IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

Hey everyone,

I had my day 6 scan today. I have 11 follies on the left ovary, 16 on the right! Most of them are around 10mm - I'm not sure if that is normal size for day 6. The nurse didn't seem worried.

She took blood and they are calling me tonight to let me know how much Gonal-F to take for the next two nights. They will probably reduce the dose so I dont get any more follies.

Brooke and Angel - I hope the week flies by for you

hopes - Hope today goes well. Fantastic that you have so many embies.

- What day is EC? I bet you they will defo end up transferring and all will be fine. Try not to worry and enjoy the fact you have plenty of lovely follies which will all give you brilliant eggs.

Oneday - How are you feeling?? I'm shattered!! And have a few ov twinges. Hope you're ok

Hayz and Peartree! Wow!! That's a ton of follicules!! Good work!

Oneday, how is stimming going for you?

Brooke, Angel, and MissP, I hope your TWW is going by quickly.

I had ET today and am just a total wreck. Out of 12 embies on Saturday, only 4 made it to blasto stage. Very disappointing. Also, they grade the blastos from A to E, with A being the best. I had three D's and a E. It just broke my heart to hear that. So they transferred two D's. The dr. said that the grading system is very subjective and that I can still acheive pregnancy with D blastos. But I'm just so worried. Anyone know if I really do have a chance?
Hopes, so sorry to hear that only 3 made it - but they're in the comfort of your womb now, so hopefully will snuggle in. Sorry I can't help with chances or anything, but I guess that the fact that they're blasties mean that they're strong embies? Someone with more knowledge should be able to assure you. The expert is the doc - if he says it's possible, then it's possible! Sending lots of :dust:

Hayz, my EC is tomorrow. Day 6 at those sizes sound about right, as you're only just over half way, and they do keep growing up to EC day even though you stop the drugs two days before. How are you feeling on the stim drugs? I felt really thirsty and tired, although towards the end, I think the adrenaline takes over. :happydance:

No more injections for me, and one more sleep!
My dose got reduced to 112.5iu for last night and tonight.

I'm also really tired and thirsty! I've got some pain around my ovaries. It's not really severe or anything but a bit uncomfortable which is making me worried. Did anyone else have abdominal discomfort while stimming? Is it normal?

Hopes - sorry some of your embies didn't make it. I don't know much about embie grading, but I totally believe that if your doc said you could achieve a pregnancy with the embies they put back, then you can. Try not to worry (much easier said than done!) and relax. Your little embies are making themselves right at home

hays - that seems a low dose? i guess you must be responding well. I had some ovary pain as well, increasing as it got closer to ec. It was never unbearable, just uncomfortable. Just take it easy.

peartree - good luck with the ec tomorrow. St paddys day so sending you lots of luck from ireland!

Missp - sorry i missed you in all of this! Hope you are doin' good! The wait is driving me nuts - what about you?

hopes - keep having faith in your wee ones! Nurse at my clinic says at this stage they all have a one in three chance no matter what and it only takes one!

brooke - the most annoying thing is my treatment is also self funded, with the exception of my early bloods which i had through my normal dr. on the NHS. Looks like we could learn a lot from you guys! How you today?

Everyones else, wishing you all well,
Hayz, I also had ovary discomfort during stimming. They got very tender a couple of days before EC, so I was just very careful not to do anything that would shake them up too much.

Good luck with EC tomorrow Peartree!

Thanks for the support ladies. I really hope that my babies snuggle in. I guess I'm already going into "mommy mode" and worrying about them. I almost wish that they wouldn't have told me the grade of the blastos.

Hope you ladies in the TWW are doing well!
Just got the call from the lab that we have nothing to freeze. It just blows my mind that from 20 eggs, we have two low grade blasts transferred and nothing else. It makes me wonder how in the hell people can actually get pregnant naturally when they start out with only 1 egg.
I know in my head I need to keep positive, but it's so dang hard and my heart is just so heavy right now.
Just got the call from the lab that we have nothing to freeze. It just blows my mind that from 20 eggs, we have two low grade blasts transferred and nothing else. It makes me wonder how in the hell people can actually get pregnant naturally when they start out with only 1 egg.
I know in my head I need to keep positive, but it's so dang hard and my heart is just so heavy right now.

If blasts have a much higher chance of pregnancy than day 2 transfers, surely even two lower grade embies are still better and stronger than a couple of 2 day embies.

I would feel exactly the same as you, but none of it is in your hands anymore. You just have to look after yourself the best you can, take plenty of time to relax and wait and see what happens. But I really believe you've got a great chance of being pregnant - and maybe even with twins!!

The clinic just called me and left a message saying they have got the full results from my blood test from yesterday, and I have to reduce tonight's stimms dosage to 75iu.

I'm worried now as that sounds so low. I have a dragging pain in my abdomen. It's ok when I sit down but when I stand or walk, it feels horrible.
Thanks Hayz. I am really trying to stay positive.

The last few days of my stimming I was also reduced to 75, so don't worry about the small dosage. It means you're getting close!

