January Jellybeans 2013!...

^Oh no, it's not my regular routine at all! I've only been able to do that maybe 3 times since being pregnant, all i can think about is sleep.

:haha: I feel you on the sleep thing!! I wish I could sleep for about 2 weeks! Even then I don't think it would be enough.
Been fighting with nausea so far today, i have to eat very, very slowly and make sure i get some burps in or it's all coming up.
Hey Ladies,

I've not really be on here much lately.. how is everyone???

I'm okish now still spotting on and off, which is scary at times but the baby seems to be doing fine.. I think I will feel better after my next scan. I'm not as tired as I was a couple of weeks ago, I'm actually managing to work and not need to sit down every 2 minutes.. I still have to eat every 2 to 3 hours.. but I'm happy with that.. as long as it stops me from being sick :)
i ezxplained to my doc yesterda that i was really worried about the back pain... its excrutiating.. he just told me it was the uterus growing and use a heating pad.. OY... i wouldnt mind honestly if i didnt have to drive to work 1.5 hrs each way!! thankfully though i only have a week and a half left of the drive, then i get to teach from home for the rest of the pregnancy, minus one wednesday night class:) gotta love online classes and the internets!!

I got zofran and it was working the first two days, and today not so much :( but i did find that toast with peanut butter and honey really feels good in my belly.. meh.. ok.. now i just want to sleeeeeeep.. one more hour to teach. then the drive, then im home free.. i guess ill have hubby make me some mac n cheese.. yumm
Nikki, you should try and go for a swim to relieve the pressure. I had some terrible back pains around 8 weeks and I have tried to sit with better posture as well. It should pass!
nice scan little J!

tomarrow is my next scan........i too had an empty sac a t 5w3d.....it was measuring 5w4days.......so i am completely nervous.......

i have all the symptoms, no cramping no bleeding

not to be rude but to the ladies that have gone through the same thing.......did you gals have bleeding, cramping, symptoms?

I had severe cramping last week overnight but only that one time however that is why I was sent for a scan. Was told when they seen nothing that I might miscarry however I have had no bleeding or further cramping! As far a symptoms do you mean PG ones if so I only have sore boobs and feels tired alot!! FX for you tomorrow be good to hear some good news xx
nice scan little J!

tomarrow is my next scan........i too had an empty sac a t 5w3d.....it was measuring 5w4days.......so i am completely nervous.......

i have all the symptoms, no cramping no bleeding

not to be rude but to the ladies that have gone through the same thing.......did you gals have bleeding, cramping, symptoms?

I had severe cramping last week overnight but only that one time however that is why I was sent for a scan. Was told when they seen nothing that I might miscarry however I have had no bleeding or further cramping! As far a symptoms do you mean PG ones if so I only have sore boobs and feels tired alot!! FX for you tomorrow be good to hear some good news xx

ya i have sickness, sore boobs tired, food aversions to the max..........im just so nervous for tomarrow!!!:nope:
If my first birth hadn't been in a hospital I hate to think what would have happened. I had placenta previa which wasn't discovered until I was fully dilated and I also haemmoraged and needed transfusions. I wouldn't risk it.
Not to mention cleaning up the mess afterwards, no thanks! It looked like the scene of a horror movie after my first birth, I wouldn't want my poor husband cleaning that up :)

I am with you on that one! Murder scene is an understatement. I would NOT want that in my house anywhere! BLAH! Yuck! I didn't even want my husband looking down at our daughter coming out because I knew what it was going to look like. He didn't want to either. I can't blame him. I don't need to see the limits of which a human body can be pushed. :haha: I don't need my husband scarred for life! :haha::haha:

LOL I remember my doc asking me if I wanted a mirror so I could watch my babies head come out. I looked her and said "Oh god no I don't want to see THAT!"
Migraine for 2 days in a row so I'm not too happy about that I can't even nap today:( the sickness and wanting to throw up every 2 seconds doesn't help but tomorrow is first appointment and I'm praying to be able to hear heartbeat just to make me feel better :)

I'm sorry you've been feeling crappy, Kaiecee. I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!!!:hugs:

On another note: Has anyone here ever done any research on unassisted homebirth?? Or know anyone who has had one? My last experience with a midwife wasn't exactly the best, ended up in the hospital, even though I delivered naturally.. It still isn't where I wanted to be. Just wondering what or if you ladies had any thoughts??

