First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi everyone! I just read through all your posts since I was last on here - so much going on! :) I'd like to write more tomorrow once I'm on my laptop. It's hard to type a lot on my phone. But sounds like everyone is waiting for an update, so here it is ...

The retrieval went really well and they got 20 eggs!! We will find out tmr how many fertilized. I'm pretty tender in my abdomen, but resting and am taking tmr off from work. My DH has been wonderful, as usual. :)

Thanks so much for all your well wishes!

Hope you're doing well Brighteyez! Can't wait to hear from you. :)
I am feeling a bit heavy after hearing the news. The meds would cost me $5500. Not sure about using the Europe countries. I will look in to those rebates. At the end of the day, I will pay whatever...but this is just making the numbers on everything I have done add up in my mind & depressing me. But I am sure I will feel better tomorrow. Just had a awesome dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes, & mac & cheese. No watching my diet tonight. Comfort food :)
I am feeling a bit heavy after hearing the news. The meds would cost me $5500. Not sure about using the Europe countries. I will look in to those rebates. At the end of the day, I will pay whatever...but this is just making the numbers on everything I have done add up in my mind & depressing me. But I am sure I will feel better tomorrow. Just had a awesome dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes, & mac & cheese. No watching my diet tonight. Comfort food :)

I'm sorry about the meds. Ask your dr if anyone donated any meds. Sometimes they donate what they don't use. Worst case scenario save all receipts and get a nice tax wrote off.

Kfs woohoo trigger time!

Knitgirl that is amazing. So happy for you!!

Tonight I didn't trigger. I did another 150 menopur and 150 Gonal F, and Ganirelix. I go back for bw and us tomorrow. I hope I trigger tomorrow night.

Off to bed. Getting to the Dr for 7am in the city has me wiped.

Good luck and sleep well ladies.
For sure ask about past patients who have extra drugs!!! I'm a patient who has lots of leftovers (due to my drama of not getting my meds in time grrrrr) and my RE will be letting any of the ivf patients know that I have extras to purchase cheaper in case they get in a bind like I did. I donated a lot of my extra needles and mixing stuff too. We were fortunate enough to be able to pay for everything out of pocket but I was still stressed over the big numbers. Now, I could care less but at the time I was FREAKING OUT! If you weren't around for that, flip back a bunch of pages. Lol what a nightmare! If everything had worked out perfectly I would have spent 2300 bucks on my meds. Maybe a bit more because they had to push me a little harder towards the end. Well worth it because today I am measuring right where I should be for 10 weeks! I do all of my blood tests tomorrow for chromosome and genetic abnormalities. Plus, I get the gender test! Yay! I'm a little nervous for the cystic fibrosis results (my uncle died from CF) but I think my mom is only 25% carrier and nothing like that on DH side. So, I feel good. Plus, my OB gave me some samples of nausea meds so I'm hoping that will make me feel like myself again. I also got the OK to lift some weights and have sex again! Apparently when you're on blood thinners, your cervix is really sensitive to anything and there could be lots of bleeding due to sex! Then, pregnant women freak out and think something is terribly wrong. My OB says if anything crazy happens I can get an ultrasound right away. She's so nice.

Wow! 20 eggs! Great news! Rest up! Glad your hubby is so awesome! ; )

Hope you're feeling good kfs! You're almost done!!!
Beagle - I went through Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and they were waaaaaay cheaper on the Follistim than Freedom. They also had several discount programs available. One was called First Steps which is a % off based on your income and the other was called New Life where I paid $25 to get $100 off for every $1000 I spent. I also signed up for DesignRx, which is free, and that qualifies you for various discounts as well. Oh, and Walgreens sent me a $25 gift card to cover the cost of my joining the New Life program. Might be worth giving them a call - (800) 424-9002.
knitgirl - Congratulations! 20 sounds great. Hope you're feeling good today.

Brighteyez - Hope your retrieval went well.

Beagle - Ugh. That really stinks about your meds. I hope you're able to find a cheaper alternative. SO unfair. :(

Babywhisperer - Good luck at your appt. today. Hope you're able to trigger tonight.

