IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

Hi Tickledpink and welcome to the thread. I do my down-reg injections at night, and stim injections in the morning, but most people do everything in the morning. So could you do it in the morning before you start work?

Will your clinic be giving you an autoinjector? This is a spring loaded plastic device that you put your syringe into, and you just put it against your leg and press a button. With DH loading up the syringe, I don't even get to see the needle before injection. :thumbup:

Don't worry, I'm the biggest of wusses when it comes to needles, and it's been fine so far.

All the best! :hugs:
Thanks Peartree! That's put my mind at rest... as long as timing doesn't matter then yes, I could do it before work! I've no idea what sort of 'device' I will be using for the injections. We only looked in to going private on March 1st. We called up last week and got our first consultation yesterday and now they're talking about starting treatment in 5 weeks so we're a little shell shocked at how fast things are moving and have info coming out of our ears... and lots of questions slowly coming to mind. Thanks again.

Dee :)
Just to clarify - they advised me to do the stimming in the morning to 'give it longer to work' as I did my down reg in the evening, so maybe the stimming does matter? But you'll be ok if you can do both in morning before work.

It's moved fairly fast for us as well - we got referral in Dec, and I called up on my Jan period, and was injecting by Feb, so lots to learn along the way. The threads on here are wonderful, and people here are so helpful, so if you have any questions, just ask. I'm sure somebody knowledgeable will be able to put your mind at rest. :hugs:
welcome tickledpink and good luck - your clinic should tell you how best to accomodate your shifts. Both my injections were done at the same time but i was just told a time i could regularly keep.

Brooke - embies still doing good?

peartree - my clinic just do day 3. We just have to put faith in the docs right?

hopes.. -any updates today on embies?

missp - hope youre feeling brighter today

Sorry if i have forgotten anyones vital bits but best of luck to all. Im afriad im in a little bubble world right now!!

Well 2 grade 1 (yeah!) embies are in! One dividied really well and one described as a"bit slow" to divide but they are all i have so i have everthing crossed that at least one is viable! Loving the pessaries - NOT!!
Angel--Woohoo on transfer!! How'd it go? and how are you feeling?

Tickled-Welcome...I know this is all really overwhelming and hard to take in...I don't think anyone expects to be in this situation. But hopefully you can find some support on here and eventually your BFP. :) Ask us any questions you have at all. I know for myself, nothing has compared to having support from other people who are going through the same thing as me.

Hopes-Those are awesome numbers! Way to go! Congrats! Let us know how they grow and what the doc says when they call.

Missp-I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well. That's awful. :( 7 embies is awesome though...good luck with your transfer, let us know how it goes.

Peartree--you're getting there! Woohoo!

As for me...I've been yucky and down in the dumps for a couple days now since ET. I got nauseous the day of transfer and then yesterday it got worse and last night I was throwing up! I woke up this morning and was still feeling really awful so I called the clinic back and they said to watch symptoms for OHSS and to really drink a lot of gatorade and they ordered me some zofran-anti-nausea medication. This sucks and I really hope I start feeling better. But then I remember...well, if I end up preggers then I'm going to have morning sickness and that will be just as bad! Egh! Let's hope I'm not one of those morning sickness people! :winkwink:
Angel--Woohoo on transfer!! How'd it go? and how are you feeling?

Tickled-Welcome...I know this is all really overwhelming and hard to take in...I don't think anyone expects to be in this situation. But hopefully you can find some support on here and eventually your BFP. :) Ask us any questions you have at all. I know for myself, nothing has compared to having support from other people who are going through the same thing as me.

Hopes-Those are awesome numbers! Way to go! Congrats! Let us know how they grow and what the doc says when they call.

Missp-I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well. That's awful. :( 7 embies is awesome though...good luck with your transfer, let us know how it goes.

Peartree--you're getting there! Woohoo!

As for me...I've been yucky and down in the dumps for a couple days now since ET. I got nauseous the day of transfer and then yesterday it got worse and last night I was throwing up! I woke up this morning and was still feeling really awful so I called the clinic back and they said to watch symptoms for OHSS and to really drink a lot of gatorade and they ordered me some zofran-anti-nausea medication. This sucks and I really hope I start feeling better. But then I remember...well, if I end of preggers then I'm going to have morning sickness and that will be just as bad! Egh! Let's hope I'm not one of those morning sickness people! :winkwink:

So sorry you aren't feeling well still. Call me or text if you need to talk! Has the Zofran helped?
Angel, congrats on the 2 grade 1 embies that you put back. I hope they are making themselves at home!

Brooke, sorry to hear you are feeling bad. Do you think it could be from the progesterone? In a "normal" pregnancy, the progesterone is what causes morning sickness. But I hope the zofran is working.

Peartree, are you feeling you ovaries yet? Sounds like you've got quite a crop of follicules!

Missp, I hope you are feeling better, and congrats on your embies!