I have quite a strong opinion on home births. Hopefully I don't offend anyone, just my opinion!! As I've mentioned before, I am a labor nurse. I do my very best to give my patients the birth experience that they envision, whether it be natural, with an epidural, or a c-section if necessary. As nurses we are often the advocates for our patients when it comes to the physicians making decisions. However, I have seen things go terribly wrong very quickly, and it becomes an emergency. Based on what I've seen, home births, assisted or not, make me uneasy. An example from a few weeks ago:
A patient began pushing after complete dilation. Her labor was uncomplicated, she did it without an epidural, and the fetal heart rate was great the whole time. With the first push, the heart rate went crashing down to around 40 (normal is 110-160). No intervention worked to bring the heart rate back up. They ended up doing an emergency c-section, it only took a few minutes to get the baby out, and the baby was born without a pulse. Thank God the NICU was able to resuscitate the baby, but he was hospitalized for a week. The doctors say that if it had taken just two minutes longer, the baby wouldn't have made it. This patient had refused an IV at the beginning, but was convinced to at least have one placed and get no fluids. The time to place that IV had she not gotten it prior could have cost her the baby. Some interventions such an IV are truly in the best interest of the baby's safety.
I know that many, many women have had births at home and have beautiful natural deliveries. Howeve, it is situations like this, even as rare as they are, that would make me not want to take that risk with me and my unborn child.

Not offended, just guess I will keep my plans to myself or post in another thread. Thanks for your response though.
i totally had a mirror when i had my kiddos!!! it was actually really cool!
Els1022 i did write a long thing about home birthing but deleted it in case i too was offending anyone. lol.

but here it is

In Australia homebirths in general are extremely uncommon and i'm down right petrified of them, there's a big stigma attached to them here and there are CONSTANTLY bad stories in the news about them like i said baby after baby after baby dying, the latest one is 3 separate babies from 3 separate pregnancies were ALL found by the coroner would have lived without a doubt had they been in a hospital setting with a cesarean section. The laws in Australia are getting harder and harder for women to have home births and midwives to be able to do them so it's forcing women to go unassisted which is creating more bad news, i know one huge Australian homebirth advocator Janet Fraser had an unassisted birth and her baby died, they're now battling it out with authorities as she said during the emergency call about the baby breathing or cord pulsing or something but babies who are born alive receive autopsies and she doesn't want one done obviously as it can damage the reputation of home birthing so they're trying to fight she was delirious and confused during the call and the baby was in fact a stillborn.

I just beleive that no one can predict your labour.... a friend of mine loves the idea of a home birth and nearly got one for her first but being her first had it in hospital instead, thankfully she did because after a very standard smooth labour she's hemorrhaged badly and needed emergency surgery..... I have no doubt that smooth labours can be performed successfully at home but.... no one can predict your birth will be smooth. What about Caroline Lovell another public advocate for home births who was constantly lobbying the govt for the laws to change who had successfully already had one smooth birth only to go into cardiac arrest during her home birth of her second daughter and died the next day, the inquest is under way as to why the cardiac arrest happened but they suspect sever hemorrhaging i believe.

So of course even unassisted home birthing seems way too dangerous to me. The above 3 stories were all published this year in 2012 in a country with only a 0.3% home birth rate. These were also only published because they're the extremist stories, 2 tragedies from 2 separate advocators and then 3 baby all guaranteed to live via c-section. But it makes me wonder about all the untold stories.

But i know it's a lot more common in other countries and the success rates are really high. But i just can't get over that fear. I have complete respect for women who do it and wouldn't never badger a stranger about it but if someone i knew told me they were doing it i would cry and beg them not to. But like i said this is the GENERAL attitude towards home births in Australia and the rates in Aus are only 0.3% compared to somewhere like England which is 2.5%

I have read a few unassisted home birthing stories that do seem rather magical in the birth stories section of BnB, but maybe they glorify it a bit and you still have to think about the risks. Have you read many of them? The women who wrote them would probably be happy to give you any info you wanted.

I've actually talked to a friend of min IRL who had all 3 of her kids at home, 2 unassisted and a few ladies on here. Have read numerous stories and watched about as many birthing videos. So it's not like it's just some willy nilly idea I've had.... And as for hospital settings, I've never ever felt comfortable in a hospital setting, even just visiting a relative. Of course it is becoming more common here in the states, at least in the states I've lived. I respect your opinions and thank you for your replies... But as I said, I think I will just keep to myself and find some other threads where I might get a lil more support in.. Thanks though ladies.
So had my first appointment today and they didn't even attempt to hear the heartbeat since I'm only 8 weeks and a couple days but I'm had 2 other pregnancies and this the first time that they are only gonna give me my first ultrasound at 18-22 weeks so I'm sad about that but at least when I do go I'll be able to find out the sex !

