IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

Oneday - good going!

Peartree - yup, AT the clinic even. We got there, got changed and then JUST before entering the theatre the pressure for SET begun with a long string of stats about my age and so on. I was prepared it would happen and stuck to my guns "is it legal for me to request two in? lovely, 2 it is then" and despite that cycle being insuccessful I am happy I did. It's such terrible practice that they do it right then though!

Hope it went well, I'll check back loads to see your update!
Hi Ladies,
Can I join you. We have our first appointment for the assisted unit next month. We've been told that are only option is ICSI. I have PCOS and my DH has a low count. I don't have a clue what to expect.

We've only get one chance on the NHS so we are keeping everything crossed xxxxx
Hi ya,

I'm back online after a day of sleeping yesterday trying to calm my body down.

I had another scan today I have yet more follies - thirty something total. But I have no pain really now and feel a lot better so I'm hoping this is a good sign. They are going to call me after 5pm with blood test results and to tell me what dose of gonal-F to take today and over the weekend.

I have another scan on Monday. If they decide everything is ok to go ahead, I'll have my trigger shot on Monday and my egg collection on Wednesday. They said although I have a really high number of follies, I dont have any fluid gathering in my abdomen which is a good sign.

I don't really know how to feel right now - I'm excited but worried. I'm also worried as I've read that a high number of follies can mean poorer egg quality and a lot of mine aren't that big yet. Although the man doing my scan said their size doesn't worry him and he would be more worried if they were all getting really large.

I guess I have to wait and see! I think I will do absolutely nothing this weekend except relax, eat loads of protein and drink loads of water - bit boring but it might just make all the difference.
Well the clinic rang before EC will be monday woohoo. They said my estradiol is very high so no stim tonight or tomorrow just 0.25 of buserelin she also said there is probably lots going on in my right ovary but they just couldn't see it so fingers crossed i could get 10 plus eggs :) They will ring Saturday and tell me what time to trigger sat night and come in monday. I think we will go fo a 2 day transfer so all being well ET wednesday. I can't believe how tired and rough i feel, like a hangover, just drinking some powerade did anyone else get this?

Hayz - glad you haven't got OHSS , are your levels high too? I wonder if the will stop your stimms like me. Fingers crossed for EC
Well the clinic rang before EC will be monday woohoo. They said my estradiol is very high so no stim tonight or tomorrow just 0.25 of buserelin she also said there is probably lots going on in my right ovary but they just couldn't see it so fingers crossed i could get 10 plus eggs :) They will ring Saturday and tell me what time to trigger sat night and come in monday. I think we will go fo a 2 day transfer so all being well ET wednesday. I can't believe how tired and rough i feel, like a hangover, just drinking some powerade did anyone else get this?

Hayz - glad you haven't got OHSS , are your levels high too? I wonder if the will stop your stimms like me. Fingers crossed for EC

Yep my levels have been really high too - they are calling me with today's blood test results after 5 but they said they will probably stop my stimms for a day or two over the weekend.

Hope you feel ok over weekend - have you got anything planned?

My egg collection has been moved to Monday!! I can't believe it. Totally in shock.

Question for you - OH and I havent DTD since Sunday. Do you think it's ok if we do it tonight (actually we're totally not doing it as I want to be totally careful, but I'll give him a hand with achieving the same outcome iycwim!!!)? That will mean with egg collection Monday , it will have been nearly three days. Is that ok? Will we get the best sperm sample that way? I guess we dont have much choice now anyway!
My egg collection has been moved to Monday!! I can't believe it. Totally in shock.

Question for you - OH and I havent DTD since Sunday. Do you think it's ok if we do it tonight (actually we're totally not doing it as I want to be totally careful, but I'll give him a hand with achieving the same outcome iycwim!!!)? That will mean with egg collection Monday , it will have been nearly three days. Is that ok? Will we get the best sperm sample that way? I guess we dont have much choice now anyway!

The nurse told my DH to empty his out tonight really for monday so i am going to give him a hand lol
Wow! It's been one busy day in here today!

I'm backkkkkk!!!! With 2 grade A 2day embies on board, one 5 cell and one 4 cell. :happydance: Although, I'm not sure if I peed them out. :haha:

We did a very quick google this morning (we only had 1/2 hour to call them with our decision) and did a very quick risk/cost/benefit analysis and decided, yup - 2 back it is! :haha:

We also have 6 snowbabies. :dance:

Hayz - that's brilliant news that they've decided to do egg collection on Monday. Don't worry too much over the weekend. I worried that because of egg number, that they would be of low quality, but we've ended up with some good quality embryos - I hope it works out for you too. :hugs: I think tonight is ok for dtd - I think we last did it on Sat morning for Wed collection.

Oneday - I'm glad that they've decreased your drug dosage.

Feeling a bit bloated and slight discomfort - FS says I have mild towards moderate OHSS. But I'll keep monitoring myself to make sure things are picked up before they get too bad.

I'm so glad they didn't cancel, and I can join some of you here in the 2WW. :hugs:
Wow! Things are moving along!

Oneday and Hayz...best wishes with EC...let us know how it goes. Just take it easy this weekend and don't do anything really active or strenuous...it's a good excuse for some pampering! ;)

Peartree..congrats!!! I think you made the right decision putting back 2..I'm glad they let you do that.

