IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

Wow Hayz....I'm sorry to hear the news. I really hope things calm down for you. Hang in there...I'm thinking of you! Don't second guess yourself..you did things right. You just might have extra sensitive follies to medicine. That happened to me on Clomid. I had to scratch a cycle because I over-stimulated...but it was only IUI. I really hope things work out for you and they don't have to post-pone your cycle. Best wishes! Let us know how things go.
Hayz, I hope your follicules calm down a bit so that you can continue on your cycle as planned. And don't blame yourself, because you didn't do anything wrong. I think we all forget as we are going through this that we still have a life that we have to live.

And you are so strong in not testing early Brooke! You're an inspiration to me! I won't be able to check the thread on Saturday when you post (a BFP I'm sure) because I'll be at my brother's wedding, but I'll be sure to check as soon as we get into town on Sunday. But how are you feeling? Any pregnancy symptoms?

Angel, what about you? Any pregnancy symptoms?

Hope EC went well Peartree!
Thanks all! :hugs:

Hayz, I really hope things calm down for you. Don't fret - there's nothing that you could've done to stop this. It's all the drugs that they're pumping you full of, and nothing else.

EC went well. I feel bruised around my ovaries, but other than that and having to sleep all day yesterday, I'm fine.

They got 27 mature eggs. That's kind of good news, but as they predicted, they're going to abandon transfer and just freeze the embies for my next cycle due to OHSS risk. Another set back in the big timescale of things, so we're feeling disappointed and frustrated. :cry:

Hopes, Brooke, Angel - have you all started symptom spotting yet? :happydance:

Oneday, how is the stimming going? Good luck with the scan tomorrow!
Thank you, all your messages have made me feel so much better.

OH was amazing last night, he did all the food shopping then cooked me dinner and just made a massive fuss of me. I started feeling really sick last night and had pain. Feeling a bit better today but decided to stay at home and relax today to give my body a rest. So I'm lying in bed, writing this on my phone and listening to the chris moyles show!

Peartree, glad you got plenty of mature eggs. I'm so sorry they won't be doing ET this cycle, even though its good they are taking such good care of you, it's still so disappointing.sounds like we are having similar cycles. Let us know as soon as you get fertilsation report.

Oneday, how are you feeling today? Hope its going well.

Hopes, Brooke, Angel. - hope you're all ok and that the time isn't dragging too much!


Aw... lovely to hear that your DH is taking good care of you and you're being made a fuss of. It's nice to be spoiled, isn't it? :winkwink:

Yes, sounds like we're having similar cycles. I hope you won't have to abandon it at any point though. I have all my fingers crossed that they will collect and transfer for you as planned. :hugs:

The clinic just called but it wasn't the fertility report. It was just to check how I was feeling, "I'm fine, I'm fine, not as bloated as yesterday, yes, I'm peeing, I've had breakfast, yes I'm taking it easy... (subtext "PLEASE CHANGE YOUR MIND! I'M FINE! PUT MY BABIES BACK WHERE THEY BELONG!!!") :haha:
Morning Girls

I'm terrified of ohss too had a bit of chest pains the last 2 morning probably just paranoid though. I have got a bit of period type back ache today but luckily i can just lay low.

I'll try and do a roundup apologies if i miss anyone.

Hopes - Enjoy your brothers wedding and i hope your embies are bedding in and getting nice and comfy in there.

Peartree - 27 eggs wow, fingers crossed for a good fertilisation report. Will they take them to blast? Sorry you are missing out on the transfer but your health comes first. Take care of yourself.

Hayz - Praying your ovaries calm down and you get to transfer. Glad you are taking it easy and your hubby is taking care of you x

Brooke - When are you testing? Good Luck x
Oh, what a rollercoaster of a morning. Unfortunately, the 27 they said weren't all good enough, so they ICSI on 23. Out of that, only 9....


Because I'm feeling so fine, they said I have to go back to the clinic tomorrow for an assessment, and possibly will do the transfer after all! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Oneday - they won't take them to blast. I only ended up with 9, and in any case, my clinic only does 2 day transfers.
Hey you! I was just writing to see how you got along. No transfer yes transfer.... wow that must all be hard!

Great that they may do the transfer after all! make sure you drink like crazy today, 5 Liters if you can stomach them and put your feet up!

