 1 fresh cycle. We bought a house and had a lot of major expenses in the last year. I'm second guessing myself...which means time for me to get out of my head, time for acupuncture on Wed!

Terri I hope this week flies for you! Playing Words With Friends helps me pass the time. Funny story, my MIL invited me to play and it ended the best way it could, we tied!!!! We haven't played since, lol!

JCM how are you doing? Have you tried Prego Pops, they are sour and help nausea. I am so excited for your scan!!

Knitgirl, we looked into PGS and decided not to do it, I would rather transfer fresh embryos. The nurse leading the class today did say she has never heard of their practice losing an embryo due to the testing. The genetic counselor said they usually do the PGS when there is a known abnormality that runs in the family or someone has multiple losses. I would say trust the advice of the RE and what your gut says.

I need this dark cloud following me foe the last month to leave, lots of upsetting things going on and to make matters worse someone took my wallet from the movie theater on Sat. No one turned it in and I filed a police report. I left it hanging around the cup holder and someone took it before they cleaned the theater, or so the manager claims. There wasn't a lot of money but my commuter ticket and subway pass which is $300 right there, my credit and debit cards, license, work ID, business cards, IVF notes, receipts all gone. So much sensitive info and now they know where I live and work, that I am doing IVF...makes me feel violated. My head is filled with so much stuff I am forgetting everything, so distracted!

How did everyone do with their meds and the side effects? Did it add stress or emotional reactions to things like work? Were the side effects noticeable? I work on a trading desk so it's hard to mask anything and I need to leave the desk to talk on the phone. Not to mention my manager is nosey, and has asked in the past when I did IUI if I was doing IVF since I had so many Dr appts. Who asks that???? And when I was prego last year he kept telling me I'd end up on my back on bed rest. I asked him if this conclusion was based on his years as an OBGYN...that shut him up for about a week. So inappropriate.

Saying prayers for all of you ladies. Thanks for all of your support.
Hello ladies...

Knitgirl - we are going to be doing PGS. Our reason is because we only want to transfer 1 to prevent multiples. We also get a discount on FET if the fresh doesn't work since we paid for PGS. Also my office can do the PGS right after retrieval & does not delay a fresh transfer. But as everyone has said, it is a personal choice. Def get as much info from your dr as possible. My dr claims PGS increases IVF odds from 50% to 70%.

Amy - others have already commented, but when dong medicated IUI, my dr referred to the 3 follicle stimulating meds as the same. She mentioned follistim & but if insurance won't cover do one of the others. So I just went with the 1st mentioned. I hope to continue follistim during IVF because I feel I responded well to it.

Terri - good luck on the beta. Do you plan to test early at all?

Babywhisperer - so glad you are moving forward. I hate it about your luck these days. We had people go through our unlocked cars in our neighborhood. It just makes you feel angry & violated. I had a period of time about a year & a half ago & things just seemed to keep falling. I thought things came in my 3 came & I thought it was over & then our cat died! But then things got better. I just know you are about to make a turn in a great direction. PS - I hate the jerks you work with. I have heard more of your stories than others through our other thread & your coworkers can just be awful. If it is meant to be, I hope a better job is in your future.

So I went to pick up my mom...over an hour away...planned to go to an outlet an hour away. But she told me about QVC in another outlet so we went there. It was almost 2 hours away. We were so unorganized & all over so I just got home around 9. I am so wore out. I ended up not telling her about the IVF...which meant no baby store for me today. But I feel okay about it. I would rather just surprise her when I am pregnant. Or if the right time comes me & my husband will tell her together.

So a little but of spotting today. Not decided on how I will test in the next few days. Of course my cycle has to be delayed. I am happy I decided to postpone until early Dec. Otherwise I would feel tight on time to fit everything in before Thanksgiving.