Welcome to the group, Tickledpink! You should be getting a schedule from the clinic on when you'll take injections. I down regged in the morning and had stims both in the morning and evening. But some of my meds had to be refrigerated. Surely your work would make some sort of arrangements for you in this special situation.

As for me, I didn't get a report from the lab today. When they called yesterday with fertilization report, they said they weren't going to disturb them today. They are going to check them in the morning to make sure they are dividing well and call me then. And I had to start progesterone injections last night. It was a disaster! It goes in the hip, so I can't do it myself. DH was freaking out about stabbing me with a needle he compared to a McDonald's straw. It wasn't so bad once he did it, but now I have a bruise on my rear and it's sore. Also, I'm still real bloated and sore around the mid section from EC. Anyone else have this soreness two days post EC? It's sore like a really hard ab workout. Also, a bit constipated. Is that normal?

Baby dust everyone!!
Brooke - the transfer was a doddle compared the the collection. I had a really full bladder which i think gave a much better scan image, but meant all i could think about was ....
Hope you are feeling better today? You really have had a rough time of it but wont it be worth it all!!

hopes.. - i am still sore after EC 4 days ago now. The pain has changed and now, as you say in like abdominal muscle pain. It even makes walking a bit uncomfortable for me.

So do you all inject your progesterone? I have delightful pessaries 2x a day which i think arent as good!
Angel, congrats on the 2 grade 1 embies that you put back. I hope they are making themselves at home!

Brooke, sorry to hear you are feeling bad. Do you think it could be from the progesterone? In a "normal" pregnancy, the progesterone is what causes morning sickness. But I hope the zofran is working.

Peartree, are you feeling you ovaries yet? Sounds like you've got quite a crop of follicules!

Missp, I hope you are feeling better, and congrats on your embies!

Welcome to the group, Tickledpink! You should be getting a schedule from the clinic on when you'll take injections. I down regged in the morning and had stims both in the morning and evening. But some of my meds had to be refrigerated. Surely your work would make some sort of arrangements for you in this special situation.

As for me, I didn't get a report from the lab today. When they called yesterday with fertilization report, they said they weren't going to disturb them today. They are going to check them in the morning to make sure they are dividing well and call me then. And I had to start progesterone injections last night. It was a disaster! It goes in the hip, so I can't do it myself. DH was freaking out about stabbing me with a needle he compared to a McDonald's straw. It wasn't so bad once he did it, but now I have a bruise on my rear and it's sore. Also, I'm still real bloated and sore around the mid section from EC. Anyone else have this soreness two days post EC? It's sore like a really hard ab workout. Also, a bit constipated. Is that normal?

Baby dust everyone!!

Hopes..I've been sore ever since EC and ET. I'm still pretty bloated too, I just can't move normally...everything is really tight. The nurse said that because our ovaries get so big they are still pretty big and they will be sore for a while. I remember when I was on Clomid I was hypersensitive to it for some reason and I ended up with 9 follicles..just from Clomid! Anyways...it took about 2-3 weeks before my abdomen started feeling better again and that didn't even involve any surgery or anything and I was on BC to help calm them down. So since we all have had even more follicles and we went through 2 invasive procedures I would think it's gonna take a while for things to feel normal again. And yes...I've been constipated too. They said that was normal. They reccommended milk of magnesia liquid to help.

Angel...yeah I'm on the progesterone suppositories as well, twice a day. Is that the same thing as what you call pessaries?
So just got good news from the lab! We had 10 embies when they called on day 1 with fertilization report. Today, we have 12!! They said two fertilized late. I was really expecting that we would have lost one or two, but we actually got 2 more!!
We have 3 grade 1, 3 grade 2, and 6 grade 3! The lady classified those numbers as excellent, good, and average. And they are all 8 cell. I've been praying for my precious embies to grow strong, and they have! I am so excited!
I have ET scheduled for Monday at 12:45. I'm so nervous and excited and anxious, I'm just going crazy!
Anyhow, just had to share my good news. Hope everyone is doing well!
So just got good news from the lab! We had 10 embies when they called on day 1 with fertilization report. Today, we have 12!! They said two fertilized late. I was really expecting that we would have lost one or two, but we actually got 2 more!!
We have 3 grade 1, 3 grade 2, and 6 grade 3! The lady classified those numbers as excellent, good, and average. And they are all 8 cell. I've been praying for my precious embies to grow strong, and they have! I am so excited!
I have ET scheduled for Monday at 12:45. I'm so nervous and excited and anxious, I'm just going crazy!
Anyhow, just had to share my good news. Hope everyone is doing well!

Thants fantastic hopes you got 12 I couldn't in my wildest dreams ever imagine getting that many well done! Will they be blasties by monday then? How many are you having put back? Good Luck with the transfer x
Hopes that is fantastic news. Well done - i wish!!