9 is brilliant though! Was it ICSI or just IVF? I'm sure they'll put your babies back tomorrow.

Oneday - just take it easy.

Hayz - it will all be fine. Breath :)

Hopes - remember, my farm is all on them twinnies! :)

Brooke - plenty of tests show under 50 mui. In fact most do these days, it's only the Digi ones that show that late but First Response is 15 so surely it would show by now!

Hope everyone else is okay.

My fridge is finally filled with drugs but the silly cows at the pharmacy spent 20 minutes yesterday trying to tell me it is not a mistak, I don't need a pen for the Puregon at all or they would have remembered and ordered one for me. As if I could use the needle and the vile alone! Once we sort the pen too I'll have everything and all we need to do is have Mrs. AF put in an appearence and then we're on our way.
Thanks MissAma, yes - what a morning. They ICSI'ed them - DH sperm count is too low for regular IVF.

I was trying to console myself before, when I had to postpone, that I'd at least be cycle buddies with you, possibly. :hugs:

Hope Ms AF comes soon enough for you! :hugs:

Oneday - try and drink a little more water than you would normally. I hope everything works out well and you don't get OHSS. I've been googling symptoms all morning, and started keeping a pee diary. :blush:
Hi all. What a roller coaster this whole thing is! Im totally at my wits end with this waiting! Today its all kicked off inside. I am convinced that AF is just around the corner. My stomach is in overdrive - feels like someone is tugging on a piece of string tied to my insides! Anyone been through this who can put my mind at ease??

hopes - enjoy the wedding but dont be doing any jigs!! Do your folks all know about your treatment?
missa - you are well on your way now!
peartree - hope your transfer goes ahead as planned!
hayz - lovely DH - milk it for all its worth! Hope everything works out.
oneday - good luck with the scan tomororw - trust all is on track!
There is so much going on!

Peartree, I'm glad that you are feeling ok after EC, and I'm keeping fingers crossed that you get to transfer tomorrow. Let us know how your appointment goes today.

Oneday, I'm glad you are getting some rest. That should help with keeping OHSS away and in keeping everything on schedule.

Hayz, what a wonderful thing DH has done for you! Keep staying calm and relaxed and keep us posted on what they are going to do next.

MisAma, isn't it so nice to have a cabinet/frig full of drugs?!?! DH and I both felt completely ridiculous going through boxes of syringes and needles, but it's just another step in this crazy process. When will you start injections? And I'm so glad you still have the farm on my twins!

Angel, I know this wait is crazy, and you've been in it a bit longer than I have. You're official test is a week from today, right? Are you going to test early? I can't decide!

Brooke, hope you're doing well, too!

I might just have to take the computer with me this weekend. I'm not sure I can handle BnB withdrawls! Who knows. My family does know about everything. My mom is already being "mother hen" to me, telling me that I'll need to stay sitting down at the reception and just let people come to me, and during pictures I just need to sit down between every picture. Oh dear! But I'll be good and take it easy!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Wow! Things are getting busy on here!

I just got back from my first blood test. Unfortunately the clinic doesn't tell me the results of today's test. :( This waiting is ridiculous and I just wish I could find out already! I've been feeling good for the most part. I'm trying not to analyze every little thing I feel but it's hard not to. The only changes I've noticed are crazy dreams at night, sore boobs, my skin was super clear and now it is starting to break out and maybe a slight slight bit of nausea a couple of times. But like I said, I probably could be imagining these as well!! I've still been constipated (sorry if tmi) and gassy and I feel like I've been kinda crampy but I can't tell if it's my tummy or AF type cramps. I just wish I could get this over with so I can stop going crazy over every little twinge! I go in again on Saturday and do another blood test and they are supposed to tell me the results after that. Although, they usually don't call until the afternoon so the time difference means you all probably won't get my post until Sunday. Oh I pray it's a BFP!!!!!!!!!

Peartree..you've just been through a roller coaster!! My word! I'm sorry it's been such a crazy couple of days. 23 is a lot of good eggs though! and 9 is still a lot of good embryos..that's awesome! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that they will go ahead and do the transfer...I don't want you to have to wait anymore! How agonizing!

Oneday and Hayz..keeping taking it easy and take care of yourselves. When are your next scans?