So I called the nurse yesterday afternoon cause I've still been kinda crampy, but not really pms crampy, more like it's in my uterus. Anyways....I thought it might be from the progesterone and I also wanted to check and make sure they got my lab from that morning. I thought I might get lucky and she would give in and tell me the results..no such luck! She said they got my results, but she didn't peep about whether they were negative or positive. But she said the cramping is completely normal and the progresterone can definitely cause that. Then she also said.."And, if you're pregnant, your uterus will be going crazy and feel like it's being pulled on and be uncomfortable as well." So I'm really not trying to read into that..but she knew the results of my test and it definitely made me think. I can't wait for tomorrow...it's going to be an agonizing day!
Hope everyone has a good weekend...take care of yourselves!
Brooke - just popped by to wish you all the best of luck with your test tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts. I would certainly be getting that positive vibe from your nurse!!!! Hopefully big celebrations in your household this weekend!! Question is 1, 2, 3???

Peartree - Thats great news - take care. I know what you mean about peeing them out!! I was afraid to lie on my stomach in case i squashed them!!
Goodluck brooke! I know its not confirmed yet but all your symptoms are defo a BFP I think. You can tell me I'm right when you find out! hahaha! :)

Hope tomo goes quickly for you xxx
Peartree - Thats great news - take care. I know what you mean about peeing them out!! I was afraid to lie on my stomach in case i squashed them!!
I'm usually the most logical of people, but I'm thinking, what if they gravitate out?! :rofl:

Brooke - Wishing you all the luck in the world for your test tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing you announce your BFP! :hugs:

Welcome to the thread Aclio! :flower:
I'm usually the most logical of people, but I'm thinking, what if they gravitate out?! :rofl:

Just wait till you need to sneeze or cough! No wonder we're constipated after, there was no amount you could have paid me to ... really correct the situation in the bathroom visits over the first few days of the 2WW!

Well done on being PUPO lady! And twinnies PUPO at that!

Brooke - very very pregnant!

Hopes - hope you're taking care of my farm girl :haha:
Hi Ladies,

Thought I would introduce myself, I start DRegging on Friday, very nervous in fact I would go as far as to say bricking it !!

Very few people know that I am even TTC, only our respective bosses ( time of work) and a close friend each, do you think it will be difficult to keep it from people? How bad are the side effects?, Really scared about egg collection (w/c 26th april), how did you find it?

Sorry feeling very sorry for myself today- wish i could be one of thouse lucky people that have one roll in the hay and preggers ! No such luck for all of us ! Thank goodness for this website otherwise we would be totally isolated,

Good luck everyone hoping a BFP for all of you ladies, shame there isn't such a thing as natural justice eh??

Love Charlie x
Brooke - Thinking of you. I hope today brings good news. :hugs:

Hopes and Hayz - hope you're taking it easy this weekend.

MissAma - Yes, this IVF malarky makes illogical wrecks out of the best of us. :haha:

Charlie, welcome, and well done on your first injection! :flower:
We told our parents that we had to do IVF, but I've only told one friend of the actual timescale and that we were actually doing it. The only reason was that I was due to go on a spa weekend with her and she would've seen the injection marks on my legs, and also to warn her that I might be over emotional. It's pretty easy to hide from people, it doesn't take over your life - only one injection a day, and the rest of the day I found was just normal. I was lucky in that my clinic did early morning scans and I do flexi time, so could go for scan and get into work for 10am, without anyone knowing.
Good luck on your journey! :flower:

Is it normal to have sharp stabbing pains in the lower abdomen after ET? I had that last night, but feel ok today. I was so scared that it might be an infection or something - it felt like onset of cystitus, but nothing today, thank god. I'm also spotting (nothing major, just when I wipe), which I had after EC which I know is normal. It stopped the day after, but started again yesterday after ET.
Hi Charlie-welcome to the long and frustrating road that it is to getting pregnant! Keep telling yourself it will be worth it when you are holding a wee baby in your arms! Its great to come on here for support but its ok to feel sorry for yourself after everthing physically and mentally you have to go through. Good luck with your journey and keep us updated!

peartree - im no expert but i can tell you i also had a few nights of stabbing pains after et. I was also told that a bit of spotting and even tissue was normal so dont worry too much - welcome to the torture of the 2ww!! When do you test??
Thanks Angel - that's reassuring to hear. :flower:

The scheduled blood test is on April Fool's Day. Lol.
I'm not sure I'll test early. I'm not really one for tests - I kinda like to see the hagbag to tell me that I've been unsuccessful rather than a stick staying blank and I have to keep checking, bin raiding to re-check, etc. Have only done 4 tests in my life, and two of them were, "god, no, please don't let there be a line". :p I was in Wilkinsons today, and resisted buying some cheapie tests. I think I will wait until the morning of the blood test. Maybe. OR maybe because this IVF is making me crazy, I'll start testing tomorrow. :haha:
If your clinic is open, a quick call to a nurse would settle your mind for the rest of the weekend. Im sure they are used to these questions and there is no point going insane over it!
So it's noon my time and I had my blood drawn this morning but I still haven't heard anything yet. This wait is killing me!!! My mind is going insane because I know that today, life as I know it will change drastically, either postively or negatively. Anyways...I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not holding out..I just haven't heard yet. Please please please let it be positive!
So it's noon my time and I had my blood drawn this morning but I still haven't heard anything yet. This wait is killing me!!! My mind is going insane because I know that today, life as I know it will change drastically, either postively or negatively. Anyways...I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not holding out..I just haven't heard yet. Please please please let it be positive!

Oh, I saw your name as the last person on the thread and thought you must have the result!!! Will keep checking back. Thinking of you, hope you don't have to wait too much longer! xxx :dust:

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