Sorry for so time for in the morning.
BabyW-I do play WWF. hee hee. My sister and I love it, and then I play with one of her girlfriends and my best moto. girlfriend. I try to keep it to three opponents because I will get addicted fast. If you want to play, I'm terripeachy. Surprise! hee hee.

beaglemom-I may test on Saturday or Sunday. I just changed my date on the 35+ testing thread to Sunday, but I'm always scared. I really hate seeing that stark white. Like HATE, and I don't want to face reality. So, we'll see if I do test on the 19th. My chart is looking fab though, so it's getting me a little bit excited.
Terri - I think you should be had a great cycle this time. I tested again today with a negative. I didn't expect anything more but just aggrevated at another delayed cycle. I am usually not emotional about tests. I can take them without much feeling or anything. But not this month. I really just didn't want to take any at all. So I had my husband do it. I just didn't want to look at them. I did take the one on Monday on my own. But today & Sat he did it. It was funny...I asked him if I should test today & he said yes. So when he got up he was like which test are you taking? I had already peed in the cup when I got up but went back to bed. It is nice when he is all in to it. But I am just ready to get moving! I may still ask about the timeline & see if I can get the IVF fit in for Nov. I may be able to take time the week of Thanksgiving. We will just see...just need my damn cycle to start already!
Happy Monday Everyone!!! Well not really, I really dislike Mondays but it sounded nice lol :)

brighteyez73- I watched some of your vlogs over the weekend. You and your husband are so cute together... and your family is just beautiful.

JMC & knitgirl - You were right, the sonohysterogram was not bad at all :)

Booger76 - I hope your appointment went good today!!

Beagle - I hope you had a nice day shopping!!

AFM - I had my sonohysterogram and mock transfer this morning. Everything went well. It was a pretty simple procedure and everything looked great according to my Dr.

I got my schedule today as well :)

October 23rd - Last Day of BCP
October 27th - Start Medication
November 7th or 8th - Egg Retrieval
November 12th or 13th - Egg Transfer - My DH's birthday is on the 13th, I hope that's a good sign :)

Of course these are just the important dates, I left out all the ultrasound/blood work dates.

I also got my prescription today. I was prescribed Bravelle, Menopur, and Ganirelix. I have seen lots of people prescribed Gonal-F and Follistim but Bravelle is one I've rarely seen?? My Dr. says there's really no difference but it's got me a little worried. Although I'm not sure why lol.

Hi to everyone else!!

Thank you!!! Very much they all mean the world to me!
Amy - I am so excited about you getting your schedule and WOW on hubby's birthday that does feel like a good sign. My fingers are crossed for you and hubby! :hugs:
beagle-Sorry about the negative :hugs:, but I hear you on the delayed cycle. Grrr..Are you sure you're going to try to fit this in over Thanksgiving? Don't you want to relax over the holiday and not stress out about getting monitored and going shopping at 3am for Christmas presents? hee hee. Don't stress yourself out about it, but definitely see if you can make a reasonable schedule around the holiday.
beagle-Sorry about the negative :hugs:, but I hear you on the delayed cycle. Grrr..Are you sure you're going to try to fit this in over Thanksgiving? Don't you want to relax over the holiday and not stress out about getting monitored and going shopping at 3am for Christmas presents? hee hee. Don't stress yourself out about it, but definitely see if you can make a reasonable schedule around the holiday.

Thanksgiving is not a big deal at my house. Sister is in Baltimore with my nephews, mom & husband both work retail. ANd I have never been one to go out in the craziness. I def do not want to stress, so Dec will probably be it...just want to hear my options, know? But it will most likely be Dec.
Amy - I'm so glad everything went well yesterday. Our schedules are so close! My Dr. also prescribed Bravelle if it makes you feel any better. :)

Babywhisperer - We're pretty close in schedule, too. My retrieval will be somewhere around the 3rd/4th of November. I'm so sorry that your wallet was stolen and that you've been having a rough time. :( I'm sure things will turn around for you soon.

Moni - Have a great trip!

Knit - Good luck today. Hope everything looks good and you can start Lupron tonight.