JCM - I hope the nausea meds do the trick for you. Man, it must be brutal.
knitgirl-Woohoo!! Great numbers...I can't wait to hear the report today.

brighteyez-What's the scoop, chica?

beaglemom-I'm sorry to hear about the meds...You know I had the same problem and I ended up putting it on my credit card (sucky), but my nurse did tell me that you can take it off come tax time, so I hope she's right and I get SOME of the money back. I know that doesn't make you feel any better, but Jen is right. Once you're prego, it'll all be a thing of the past, and it won't matter. None of this stuff will matter. :hugs:

Jen-exciting stuff coming up for you. :happydance:

kfs1-Hope the trigger went well last night. Can't wait for your retrieval..Afterwards are you taking endometrin? Did you discuss how many embies to put back at all? Or are we waiting for results and then deciding? Sorry I forget the specifics on everyone. I'm getting old-FAST!

Hi to everyone else! No update here except I went running again yesterday. I did a hill workout. I love it! I do need to map it out though and see how far it was. I felt slow looking at my watch, but maybe my route was farther than I thought. :shrug:
Thanks everyone...research happening today...thanks Booger, will check Walgreens out. I know at the end of the day, I will pay whatever. But I think my work stress is making me emotional. The good news is meds do not start until Nov I have time on my side. Another reason I wanted to make my appointment so early.

Amy (I think it was you) suggested I switch meds. I thought about it. I know it is all the same in the end, but I am so paranoid. So since I was on follistim before & they know how my body responds, I think I def want to stick with it even if the cost is higher.

Jen, where did you meds come from when using your site? Someone suggested & they come from Europe. Not sure how I feel about overseas meds.
kfs1-Hope the trigger went well last night. Can't wait for your retrieval..Afterwards are you taking endometrin? Did you discuss how many embies to put back at all? Or are we waiting for results and then deciding? Sorry I forget the specifics on everyone. I'm getting old-FAST!

Haha - Terri, I just responded to you on the oldies page, too. :) The trigger went fine. Had some trouble getting ALL of the liquid out of the vial so I hope I at least got enough! SOOOOO happy to be done with injections. Yep - I'll be starting Crinone the day after retrieval. I know at some point I'll be on Prednisone and E patches, too, but I honestly can't remember if it's after ER or ET or what. :dohh: We'll be putting 2 embies back in. I'm not too nervous about ER - I think I'll be more nervous waiting for the fertilization reports. 10:00 tomorrow at a facility in Manhattan - woohoo! :)
Good morning!

knitgirl - Congrats on your 20 eggs! :happydance: Very nice. Now the waiting begins.... we're here to help get you through!

kfs - Hooray for trigger!!!! :yipee: So excited for you. Tomorrow is the big day!

Beagle - Yes, it's good you have plenty of time! Try not to stress too much because you do have time to shop around. I e-mailed or called at least 10 pharmacies since I knew we were paying out of pocket. My Dr. wanted me to use Walgreen's Specialty because they are familiar with them and knew they were reliable. It just so turned out that they were the most competitive with pricing with the research I had done as well. I know there are several other discount programs out there as well. It just depends on the drugs you are using. They were super helpful on the phone helping me get it all straightened out. My total cost went from $5500 with no discounts to $2700 with them - and I didn't qualify for the Baby Steps programs which can lead to anywhere from an additional 25- 75% off. Sorry - I'm not trying to be pushy - just wanting to let you know what was offered to me and what is available out there. :flower:

Terri - Ooooh, a hill run. That sounds tough! I hate hills. Even though I live close to the mountains and you'd assume it would be hilly, we actually live in a valley bottom and it's pretty flat. Whenever a race has hills, I die! Good for you. I can't wait to get back at it myself. I am still doing Insanity. Made it through the first month and right now I'm in the recovery week before starting Month 2. :bodyb:

Jen - How exciting that you're ready to get the tests done! Although, I'm sure it's a little nerve-wracking as well. Can't wait to find out what the baby's gender is!

Babywhisperer - I hope you monitoring went well and that you get to trigger tonight!!!!

Leens08 - I think you're our first international on this thread! I'm sorry you have to pay everything out of pocket. We are mostly out of pocket too. It's infuriating how different everyone's insurance is in the States. Some people have great IVF coverage and others get nothing. It's a real bummer for those of us in the last group. I shouldn't complain though because all of my bloodwork has been covered and I only have to pay for part of the cost of my ultrasounds. By the time I get through my transfer next month, we'll have paid close to $20,000 out of pocket. That includes travel expenses, etc. At least I can deduct part of it on my taxes.

