January Jellybeans 2013!...

PND scares me too. I have suffered from depression and anxiety in the past as well and I know that makes me more suceptible, but it is in my medical notes and DH has said he is going to keep an eye on me and make me get help if I need it. Hopefully I will be fine as I have been feeling good over the past year or so and my depression and anxiety was mainly tied up with a bad break up. I have a friend who is going through PND at the moment and it has been awful for her. She was very resistant to meds as she was breastfeeding, but has finally given in and I think they are really helping.

I asked DH if he still found me attractive and he said yes, and that my changing body is just another stage of me which I thought was a lovely thing to say.
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I was in the hospital this weekend with terrible chest pains and left arm pain. I guess it was all from the brochitis, and me and Boop are okay, but they did say I have ANOTHER UTI and put me on another anitibiotic. Just trying to get through the days... sigh

We were in the ER for so long, we missed our special date DH had planned :cry: He had gotten me tickets to see Celtic Thunder for their only CT appearance.
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I was in the hospital this weekend with terrible chest pains and left arm pain. I guess it was all from the brochitis, and me and Boop are okay, but they did say I have ANOTHER UTI and put me on another anitibiotic. Just trying to get through the days... sigh

We were in the ER for so long, we missed our special date DH had planned :cry: He had gotten me tickets to see Celtic Thunder for their only CT appearance.

Sorry to hear that! Hope you are beginning to feel better. :hugs:
Happy anniversary to you and DH Jrow :flower:

Blosson, such a cute bump, you're teeny but your little one is definitely in there!!

So sorry about your dream Ditty, that sounds awaful. The PND thing is really scary, but I guess best to stay as calm as possible about the possibility before the birth and do your best to deal if and when it happens (hopefully wont!). Sonia is right, we'll have each other to talk too :hugs::hugs:

Ducky you poor love, I really hope you feel better soon, what a rough run you have had, boop will be totally worth it all in a few months though :)

Whew! 6 pages to catch up on today!

Happy Anniversary Jrowen!!!

Welcome Hunnibunni! I think you'll find a wonderful bunch of women here! I know I always love coming in and chatting and seeing what is new with everyone.

Ducky - I'm so sorry you were in the hospital and hope you are feeling better. I hate that you had to miss Celtic Thunder. I've heard some of their music and like them. My mom watches them every time they show them through the PBS station. She really loves them. Her and I would love to be able to go see Celtic Woman live. They were up in Atlanta once but we couldn't make it. Have you heard any of their music? Those women have the most beautiful voices and I love all the music.

Some days I feel really uncomfortable but thankfully for the most part, I feel pretty good as I have found some great cheap clothes that fit my bump nicely. I have found that the tighter fitting maternity shirts do more for making us look less like a giant sack. lol!

DH loves my "big 'ol belly" (his words) lol! He makes me laugh when he says that ... then he usually rubs it like crazy. I like my bump this time as with DD I was just a huge whale. lol! I'm taking better care of myself and starting out 20lbs lighter than the first time helps too! haha!

So we had an interesting day. We went down to the inlaws today. DH had to take something to his brother. DD and I stayed down at DH's aunt's house while he went to see his brother (They live next door to each other and MIL lives in the house next to him). So DH went over to his mom's and she started in on some drama ... some was about another family member but then she started in about me. Her and my SIL (not sure I should call her that anymore as my BIL left her and asked for the engagement ring back) ... they were mad because while at DD's birthday party, her son was a maniac ... nothing out of the ordinary and she cannot control him ... but I don't put up with that. He had one of those pool noodles and kept hitting people and stuff in my house after he had been told not to and his mom took it away. He went and got it back and started beating my house up again so I took it away from him and said you cannot have this anymore. I put it away and right after they left. Come to find out, they were upset because I had actually done something instead of "don't do that" ... I can't stand parents like that. PARENT your children. So MIL was complaining that I was singling this little boy out and blah blah .... DH just said she needed to can it and that she was just looking for more drama to start with me. MIL shut up very quickly. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She should know better by now then to start in with him because he doesn't play her stupid games anymore. DH has had to get on to this little boy before in front of everyone because his mother REFUSES to control him. He is a menace. I can't stand the kid and we were happy when they left. I was enjoying my niece (BIL's daughter with his :shrug: ex girlfriend now .... I can't keep up with the drama they have.) she and this boy are half siblings (different fathers) so I was sad to see her go. I don't get to see my niece a lot and she is just precious however seeing her brother go was awesome as he was driving everyone crazy! Oh well ... what can you do!
I openly tell kids off all the time. They look at you horrified. I could care less if the parents are around (usually they aren't) but if their child is in danger of hurting my child or if they're being mean then I'm going to tell them off. Most of the time parents dont realise their childs behavior is upsetting people and once you tell their kid off they step in and make sure it doesnt happen again.