Terri - Happy anniversary! And once again, I'm not worried about your 2 frosties because that still means you have 5 (and your PUPO). :) And like you said, your chart's looking fabulous.

JCM - Ugh. Sorry about your nausea. I'm totally freaked about the caffeine. I only have coffee in the morning but I LOVE my early-morning caffeine. :)

Beagle - I hope your AF comes soon so you can just move on! It's always delayed when we actually want it to come, right?

LadySosa - I think it's great that you're so open about your IVF experience. My sister and a handful of my friends know what's going on. I'm not sure that I mentioned it to my Mom just yet (strangely) but I of course will. I have been debating on telling my immediate team at work since I'll be starting meds soon and will need to take a few days for ET/ER. Then again, do I want them asking me about the results if it isn't successful...?

Hi everyone else! Weekend in the Cape was GREAT. My meds are being delivered today! I am super-excited to get things rolling. :)
Hello ladies...

Knitgirl - we are going to be doing PGS. Our reason is because we only want to transfer 1 to prevent multiples. We also get a discount on FET if the fresh doesn't work since we paid for PGS. Also my office can do the PGS right after retrieval & does not delay a fresh transfer. But as everyone has said, it is a personal choice. Def get as much info from your dr as possible. My dr claims PGS increases IVF odds from 50% to 70%.

Amy - others have already commented, but when dong medicated IUI, my dr referred to the 3 follicle stimulating meds as the same. She mentioned follistim & but if insurance won't cover do one of the others. So I just went with the 1st mentioned. I hope to continue follistim during IVF because I feel I responded well to it.

Terri - good luck on the beta. Do you plan to test early at all?

Babywhisperer - so glad you are moving forward. I hate it about your luck these days. We had people go through our unlocked cars in our neighborhood. It just makes you feel angry & violated. I had a period of time about a year & a half ago & things just seemed to keep falling. I thought things came in my 3 came & I thought it was over & then our cat died! But then things got better. I just know you are about to make a turn in a great direction. PS - I hate the jerks you work with. I have heard more of your stories than others through our other thread & your coworkers can just be awful. If it is meant to be, I hope a better job is in your future.

So I went to pick up my mom...over an hour away...planned to go to an outlet an hour away. But she told me about QVC in another outlet so we went there. It was almost 2 hours away. We were so unorganized & all over so I just got home around 9. I am so wore out. I ended up not telling her about the IVF...which meant no baby store for me today. But I feel okay about it. I would rather just surprise her when I am pregnant. Or if the right time comes me & my husband will tell her together.

So a little but of spotting today. Not decided on how I will test in the next few days. Of course my cycle has to be delayed. I am happy I decided to postpone until early Dec. Otherwise I would feel tight on time to fit everything in before Thanksgiving.

Sorry for so time for in the morning.

Thanks lady, yes there are 2-3 guys I work with who are notorious for being absurdly awful...the kind that were looking for a job forever and had doors shut in their face b/c of their reputations. All they want is to take my accts since they think they can do a better job and want more money (not that they need it at all), it's about competition. It's funny to me b/c they had 12 weeks to cover my accts when I was on maternity leave and they did next to no business. My customers are loyal b/c I'm honest. I'll leave you with 1 story, one of the guys was walking down the stairs to the subway, he clipped a 50yr old woman on the stairs with his briefcase, she fell, he turned around and kept on walking. Myself and another coworker were standing there in shock and this poor woman was hurt to the point that she couldn't get up. The stories do not get better from there. That same guy was verbally abusing me so badly when I was prego a woman who sits behind me complained to her manager, so they moved my seat. The guy who sits next to the jerk now wants his seat moved. Karma needs to kick this guys a$$.
Good morning, ladies!

How is everyone doing?

Beagle - Sorry for the negative. It seems like almost everyone had a delayed cycle going into IVF. It's like our bodies are playing cruel games with us. :cry:

Terri - I hear ya on the stark white tests. That's why I stopped testing when we were TTC naturally. I can only imagine what it must be like after an IVF cycle; it would be very hard not to test early. If you test on Sunday, how many days past transfer is that??

