IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

I am due to start down regging when my AF arrives. This may be a silly question but am I ok to take pain killers for the cramps? Ive got it in my head that I shouldnt but the hospital havnt mentioned it.

Obe...you aren't supposed to take ibuprofen but tylenol is perfectly fine. The active ingredient in tylenol is acetamenophin (sp?). I took tylenol for pain and tylenol pm to help me sleep and it worked great! It is the only kind my clinic said I could take.
Glad to hear you are feeling better Brooke! And I think I'm the only one doing injections for the progesterone. I don't think either dosage is a pleasant one!

Frindabelle, I've got my fingers crossed for you. I'm pretty sure there is no way I'll be able to wait the TWW without early testing.

Peartree, do you dial your dose each day? They dropped my doses a couple of times toward the end of injections, so I actually have some left over. I actually posted a couple of days ago with what to do with the leftovers, not realizing that this may not work for me and I might need those leftovers in the future. Oh dear. I'm just so hopeful, that the reality of the situation didn't even cross my mind. But BFP's for us all!

A question about transfer: Is a 5 day better than a 3 day? I'm thinking yes because the strongest embies have survived to 5 days? I'm 29 and my dr. said I can transfer 2 no matter if it's a 3 or 5 day transfer. Can't believe EC is already tomorrow!

Hope everyone is doing well!

hopes...Good question...I'm going through the same thoughts right now as far as 5 day or 3 day. I've done some research and there are conflicting views on both sides. Lots of people get pregnant with day 3, lots of people get pregnant with day 5. But, this is what I found......on day 3, in a normal conception process, the embryo would be in the fallopian tubes, not the uterus, so it isn't as close to the normal process when you put them in on day 3. But on day 5, a normal process would have the embryo in the uterus and ready to implant so a day 5 transfer is more in line with that. But, people get pregnant both ways. Also, I've read that on day 3 there is some chromosome/cell make-up that the lab can't see that may be missing, which means it is not an embryo that would create a pregnancy. However, on day 5 they can see if the embryo has this chromosome/cell make-up. It seems that if an embryo makes it to blasto stage then it is a lot more likely to become a pregnancy. But, lots of people have gotten pregnant with a day 3 crummy looking embryo and had healthy babies. I'm torn and not sure what to hope for..but hoping that the phone call tomorrow will make things clear and make it an easy decision.
What are everyone else's thoughts?
Thanks oneday,hopesforababy and peartree,im doing good today thankfully after yesterdays EC.

Im the horror story im afraid - plenty of follicles but they were only able to collect 3 eggs. The whole procedure was pretty horiffic for me - lots of blood (during collection) and vomiting (after collection)!! I still feel fragile today but much much better than yesterday. The clinic have just called and i have 2 out of 3 eggs fertilised which are good odds and are good quality. I wasnt aware at the time, but they kept asking DH about the trigger injection like something didnt go quite right.

Anyway, trying to stay positive but realistic and still hoping for transfer on fri.

Hopesforababy, i hope the collection goes well for you today - let us know.

Everone else, keep plugging away!
Yes hopesforababy, chances of success with blastos are higher by 30%! As for the progesterone injections you are lucky, that too is shown to work far better than the suppositories.

Obe - the AF before the treatment? Of course you can take your normal painkillers... ask your clinic though.

Brooke22 - Good luck with the call!

Hope everyone else is okay, on my part I just got word that the tests were okay so we're ok to wait for AF then start our short protocol.
My clinic only does 2 day transfers, but they have success rates on par with the other two clinics who take embies up to blasties. Go figure. I think if our cycle doesn't work (including any FETs that we might luckily have from this cycle), we will ask for a transfer to the other clinics to try. The way I see it is, if they implant something at the point of attaching itself, then it must have a higher chance of survival.

For all ladies going through this now - have you told work that you are going through IVF? What are you doing for the scan/EC/ET days? Annual leave? How much time are you taking off from EC? I know.. sorry... 101 questions!
I've told them I have treatment, the last time around I had 6 weeks off since it was in another city! It will be strange now.... I am not planning to take any vacation time off really but if I'll be sore after EC I'll call in sick and then after ET there's little reason to stay home.... it depends on how I'll feel but I'm lucky being very high management and essentially able to take any time off whenever I want on short notice. I will though say that the last time I did nothing but sit in bed and watch old series by the season and eat and it didn't quite result in a baby so maybe a more relaxed approach and going on with life as normal would work.
Hi, we've just been referred for ICSI at Jessops Sheffield. Very nervous about it all. Hubby is devastated about his low count and I have PCOS.
Yes hopesforababy, chances of success with blastos are higher by 30%! As for the progesterone injections you are lucky, that too is shown to work far better than the suppositories.

Obe - the AF before the treatment? Of course you can take your normal painkillers... ask your clinic though.

Brooke22 - Good luck with the call!

Hope everyone else is okay, on my part I just got word that the tests were okay so we're ok to wait for AF then start our short protocol.

