IVF/ICSI in March...need support!

They do overfil. The nurse told me this, so don't worry. Just chuck it away and start the fresh bottle.
They do overfil. The nurse told me this, so don't worry. Just chuck it away and start the fresh bottle.

Phew I was going to count the needles and syringes to double check. Don't think I need to throw it do I not if there is enough for another dose ?
The bottles are overfilled. The nurse told me that you can draw up the remainder from one vial and finish off your dose with meds from a new vial to make sure you use every bit of those expensive meds. I haven't had to do it, though.

But it looks like I am going to have some leftover meds. Two vials of follistim (300) and two vials of menopur. Anyone know if it can be returned/sold? It's so expensive, I hate to just throw it away.
Not sure. How have you come to have so much left? I had the Gonal F pen injectors, and had some in the vial, so chuckd it. If the vials are full though, seems like a waste. Maybe save it, just incase you need again, which hopefully you won't.
Feebee - don't worry - they overfill. I managed to get 12 doses from the 5.5ml bottle and I'm pretty sure that we hadn't accidently forgotten an injection.
It was me Peartree and i did get 12 doses from the bottle!
Hopes don't think they will take them back maybe you could pass them on to a friend x
Hi All, I had same problem with meds - have a full unopened bottle of suprefact left over and one of the prefilled pens looks like there is a full dose. Asked on Sat and was told perfectly normal as they overfill.

Yippeee - i have had my last jab - the trigger one and am all set for EC Tues morning (36 hours later). Last scan went well - lining looking good, a good few 20mm follicles and some smaller but seems there can still be suitable eggs in there.

No news from Brooke yet? Have been thinking about her/you all day!

Will keep you posted about side effects and the EC procedure as i know from my own point of view how nice it is to have the facts.

Good luck all.
Brooke is doing well. I will let her tell you all about her results. She said she was pretty out of it and would try to update here this afternoon.
Hey all...sorry it took so long for me to get on here and update you all on how my EC went today. It is 5 pm in the afternoon my time and I am finally feeling a lot more coherent.
Everything went really well though. I had to be at my clinic at 6:30 am...yuck! My retrieval was at 7:30 and only took about 40 minutes. They put me out with IV sedation so I was unconscious but I could still breathe on my own. They just put some oxygen in my nose for safety. I don't remember a thing from the procedure, I remember going out right before and then as soon as they took the IV out I woke up and they moved me to another room to come to a little bit more. The doctor came in and said they retrieved 18 eggs, 13 of which were mature. We needed at least 15 mature to do an egg freezing protocol that we needed to be a part of so the dr said they would watch the eggs for a few hours and hopefully a couple more would mature. We drove home...2 hours..yuck and I slept for a while and thankfully didn't get nauseous at all. (I warned the anesthetist that I typically get really nauseous and throw up violently after anesthesia so he put some meds in my iv to help with that and it worked!! Yay!! I def wouldn't want to be throwing up and in pain at the same time.)
I am pretty sore...it feels like somebody used my ovaries as a punching bag..they are crampy and hurt quite a bit. But just a tip...a heating pad on them works wonders..helps a ton.
Well, the doctor called back in a few hours and said they were able to get 4 more to mature so we have 17 mature eggs! Yay! They will ICSI fertilize 6 and freeze the rest of the eggs using vitrification. I am supposed to get a call tomorrow morning telling me how many actually fertilized.
So things went really well and it really wasn't that bad...just the soreness now. But it is so weird to know that they now have all of our eggs and sperm and there's nothing more we can do...we just gotta wait and hope that they fertilize and grow. I'm really praying that 5, at least 4, will fertilize...that would be great.
Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers! Hope everyone's doing well...good luck with you EC on tues Angel...isn't it such a relief to take your last shot!?

oh...and one more thing...I have had to pee a ton!! I can't stay off the toilet..must be all the fluids they pumped in my iv. hopefully thats not tmi...just thought you'd like to know anything to maybe expect.
Angel - Good Luck with your EC let us know how u get on x

Brooke - Well done thanks for sharing I hope all 6 fertilize for you. How many are you having put back ? Are you going to blastocysts? What happens with the frozen eggs ? Sorry for so many questions. Crossing my fingers for you and hoping for a nice BFP good luck x
Brooke - that's a fantastic number of eggs. I hope those 6 embies get strong for you. When is your transfer date?

I've just had my 4th stimming injections. No symptoms to report apart from the odd twinge now and again, which I got in normal cycles anyway. For those of you who have been through this - when did you start experiencing symptoms/side effects? I didn't really have any side effects with down reg either.

I'm wondering if I'll be able to get through this with 100% comfort, but wondering if that's asking for a tad too much. :haha:
I'm probably a little late to join this thread but i just wanted to say Hello, as I've been skimming this thread, So i should really share A little bit about me..
Have been with my hubby since I was 16 (13 years this year! :thumbup: ) married for 2yrs in this August :wedding:
I had both tubes removed due to hydrosapinx (fluid filled tubes) after TTC for about 5 years in September 2009
I'm currently on the 2ww due to test on the 12th (day before my birthday! lol) We had IVF with EC on the 24th feb and ET on the 26th, with 2 embryo's so fingers crossed! :winkwink:

Trying to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly good and not test early, just had a few symptoms really cramps,vivid dreams and a bit of tiredness,AF was due on the 4th but of course that could be the Cyclogest (BTW aren't they pleasant :sick:)

Wishing you all the very very best of luck on your Journeys

Hi there,

I'm behind you girlies and haven't started down regging yet. Finishing off the blood tests and gota have a consultation and scan mid march. Did everyone start down regging at the beginning of their next cycle or did some of you start before that? I've been told to wait till my next AF which is 1st April approx. Just wondering what the general consensus is?

Many thanks and good luck to all of you :)
Brooke - well done hun - great "harvest". Hope you are feeling more perky today!

Mummyiwannabe i was told the same as you - i know how keen you are just to get things going. You always seem to just be waiting and counting for the next thing to start with this process!!

Peartree symptoms were much like normal period pains from early on but in the last week, everything was exaggerated by about 5 times!! Not unbearable but uncomfortable at the end.

Frindabelle fingers (legs and everthing else) crossed for you!!

Peartree - thanks for the good wishes. Getting really anxious now. Pain has increased and emotions everywhere.

Keep us all posted everyone!
I know Angel223 I'm going crazy with waiting, I just wana start right now! lol this month is gona drag and some!

It's good you were told the same tho I guess, I'll have to be patient!!ahhh!
Hi Ladies, im just about to start down regging, just waiting for AF to show so I can start. Im almost a week late due to ov'ing late (typical when you want her to actually show!) im just itching to get started!
Good luck to you all and I will be watching to see how your all getting on. FX for you all!
ive just started synarel spray this morning n ive had the headache from hell allday hope it goes sumtime soon
annmc, try drinking lots. I found this helped.

frindabelle, sounds really promising, good luck for your bfp.

peartree, only side effects I had was hotflushes at the end of downregging. Nothing from the stimms, apart from maybe a little over emotional. Doesn't mean its not working, just be glad. he he.

brooke, sounds like everything is going really well for you. What are your plans for your frozen eggs, just out of interest? Hope the soreness doesn't last too long.

I start down regging in a week for fet. The time can't go quick enough!

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