Brooke I think they are both the same - front passage waxy bullet shaped thing??
Oh Hopes! That's absolutely fantastic news!!! Wow - it's the first time I've heard of MORE embies as time went on! They must be really strong fighters! :happydance: GOOD LUCK for transfer tomorrow! :hugs:

Had my last stim injection this morning. I'm not feeling overly uncomfortable. I actually forget about it until I bend down or something and then I'll feel a bit of tugging. I'm drinking lots, but yesterday was out all day so didn't top up as much. Ended up with a bit of a headache at night.

I have another scan tomorrow to check on things. Hope they've grown a bit more since Friday....

Did anyone else get a bit of a rash where they injected for stims? I did't have a problem with the Buserelin, but my leg is a bit inflamed and itchy where I've injected the Menopur (started on day 6). I changed leg yesterday, and now that area is affected too. So glad I don't have any more...
Hopes...that's awesome! You sound like you've got a really good chance for a BFP! So will Monday be day 5 or day 3? And how many are they putting back? Or do you just wait and see what they look like on Monday? Well..best wishes..I hope it all goes well! Let us know!

Angel...Yeah, it must be similar stuff. I was on the waxy bullets when I did IUI and now they have me on a different kind...its like a giant, flat, oval pill..it's huge! Not fun! It's called Endometrin.

Peartree...Isn't it so nice to know you are done with the injections! I thought it was such a relief. I had a reaction to my d-reg medicine. I did it in my tummy and I would always break out in itchy, red hives around the injection site. But I didn't have it with the stims. Best wishes with your scan tomorrow...let us know how it goes!

As for me...I'm starting to get anxious for my test this week. I have been trying not to think about it but I'm starting to dread the possible negative and I just can't fathom what that's going to be like...I can't handle it. I just pray this works. But at the same time I almost don't want to find out yet because hope is better than finding out it's negative. Ahh...I hate the stress and emotions of all this!
peartree - yippee! Last one feels so good! Good luck this week!

Brooke have you got your pregnancy test this week?
I am on my 2ww and am literally left until the 25th March when i do a home test and contact clinic with results. Its a long and lonely wait! Your care/treatment seems very good - is that common over there or is it part of your special circumstances? Are you feeling any sensations - i findmyself analyzing every twinge and flutter so i feel im going crazy!
Thanks ladies! I am very excited about tomorrow. It'll be a 5 day transfer, so hopefully some good blastos! And I'll be putting two back in to hopefully snuggle up for the next 9 months!

Yeah for finishing injections Peartree! Good luck with the scan tomorrow and let us know how it goes. EC will be on Wednesday for you?

Brooke, when is your test date? Mine will be the 24th. Angel, you're just one day behind me. I wonder why, since you had collection before me? But I have a feeling that I'm going to be a wreck after tomorrow once they do the transfer. Anyone going to test early? There's a new EPT out that you can test 6 days early. The commercials are already tempting me..............
Good luck hopes, already bought those early tests as they were on offer in boots and I've not even got as far as ec yet lol. Having some ov pain though that I'm loving so fingers crossed the stims are working x
hopes - will be thinking about you today. Please update us when you have any news and feel up to it!

I really have no idea why i have to wait so long but its on my schedule as i just checked it?!
peartree - yippee! Last one feels so good! Good luck this week!

Brooke have you got your pregnancy test this week?
I am on my 2ww and am literally left until the 25th March when i do a home test and contact clinic with results. Its a long and lonely wait! Your care/treatment seems very good - is that common over there or is it part of your special circumstances? Are you feeling any sensations - i findmyself analyzing every twinge and flutter so i feel im going crazy!

Angel...yeah I test this week. My clinic does a blood test at 8 days after ET and then again at 10 days post ET. They don't tell you the results after the first blood test, but then they tell you after the 10 day test.
I think we do have a bit different care over here because it is all private medicine, none of it is social medicine. Therefore we are all paying out of pocket, plus insurance, for whatever we want/need so I think it increases the level of care. And most states don't offer insurance coverage for fertility care..mine being one of them, so it is all out of pocket. But, I do know that my clinic ranks high and is an excellent clinic as well. It is the only one in my state but they have very good statistics and have a very good program. They are very thorough. I haven't really been feeling any sensations...I think it's too early to tell and I'm trying not to drive myself insane, but I do find myself analyzing every cramp and twinge...just afraid that AF is going to show up before I even test and burst my bubble of hope. I have a feeling this is going to be a really long, miserable week though, with not a whole lot of sleep. I just keep dreaming about it every night! I can't stand the unknown!

Hopes...hope everything goes well today...let us know! I can't wait to hear!
Hopes, I hope ET went well today. Woohoo! In 2WW! :happydance:

How many do we have in 2WW now? - Angel, Brooke, Missp, Hopes... anyone else? I *hope* I will be able to join you girls later this week.

Had my Day 11 scan today - last before EC.
Full details of follies in my journal as don't want to bore anyone here, but I have 35 follies, 17 of them 13mm and above. They had to do another blood test to check how stimulated I am. The good news is that they will continue with egg collection as planned. The bad news is that they will decide on the day whether they will transfer, basing on the number of eggs they get, as there might be a risk of OHSS. :nope:

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