Other than that she said everything was good and I got a prescription for my ms :)

I'm so glad everything went okay, but I am super sorry they didn't even try to find the HB! That stinks!!! You have to keep me updated!!!
Hi La Mere. Just wanted to say that I have 2 friends who have had home births and found it a completely fantastic and amazing experience. They couldn't recommend it enough.
So had my first appointment today and they didn't even attempt to hear the heartbeat since I'm only 8 weeks and a couple days but I'm had 2 other pregnancies and this the first time that they are only gonna give me my first ultrasound at 18-22 weeks so I'm sad about that but at least when I do go I'll be able to find out the sex !

Other than that she said everything was good and I got a prescription for my ms :)

Wow, that is a long wait. Glad you have a prescription for your MS, though. And I bet you have a doppler or plan to purchase one. In the waiting case... I couldn't live without one. You'll feel baby move before seeing baby. That is crazy!
Els1022 i did write a long thing about home birthing but deleted it in case i too was offending anyone. lol.

but here it is

In Australia homebirths in general are extremely uncommon and i'm down right petrified of them, there's a big stigma attached to them here and there are CONSTANTLY bad stories in the news about them like i said baby after baby after baby dying, the latest one is 3 separate babies from 3 separate pregnancies were ALL found by the coroner would have lived without a doubt had they been in a hospital setting with a cesarean section. The laws in Australia are getting harder and harder for women to have home births and midwives to be able to do them so it's forcing women to go unassisted which is creating more bad news, i know one huge Australian homebirth advocator Janet Fraser had an unassisted birth and her baby died, they're now battling it out with authorities as she said during the emergency call about the baby breathing or cord pulsing or something but babies who are born alive receive autopsies and she doesn't want one done obviously as it can damage the reputation of home birthing so they're trying to fight she was delirious and confused during the call and the baby was in fact a stillborn.

I just beleive that no one can predict your labour.... a friend of mine loves the idea of a home birth and nearly got one for her first but being her first had it in hospital instead, thankfully she did because after a very standard smooth labour she's hemorrhaged badly and needed emergency surgery..... I have no doubt that smooth labours can be performed successfully at home but.... no one can predict your birth will be smooth. What about Caroline Lovell another public advocate for home births who was constantly lobbying the govt for the laws to change who had successfully already had one smooth birth only to go into cardiac arrest during her home birth of her second daughter and died the next day, the inquest is under way as to why the cardiac arrest happened but they suspect sever hemorrhaging i believe.

So of course even unassisted home birthing seems way too dangerous to me. The above 3 stories were all published this year in 2012 in a country with only a 0.3% home birth rate. These were also only published because they're the extremist stories, 2 tragedies from 2 separate advocators and then 3 baby all guaranteed to live via c-section. But it makes me wonder about all the untold stories.

But i know it's a lot more common in other countries and the success rates are really high. But i just can't get over that fear. I have complete respect for women who do it and wouldn't never badger a stranger about it but if someone i knew told me they were doing it i would cry and beg them not to. But like i said this is the GENERAL attitude towards home births in Australia and the rates in Aus are only 0.3% compared to somewhere like England which is 2.5%

I have read a few unassisted home birthing stories that do seem rather magical in the birth stories section of BnB, but maybe they glorify it a bit and you still have to think about the risks. Have you read many of them? The women who wrote them would probably be happy to give you any info you wanted.

I've actually talked to a friend of min IRL who had all 3 of her kids at home, 2 unassisted and a few ladies on here. Have read numerous stories and watched about as many birthing videos. So it's not like it's just some willy nilly idea I've had.... And as for hospital settings, I've never ever felt comfortable in a hospital setting, even just visiting a relative. Of course it is becoming more common here in the states, at least in the states I've lived. I respect your opinions and thank you for your replies... But as I said, I think I will just keep to myself and find some other threads where I might get a lil more support in.. Thanks though ladies.

