Woo! Now I have a due date buddy

Though, babies come when they want, lol! We could give birth a month apart theoretically if one of us goes two weeks early, and the other two weeks late.
I had some pretty bad cramps last night with some spotting. The cramps felt like active labor (waves of contractions that would come every few minutes) - enough I had to breathe through them, and it caused me to sweat. No idea what that was about, but all seems good today, and my OB/GYN told me to just monitor things.
Met with the home birth midwife today, and as long as my tests don't show anything abnormal, she's ready to take me on as a client - providing I give birth in the city at an Airbnb or at her office, as we live an hour away from a hospital (since I'm a VBAC). She also wanted to know sooner than later if I was having a twin pregnancy, so I'm going in next week (May 22) for a private scan. I'll then go for the one already scheduled with my hospital on June 10.
On another note, went to my normal care provider because my urine was brown. It's always been dark (I don't drink nearly enough as I should), but I've never had brown urine. My bilirubin levels are moderately high, and since I had my gallbladder removed, she's concerned it could be something with my liver. I'll be going back next week for further testing, though I'm sure all is fine and that I'm just needing to drink more!