it's also hard because all kids have different boundaries. Eva had a lot less than my friends kids. So when I'm at their house she's doing all these things that I dont know are wrong. like playing with a curtain or pressing buttons on a dishwasher. My friend kindly asks Eva to not do that and then a realise that behaviour is unacceptable in their house and I have to keep an eye on Eva near those things

At day care the other day one little girl was annoyed Eva kept holding my phone so she pushed Eva in the face, I quickly told her that she is not to hurt others. Then when she went to do it again the carer was on the other side of the room and my instinct just kicked in and I grabbed the little girls wrist before she had a chance of reaching Eva's face. I was shocked and wondered if I did the wrong thing. I grabbed another child!!!! I was protecting Eva but I still can't stop thinking about it and wondering if I crossed the line.
Oh no I think I would have totally stepped in with a situation like that! Definitely defending your child.

Sadly this mother was sitting right there watching her child try and destroy my house ... this is her way of telling him to stop ... very soft voice - "Cohen stop that." She will do this A HUNDRED times and never step in to do something. He never listens to her because he knows she won't do anything to actually stop the behavior like taking whatever it is away or any other way of averting him from disaster. She will watch him kick, hit, destroy whatever ... when we were down at the inlaws before, he was jumping all over the furniture and everyone kept telling him to get down ... he just laughed harder and went for it. Even his mom was saying Cohen we don't jump on furniture. Stop. He had kicked toys around earlier that I got after him about and he had this pool noodle earlier in the day before someone got it and put it in DD's room ... then he went in and got it again and started terrorizing everything and I really had just had enough. So I simply said no we are going to put this away now. Took it out of his hands and put it where it went. MIL told DH that I "yanked it away and made him fall down" .... :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: DH called her on her bs and told her to shut it. :haha::haha::haha: Years ago I probably would have been furious with her little crazed rant but she has been doing this for .... nearly the entire time DH and I have been together and now it is something to laugh at. She is a crazy woman and we leave her to her craziness. DH doesn't even like to be around her ... and it is HIS mom. Sad sad.

And to me if we are at someones house and they have different rules, like you mentioned, it wouldn't bother me if someone asked her to not do that or even let me know that they have different rules so I can make sure she is behaving her best. It does frustrate me to see parents who can't grow a pair when they have to be parents. I'm not saying you have to go hard core and make the kids afraid of you, but learn when they need guidance and teach them right from wrong ... and not destroy peoples houses. :haha: This boy is 5 and DH is pretty tolerant of children but he cannot stand this boy.
Happy anniversary JRow ours is on the 10th!!!

As for the PND I'm not worried about getting it because I am not really at risk and am not really a depression person. But with DD I had the baby blues for 48hours everyone says they last a day and I got 2 days and they were seriously the worst two days ever!!! They were just so sad.

I feel so much sympathy for women with PND being a mummy was the best time of my life, I can't imagine being sad every single day. I hope we're here enough to support those mothers who might be going through it and they get help asap so they can be happy again
I definitely think that we can be a big help to one another. Most important rule to remember: ASK FOR HELP! You aren't a failure because of it and it doesn't make you less of a mother!!! Definitely surround yourself with a big support group for just in case!

It really is such a wonderful thing to have so many wonderful people here. Even though some of us are miles and miles, just reading the words on the page and having already been through this time together, it really feels like there is someone right there to help you through everything! I cannot wait to see all these beautiful new :baby: of ours!
Today I booked the hotel we are going to stay in for the first few days of November until my husband can check out of the marine corps. Blew my mind that we are getting so close. 33 days left! You know what else blows my mind? 95 days until my due date. So insane. I am 3 days away from being precisely 3 months away from my due date and 4 days away from the third trimester. I guess my mind is just blown today all around, lol.
I know!! It is so awesome that we are getting so close! I just can't believe the time is flying so quickly!!!!
I know!! It is so awesome that we are getting so close! I just can't believe the time is flying so quickly!!!!

It is crazy how fast it's going now. Even tho I feel like it drags some days because of bedrest. I remember just counting the days and praying I'd make it to V-day and tomorrow third tri begins. Crazy!! Although with the excitement comes stress since we are due so close to the holidays.
I know!! It is so awesome that we are getting so close! I just can't believe the time is flying so quickly!!!!

It is crazy how fast it's going now. Even tho I feel like it drags some days because of bedrest. I remember just counting the days and praying I'd make it to V-day and tomorrow third tri begins. Crazy!! Although with the excitement comes stress since we are due so close to the holidays.