Brighteyez - I hope your retrieval went smoothly!

Hello to everyone else!!! :dust:

Back during the summer, when my regular doctor and OB/GYN were trying to figure out the cause of our infertility I had a bunch of blood work done. I've had quite a bit done over the last few years for different reasons. Anyway, point being that my liver enzyme test results have been coming back a little elevated each time. My doctors don't think it's anything to worry about but I had an ultrasound done in August and then my regular doc made an appointment for me to see a specialist to rule anything out. That specialist appointment was yesterday. We were talking about things and discussing what's going on and he was scanning through my file, etc. He mentioned a few different things that can cause the enzymes to be elevated, including Celiac's disease and said that can also cause fertility issues. He must have seen that in my file somewhere. I ended up having to have more blood drawn so he could try to pinpoint what's going on. He's not very concerned based on my overall health, family history and that the ultrasound was clear but wanted to rule some other possibilities out. The whole point of this long story is that at the end of my appointment he asked if I had any questions for him. I mentioned that DH and I were trying to get pregnant and I asked if whatever is the problem with my liver is figured out would me getting pregnant complicate anything? He said no. Then he asked if were actively trying or something like that and I said we were doing IVF. Then he asks where and I tell him a few details - he then says he and his wife were looking into IVF too and he was curious about my doctor. I told him a few more things and then we were done. My guess is that he saw something in my file that mentioned IVF (everything is on a centralized computer system). I didn't mind, actually. I would have talked all day about it if I could have as it felt really good to talk about it out loud. Sorry for the long post, just found it interesting that you never really know when it's going to come up.
Oh, and on the FET front, I got my calendar yesterday!!! Wahoo!

Looks like I start Lupron on Monday, then oral Estrace and baby aspirin on the 21st, and then PIO, Medrol and doxycycline on December 4th with transfer scheduled for December 9th.
Booger that is awesome, we will be so close!

So I got a quote from WinFertility RX. It is not officially, but they basically said $2700. They do everything in bundles. Then Walgreens was $3800 without the 2 discount programs. I will check to see if I qualify for 1st Steps. If not, I will probably go with Win since it is cheaper. So I def do not feel any more stress. I just wish I could prove pay using paystubs instead of 1040 since I can pull my paystub online...I would have to go home to get my 1040. So I will have to wait until tomorrow to send it out. But I have almost 2 weeks before I need it.
Booger that is awesome, we will be so close!

So I got a quote from WinFertility RX. It is not officially, but they basically said $2700. They do everything in bundles. Then Walgreens was $3800 without the 2 discount programs. I will check to see if I qualify for 1st Steps. If not, I will probably go with Win since it is cheaper. So I def do not feel any more stress. I just wish I could prove pay using paystubs instead of 1040 since I can pull my paystub online...I would have to go home to get my 1040. So I will have to wait until tomorrow to send it out. But I have almost 2 weeks before I need it.

That's great!! Much, much cheaper. I, too, hated having to submit the 1040. It felt too personal or something - I was afraid we were going to get scammed somehow, which is ridiculous. I heard back from them very quickly - like within a day - so having to wait an extra day shouldn't matter too much.
Good morning ladies!

Kfs - I'm so excited for you! Good luck tomorrow!

Booger - great story! It's true, I think many people are in the same boat as us, they just don't talk about it. So sometimes its easy to feel like you're all alone going through this. When I talked to my MIL about the IVF she mentioned a few other family members on my DH's side who went through IVF. Very common! It must've been nice to talk about it with someone!

Leens - yes, so cool you are located in SA! We sure have a good variety of locations represented on the thread, but you are the most exotic. =) Sorry that you have to pay for everything out of pocket. =( In the end it will all be worth it tho!

Knitgirl - congrats! 20 sounds like a lot! Looking forward to hearing how many fertilize!

Jen - you must be super excited to find out the gender! Wahoo!

Hi everyone else! Afm - nothing new really. I'm keeping up with my Barre class - and MAN, am I sore. Last night when I left the class and I got home I basically collapsed in my hubby's arms! They work your muscles HARD - especially your booty!
kfs1-Hope the trigger went well last night. Can't wait for your retrieval..Afterwards are you taking endometrin? Did you discuss how many embies to put back at all? Or are we waiting for results and then deciding? Sorry I forget the specifics on everyone. I'm getting old-FAST!

