IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

Angel - Good Luck with your EC let us know how u get on x

Brooke - Well done thanks for sharing I hope all 6 fertilize for you. How many are you having put back ? Are you going to blastocysts? What happens with the frozen eggs ? Sorry for so many questions. Crossing my fingers for you and hoping for a nice BFP good luck x

Oneday..I don't mind the questions! :) That's why we have this thread. We will put back whatever the doctor recommends and it will probably just depend on the quality of the embryos and what grade they are. We would like to go to blastocysts if there are enough because I know that there has shown to be better success rates with that.
If this round is not successful then we have to use the frozen eggs within 3 months...that is the rules of this study we are in. If this does work..which it's going to! ;) then there is no time limit on when we have to use them. Basically it allows us to fertilize eggs again without having to go through the whole retrieval process all over again, which is expensive and painful.
Brooke - that's a fantastic number of eggs. I hope those 6 embies get strong for you. When is your transfer date?

I've just had my 4th stimming injections. No symptoms to report apart from the odd twinge now and again, which I got in normal cycles anyway. For those of you who have been through this - when did you start experiencing symptoms/side effects? I didn't really have any side effects with down reg either.

I'm wondering if I'll be able to get through this with 100% comfort, but wondering if that's asking for a tad too much. :haha:

Peartree...I'm not sure yet when our transfer date is, it just depends on how the embies grow and how well they do. It should either be Wednesday or Friday.

As far as symptoms go on the stims, I didn't start to get uncomfortable until about day 6 of the stims. And then it didn't get really bad until around day 8. Even then, it wasn't bad all the time. My mornings were great but then evenings were a lot more uncomfortable and painful. 2 days before EC my boobs got really really really tender and hurt a ton, but that was the only other symptom other than tender ovaries. My FS said that some people feel a lot of pain and some people feel nothing at all...so there's hope, you could get through it without any discomfort! ;)
I'm probably a little late to join this thread but i just wanted to say Hello, as I've been skimming this thread, So i should really share A little bit about me..
Have been with my hubby since I was 16 (13 years this year! :thumbup: ) married for 2yrs in this August :wedding:
I had both tubes removed due to hydrosapinx (fluid filled tubes) after TTC for about 5 years in September 2009
I'm currently on the 2ww due to test on the 12th (day before my birthday! lol) We had IVF with EC on the 24th feb and ET on the 26th, with 2 embryo's so fingers crossed! :winkwink:

Trying to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly good and not test early, just had a few symptoms really cramps,vivid dreams and a bit of tiredness,AF was due on the 4th but of course that could be the Cyclogest (BTW aren't they pleasant :sick:)

Wishing you all the very very best of luck on your Journeys


Frindabelle...What were the particulars of your IVF..how many eggs retrieved, how many fertilized, how many grew to embryos and what grades were they on transfer day? I know, I know...20 questions! I wish you the best of luck...keep us posted on how it goes! I hope you get your BFP!! xx
So...I finally heard back from the Doctor....it seemed like it took forever! I thought they would call this morning and they didn't call till 3:00 this afternoon! But...good news! 5 of the 6 eggs fertilized!! :happydance: We thought we might be lucky enough to get 4 to fertilize and were thinking it would be amazing if there were 5! Ahh..it's such a relief.
So as of right now I am scheduled for ET on wednesday at 11:00, but they are supposed to call me Wed morning and let me know how many there are and how they look and then we will decide if we wait till Friday (day 5 blastos) or not. So I'm praying praying praying that we still have 5 left on Wednesday and then we can wait until Friday.
Hope you are all doing well! :flower:
Great news Brooke! Keeping my fingers crossed for your little embies!! How are you feeling today?

I take my trigger shot this evening and have EC Wednesday morning at 7:45. My scan this morning showed 14 follicules that were at least 15 mm! I'm guessing I may get a few more by the time Wed. morning rolls around. I'm super excited that I have no jabs tomorrow, but I start progesterone injections the day after EC. And that needle is really long!!!

Am I correct that Angel had EC today?

Peartree, I didn't start feeling tenderness in my ovaries until day 7 or so of stimming. My boobs started feeling really tender day 9. I'm on day 10 of stimming (last day) and have felt really sore around the mid section all day. Good luck!!
Hopesforababy....good luck on Wednesday!! I'll be praying for you and thinking of you.

I felt a lot better today than I did yesterday, it was amazing what one nights sleep did for me. I am still kind of tender and crampy, but nothing compared to yesterday. I started the Progesterone suppositories and I had a really red, flushed face all day but the nurse said that is normal.

