January Jellybeans 2013!...

Well, I broke down today and finally took a picture of my bump. It seemed to have really grown in the last couple of days which I think corresponds with the discomfort, pulling, and cramping I've had going on.

I am short with a very short waist so I anticipate showing early but at 14+2 I am worried about how big I may get.

I think it is a cute bump, Ditty! I feel like I am really about to pop. My stomach and back muscles have really started becoming sore and uncomfortable. How tall are you? If you don't mind me asking. I am 5'0" and this is what I looked like with my daughter at about 7 1/2 - 8 months..


Ok, so I passed by feeling I had barely any tummy to feeling I have a tummy of a 30 week pregnant woman! I took a picture and I'm wowed. I didn't want to go out yesterday because I felt like I looked humongous. I'm between showing you ladies and not showing you because I might scare you!!!! :cry: I even showed my sister, who has had a HUGE tummy threw out her pregnancy and she said it might be a family thing lol... ok...

Ok, the red dots show. beginning and end of legs and of tummy...:wacko:

:happydance: Dee Dee, it's beautiful!! :hugs:

They were just general reassurance questions. I wanted to know if I can start swimming again but managed to get that one in quickly and she said its fine. I've been really itchy lately, mainly my back tummy and boobs so just assuming it growth spurt!

I'm annoyed because when she did the Doppler she was like that's the loudest I will get it because your fat, her exact words! I've had it so loud at home (didn't tell her that) and she didn't even move it. I'll definitely be checking who I'm booked with next time.

Sorry to moan x

That is absolutely ridiculous that she would even think that was an okay thing to say!!! :growl: I wouldn't have been able to bite my tongue if someone had said that to me.

AFM: :happydance: I'm an orange today!!!! Will try to take a pic sometime today or in the next couple of days!!!
Well, I broke down today and finally took a picture of my bump. It seemed to have really grown in the last couple of days which I think corresponds with the discomfort, pulling, and cramping I've had going on.

I am short with a very short waist so I anticipate showing early but at 14+2 I am worried about how big I may get.

I think it is a cute bump, Ditty! I feel like I am really about to pop. My stomach and back muscles have really started becoming sore and uncomfortable. How tall are you? If you don't mind me asking. I am 5'0" and this is what I looked like with my daughter at about 7 1/2 - 8 months..


Ok, so I passed by feeling I had barely any tummy to feeling I have a tummy of a 30 week pregnant woman! I took a picture and I'm wowed. I didn't want to go out yesterday because I felt like I looked humongous. I'm between showing you ladies and not showing you because I might scare you!!!! :cry: I even showed my sister, who has had a HUGE tummy threw out her pregnancy and she said it might be a family thing lol... ok...

Ok, the red dots show. beginning and end of legs and of tummy...:wacko:

:happydance: Dee Dee, it's beautiful!! :hugs:

They were just general reassurance questions. I wanted to know if I can start swimming again but managed to get that one in quickly and she said its fine. I've been really itchy lately, mainly my back tummy and boobs so just assuming it growth spurt!

I'm annoyed because when she did the Doppler she was like that's the loudest I will get it because your fat, her exact words! I've had it so loud at home (didn't tell her that) and she didn't even move it. I'll definitely be checking who I'm booked with next time.

Sorry to moan x

That is absolutely ridiculous that she would even think that was an okay thing to say!!! :growl: I wouldn't have been able to bite my tongue if someone had said that to me.

AFM: :happydance: I'm an orange today!!!! Will try to take a pic sometime today or in the next couple of days!!!

5'3" on a good day!
Thank you! I have to clean that mirror lol!
I still feel like they just look like fluff of my two separate stomachs hahahahaha
My insurance called. I'm not sure if it's what insurance do, but It was a nurse to tell me they were on call for me 24/7. It was nice and they asked me all the questions my dr did to stay on top of me if anything happens. They also said they sent me a box with gifts and a $25 gift card for babies r us. I thought it was pretty darn cool.
Deedee & Ditty amazing bumps!!!!! Again very jealous!

Soniamillie I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a rude & miserable cow, but good news you can go swimming again :)

Welcome back Betheney, we've missed you!

Hope the rest of you ladies are feeling good, the weekend is here!!!!