Jen - Sorry that the nausea has set in - but like you said, it's a good sign. Can't wait to hear about your scan on Thursday!!! :thumbup:

Amy - Glad your mock and sonohysterogram went well. Isn't it exciting when you get your calendar and you can map it all out? :happydance:

babywhisperer - Sorry you lost your wallet! That really stinks. When it rains is pours. :cry: I didn't really have too many reactions to the medications other than headaches. I don't remember my emotions being affected too much - the birth control is much worse for me for that.

knitgirl - We did the PGS for the same reason as Beagle. We wanted to do an elective single embryo transfer (eSET) and knowing which ones were normal right from the get go makes that an easier process. It definitely adds onto the cost but from our perspective, it gave us peace of mind. Our nurse said all of our embryos that were tested looked really good so there is a pretty good probability the abnormal ones could have been selected for transfer. Of course, they might not have been either. It's a very personal decision! It was easy for us but take the time to get the information you need and come to the decision that's best for you guys. :flower:

Moni - Enjoy your trip - it sounds lovely!!

Hello to Erin, jkb11, LadySosa,and Brighteyez!!!! :hugs:

Well, my transfer just got complicated. Ugh. The mock didn't go well. My Dr. said he has never seen a uterus like mine. He said I can brag that it is 1 in a 1000. Haha. :haha: It has a very sharp angle that made getting the catheter in almost impossible. It took a lot of work -there was cramping and bleeding and he says that's not good. He was finally able to get a catheter in after about 15 tries so he CAN do it but it's not as clean or gentle as he would like. He said I can have a hysteroscopy done and he would reshape my uterus to get rid of the sharp angle. That would obviously push our transfer out - maybe to February. Insurance might not cover it either. It's an outpatient surgery so it could cost around $6,000. Yay. He said another option is to do a transfer and see if it works and if it doesn't, then we can do the procedure.

In any case, I did some quick research last night and difficult transfers have a much lower implantation rate. I am leaning heavily right now towards having the procedure. I just don't know if I'm willing to chance it, you know? Ugh. Why can't any of this just be easy.

Thanks babywhisperer! I will try those next! Wow your coworkers suck! I'm a stay at home step mom so I didn't have to worry about hiding emotions. Lol those kids knew to watch out! Mainly my DH got the worst of it. We had some lame fights here and there but like booger said, the bcp was the worst part. Made me so cranky. Actually I think I'm more emotional now! Haha did anyone watch the walking dead premier? I couldn't stop crying! Normally I'm like "yeah rip his head off!!!"
Same thing happened in church. Pretty sure my eyes weren't dry for over an hour. Geez, what a baby.
Terri, Sunday doesn't seem too far now!
Booger, I'd maybe lean towards the surgery. Your tww would be so stressful I feel. If it were me, I'd be reading about difficult implantation rates the whole wait and I'd be too stressed out.
Booger - it is a hard decision. Do some more research to get some info. If insurance covers it, I would def go for it. But if not, I would be so torn especially after spending so much money already. Part of you wants to keep going because otherwise all the money is lost. I hope you find some answers. My 1st call would be to the insurance company...or have the dr office do it for you.

Jen - my husband is a huge Walking Dead not so much.

So I have a question for the experienced IVF folks. My insurance pays for flu shots. I think all insurance does. Anyways, we have like a thing a work where everyone comes & hets their shot. I have never had a flu shot. I do not get sick often so I figure if it ain't broke. My sister says she always gets sick after her shot. So I noticed some of you or all of you were on antibiotics to prevent sickness. Do you think I should get the shot since I plan to be pregnant or avoid it so as not to add any conflicts?
Ahhhhh it's so good! You must watch it!
I say skip the flu shot. I didn't have to take antibiotics or anything though. DH always has to get it because he's a surgeon and they make him at the hospital. Lol I never get it and I never get the flu so he laughed when I asked him if I should get it this year. He gave me a look like "really? You're afraid of getting the flu when youre already acting like you have the flu?" Good point DH... Wouldn't hurt to ask your doc though!
Good morning, ladies!

