I have thought I have felt baby several times, a few during week 11 (maybe because it was tighter quarters in the pelvic bone) and again a few times lately. It's always on the left side of midline, which is what makes me think it's real.
Anywho, havin a bit of a rough day. Only at work for a half day today (will work at home this afternoon) due to a dentist appt, which I'm afraid of gagging during as I gag when I brush my teeth

, and a new fridge delivery. I came in because I have a big project that I was hoping to submit before I leave for vacay on Wed, I checked my email before I left this morning to see if boss lady had looked at my changes yet, and nothing. I got in, specifically to work hard on this project only to get an email saying she's decided to work at home today (this is not uncommon during summer in academia). So me traipsing to work (it's 90 degress outside and it's a .5 hr bus ride each way) was pointless as it's just the two of us right now

. I can't leave until the bus reverses it's route at 12:30. I know this is stupid to whine about, but what can I say, I'm pregnant! Also have been constipated the last couple days and this morning (TMI ALERT!!) finally went after some encouragement from caffeinated tea, which made my bum bleed (seems to happen to me very easily) and now it hurts! I know to be on the lookout for hemorrhoids, and I'm not there yet, just frustrating. I also woke up with a bloody nose, also not uncommon for me, that has continued on and off.
Just wanna go home and lay on the couch with my kitties and not go to the dentist. I knew I could whine to you ladies though... Thanks for being awesome.