vtjess, I'm in the same boat scan wise, had one at 8.5 weeks and the next won't be til 20 weeks. We opted out of the nuchal scan as we had decided that we wouldn't do anything regardless of results, and for me personally I just felt that being given "odds" might give me anxiety. If there is something wrong, we will see at 20 weeks and we can prepare for that.
Anyway, my symptoms are definitely much less as well, less fatigue, less hunger, less nausea, but having the doppler has really helped me. Yesterday I was feeling miserable. It is very hot/humid here and the bus driver didn't have the AC on on my way home. I thought I was dying. So I got home, stripped down, laid on the bed and listened to baby for awhile. Sometimes the heartbeat takes a bit to find, but I hear other loud crashing noises that must be the baby moving around because they didn't used to be there, plus sometimes when I'm listening to the HB, there will be a big crash and the the HB is gone, so baby is moving around. It's always fast when I listen (155-160) so I'm still thinking girl

I had another dream last night that we had a little girl. She was the most adorable baby. We gave her our girl name, but then later in my dream I turned around and it was a kitten instead

I do love cats but...