IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

Brooke - congratulations thats a great ressult. Triplets - now that is a thought!!! I think in the UK the max they will put back is 2? Perhaps someone else can clarify. Hope they are all tucked in nice and cosy!

ACLIO - I have a very silent Dr as well but have found that the nurses will give more info - perhaps you could try them?

Hopes.. - any news back from your clinic yet? How you going today?

Just had phone call from clininc and im so delighted that despite my bad experience and only 3 eggs, im scheduled for 2 back in tomorrow. They are dividing nicely and they think the quality is good (even though they have not given them a grade yet).

Everyone else, good luck and thanks to all for your support, its so nice to be able to share!
Hi all,

I starting stimming last night so am now on my way. First scan is on Monday.

I'm wondering whether I should be having acupuncture or some other alternative therapy. I hadn't been planning on it but am now worried this is the wrong decision.

I just wondered what the other ladies on this thread are doing during their IVF cycle?
Hi all,

I starting stimming last night so am now on my way. First scan is on Monday.


Hi Hayz
Want to be stimming buddies ? I started last night too x Got a cracking headache from it today. What have the put u on. I'm on 450 iu of fostimon which is the highest dose ! Blood test saturday and then it may come down x
I'm wondering whether I should be having acupuncture or some other alternative therapy. I hadn't been planning on it but am now worried this is the wrong decision.

I just wondered what the other ladies on this thread are doing during their IVF cycle?

Hayz...I thought the same thing as you because I noticed lots of people doing acupuncture. But, I never did it and don't plan on doing it. I don't know much about it, but I know there are plenty of people who get pregnant without it and plenty with it. I just do exactly what my doctor tells me to do and nothing more or less...I figure they know best.
Brooke - congratulations thats a great ressult. Triplets - now that is a thought!!! I think in the UK the max they will put back is 2? Perhaps someone else can clarify. Hope they are all tucked in nice and cosy!

ACLIO - I have a very silent Dr as well but have found that the nurses will give more info - perhaps you could try them?

Hopes.. - any news back from your clinic yet? How you going today?

Just had phone call from clininc and im so delighted that despite my bad experience and only 3 eggs, im scheduled for 2 back in tomorrow. They are dividing nicely and they think the quality is good (even though they have not given them a grade yet).

Everyone else, good luck and thanks to all for your support, its so nice to be able to share!

Angel...I'm so so so glad for you! :happydance: 2 is awesome! So tomorrow they are putting the lil embies back in? Best of wishes and let us know how it goes.

Hopes..have you heard anything yet? How are you doing/feeling?
Hi all,

I starting stimming last night so am now on my way. First scan is on Monday.


Hi Hayz
Want to be stimming buddies ? I started last night too x Got a cracking headache from it today. What have the put u on. I'm on 450 iu of fostimon which is the highest dose ! Blood test saturday and then it may come down x

I would love to be stimming buddies!!

I'm on Gonal-F 150iu. I have had a headache today - but there was a massive fire in Shoreditch this morning and my building has smelt really smokey all day, so I'm not sure if the headache is just from that!!

Whereabouts are you doing your injection (on your body I mean, not whereabouts in your house!!). I did mine over to one side of my tummy, so I figure I'll do the other side tonight.

MissAma - yes, I guess that's very lucky - will be out of it on general so no indignity/pain/seeing blood!

Missp - how are your embies doing?

Ooo...triplets! It's the third month, so one for each month we've passed in 2010! Go Brooke's embies! :happydance:

Hayz - I've been doing weekly acupuncture since November. I will be having a session the day before EC, and two on day of transfer - before and after. I'm not sure if there's definite proof that it helps, but I'm willing to give anything a try. One thing for sure though - I get very relaxed during sessions - nothing to do or think about and I just drift off to the sound of the sea and ticking of the counting sounds that the therapist has playing. Apparently being relaxed helps, and she's shown me ways to relax after ET.

Hopes - did you get the fertilisation report??