When my AF shows I have to take my prostrap injection, so I wasnt sure if I could take anything with it.
Think I will ask the hospital just to be on the safe side.
Thanks MissAma, I will look into that.
Hi All
Started stimming today yippee, really on my way now. I'm starting on the highest dose just done it and am feeling light headed already got another blood test on saturday and they might start reducing my dose then.
For all ladies going through this now - have you told work that you are going through IVF? What are you doing for the scan/EC/ET days? Annual leave? How much time are you taking off from EC? I know.. sorry... 101 questions!

ive told my work im allowed 1week paid leave then ive used sum holidays im having 19days from ec as its my first ivf/icsi treatment
Welcome to the group ACLIO. It's not the group any of us expected to join, but there is a lot of great support here.

Woo hoo on stimming, OneDay!

Angel, I am so sorry to hear that EC didn't sit well with you. But, it's over and you now have 2 fertilized embies. Fingers crossed that they divide well!

So, I had EC this morning. They retrieved 18 follicules. I'll know tomorrow how many eggs fertilized. I've been super tired all day, not too much pain. I took some Tylenol when I got home and have pretty much slept all day. I can't believe DH and I may have actually made our baby today!!

As far as taking days off. I'm off today and again for day of ET. I will go to work as usual tomorrow and Friday. I go into people's homes and provide therapy for their children. My work does know because they are letting me work in the office all next week after transfer. Many of the kids I see can get kinda rough, so I'm very thankful that I'm getting to work in the office after transfer. I'm just hoping the kids I see the next two days aren't too crazy and hyper!

Fingers crossed for everyone!
ALCIO I hope everthing goes well for you. Is this your first go? Men seem to take this harder than women - i guess its the old male pride!

oneday - your on your way now - good luck!

peartree, DH is my boss so im good for appointments/time off etc but have told the other staff i have gynae issues so most, escpecially men dont investigate further!

hopesfor.. - thats great news! fingers crossed you get loads!! Let us know numbers. You will feel better tomorrow, just take it easy!
Great work situation Angel!

Isn't it funny how men shut up so fast when you even mention "lady issues." DH used to shy away from that talk, too, but after all this, he's got more knowledge of the female reproductive system than I'd ever imagine!! Ha!
Great work situation Angel!

Isn't it funny how men shut up so fast when you even mention "lady issues." DH used to shy away from that talk, too, but after all this, he's got more knowledge of the female reproductive system than I'd ever imagine!! Ha!

LOL - you're not wrong there! Mine even thought i would like my dinner out as a treat after EC!! Sent him off to google a bit more!!
Hey all! So today was one big chaotic confusing decision day! I'm officially "implanted" but its a long story. They called this morn and said I had the following embryo grades:
Grade 2- 7 cell
Grade 2- 8 cell
Grade 2- 4 cell
Grade 3- 4 cell x 2
Grade 3- 2 cell
Grade one is the best but she said grade 2 is still really good. So we had to decide on the spot whether to transfer today or take the risk and transfer on friday. They didn't feel like the grade 3s had any chance of continuing but the top grade 2s looked good and the grade 2 4 cell was hard to know. So we decided to transfer today and she said she felt comfortable tansferring 3 so we did the 3 grade 2s and she said our chances were 60% pregnancy of which 45% chance for singleton, 12% chance for twins and 3% chance for triplets. It all went really well and now I guess we just wait. I was such a wreck and am still so nervous and worked up about it all...just really praying this works as this is probably our only try.

Angel-im so sorry about ur rough ec. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Peartree- I work for my hubby and h owns his own business so it has actually worked out really well thankfully.

Aclio-welcome! Wish u the best!
Oneday-good luck with the stims!
Hopes-im glad ec went well! Let us know how things are.
Yay Brooke! Good luck nurturing those 3 embies! Will your test date be on the 21st?
Thanks girls! I emailed my line manager and told him that I was having surgery under general anaesthetic (which is true, just didn't give him details :winkwink: ), so will be taking time off sick. Just for 3 days, and then it will be the weekend. I'm taking half a week off the following week on my annual leave, just to make it up to a week. The clinic said I could go back on Monday after transfer, but my acupuncturist said 2 weeks off, so I've done a bit of a compromise.

Oneday - yay for starting stimming! :happydance:

Brooke - hope those 3 embies snuggle in nice and tight. :hugs:

Obe & MissAma - hope :witch: shows up soon for you to start!

Angel - how are you feeling today? The EC sounded awful! Hope you're feeling better today. :hugs:

Aclio - welcome - when do you think you'll be starting?
Good deal peartree. Are you having general? You're lucky!

Know who else is lucky? Mrs. Brooke!!!! OMG 3 back?!?! I would trade years of my life to have that scenario! Heck I'd kill for two back but three is a dream! you are SO pregnant now! Congrats!

Hopesforbaby - let us know when you get the fert report!
Thank you all for your lovely messages.
The fertility doctor has referred us to the assisted unit so we are waiting now. I am thinking of speaking to another consultant privately because the fertility doctor didn't answer any of the questions we asked him. He wouldn't tell us DH count even though I kept asking him he just said it was on the low side. I asked him how bad my PCOS was and all he said was you either have it or you don't and you have it.

I would really appreciate any advice you could all offer.

DH is currently taking zinc and well man vits. Is there anything else he could be doing?
Is there anything I can be doing to bring on OV as I'm not at all???

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