How is everyone doing?

Beagle - Sorry for the negative. It seems like almost everyone had a delayed cycle going into IVF. It's like our bodies are playing cruel games with us. :cry:

Terri - I hear ya on the stark white tests. That's why I stopped testing when we were TTC naturally. I can only imagine what it must be like after an IVF cycle; it would be very hard not to test early. If you test on Sunday, how many days past transfer is that??

Jen - Sorry that the nausea has set in - but like you said, it's a good sign. Can't wait to hear about your scan on Thursday!!! :thumbup:

Amy - Glad your mock and sonohysterogram went well. Isn't it exciting when you get your calendar and you can map it all out? :happydance:

babywhisperer - Sorry you lost your wallet! That really stinks. When it rains is pours. :cry: I didn't really have too many reactions to the medications other than headaches. I don't remember my emotions being affected too much - the birth control is much worse for me for that.

knitgirl - We did the PGS for the same reason as Beagle. We wanted to do an elective single embryo transfer (eSET) and knowing which ones were normal right from the get go makes that an easier process. It definitely adds onto the cost but from our perspective, it gave us peace of mind. Our nurse said all of our embryos that were tested looked really good so there is a pretty good probability the abnormal ones could have been selected for transfer. Of course, they might not have been either. It's a very personal decision! It was easy for us but take the time to get the information you need and come to the decision that's best for you guys. :flower:

Moni - Enjoy your trip - it sounds lovely!!

Hello to Erin, jkb11, LadySosa,and Brighteyez!!!! :hugs:

Well, my transfer just got complicated. Ugh. The mock didn't go well. My Dr. said he has never seen a uterus like mine. He said I can brag that it is 1 in a 1000. Haha. :haha: It has a very sharp angle that made getting the catheter in almost impossible. It took a lot of work -there was cramping and bleeding and he says that's not good. He was finally able to get a catheter in after about 15 tries so he CAN do it but it's not as clean or gentle as he would like. He said I can have a hysteroscopy done and he would reshape my uterus to get rid of the sharp angle. That would obviously push our transfer out - maybe to February. Insurance might not cover it either. It's an outpatient surgery so it could cost around $6,000. Yay. He said another option is to do a transfer and see if it works and if it doesn't, then we can do the procedure.

In any case, I did some quick research last night and difficult transfers have a much lower implantation rate. I am leaning heavily right now towards having the procedure. I just don't know if I'm willing to chance it, you know? Ugh. Why can't any of this just be easy.


Good afternoon Booger,

How are you doing? :hugs:
Terri - I'm actually not more at ease lol. Since it's more real to me now and approaching quickly, I'm actually more nervous. Starting to over worry everything and every little decision we've made. I just need to relax lol. Your chart is looking SO good!! I'm really excited for you.

JMC - It really does make me feel so much better someone else was prescribed Bravelle on this thread. I can relax about that now lol.

Babywhisperer - We definitely can be cycle buddies :) kfs1 and brighteyez73 are very close to us as well. So sorry to hear about your wallet. I would die for sure, my whole life is in my wallet/purse. People can be such a**holes.

beaglemom - I'm sorry to hear about the negative. We don't make a big deal about Thanksgiving here either. We usually do something like go up to the mountains for the day. So it would not be stressful for me at all to do IVF through Thanksgiving. Flu shots never really seemed to do much for me either. I always got sick anyways with just another strain or something. And they did make me feel yucky for a day or two also.

ksf1 - YAY another Bravelle user lol. Hearing a few more people have used or are using it definitely relieves my worries about it. There will be a few of us that will be within a week of each other this cycle. So exciting :)

booger76 - UGH I don't even know what to say. Such a hard decision to make. Such a set back too. Why do these things have to get so complicated? Isn't the fact that we can't conceive naturally complicated enough for us? I was really trying to think what I would do if I were in your shoes, and I really can't decide. I guess I would just research more into how much of a difference a more difficult transfer makes. I would think that even if getting to and inside the cervix was tough, once inside they should be fine? But of course I don't really know. What did your Dr. say about that part? I guess my decision would also be based on if my insurance covered it or not. Especially since my insurance doesn't cover one penny of IVF. I also have a complicated cervix position (angled down) that took a few extra minutes getting to and he had to use a longer whatever it is they use, but it was only a minor inconvenience, nothing that worried my Dr. at all.