Hopes...you're doing prog. injections? I'm not sure which I'd rather do...shots or suppositories...neither is very pleasant! Let us know how EC goes...can't wait to hear the news!
Yay for 5 embies, Brooke!
:dance: Go Embies! Go Embies! Go Embies! :dance:

Angel, how are you feeling today?

Mummyiwannabe, I went for my consultation mid cycle, and they told me to call in on my next period started(so 2 weeks time). Down regging started on Day 21 of that next cycle. It really depended on whether they had a slot for me that cycle. It could have been that I needed to wait until the following cycle to start if they didn't have slots left. I'm on funded by NHS though, so it might be different for you.

Obe - welcome to the thread! I've found it to be so supportive and helpful. Hope you do too. :flower:

Fridabelle - welcome, and good luck in your 2ww!!!

I have a question about the stimming injections - do you inject until the day before egg collection? Because I only have 5 injections left, meaning it will take me to Sunday morning, and my EC is not until Wed morning. I had enough for 10.
I'm probably a little late to join this thread but i just wanted to say Hello, as I've been skimming this thread, So i should really share A little bit about me..
Have been with my hubby since I was 16 (13 years this year! :thumbup: ) married for 2yrs in this August :wedding:
I had both tubes removed due to hydrosapinx (fluid filled tubes) after TTC for about 5 years in September 2009
I'm currently on the 2ww due to test on the 12th (day before my birthday! lol) We had IVF with EC on the 24th feb and ET on the 26th, with 2 embryo's so fingers crossed! :winkwink:

Trying to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly good and not test early, just had a few symptoms really cramps,vivid dreams and a bit of tiredness,AF was due on the 4th but of course that could be the Cyclogest (BTW aren't they pleasant :sick:)

Wishing you all the very very best of luck on your Journeys


Frindabelle...What were the particulars of your IVF..how many eggs retrieved, how many fertilized, how many grew to embryos and what grades were they on transfer day? I know, I know...20 questions! I wish you the best of luck...keep us posted on how it goes! I hope you get your BFP!! xx

Hi Brooke, I had egg collection on the 24th Feb with resulting in 9 eggs,7 of which fertislised and embryo transfer on the 26th with 2 embryo's one 4 cell and one 2 cell (although it was going to divide again apparently) due to test on the 12th, but i stupidly stupidly tested last night and got a faint positive and then again this morning and got a negative, really wished I'd just waited so cross with myself :dohh:
Hey everyone,

how are ye all doing? I had EC yesterday - 16 eggs collected and this morning 9 had fertilised - hoping to go for blast but have to call again on Thursday and see how they are doing. This is a nervous week ahead of us! Can only imagine what the 2ww is like :wacko:

Frindebelle - congrats on your transfer - you dont have long more to wait to test - are you going to wait until Friday or test before then :)

Peartree - the last stim injection i took was Friday and then Saturday i took the trigger with EC on Monday so Im not sure. Have you called the clinic? When is your next scan?

Brooke - how are you feeling? I stated the posgestrone suppositories too - feeling a bit flushed too :) 5 out of 6 ferlislised is great - they are strong embies :) I will keep everything crossed for your call tomorrow.

Hopes - this time tomorrow EC will be all over. Dont be too nervous - i thought it was fine. You'll be asleep for it and the painkillers they will give you will last until that evening and I took some more painkillers and i was fine. I honestly thought it was going to be worse.

Caline - thats great news - down regging next week - i really hope the time will fly for you.

Sorry if i have forgotten anyone - i am sure i have. Hope everyone else is doing good.
What does blast mean? I'm new to the ICSI treatment and hoping to start soon.

Good luck to everyone who is in treatment right now xx
Hi MummyIwanabe - a blast is a 5 day transfer.
When are you hoping to start the ICSI treatment?

I have a question about the stimming injections - do you inject until the day before egg collection? Because I only have 5 injections left, meaning it will take me to Sunday morning, and my EC is not until Wed morning. I had enough for 10.​

Prior to EC I had a day off of stimming and sniffing, then gave myself the trigger shot 36 hours before egg collection, so I think that was 2 days of not stimming before collection. So, I think you have the correct number of injections left. Maybe double check with clinic to make sure though?​
Thanks Missp. I'm hoping to start early April.

Another question is how is it decided how many embroyos at transferred back. I'd like 2 but I know they don't always like to do this with complications of twins etc however I really would like 2.

Who had what and how was it decided?

Thank you :) x
Not too long of a wait more then MummyIwanabe - April is just around the corner.
I was hoping to put 2 blasts back but with my age they are really against it - they said it to me again at EC yesterday that 1 blast is ideally what they will be putting back. If i have some blasts to freeze it wont be so bad but I am hopeful for this cycle and positive that it is going to work so I wont worry about that now.
I dont think you can really tell how many they will put back until the eggs are fertilised and after a couple of days they know better what will survive.
Thanks Missp, I'm 25 so I'm not sure what they will do for me but I guess I will take their advice and what they recommend. I would love to have twins though!

