January Jellybeans 2013!...

good luck DUCKYTWINS, like someone said "I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen." and i feel the same way, i see your ticker says your 11 weeks ...heres a positive stat for you, "DID YOU KNOW that once you see or hear the hearbeat theres only a 3 % chance of miscarrying and after your 1st trimester that goes down to only 1%!!!
good luck with everything fx'd for you ( and sorry about your loss) i just wanted to write you bc i am sooo nervous and scared as well and its good having support as well as someone to talk to!

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!

aww thank you brandi , yes i meant that to ducky im tryly sorry i must of hit reply to you and it was for her, i got it mixed im sorry...

but yes i try not to worry as i hit the 12 week mark in 3 days :)
good luck sassy mom, like someone said "I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen." and i feel the same way, i see your ticker says your 11 weeks ...heres a positive stat for you, "DID YOU KNOW that once you see or hear the hearbeat theres only a 3 % chance of miscarrying and after your 1st trimester that goes down to only 1%!!!
good luck with everything fx'd for you ( and sorry about your loss) i just wanted to write you bc i am sooo nervous and scared as well and its good having support as well as someone to talk to!

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!

I'm not sure if you were replying to me or duckytwins. I haven't had a loss ... I was replying to duckytwins about her posting on a loss. Actually in all honesty with both my last pregnancy and this one, miscarriage has never crossed my mind. I suppose though because I am not one to sit and worry about things that are not in my control. I am a believer in what will happen will happen. Perhaps I am an odd ball because miscarriage to me seems a strange concept ... but then again I have never had to go through one. I can understand how someone who has been through one would then worry. With my first pregnancy, everything was fine so I never thought to worry with this one either. I hope though that despite I don't have the knowledge of a miscarriage that I can still be a support system to those ladies who are worried and have gone through this.

And try not to worry! I know that is easier said than done. Stay positive that this is a sticky baby and you will be welcoming baby in January! :hugs:

No big deal! :) Yay on almost being at the 12 week point! I know that is when things get exciting.
This is our first, so I'm fine with either. DH has really wanted a boy but says he doesn't care anymore. We both have a boy kinda feeling BUT we'll see, have until 20 weeks to find out :( That's 10 more weeks!
Girl would be easiest as my bff, SIL and bro all had girls recently and we'd have lots of stuff! But I'm sure we can get lots of boy stuff too, they have those swap meets 2 times a year where I am, and u can get whole boxes of baby clothes for cheap!
11 weeks! I don't have another OB appointment until July 23rd. Its kind of sad. Hearing my little one's heartbeat was magical and made all of this so real. As soon as she put it in and we could hear the heart, the doctor said, "wow that's a strong heartbeat!" It was a great reaction, it made me feel a lot more confident that my baby is strong and healthy.

I emailed my pictures to my mother and she left me a message on my phone going, "Wow, that's a baby! I can't believe that's inside of you!" Lol, it was amusing, but I was never going to have kids before I met my husband, so she has good reason to be so thrilled.

Yesterday also marked my husband and my 6 months of marriage. What a magical day.

I'm so sorry to all the women on here who are experiencing losses. You'll be back before you know it with a strong little one ready to take on the world.
-I completely agree with the ladies that are against the hospital scams of people coming just to have babies. Like I've said, Hubby and I were engaged for 10 months, I came from Guatemala 10 months ago with a fiance visa and got married 2 1/2 months later (they only give you 3 months). Hubby filled jointly for his taxes, but I cannot expect that from that I get State help, so I was perfectly fine with signing an affidavit that I would not get help for 10 years, and if I ever tried, the bill would go round and back to my hubby. LOL. I mean, I should chip in with taxes before I should expect a lil help!

