Well what an emotional morningI met the sonographer as i was being sick in a plastic bag as i couldnt make it to the toilet (embarrasing) and she took me in as soon as i felt able too :/ Peanut is growing perfectly they have dated me at 11w6d. It was moving and nodding its head it was amazing after the sonographer finished all the checks she let OHs mum come in to have a look she was in tears happy tears
Hi girls
Can you please take me off the list? Confirmed MC on Tuesday had a d&c yesterday.
Cheers, bye
Hi girls
Can you please take me off the list? Confirmed MC on Tuesday had a d&c yesterday.
Cheers, bye
ASM, I just got hone from my appointment but I did not have an ultrasound! He tried the Doppler and said if we couldn't hear the heartbeat on that, then we would have an ultrasound. We heard a nice strong heartbeat, thankfully! I'm bummed we didn't get a scan but thrilled to hear a nice strong heartbeat. My dr told me that my next scan will be 17 weeks for my full anatomy scan. It seems like everyone has a 12 week scan, so I just thought for sure I would have one. Oh well!
I just booked an NT-12 week scan. It's for screening down's syndrome or edward's. I really don't want it but DH is insistent and wouldn't let me miss this screening period. Well, at least I'll get a chance to see bub and hopefully he/she looks more like a baby this time. Anyone else doing the NT-combined screening?