January Jellybeans 2013!...

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:
LaMere- I, like Betheney, would still like to hear about your homebirth ideas! Just because I don't necessarily agree with it personally doesn't mean I wouldn't support you. Please share! :thumbup:

Betheney- In terms of health care in the U.S., I think there are major problems. I didn't have health insurance through my job when my daughter was born. She was in the NICU for 9 days (born at 32 weeks) and the bill was over $15,000. I didn't qualify for medicaid even though at the time I was barely making enough to pay the rent. Then when my boys were born early I did qualify for medicaid (3 in the family including my daughter put us in a different income range) and thank God for that because they were in the NICU for a month and it would have been a six-figure amount that I would've owed.
I just think it's wrong that the people who are paying taxes into the system don't qualify for assistance because their income doesn't fall under a ridiculously low amount. However, at the hospital I work at we get many women who travel here a month before they are due, from various countries all over the world, to have their babies in the U.S. Their babies qualify for medicaid right away because they are U.S. citizens, so they get the whole hospital stay paid for and then they go back home. Of course I support people immigrating here, but in my opinion these ladies are abusing the system...
I have decent insurance now, but I got a $500 hospital bill for my son when he needed a catscan. And that was after insurance paid their part. :wacko:

Oh yes our system is so flawed it is ridiculous!! When we were pregnant with our daughter we tried to get other help as I went from working to being a stay at home mom and we lost 1 income. We could barely make it and we didn't live beyond our means. We knew what was important and what wasn't and we were told we didn't qualify because my car was worth too much money??!!!!!! My car was a graduation gift. It was new (nothing fancy, very basic, didn't even have automatic windows .. it is in fact the car I still drive today and it's nearly 10 year old) but it was new and paid for in full ... at the time when we tried for some assistance, it was worth about $8,000 still and because the car held that value we were apparently too well off ... despite that we fell into every other category of being too poor. :haha: Perhaps if we had a heap of junk to drive or no car at all then we could have received something. Now I don't want any part of that idiotic system. It's just pathetic. If my husband and I weren't married oh we would be rolling in the benefits. That is where I think the system is flawed. Their intentions I believe started out with the idea of helping those who perhaps ended up in some bad luck however it has turned into a way to abuse the system because of laziness and lack of common sense.
Haha! Guess I should step off my soap box now huh? :haha:
Thanks sometimes i need to hear that!! Wen is your 12 week scan??? Mine is on june 25 ill be 12w5d! I saw your other post about cramps i was getting them a few weeks ago and it turned out it was a uti and i had no other symptoms of one!

Hey Lauren, my doctor told me to STOP googling things,,, he said its not good for me to read the info out there as alot of it is untrue and unfounded!!! stay positiv and dont stress your lil jellybean needs you to be healthy...good luck and congrats on your :bfp: were only 2 days off !!
I feel the same way as you! I have seen jellybeans heartbeat 3 times the last being last week and all has been great, but lately my symptoms are disappearing and reading all threads or even google I am starting to scare myself about a missed miscarriage. My heart truly goes out to everyone who is having a tough time right now, and I want to help support them, but I have to try not stress because that can hurt the baby. I never knew being pregnant was this hard.

ladies, is it jsut me or do others feel that sometimes being on here causes more stress? I know we are all here for support from eachother, but the more and more i see sad stories i start getting less confident about my baby making it. Normally, seeing the heartbeat i would be SUPER confident and think things are good to go, but with seeing all this other information of other women losing their babies scares the crap outta me and makes me worry ill be one of them.

I mean i always knew its never 100%, but i honestly felt like it was a shoe-in after seeing a heartbeat... now im making myself super nervous and scared once again...:nope:
Awww, that is TOTALLY understandable! So sorry to hear of ur lil Tess!
I've contemplated telling sooner but keeping the secret to this point has been kinda fun - people think I can't keep one - guess what, it's been 6 weeks and NOTHING!
But deep down I really want it off my chest, to share the joy and excitement with others.... It will feel more real then too....
I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!
i go on June 19th, at 9am. I have to travel like 35 minutes but WELL worth it :) ...i will be 12 weeks and 12 weeks 2 days i believe so we'll see what they say this time!! i was told the measurements and EDD is best if done before your 12 weeks , bc then baby is really growing and its hard to distinguish!! that's why they do the EDD before 12 weeks and then the gender around 20 weeks..IDK i just cant wait to go see my lil bean!! its awesome!! yeah i was having them cramps but i was severely constipated!! like my ticker says "nothing says pregnant like chronic constipation" soooo true...LOL
so Lauren what are you hoping for gender wise>> if ya dont mind me asking where do you live? i live in Ny! WB :flower:

Thanks sometimes i need to hear that!! Wen is your 12 week scan??? Mine is on june 25 ill be 12w5d! I saw your other post about cramps i was getting them a few weeks ago and it turned out it was a uti and i had no other symptoms of one!