Angel - Yay for 2 embies! :dance: Go embies :dance:

Aclio - sorry that your doc is conversationally challenged - you have a right to know details and not to be fobbed off with general remarks. Maybe ask for a print out of the results? DH is taking herbals and Wellman tablets for his low count. There's not that much marked improvement (only from <1million/ml to 1.7million/ml), I think maybe because his low count stems from undescended testes as a child, and not from diet or lifestyle. If your DH didn't have problems, a change in lifestyle and vits will help a lot more I think.

I have my Day 8 scan tomorrow. Hope it's going to be ok. Actually, can you believe I forgot about it until just now when I came on this thread?! :dohh:
I'm wondering whether I should be having acupuncture or some other alternative therapy. I hadn't been planning on it but am now worried this is the wrong decision.

I just wondered what the other ladies on this thread are doing during their IVF cycle?

Hayz...I thought the same thing as you because I noticed lots of people doing acupuncture. But, I never did it and don't plan on doing it. I don't know much about it, but I know there are plenty of people who get pregnant without it and plenty with it. I just do exactly what my doctor tells me to do and nothing more or less...I figure they know best.

Thanks Brooke. I think you're right. Maybe I should save my money and just carry on doing what I'm doing for now - which is nothing different to normal really! I'm not feeling really stressed at the moment at all, so I dont feel like I need anything to relax me.
Hayz - I've been doing weekly acupuncture since November. I will be having a session the day before EC, and two on day of transfer - before and after. I'm not sure if there's definite proof that it helps, but I'm willing to give anything a try. One thing for sure though - I get very relaxed during sessions - nothing to do or think about and I just drift off to the sound of the sea and ticking of the counting sounds that the therapist has playing. Apparently being relaxed helps, and she's shown me ways to relax after ET.

Lol, I'm so indecisive - I just posted saying, I'll leave it and carry on as normal. Now I've just seen your post and I'm thinking, it wouldnt hurt to get some prices from the clinic near me!

I feel like I'll be quite relaxed next week as I have three days working from home. So I may just do some yoga on my own on those days to make sure I'm calm.
Missp...I was looking back through the posts and remembered that you are supposed to be getting a very important call today....so?? Have you heard anything yet? I'm thinking about ya...hope all is well!

Hayz...I'm with you, I haven't had too hard of a time staying calm, but from ET plus 2 days my clinic asks us to stay down and relax...so I don't really have a lot stressful going on other than trying to nurture these little embies into a pregnancy. :) Plus, I know there is nothing more medically that I can do at this point, I just have to be patient, have faith and wait. But it does help if you can have people visit you or be social somehow cause I've found myself going crazy being bored. I'm trying to journal everything so attempting to catch up on that as well.
Wow! It's getting really busy here! Hope everyone is doing well!

So, I got my fertilization report from the lab this morning. I had 20 eggs, 16 of which were mature. So they did ICSI with the 16 mature eggs. Four did not fertilize and two were degenerate. So we have 10 embies!! I'm not sure what degenerate means, though. The lab said it's too early to see if the embies were dividing, but they will let us know on Saturday. They won't be disturbing them tomorrow. We are planning on a day 5 transfer, but if they look at them Saturday morning (day 3) and they aren't looking good, then I'll have to go in then for a 3 day transfer. Keeping fingers crossed for Day 5 though!

Oh, DH also told me that the dr. came in after EC and said he put a small stitch in my cervix with a small string so that he can pull on it during ET to get everything in a good position for transfer. Anyone else have this? I was so out of it after the anesthesia, I don't even remember!

Anyone else have EC in the next few days?
Hey everyone - so sorry i havent posted in a few days - i have not been well since Tuesday night. Was in awful pain - did not sleep at all on tuesday night - and feel very sick. I was worried it was OHSS but the doc scanned me on Wed morning and again yesterday morning and they think it is the fluid in my tubes that is causing it. I am on more painkillers and antibiotics now to help it - feeling better now but still not right. Hopefully with some rest today I will be brand new by tomorrow.