Well I feel very cheated re my 16 week midwife appointment.
Probably my fault as I was 2 mins late but when I booked they didn't tell me it would be with someone else as my midwife is away. Had I known I would have booked before she went or when she came back.

The midwife who did my apt then got shitty because I hadn't brought a urine sample - no one told me I had to! So went to pee in a cup and hardly nothing as I'd already been, which annoyed her even more! Oh well, I have a small amount of protein in my urine but she said that was normal.

Took my blood pressure at 100/70 said it was fine.
She then found baby on Doppler for about 15 seconds and that was it. Asked if I had any questions and sent me packing.

I'm really annoyed as feel she should have been more welcoming and I would have got more out of it and asked all the questioned I wanted to. She probably spoke about 20 words to be for the whole appointment!

ARGH ! Sorry ladies don't mean to vent but feel cheated of the apt. X

Poor you. That sounds rubbish! I have to say my 15 week appointment wasn't much better. My midwife was lovely, but the people before us were running late and I felt that we were pushed through really quickly. I didn't get a chance to ask half the questions I wanted to and I didn't even get to hear the heartbeat (apparently they don't do that at 15 weeks in case they can't hear anything and then they have to send you up to the hospital). I brought a urine sample along because I was sure she told me to, but when I produced it she looked at me like I was mad and told me she wasn't expecting me to bring one. Grrr! I left feeling a bit cheated too. I still have some questions which are bothering me and which I would liked to have talked about in more details so I am going to try and get an appointment with my Dr next week to discuss as my next MW appointment isn't for 6 weeks.
I had my 15 week midwife appointment today. It was all a bit boring and felt a bit rushed. Didn't get to hear the heartbeat. Wasn't really expect too, but secretly hoped I would. I got all my 9 week blood test results back and one of them has been bothering me slightly. It was my glucose one which came back at 6.8. She said that 7 is normally the cut of point, but it has me worried as both my parents are Type 2 diabetic. She said they could do another random blood test, but didn't say when or if I actually should. I had been eating a lot of polo mints at the time to help with the morning sickeness so maybe it was in response to that, but I can't help worrying. I think worrying has become my new pastime, which is strange because I was very chilled out the first 12 weeks. I am going to blame it on feeling so rubbish for so long.

Usually 28 weeks is the norm for glucose testing. I guess that's when everything is at its peak in pregnancy. But I def think u should try to semi control your diet and be sure u ask for the second test. Diabetes in pregnancy is def not fun to deal with. :hugs:

Thanks Snowangel. Luckily I cut the mints out of my diet a few weeks ago and have been trying to be sensible. I am going to try and see my Dr next week and ask for another test, just to put my mind at rest. Given my family history it is something I am a bit nervous about.
Soooo i dont have any kids yet, but i have a precious dog who i swear is like our baby...im so sick of everyone telling me that shes going to be ignored and forgotten once baby comes. Its insulting!
Well, I broke down today and finally took a picture of my bump. It seemed to have really grown in the last couple of days which I think corresponds with the discomfort, pulling, and cramping I've had going on.

I am short with a very short waist so I anticipate showing early but at 14+2 I am worried about how big I may get.

I think it is a cute bump, Ditty! I feel like I am really about to pop. My stomach and back muscles have really started becoming sore and uncomfortable. How tall are you? If you don't mind me asking. I am 5'0" and this is what I looked like with my daughter at about 7 1/2 - 8 months..


Ok, so I passed by feeling I had barely any tummy to feeling I have a tummy of a 30 week pregnant woman! I took a picture and I'm wowed. I didn't want to go out yesterday because I felt like I looked humongous. I'm between showing you ladies and not showing you because I might scare you!!!! :cry: I even showed my sister, who has had a HUGE tummy threw out her pregnancy and she said it might be a family thing lol... ok...

Ok, the red dots show. beginning and end of legs and of tummy...:wacko:

:happydance: Dee Dee, it's beautiful!! :hugs:

They were just general reassurance questions. I wanted to know if I can start swimming again but managed to get that one in quickly and she said its fine. I've been really itchy lately, mainly my back tummy and boobs so just assuming it growth spurt!

I'm annoyed because when she did the Doppler she was like that's the loudest I will get it because your fat, her exact words! I've had it so loud at home (didn't tell her that) and she didn't even move it. I'll definitely be checking who I'm booked with next time.