Hey Lauren, my doctor told me to STOP googling things,,, he said its not good for me to read the info out there as alot of it is untrue and unfounded!!! stay positiv and dont stress your lil jellybean needs you to be healthy...good luck and congrats on your :bfp: were only 2 days off !!
I feel the same way as you! I have seen jellybeans heartbeat 3 times the last being last week and all has been great, but lately my symptoms are disappearing and reading all threads or even google I am starting to scare myself about a missed miscarriage. My heart truly goes out to everyone who is having a tough time right now, and I want to help support them, but I have to try not stress because that can hurt the baby. I never knew being pregnant was this hard.

ladies, is it jsut me or do others feel that sometimes being on here causes more stress? I know we are all here for support from eachother, but the more and more i see sad stories i start getting less confident about my baby making it. Normally, seeing the heartbeat i would be SUPER confident and think things are good to go, but with seeing all this other information of other women losing their babies scares the crap outta me and makes me worry ill be one of them.

I mean i always knew its never 100%, but i honestly felt like it was a shoe-in after seeing a heartbeat... now im making myself super nervous and scared once again...:nope:
LaMere- I, like Betheney, would still like to hear about your homebirth ideas! Just because I don't necessarily agree with it personally doesn't mean I wouldn't support you. Please share! :thumbup:

Betheney- In terms of health care in the U.S., I think there are major problems. I didn't have health insurance through my job when my daughter was born. She was in the NICU for 9 days (born at 32 weeks) and the bill was over $15,000. I didn't qualify for medicaid even though at the time I was barely making enough to pay the rent. Then when my boys were born early I did qualify for medicaid (3 in the family including my daughter put us in a different income range) and thank God for that because they were in the NICU for a month and it would have been a six-figure amount that I would've owed.
I just think it's wrong that the people who are paying taxes into the system don't qualify for assistance because their income doesn't fall under a ridiculously low amount. However, at the hospital I work at we get many women who travel here a month before they are due, from various countries all over the world, to have their babies in the U.S. Their babies qualify for medicaid right away because they are U.S. citizens, so they get the whole hospital stay paid for and then they go back home. Of course I support people immigrating here, but in my opinion these ladies are abusing the system...
I have decent insurance now, but I got a $500 hospital bill for my son when he needed a catscan. And that was after insurance paid their part. :wacko:

I agree. It scares the heck out of me but I'm not one to deal with the pain well. With my daughter it was awful! I was in so much pain and I would not do well at home. Also, I wouldn't want all that mess in my house ... even if it was contained somewhere. But I think that because we have been away from home births for so long ( I mean 100+ years ago, that is where people had their babies) it isn't mainstream and therefore seems odd.
But it might be interesting to see what you find and your thoughts on it. It may open up new ideas. Never know. Not for me :haha: I am sooo not that brave, but it would be interesting to hear something new.
good luck DUCKYTWINS, like someone said "I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen." and i feel the same way, i see your ticker says your 11 weeks ...heres a positive stat for you, "DID YOU KNOW that once you see or hear the hearbeat theres only a 3 % chance of miscarrying and after your 1st trimester that goes down to only 1%!!!
good luck with everything fx'd for you ( and sorry about your loss) i just wanted to write you bc i am sooo nervous and scared as well and its good having support as well as someone to talk to!

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!
i agree ladies, sorry to drop in on ur convo but it makes me SICK that women do this " However, at the hospital I work at we get many women who travel here a month before they are due, from various countries all over the world, to have their babies in the U.S. Their babies qualify for medicaid right away because they are U.S. citizens, so they get the whole hospital stay paid for and then they go back home."
AND THAT IS WHY ITS SO HARD FOR PEOPLE LIKE US WHO LIVE HERE YEARLONG, BC PPL ABUSING THE SYSTEM TAKE IT ALL UP! i think that you should have to reside here for at LEAST 6 months in order to get medicaid, bc then maybe the applying rate would go down and then it wouldnt be such a "ridiculously low income category we'd have to fall into" it'd truly help US out! im glad someone else brought light to this issue !!