P.S. I've told my husband that I think it totally sucks that most insurances don't cover IVF and that I'm going to run up 15K worth of other services to get even lol :) For instance, my back sometimes get a pinch nerve that goes away in a day or so, well now I'm thinking I need physical therapy HA!
Terri - I'm actually not more at ease lol. Since it's more real to me now and approaching quickly, I'm actually more nervous. Starting to over worry everything and every little decision we've made. I just need to relax lol. Your chart is looking SO good!! I'm really excited for you.

JMC - It really does make me feel so much better someone else was prescribed Bravelle on this thread. I can relax about that now lol.

Babywhisperer - We definitely can be cycle buddies :) kfs1 and brighteyez73 are very close to us as well. So sorry to hear about your wallet. I would die for sure, my whole life is in my wallet/purse. People can be such a**holes.

beaglemom - I'm sorry to hear about the negative. We don't make a big deal about Thanksgiving here either. We usually do something like go up to the mountains for the day. So it would not be stressful for me at all to do IVF through Thanksgiving. Flu shots never really seemed to do much for me either. I always got sick anyways with just another strain or something. And they did make me feel yucky for a day or two also.

ksf1 - YAY another Bravelle user lol. Hearing a few more people have used or are using it definitely relieves my worries about it. There will be a few of us that will be within a week of each other this cycle. So exciting :)

booger76 - UGH I don't even know what to say. Such a hard decision to make. Such a set back too. Why do these things have to get so complicated? Isn't the fact that we can't conceive naturally complicated enough for us? I was really trying to think what I would do if I were in your shoes, and I really can't decide. I guess I would just research more into how much of a difference a more difficult transfer makes. I would think that even if getting to and inside the cervix was tough, once inside they should be fine? But of course I don't really know. What did your Dr. say about that part? I guess my decision would also be based on if my insurance covered it or not. Especially since my insurance doesn't cover one penny of IVF. I also have a complicated cervix position (angled down) that took a few extra minutes getting to and he had to use a longer whatever it is they use, but it was only a minor inconvenience, nothing that worried my Dr. at all.

P.S. I've told my husband that I think it totally sucks that most insurances don't cover IVF and that I'm going to run up 15K worth of other services to get even lol :) For instance, my back sometimes get a pinch nerve that goes away in a day or so, well now I'm thinking I need physical therapy HA!

Yeah!! You might have to talk me off a ledge once or twice.....a day. Lol.

Booger, this is a hard decision but considering the cost of INF if it were me I would want to increase my chances however I could. I would ask how that shape uterus is for carrying a baby. If they think it might be an issue as you get along in the pregnancy, that might answer it for you.

Beagle, I have only had the flu shot once and I got the flu 2 mos later anyway. I think it protects you 30%, or can lessen it if you get it. They make the shot in anticipation of what strain it MIGHT be. Then again with all the enterovirus going around it might be a bad year for flu, esp here in NY with a very bad winter predicted.

Kfs how was the Cape? Weather good?

Jcm, I know how you feel. I could tear up while on meds for my IUIs at the slightest jab by a coworker. My fuse gets short for the shenanigans at work. I haven't taken it out on DH so much, just when he asks to do stupid things that a married guy with a 10mo old should know better than to even ask. I have never gotten into Walking Dead, something about zombies makes my skin crawl.

Away from all of that I am sincerely grateful to have been introduced to you all, thanks again Beagle. If any of you are in NY let me know!

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