-I told everyone by week 4, the same day I found out I had a picture of my BFP on FB. We don't have the 12 week rule where I come from, and I only found out about it because an American friend skyped me that same day asking me if I was sure I wanted people to know and told me the odds of MC, she completely ruined my festive mode of the day. When I told my mom the first thing she said was that a baby was a miracle from conception, that I should be positive and if something was ever to happen to my baby I would have more prayers going on my behalf. Strangely enough, when I told MIL she said she didn't know about the 12 rule day... and she is american. Maybe she just didn't want to burst my joyful bubble too. Haha.

-It's raining here... ya know what that means for moving day: PONCHOS! I think I will be offline 'till at&t decides to get their act together and stop sending our modem out to other states -sigh- that's the only internet the other apartment complex has... so oh well, you have a great weekend ladies!
yes i hear ya i have 8 more weeks until we find out, and i always wanted to have a boy then a girl like how my brother and i are bc i always had my big brother to protect me and help me but either way im happy. i just want a happy healthy baby....i kinda have that boy feeling too....because they say born under venus look for a penis and im carrying very low...LOL!@
do you have names picked? i have the boys name but im trumped on the girls....cant decide....:)

This is our first, so I'm fine with either. DH has really wanted a boy but says he doesn't care anymore. We both have a boy kinda feeling BUT we'll see, have until 20 weeks to find out :( That's 10 more weeks!
Girl would be easiest as my bff, SIL and bro all had girls recently and we'd have lots of stuff! But I'm sure we can get lots of boy stuff too, they have those swap meets 2 times a year where I am, and u can get whole boxes of baby clothes for cheap!
your almost at 12 weeks with me...its soo exciting right?
aww thank you brandi , yes i meant that to ducky im tryly sorry i must of hit reply to you and it was for her, i got it mixed im sorry...

but yes i try not to worry as i hit the 12 week mark in 3 days :)
good luck sassy mom, like someone said "I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen." and i feel the same way, i see your ticker says your 11 weeks ...heres a positive stat for you, "DID YOU KNOW that once you see or hear the hearbeat theres only a 3 % chance of miscarrying and after your 1st trimester that goes down to only 1%!!!
good luck with everything fx'd for you ( and sorry about your loss) i just wanted to write you bc i am sooo nervous and scared as well and its good having support as well as someone to talk to!

I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

That makes perfect sense! I think I would rather have the full on support if something were to happen. And to be able to celebrate it is wonderful no matter how long. I want to buy stuff but have been to sick to make it out. I would love to have baby stuff laying around. Although I know it will be hard because we don't know the sex yet. We will know in a month or 2 though. :) For now maybe some plain white onesies ... I love shopping for baby stuff!!

I'm not sure if you were replying to me or duckytwins. I haven't had a loss ... I was replying to duckytwins about her posting on a loss. Actually in all honesty with both my last pregnancy and this one, miscarriage has never crossed my mind. I suppose though because I am not one to sit and worry about things that are not in my control. I am a believer in what will happen will happen. Perhaps I am an odd ball because miscarriage to me seems a strange concept ... but then again I have never had to go through one. I can understand how someone who has been through one would then worry. With my first pregnancy, everything was fine so I never thought to worry with this one either. I hope though that despite I don't have the knowledge of a miscarriage that I can still be a support system to those ladies who are worried and have gone through this.

And try not to worry! I know that is easier said than done. Stay positive that this is a sticky baby and you will be welcoming baby in January! :hugs:

No big deal! :) Yay on almost being at the 12 week point! I know that is when things get exciting.
From being on both ends of the american system...heres how it usually works... When i was young my parents didnt have a lot of money and basically i had no insurance and then i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.. I was life flighted and was in the hospital for two weeks so u can imagine the hospital bill! About 5,000 per day in icu and my life flight a lone was 5,000... We contacted the hospital and told them the situation that there was no way we could afford this... Beleive it or not, the hospital put it into their "charity" and we never saw or heard of the money again, they simply wrote it off!

So from the age of 15 to 21 i was on medical assistance bc iwas now only under my mothers care and had type 1 diab..it was a life saver.... I got a full time job and eventually didnt need the medical assistance anymore... I will say for the ppl who dont abuse the governments care it is a wonderful thing!