LaMere- I, like Betheney, would still like to hear about your homebirth ideas! Just because I don't necessarily agree with it personally doesn't mean I wouldn't support you. Please share! :thumbup:

Betheney- In terms of health care in the U.S., I think there are major problems. I didn't have health insurance through my job when my daughter was born. She was in the NICU for 9 days (born at 32 weeks) and the bill was over $15,000. I didn't qualify for medicaid even though at the time I was barely making enough to pay the rent. Then when my boys were born early I did qualify for medicaid (3 in the family including my daughter put us in a different income range) and thank God for that because they were in the NICU for a month and it would have been a six-figure amount that I would've owed.
I just think it's wrong that the people who are paying taxes into the system don't qualify for assistance because their income doesn't fall under a ridiculously low amount. However, at the hospital I work at we get many women who travel here a month before they are due, from various countries all over the world, to have their babies in the U.S. Their babies qualify for medicaid right away because they are U.S. citizens, so they get the whole hospital stay paid for and then they go back home. Of course I support people immigrating here, but in my opinion these ladies are abusing the system...
I have decent insurance now, but I got a $500 hospital bill for my son when he needed a catscan. And that was after insurance paid their part. :wacko:

I agree. It scares the heck out of me but I'm not one to deal with the pain well. With my daughter it was awful! I was in so much pain and I would not do well at home. Also, I wouldn't want all that mess in my house ... even if it was contained somewhere. But I think that because we have been away from home births for so long ( I mean 100+ years ago, that is where people had their babies) it isn't mainstream and therefore seems odd.
But it might be interesting to see what you find and your thoughts on it. It may open up new ideas. Never know. Not for me :haha: I am sooo not that brave, but it would be interesting to hear something new.
I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

i figured if the worst were to happen, i would have a baby some day so it wont hurt to keep them around. It does help try and make it more real buying clothes for my baby. Cus right now, it still feels like its too good to be true.

I agree with you, i want to be excited about this pregnancy not scared..... iv already been harrassed by friends and family of being pregnant anyways and its hard to keep hiding it. Bc i tend to like a beer here and there and when they see me drinking water or a "mixed drink" they knew to question me righta way. I told hubby i want to tell ppl bc we saw the babies strong heartbeat wed. and the Dr. made us feel very confident, but then again we want to make sure we have better odd just bc of our history (i have been on progesterone since the BFP due to low progesterone which is what we thought may have been the cause for my other early MC's)

I keep trying to tell myself the odds of having the baby full term is great! like 90-95% chance! Those are AMAZING odds, but i dont know y i keep focusing on the 5-10% of not... i mean if i had these odds in the lottery id know id be the winner for sure!
I agree with the baby stuff, I plan to have more than one - so IF something were to happen, we would try again until we had our lil babies!
I've had soothers for over a year! And a cute lil bib too.... I don't even want to give away any of the stuff I bought for others cuz they're so cute!
hey JCh i feel the same way i still havent told anyone really but my mom MIL FIL brother SIL and 2 friends.....i still am in shock and awe bc ive had one scan saw and heard the hb and i go in 5 days for my other scan and im still amazed
congrats on your pregnancy tho..whatcha hoping for gender wise???:flower:
My Mom has already bought me a couple baby things, neutral outfits, I have such a hard time imaginging it.... It feels surreal and I've had a scan....
I'm still deciding on telling at 12 weeks or 13.... It's so difficult!
Plus I won't have another scan for a while, possibly many weeks, more than 4 for sure! :(
yea i have bought onesies bc ANY baby needs those... they say "i love mommy" "i love daddy" some with a bear, girrafes etc..... all of which are yellows and greens.... some blue:blush:

but i did realize the GIRL clothes are SOOOO flipping cute!
good luck sassy mom, like someone said "I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen." and i feel the same way, i see your ticker says your 11 weeks ...heres a positive stat for you, "DID YOU KNOW that once you see or hear the hearbeat theres only a 3 % chance of miscarrying and after your 1st trimester that goes down to only 1%!!!
good luck with everything fx'd for you ( and sorry about your loss) i just wanted to write you bc i am sooo nervous and scared as well and its good having support as well as someone to talk to!

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!

I'm not sure if you were replying to me or duckytwins. I haven't had a loss ... I was replying to duckytwins about her posting on a loss. Actually in all honesty with both my last pregnancy and this one, miscarriage has never crossed my mind. I suppose though because I am not one to sit and worry about things that are not in my control. I am a believer in what will happen will happen. Perhaps I am an odd ball because miscarriage to me seems a strange concept ... but then again I have never had to go through one. I can understand how someone who has been through one would then worry. With my first pregnancy, everything was fine so I never thought to worry with this one either. I hope though that despite I don't have the knowledge of a miscarriage that I can still be a support system to those ladies who are worried and have gone through this.