Haha - Terri, I just responded to you on the oldies page, too. :) The trigger went fine. Had some trouble getting ALL of the liquid out of the vial so I hope I at least got enough! SOOOOO happy to be done with injections. Yep - I'll be starting Crinone the day after retrieval. I know at some point I'll be on Prednisone and E patches, too, but I honestly can't remember if it's after ER or ET or what. :dohh: We'll be putting 2 embies back in. I'm not too nervous about ER - I think I'll be more nervous waiting for the fertilization reports. 10:00 tomorrow at a facility in Manhattan - woohoo! :)

Yeah no more injections for you!!!! How are you feeling? What facility in Manhattan? I think I am triggering tonight which means pre-op at 6:30am so I will be exhausted for being up late for trigger, being on 5:45 train into city, work all day and come home to acupuncture. I start PIO injections night of retrieval so injections are not over for me. My stats from this morning were lining 9.8, right 19, 17, 15.5, 15 and 3-4 more medium ones. Left 18.5, 18, 16 and 3-4 more medium ones. Dr said onest at 14 could produce an egg so have no idea until retrieval what we are working with. Sounds like estradiol yesterday was 1880. I will know more later when they call with results of blood.

How are you Brighteyez? Knit?

Terri a hill run is hard and so great for endurance. When I used to run I'd do hills and would be able to run faster on days when I did runs on flat terrain. Great fat bruner to do interval work.

Beagle, I hope you get a great discount on meds. If I get a bfp you can have a Gonal F pen for the cost of my copay. That's all I will have leftover. I used my last menopur last night. Might have 1 Ganirelix leftover.

Hi Erin!! What's shakin girl?

How is everyone else?
Well it's Guy Fawkes and I can hear the fireworks in our street which is illegal and my animals are freaking out, people are really insensitive.

Beaglemom Sorry about the finances, hope everything works out :)

Knitgirl 20 eggs WOW, my egg retrieval is next week, what is normal, what is too low? Does anybody know? I'm quite sure 20 is very high though, good on you girl.

kfs good luck with the fertilization reports, I'm sure they'll be positive...sending loadsa positive vibes to you

Booger76 I suppose our one consolation is the tax relief, small but I've already decided I'm going on holiday with mine ha ha

Babywhisperer wish you lotsa lotsa luck on your egg retrieval

I'm getting nervous now for my egg retrieval, which will be next week sometime, I've never been put under, never had an operation, even minor so it's all so very new.

One more thing I've been reading some past posts because I joined late in the thread and some of you waited for months before doing your IVF and are still waiting, I did my IUI last month, tested on day 10 BFN plus no symptoms at all so we decided to go ahead with the IVF. On condition that I do another test, day 1 of my cycle I went to the pharmacy, got my meds, day 2 I started Menopur injections. I wonder if doing 2 IUI's, then IVF on top of each other is a good thing? - it's important to note I had my first IUI in August only, thoughts ladies?
Leens-ERose, kfs and I both went from failed IUIs to IVFs without any troubles, so that shouldn't worry you. They monitor you every step of the way. Some of the other girls are doing FET because of genetic testing, or working out better dates for their schedule, etc..

Babyw-Even though hills are tiring, I feel much better after doing them, and in a race, I would always try to pass one person on a hill because I know they are hating life. hee hee. You don't practice what you hate (like yoga for me). My neighborhood has more of those long, gradual hills versus short and steep hills, so pretty much any route I run there is a hill of one grade or another. Thanks for the kudos.

beaglemom-glad your'e feeling better about your medicine costs. I may have some extras too. I'm just not QUITE sure just yet.
Thanks for the offer on extras, but I should be fine. Worst case at this point is about $3500. I am much better with that than close to $6,000. So I am def feeling much better.

I am a crazy person & drove home to get my tax return. It takes up my whole lunch to do that, but oh well...just ready to have my meds worked out.
Beagle- glad it is working out with the meds. Def talk to your clinic - I donated all my leftovers as well.

Babyw and KFS - which clinic do both of you use? I used RMA of NYC. Hope the retrievals go smoothly!!

Knitgirl - congrats on the 20 eggs - hoping for a great fertilization report.

Terri - jealous about the running....I haven't run since August and I definitely miss it.

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