Sorry to moan x

That is absolutely ridiculous that she would even think that was an okay thing to say!!! :growl: I wouldn't have been able to bite my tongue if someone had said that to me.

AFM: :happydance: I'm an orange today!!!! Will try to take a pic sometime today or in the next couple of days!!!

5'3" on a good day!

Haha, still taller than me!

Thank you! I have to clean that mirror lol!
I still feel like they just look like fluff of my two separate stomachs hahahahaha

You are most welcome! I still say you and your bump are beautiful!
Thank you! I have to clean that mirror lol!
I still feel like they just look like fluff of my two separate stomachs hahahahaha

Hun this put a smile on my face re two tummies. My adorable niece always asked me why I have two tummies, I tell her it's because I eat too much and she always says but your not fat and then how she thinks I just got more than others so I can give better hugs. So cute. She is 4. She is obsessed with our baby, her and DH have a really special relationship and we were a little worried about telling her but she took it well. She always asks if pumpkin, she can't pay pipkin, is in tummy 1 or 2 and then always gives DH a kiss, then me then my tummy. Ahhh I love it x
Soooo i dont have any kids yet, but i have a precious dog who i swear is like our baby...im so sick of everyone telling me that shes going to be ignored and forgotten once baby comes. Its insulting!

well that is just rude. They must not be pet people.
Lilalbear - sorry to hear that you were in the same boat, I'm definitely going to ask to see my midwife when she is back. I don't mind not being re tested but would just like the opportunity to ask q's
Soooo i dont have any kids yet, but i have a precious dog who i swear is like our baby...im so sick of everyone telling me that shes going to be ignored and forgotten once baby comes. Its insulting!

I think that is rubbish that people are saying that to you. We have two cats who are like our babies and we are going to try our best to make them feel included and not ignored! I think the cats are already sensing something is up. They don't tend to climb over my stomach now and if I am lying down they both like to curl up beside my stomach. I wonder if it is warmer than the rest of me or whether they sense Little Bean is in there. :)
Wow this thread is moving as fast as ever!sorry its been a while girls but i do think of you all and hope ur all keeping well,congratulations on the team pinks and blues
Question for you ladies: If you are 17 weeks pregnant how many months are you? Ive read some places that 17weeks starts your 5th month and some say your 5th month doesnt start until week 18
Thank you! I have to clean that mirror lol!
I still feel like they just look like fluff of my two separate stomachs hahahahaha

Hun this put a smile on my face re two tummies. My adorable niece always asked me why I have two tummies, I tell her it's because I eat too much and she always says but your not fat and then how she thinks I just got more than others so I can give better hugs. So cute. She is 4. She is obsessed with our baby, her and DH have a really special relationship and we were a little worried about telling her but she took it well. She always asks if pumpkin, she can't pay pipkin, is in tummy 1 or 2 and then always gives DH a kiss, then me then my tummy. Ahhh I love it x

Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! I can only hope to have such a sweet son/daughter one day! And yeah, I've always had two tummies, so does my mom and my sister. Haha. I'm very use to it actually. But they recently seem to have just grown LOL to an extent I never had them before and makes me a little insecure :blush: I can't wait for them to completely morph into one hahahahaha and look like a complete preggo tummy, although some insist it's there, I differ. haha
Question for you ladies: If you are 17 weeks pregnant how many months are you? Ive read some places that 17weeks starts your 5th month and some say your 5th month doesnt start until week 18

Month 1 = Weeks 1-4 Month 2 = Weeks 5-8 Month 3 = Weeks 9-13 Month 4 = Weeks 14-17 Month 5 = Weeks 18-21 Month 6 = Weeks 22-26 Month 7 = Weeks 27-30 Month 8 = Weeks 31-35 Month 9 = Weeks 36-40.

I just looked it up myself and I found this. HTH.
Since I'm 15 weeks today, here's my orange bump :haha:
Since I'm 15 weeks today, here's my orange bump :haha:

Cute cute cute cute! :) :hugs:
Since I'm 15 weeks today, here's my orange bump :haha:

Cute cute cute cute! :) :hugs:

:hugs: Thank you, Dee Dee!! :hugs: I posted a couple of recent pics of my DD in my journal!! I couldn't help it! Those pics were just too cute.. :haha:

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