Some hospitals have what are called "Sliding Scale Fees" where depending on what you earn they charge you in percentage. The less you make the less you pay. It drops into the category of the hospitals charity, not precisely State. Although, to my understanding, they do get tax deductibles from this charities.
congrats on your pregnancy!
its not really a 12 week rule its just most women chose to wait until the 2nd trimester...not all tho..its mainly bc most m/c happen before 12 weeks...
im choosing to wait to post it on FB until another week or 2...thats just my choice tho its not an american rule...that wasnt nice of your friend to ruin your excitement!! how rude....but just stay positive!!:flower:
-I completely agree with the ladies that are against the hospital scams of people coming just to have babies. Like I've said, Hubby and I were engaged for 10 months, I came from Guatemala 10 months ago with a fiance visa and got married 2 1/2 months later (they only give you 3 months). Hubby filled jointly for his taxes, but I cannot expect that from that I get State help, so I was perfectly fine with signing an affidavit that I would not get help for 10 years, and if I ever tried, the bill would go round and back to my hubby. LOL. I mean, I should chip in with taxes before I should expect a lil help!

-I told everyone by week 4, the same day I found out I had a picture of my BFP on FB. We don't have the 12 week rule where I come from, and I only found out about it because an American friend skyped me that same day asking me if I was sure I wanted people to know and told me the odds of MC, she completely ruined my festive mode of the day. When I told my mom the first thing she said was that a baby was a miracle from conception, that I should be positive and if something was ever to happen to my baby I would have more prayers going on my behalf. Strangely enough, when I told MIL she said she didn't know about the 12 rule day... and she is american. Maybe she just didn't want to burst my joyful bubble too. Haha.

-It's raining here... ya know what that means for moving day: PONCHOS! I think I will be offline 'till at&t decides to get their act together and stop sending our modem out to other states -sigh- that's the only internet the other apartment complex has... so oh well, you have a great weekend ladies!
wow thats awesome the charity paid for it , i had a similar situation ( meaning the hospitals charity paid for my medical bill) i had been in the hospital for 5 days and the bill had come to around 20g's bc of the part of the hospital i was in. it was crazy well they turned it over to charity and havent heard from the billing department again, and now i have my own insurance....its just so hard for them to distinguish who needs it and whos abusing it !!!
I am excited to be into the second trimester mostly because MS has been brutal ... nearly 7 weeks straight every single day. BLEH! I'm ready for it to be done with! I need a hair cut so bad it isn't even funny! I have a pixie haircut and it has to be trimmed about once a month ... I haven't been in over 2 months and my hair looks ridiculous. I wear a bandana because it has gotten to where I can't do anything with it.

Come on second trimester!!! :happydance:
Hi Ladies, just popping in.

I am glad I am not the only one who worries following some of the things posted. Don't get me wrong I love this board and couldn't do without it but when I read things I do get upset and worry.

I am 11 weeks today :) Scan is June 26th so a week and a bit to go! I have had some tummy pains the last few days but thinkin RLP. We will be telling people officially from the day of our scan, once we know all is ok. A few people know now but it isn't public knowledge yet.
GREAT news, so happy u get to see ur jumping lil baby! For LOTS of movement I've heard to drink juice, like OJ. The sugars are natural and baby moves a LOT more! Something to try maybe?
good luck mamaspath!!

I just talked it over with hubby....and i think were going to tell family and friends now.... we dont want to be ashamed of our baby or the excitment and the thought of waiting in fear KILLS me.

The odds are with us and itll make me more confident and feel more real when we tell ppl.

I am not posting anything on facebook until 12 weeks tho.
good luck mamaspath!!

I just talked it over with hubby....and i think were going to tell family and friends now.... we dont want to be ashamed of our baby or the excitment and the thought of waiting in fear KILLS me.

The odds are with us and itll make me more confident and feel more real when we tell ppl.

I am not posting anything on facebook until 12 weeks tho.

That is so exciting!! :hugs::happydance:

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