Hi La Mere I am sure all the ladies on here are just worried for you. However, if it helps I had two friends back in the UK (I now live in NZ) and they both had their first babies at home one even had a water birth at home. They both said it was the best experience they have ever had. I work as a nurse and especially in the UK I know some horror stories of births in hospital. YOU know best in the end and i am sure if you are not too far from the hospital and you have a fairly good pregnancy, it will be a lovely experience for you.I have now opted to have a hospital birth but only because its my first and my DH is freaked out at the thought of me having a home birth but if I am lucky to get pregnant a second time it will be something a consider :flower:
Today is a really sad day for me and my family, the baby no longer had a heartbeat. Thank you for all the support and I wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Els1022 i did write a long thing about home birthing but deleted it in case i too was offending anyone. lol.

but here it is

In Australia homebirths in general are extremely uncommon and i'm down right petrified of them, there's a big stigma attached to them here and there are CONSTANTLY bad stories in the news about them like i said baby after baby after baby dying, the latest one is 3 separate babies from 3 separate pregnancies were ALL found by the coroner would have lived without a doubt had they been in a hospital setting with a cesarean section. The laws in Australia are getting harder and harder for women to have home births and midwives to be able to do them so it's forcing women to go unassisted which is creating more bad news, i know one huge Australian homebirth advocator Janet Fraser had an unassisted birth and her baby died, they're now battling it out with authorities as she said during the emergency call about the baby breathing or cord pulsing or something but babies who are born alive receive autopsies and she doesn't want one done obviously as it can damage the reputation of home birthing so they're trying to fight she was delirious and confused during the call and the baby was in fact a stillborn.

I just beleive that no one can predict your labour.... a friend of mine loves the idea of a home birth and nearly got one for her first but being her first had it in hospital instead, thankfully she did because after a very standard smooth labour she's hemorrhaged badly and needed emergency surgery..... I have no doubt that smooth labours can be performed successfully at home but.... no one can predict your birth will be smooth. What about Caroline Lovell another public advocate for home births who was constantly lobbying the govt for the laws to change who had successfully already had one smooth birth only to go into cardiac arrest during her home birth of her second daughter and died the next day, the inquest is under way as to why the cardiac arrest happened but they suspect sever hemorrhaging i believe.

So of course even unassisted home birthing seems way too dangerous to me. The above 3 stories were all published this year in 2012 in a country with only a 0.3% home birth rate. These were also only published because they're the extremist stories, 2 tragedies from 2 separate advocators and then 3 baby all guaranteed to live via c-section. But it makes me wonder about all the untold stories.

But i know it's a lot more common in other countries and the success rates are really high. But i just can't get over that fear. I have complete respect for women who do it and wouldn't never badger a stranger about it but if someone i knew told me they were doing it i would cry and beg them not to. But like i said this is the GENERAL attitude towards home births in Australia and the rates in Aus are only 0.3% compared to somewhere like England which is 2.5%

I have read a few unassisted home birthing stories that do seem rather magical in the birth stories section of BnB, but maybe they glorify it a bit and you still have to think about the risks. Have you read many of them? The women who wrote them would probably be happy to give you any info you wanted.

I've actually talked to a friend of min IRL who had all 3 of her kids at home, 2 unassisted and a few ladies on here. Have read numerous stories and watched about as many birthing videos. So it's not like it's just some willy nilly idea I've had.... And as for hospital settings, I've never ever felt comfortable in a hospital setting, even just visiting a relative. Of course it is becoming more common here in the states, at least in the states I've lived. I respect your opinions and thank you for your replies... But as I said, I think I will just keep to myself and find some other threads where I might get a lil more support in.. Thanks though ladies.

Hi La Mere I am sure all the ladies on here are just worried for you. However, if it helps I had two friends back in the UK (I now live in NZ) and they both had their first babies at home one even had a water birth at home. They both said it was the best experience they have ever had. I work as a nurse and especially in the UK I know some horror stories of births in hospital. YOU know best in the end and i am sure if you are not too far from the hospital and you have a fairly good pregnancy, it will be a lovely experience for you.I have now opted to have a hospital birth but only because its my first and my DH is freaked out at the thought of me having a home birth but if I am lucky to get pregnant a second time it will be something a consider :flower:

Thank you, Lorna. :flower: I do understand their concerns, I really do. My parents were iffy when I told them I wanted a home birth with my DD. I just know what would most likely make it an easier labor and better experience for me. I did have a midwife for the birth of my DD, but that wasn't the most comfortable experience as it was her, 2 assistants and two of her sisters. Too many people for me to feel comfortable... that and my midwife lost confidence in me and sent me to the hospital. But, really thank you all for the concern.
Today is a really sad day for me and my family, the baby no longer had a heartbeat. Thank you for all the support and I wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

I am so sorry. My thoughts go out to you and your family! :hugs:
Today is a really sad day for me and my family, the baby no longer had a heartbeat. Thank you for all the support and I wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

:cry: I am so sorry for your loss.:hugs: thinking of you and your family

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