And try not to worry! I know that is easier said than done. Stay positive that this is a sticky baby and you will be welcoming baby in January! :hugs:
hey JCh i feel the same way i still havent told anyone really but my mom MIL FIL brother SIL and 2 friends.....i still am in shock and awe bc ive had one scan saw and heard the hb and i go in 5 days for my other scan and im still amazed
congrats on your pregnancy tho..whatcha hoping for gender wise???:flower:
My Mom has already bought me a couple baby things, neutral outfits, I have such a hard time imaginging it.... It feels surreal and I've had a scan....
I'm still deciding on telling at 12 weeks or 13.... It's so difficult!
Plus I won't have another scan for a while, possibly many weeks, more than 4 for sure! :(

I think 12 or 13 weeks is the same thing.... when you hit 12 weeks ur pretty good :happydance:
Hey little J congrats on ur pregnancy i posed to someone earlier " did you know that once you see or hear the strong HB the odds of miscarrying is 3%" and that goes down after 12 weeks to only 1%...
my sister did the progesterone shots her whole pregnancy and was told she had the 90-95% chance of carrying full term and she did :) i have a healthy beautiful 2 yr old nephew...stay positive sweetheart!!! especially since you saw a STRONG hb..FX'D FOR YOU keep us posted dear:flower::hugs:
i figured if the worst were to happen, i would have a baby some day so it wont hurt to keep them around. It does help try and make it more real buying clothes for my baby. Cus right now, it still feels like its too good to be true.

I agree with you, i want to be excited about this pregnancy not scared..... iv already been harrassed by friends and family of being pregnant anyways and its hard to keep hiding it. Bc i tend to like a beer here and there and when they see me drinking water or a "mixed drink" they knew to question me righta way. I told hubby i want to tell ppl bc we saw the babies strong heartbeat wed. and the Dr. made us feel very confident, but then again we want to make sure we have better odd just bc of our history (i have been on progesterone since the BFP due to low progesterone which is what we thought may have been the cause for my other early MC's)

I keep trying to tell myself the odds of having the baby full term is great! like 90-95% chance! Those are AMAZING odds, but i dont know y i keep focusing on the 5-10% of not... i mean if i had these odds in the lottery id know id be the winner for sure!
AWESOME i hit the 12 week mark in 3 days :happydance::happydance:thanks
hey JCh i feel the same way i still havent told anyone really but my mom MIL FIL brother SIL and 2 friends.....i still am in shock and awe bc ive had one scan saw and heard the hb and i go in 5 days for my other scan and im still amazed
congrats on your pregnancy tho..whatcha hoping for gender wise???:flower:
My Mom has already bought me a couple baby things, neutral outfits, I have such a hard time imaginging it.... It feels surreal and I've had a scan....
I'm still deciding on telling at 12 weeks or 13.... It's so difficult!
Plus I won't have another scan for a while, possibly many weeks, more than 4 for sure! :(

I think 12 or 13 weeks is the same thing.... when you hit 12 weeks ur pretty good :happydance:
aww thank you brandi , yes i meant that to ducky im tryly sorry i must of hit reply to you and it was for her, i got it mixed im sorry...

but yes i try not to worry as i hit the 12 week mark in 3 days :)
good luck sassy mom, like someone said "I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen." and i feel the same way, i see your ticker says your 11 weeks ...heres a positive stat for you, "DID YOU KNOW that once you see or hear the hearbeat theres only a 3 % chance of miscarrying and after your 1st trimester that goes down to only 1%!!!
good luck with everything fx'd for you ( and sorry about your loss) i just wanted to write you bc i am sooo nervous and scared as well and its good having support as well as someone to talk to!

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!

I'm not sure if you were replying to me or duckytwins. I haven't had a loss ... I was replying to duckytwins about her posting on a loss. Actually in all honesty with both my last pregnancy and this one, miscarriage has never crossed my mind. I suppose though because I am not one to sit and worry about things that are not in my control. I am a believer in what will happen will happen. Perhaps I am an odd ball because miscarriage to me seems a strange concept ... but then again I have never had to go through one. I can understand how someone who has been through one would then worry. With my first pregnancy, everything was fine so I never thought to worry with this one either. I hope though that despite I don't have the knowledge of a miscarriage that I can still be a support system to those ladies who are worried and have gone through this.

And try not to worry! I know that is easier said than done. Stay positive that this is a sticky baby and you will be welcoming baby in January! :hugs:

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