MissAma..isn't it exciting to finally have the meds?! I felt like my fridge and my bathroom closet were like a pharmacy cause there is so much to keep track of! As far as the HPTs..I'm still trying to keep my will power and not test. Since I don't have any it would take me going to the store to buy some so that makes it easier to avoid the temptation.

Angel...I'm right there with ya...it's so hard to read what's going on inside my body and I'm sure my paranoid mind isn't helping! Hang in there!

Hopes...how ya feeling? Have fun at the wedding. That's so funny about your mom...that's how my sister in law and my husband are. Everyone keeps asking me..are you sure you should be moving..be careful...shouldn't you stay down...what are you doing??? It's pretty funny. My mom's been on vacation these last 2 weeks otherwise I'm sure she'd be right there with everyone else making sure I'm careful.
sounds like a BFP to me brooke22. I've read those symptoms so many times before! How exciting!!
I've been having these crazy (good) dreams, too! The past two nights I've had a dream that I've taken a HPT and it was positive!! How weird is that?!?! I've never had a dream about POAS.

I've also heard that a lot of people say they feel like AF is coming right before they find out they have a BFP. How long would you say you've been feeling like that, Brooke? Every once in a while I'll get a slight lower back pain/cramp that I would normally feel before AF, just not as intense. I keep praying it's implantation! And I feel a BFP for you Brooke! And everyone! As I said, there's going to be lots of luck this month with St. David's Day and St. Patrick's Day!
Hopes and Brooke - I'm loving the vivid dreams! Sounds like a couple of BFPs coming our way! :hugs:
We're back from the clinic all went very well and positive. They don't seem to like giving you too many details and figures etc i think to stop the googling and worrying which is frustrating but probably a good thing.
Left Ovary was very clear about 10 follicles , 2 are big another 4 will catch up and the others are small. Right ovary was very unclear as it is stuck to my bowel and the one that my ectlaopic was removed from in the past but she could see 2 big follicles but there are very likely to be more.So i think we are looking at 8+ eggs fingers crossed. My lining was also nice and thick. My estrodiol is also quite high. They are calling me later to give me the dose and advise if egg collection is monday or tuesday.
Arggh.... has anyone had the 'one embie transfer' hardsell on the morning that they're supposed to transfer? I just got another call from the embryologist who said FS is concerned that I might develop OHSS so would recommend singleton transfer (I have 4 top grades), and started to talk again about risks of twin pregnancies. Chance of pregnancy with singleton is 40% and chance with double embryo is only 2% higher apparently. But then they said chance of twin pregnancy will be 33%!

Head in a tizz, and I have to let them know asap so that they can freeze the other embryos. :headspin:

I feel like I've been put on the spot. Erring towards two still. I'm thinking that the risk of severe OHSS is not that high...

Oneday - good news about the scan!
Peartree - stand your ground and tell them you have already made your decision and you want 2! I signed for 2 today and they ddn't say anything. I'm sure its just there stats they are really worried about. When is your transfer ?
Bit slow here - just found some of your journals - thanks for sharing ladies. Just wish i had known to do the same!

Oneday - nice one. Wishing you all the very best luck and hope you get some lovely embies to pop back in.

peartree - my clinic suggested 2 from the start for me. Probably due to my age but i think there is a big push in the uk for just one transfer. Its your body and your choice as long as you make an educated decision and are aware of the risks. Good luck!

Have also been having very vivid dreams, however i would describe mine as nightmares where i have actually woken with a jolt and in sweats! Last night i woke to a very strange sensation like 1million butterflies in my stomach which lasted about 10-15 secs but left me feeling very serene afterwards. Very strong cramps last night and wept buckets! I just wish test date would arrive so i can know!! I guess someone has to be the BFN and its looking like you all have the vibe its me this round!
I had some advice yest on this. For my age 25 they advised only 1 embroyo but said I could have 2. i was told I had 50% chance with 1 or having 2 increased my chances by a 1/3 and that chances of twins was 1 in 4 for me so 25%. I was in the high risk group of having a twin. I've not started treatment yet but I still think i could be the 3 out of 4 that don't get a twin and I would have had a much better success rate of getting 1 at least.

So far my clinic has been very good and seemed fine with us wanting 2, they jsut make you aware of the risks. whether that changes on day of transfer I don't know yet but we've signed for 2 so far.

Hope this helps xxx

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