Hopes... I'm sorry that the other blastie didn't make it to a frostie. :hugs:
There's nothing that can be done now, so concentrate all your energies into focusing on a positive outcome for the two. I wish you all the best. :hugs:
I hope you don't mind me saying this, but the outcome does seem a little low for 12 initial embies. Does your clinic have a track record for blastocyst culture?

Hayz - I wouldn't worry about the dosage. You're obviously responding very well to the stimming, and so they have to make sure they don't push you over the edge into a risk for OHSS. I didn't have any real discomfort until yesterday. I had bloating, but it's only in the past day that I've felt a kind of 'jarring' sensation when I walk or bend down, and sometimes ovary stabbing pain (not very painful, more like a sore discomfort). Have you told the clinic of your discomfort? If it feels bad, I'd be inclined to give the clinic a call. Keep drinking lots of water - I was told to do this by the nurse when she saw the number of follies I had.

Angel and Brooke - when is your testing date? :dust:
Thanks Peartree. Are you excited about tomorrow? I hope everything goes well and that they get lots of good, mature eggs.

The only thing my doctor kept saying about the blasties was that only about 20% of all embies make it to blast stage. I don't know if that's in general for all embies or just for the lab. I've been doing a lot of research about this and how some dr's are certain that embies are either going to make it to blast stage or they aren't, no matter if they're in the womb or in the lab. Who knows. It's all just a giant miracle either way.
Thanks Peartree. Are you excited about tomorrow? I hope everything goes well and that they get lots of good, mature eggs.

The only thing my doctor kept saying about the blasties was that only about 20% of all embies make it to blast stage. I don't know if that's in general for all embies or just for the lab. I've been doing a lot of research about this and how some dr's are certain that embies are either going to make it to blast stage or they aren't, no matter if they're in the womb or in the lab. Who knows. It's all just a giant miracle either way.

Hi hopes maybe by going to blasto stage you have got the best embies rather than implanting or freezing ones that weren't going to make it anyway, fingers crossed for you and good luck x
Peartree - good luck for tomorrow hon!

Hayz - it does sound like you are doing great honey, so exciting to see you at this stage considering we've both been on BnB since before there was a LTTTCers section! When is ET?

Hopesforababy - I know you are disappointed but realistically, you are probably statistically FAR better off than women having 1 2days embryo in and 4 or 5 frozen for later! Much better! 2 blastos?!? You are uber pregnant and I'd put the farm on twins!

Hope everyone else is okay. Tested that the trigger is out Brooke or are you gonna be good tests wise?
Thanks so much for the support Mis Ama and Oneday! It totally made me feel better.

And very curious to know if you're going to test early Brooke?!?!
Happy St Patricks Day everyone! Sending you all good luck!

peartree - not testing until im due to - 25th for me. While im curious, i terrified to do it early! Thinking about you today!

hopes - keep the faith and make that wee one big and strong!

hayz - let us know how your scan goes today.

brooke - not sure what day you test but fingers crossed for you!
Hi all hope everyone is doing well. Been for another blood test this morning and the nurse has just rang to say my dose of stimms can come down today and tomorrow to 225 then 150 with a scan friday am woohoo fingers crossed i can trigger saturday with ec monday x Its all going a bit too well at the moment ;-)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Good luck for us all!!!

Good luck today Peartree! Let us know how it goes :)

OneDay....yeah for getting close! Fingers crossed for good follies!

Brooke and Angel, how are you ladies feeling?

My spirits are getting better. I've got some tightnes in my chest and am getting the sniffles and all congested. No tenderness or anything, but had some slight lower back pain this morning. Nothing major. Hoping that it's implantation!
Scan wasn't great. My ovaries have somehow produced 8 more follies in two days. They have taken blood and will be calling me later to let me know what I need to do tonight in terms of meds.

The nurse said that if my ovaries don't calm down, they may have to cancel the cycle in case of OHSS, which would devastate me. She said another alternative would be for them to do egg collection but freeze all the embryos and not transfer any.

Hopefully they will calm down - there's not much I can do except wait. I'm going to try to just chill out tonight. Need to go to tescos annoyingly but other than that I can just do not much.

The follies I've got a doing well - they're a mixture of sizes but some of them are getting quite big.

Now I keep worrying that I have done something wrong. I had a big row with OH at weekend, it was stupid and we're fine now but I keep worrying that the stress of it has messed up my IVF.
Hey all....Well..the week is still dragging on and I'm still waiting to test. I have my first blood test date tomorrow, the 18th, but the clinic won't tell us the results of that test. They use it for a comparison for my second blood test which is on Saturday and then they will call me on Saturday. I'm not going to test early and I haven't tested to make sure the trigger is out of my system. I figured I don't have any tests left here at home anyways, so I don't want to go spend money just to come home and crush me with a potential false negative. Besides, a friend of mine who did this said that the clinic told her that at-home preg. tests only detect hcg over 50 and they look for it to be at least over 10 by my first test date...usually it is still below 50. So an at home test would def give a negative reading anyways. By saturday my levels should be up and around 50 but that's the day I get a blood test so I figure there's no point in wasting money on a stick. But the waiting is killing me! I'm so nervous and anxious!! I wish time would just fly by!

How is everyone else doing? Scans looking good? getting close to EC or ET? Shots still going well? Hope you all are doing well!

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