Good luck with the outcome, I have my fingers crossed for you!! xx
I'm probably a little late to join this thread but i just wanted to say Hello, as I've been skimming this thread, So i should really share A little bit about me..
Have been with my hubby since I was 16 (13 years this year! :thumbup: ) married for 2yrs in this August :wedding:
I had both tubes removed due to hydrosapinx (fluid filled tubes) after TTC for about 5 years in September 2009
I'm currently on the 2ww due to test on the 12th (day before my birthday! lol) We had IVF with EC on the 24th feb and ET on the 26th, with 2 embryo's so fingers crossed! :winkwink:

Trying to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly good and not test early, just had a few symptoms really cramps,vivid dreams and a bit of tiredness,AF was due on the 4th but of course that could be the Cyclogest (BTW aren't they pleasant :sick:)

Wishing you all the very very best of luck on your Journeys


Frindabelle...What were the particulars of your IVF..how many eggs retrieved, how many fertilized, how many grew to embryos and what grades were they on transfer day? I know, I know...20 questions! I wish you the best of luck...keep us posted on how it goes! I hope you get your BFP!! xx

Hi Brooke, I had egg collection on the 24th Feb with resulting in 9 eggs,7 of which fertislised and embryo transfer on the 26th with 2 embryo's one 4 cell and one 2 cell (although it was going to divide again apparently) due to test on the 12th, but i stupidly stupidly tested last night and got a faint positive and then again this morning and got a negative, really wished I'd just waited so cross with myself :dohh:

Frindabelle...I don't blame you for wanting to test. But...don't put too much weight on it and try and wait until the blood test...it's on the 12th, right? That's this friday, isn't it? I bet you are just going crazy waiting to find out! :wacko:
Did you freeze any embryos? or did you just have 2 left on day 3? I'm really hoping you get your BFP...keep us posted!!
Missp..I'm feeling a lot better again today. I'm not flushed from the progesterone anymore...although i kinda liked the natural blush...didn't have to wear makeup! ;) Hopefully not tmi, but I'm terribly constipated! The nurse said that would happen from the ec, but i still feel so bloated and wish I could just get rid of everything in me!
How are you feeling?
You're just a day behind me...let us know what they say on Thursday. You're hoping to wait till blast stage, right? But it depends on how things look on Thursday?

I am still in pretty good spirits, nervous for the call tomorrow, but it was so weird last night, I got to thinking...this is the closest my hubby and I have ever been to having a baby..we've got 5 little embies growing..I already think of them as my little babies and it probably sounds crazy, but I'm praying for them everyday. I know God's got a plan worked out for us and I just pray that when the clinic calls tomorrow that it will be clear what we should do and it won't be a hard decision on whether or not to wait until day 5.
But, this is the first time I have really felt optimistic and I actually feel like we finally have a shot at having a child of our own.

mummyiwanabe...as far as how many my clinic transfers, it just depends as well. Like Missp said, it really depends on what the embies look like and how many cells they have and what grade they are. I had a friend have 3 embies transferred on day 5, 2 of them were fair and 1 was good and she got pregnant with twins. Normally the dr wouldn't have done 3, but based on the quality of the embies, that's how she decided. I'm hoping I can have 2 transferred because it seems like it will give me a lot better chance, but I guess it just depends on their quality and how many are growing.
I am due to start down regging when my AF arrives. This may be a silly question but am I ok to take pain killers for the cramps? Ive got it in my head that I shouldnt but the hospital havnt mentioned it.
Glad to hear you are feeling better Brooke! And I think I'm the only one doing injections for the progesterone. I don't think either dosage is a pleasant one!

Frindabelle, I've got my fingers crossed for you. I'm pretty sure there is no way I'll be able to wait the TWW without early testing.

Peartree, do you dial your dose each day? They dropped my doses a couple of times toward the end of injections, so I actually have some left over. I actually posted a couple of days ago with what to do with the leftovers, not realizing that this may not work for me and I might need those leftovers in the future. Oh dear. I'm just so hopeful, that the reality of the situation didn't even cross my mind. But BFP's for us all!

A question about transfer: Is a 5 day better than a 3 day? I'm thinking yes because the strongest embies have survived to 5 days? I'm 29 and my dr. said I can transfer 2 no matter if it's a 3 or 5 day transfer. Can't believe EC is already tomorrow!

Hope everyone is doing well!

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