The news from the clinic yesterday was very good - 7 embies are still hanging on and they are all 'where they should be' so they said. Transfer will be lunchtime tomorrow.
So excited now - just wish i was feeling myself.

How is everyone doing? Where is everyone at?

Hopeforababy - congrats on 10 embies that is great. I hope you get great news tomoro and you get to have your 5 day transfer.
Brooke22 - how are you keeping? I just read up that you transfered 3 - congrats - i hope they are snuggling in nicely to there new home for the next nine months.
Peartree - good luck with your Day 8 scan. FX you have loads of good follies.

Angel - how are you after the EC? I hope you are feeling better. You are having transfer today right? Best of luck :)

Hope everyone else is doing good.

Hope you feel better soon Missp, and that you feel right as rain for your embies to snuggle in nice and tight tomorrow. :hugs:

Hopesforababy - yay for 10 embies!!! :dance:
I have my EC on Wednesday - does that count as 'in the next few days'?

Angel - hope the transfer went well. :hugs:

Had my Day 8 scan today - I had to go for a blood test afterwards because they need to work out how much to reduce my stim dosage by. I've been advised to drink loads of fluid. I have 12 from 10-18mm, and 14 under 10mm. Hope everything's going to be ok. I'd much rather quality over quantity...
Peartree - yes it counts! So accupuncture doesn't hurt, best news all day - I am having my first VERY expensive session on Tuesday-

24 is very near OHSS... I'd bet they will lower your dose. On the plus side you'll have loads and loads of embies to make blastos from!
MissAma - The first session, I was very nervous so the therapist used thinner needles for that one session to see how I did. I've only had one needle out of the many that hurt, and if you let the therapist know, she will be able to pull the needle out a little so it doesn't hit the nerve. Good luck with your first session! It's quite expensive here too. We've worked out that we've spent over £2k since DH starting in Sept last year... Geez... not sure if that money could be better spent saved up for a back up paid ICSI cycle!

I've been googling OHSS symptoms. I'm having the thirst and the concentrated wee, especially when I don't drink for a couple of hours. Bloated in the stomach too, but I think all of us going through IVF have that.

Unfortunately, my clinic doesn't take to blast. 2 day transfer, no negotiation. I'm NHS funded. :wacko:
unfortunately, my clinic doesn't take to blast. 2 day transfer, no negotiation. I'm NHS funded. :wacko:

Excuse my French but what idiots, in particular with a lovely crop like yours! Are you allowed to have two in at least? Mine are the same kind of idiots... I can just see with my luck 1 back at 2 days and then 5 2 days frozen or some such where we won't be able to use them all and with half of all of everyone's eggs being chromozomally abnormal, the probability is that we'll end up using the bad 50%! It's just outrageous to me that when they KNOW basto improves chances by 20% and 2 embryos by 10% they won't do it routinely everywhere after all we go through.

Rant over but FFS!
Yes, they're allowing me to put two back in. I was very worried about 2 embies, but at 2 days, I think that will increase my chances of a singleton. They probably don't have the facilities here to do it, but their success rates are on par with the other clinics who do 5 days, so :shrug:

I know your clinic only does 1 embie transfer - but do they take it to blast, or is it 2 or 3 days as well?

We'll see how this cycle goes. If it's not successful, we'll ask for a transfer.
Hope you ladies don't mind me stopping by... I know you've already started your treatment, but we're planning on starting ICSI around the middle of April and things are moving pretty quickly and I'm a little bewildered. One thing that's now worrying me is in the injections. I'm not too clever with needles, especially if i have to inject myself... I'm just wondering if it matters what time of the day it has to be done. I work a late shift (4.30pm - 1am) and because of where I work (amazon.co.uk) we're not allowed to take any belongings in to the building. We get a small locker and thats it... I'm just wondering, if i have to inject at night, how on earth I am going to do it... I can just see myself sitting out in the car in the dark trying to work up the courage to stick that thing in me... pls tell me I'm worrying about nothing :(

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