I think I was counting down the days until I no longer stayed hugging the porcelain throne. UGH! That was the part that was so slow ... now everything is racing by! Is anyone else having a baby shower this month? Mine is on the 20th. I'm so excited!
Naaaaaw i'm probably going to avoid the thread during baby shower month as i'll be so incredibly jealous on the inside. haha! i had 2 baby showers with Eva and just decided not to have one for no.2 I know there's no set in stone rule and i have never judged a woman who has had a baby shower for their no.2 but i just don't feel it's right for us. I do have one friend however who insists on visiting and making a baby shower with just the two of us and that we're going to eat cheese and drink alcohol free wine all day. lol. She's a hoot.

It's true that time is flying by!!! i'm 26+4, i mean seriously! when did that happen????? I'm so excited to reach 3rd Tri, i think i've counted down to it more than many other milestones. Well except for the dreaded first trimester and the constant vomiting. I don't even really get that excited over V-day because i still feel it's no guarantee anything will be alright and a baby born at 24 weeks is still in incredible danger.

I found people no longer ask if you're pregnant they stare awkwardly at your belly then say "Are you thinking of giving Eva a little brother or sister anytime soon" LOLOLOLOLOL today when i replied yes only 13.5 weeks until she has one the person asked "Oh, so did you find out very long ago?" i just looked at her confused and said "Well yeah i'm 26.5 weeks so you could say i've known for a while" Some people are so silly.
Naaaaaw i'm probably going to avoid the thread during baby shower month as i'll be so incredibly jealous on the inside. haha! i had 2 baby showers with Eva and just decided not to have one for no.2 I know there's no set in stone rule and i have never judged a woman who has had a baby shower for their no.2 but i just don't feel it's right for us. I do have one friend however who insists on visiting and making a baby shower with just the two of us and that we're going to eat cheese and drink alcohol free wine all day. lol. She's a hoot.

It's true that time is flying by!!! i'm 26+4, i mean seriously! when did that happen????? I'm so excited to reach 3rd Tri, i think i've counted down to it more than many other milestones. Well except for the dreaded first trimester and the constant vomiting. I don't even really get that excited over V-day because i still feel it's no guarantee anything will be alright and a baby born at 24 weeks is still in incredible danger.

I found people no longer ask if you're pregnant they stare awkwardly at your belly then say "Are you thinking of giving Eva a little brother or sister anytime soon" LOLOLOLOLOL today when i replied yes only 13.5 weeks until she has one the person asked "Oh, so did you find out very long ago?" i just looked at her confused and said "Well yeah i'm 26.5 weeks so you could say i've known for a while" Some people are so silly.

I think some people don't know how many weeks a pregnancy is. I have a lot of the old timers ask how many months I am. I tell them but explain that most people go by weeks now as it is more specific.
I think I may have done something smaller if I hadn't given EVERYTHING of DD's away. :haha::haha::haha: Bad on my part! We didn't think we were going to have any more children so we didn't want to hold on to unnecessary things. I do like the idea of getting everyone together to celebrate though. That is always fun. But I can see where if I already had everything, there would be no need to do it all up again.

I have that problem too Ditty. Some people look at me like :shrug: when I say weeks.
sassy how old is DD??? i was going to say that with Eva being only 22 months it feels like my last baby shower was really not that long ago. I have friends who have had 6 years roughly between their siblings and in that time their friends and work circumstances have changed and the new people in their life really want to have a baby shower as they weren't around for the first, or much like you they've gotten rid of everything. I totally think this is fine! and makes total sense, but didn't bother explaining is earlier as i didn't want to offend those who ARE having baby showers only 2 years apart. Which if that is what you want then that's totally fine too. Just not for me.

Yeah a few people have asked how many months i am and i'm like "i have no idea" then they divide the amount of weeks you are by 4 and tell you, you're that many months. I have to explain that it doesn't work like that as months are not 28 days long. If they were then i'd be 6 months pregnant at 24 weeks which is not the case. I may be IN the 6th month but i haven't completed 6 whole months of pregnancy until a few weeks after 24 weeks. I tend to look at months by my EDD, i'm due 4th of Jan, so at the beginning of each month i say i am now so many months, for e.g today is the 2nd of October and so i'm happy to say i'm 6 months pregnant with 3 months left.
My baby shower is Nov. 3, so I still have more than a month of waiting. Wish it was in Oct. but i'll still have enough time to see what I need to buy that I didn't get.

Tomorrow I'm starting my 99 days countdown on the calendar where I place the weeks. I'm super excited. I'm waiting to get into the 3rd tri, i'll make some happy dance and then to wait with the countdown!
Did anyone notice baby kick for 15 minute straight without stopping!? She keeps rolling and kicking and punching non stop tonight, hubby was amazed! She finally quieted down...shes been so low and feels like she is kickin my pubic bone on the inside..she just must be really low or something, back and pelvis have been sore all day and needed a heating pad!
DD turned 4 a little over a week ago. No offense here. I think baby showers are so "no rules whatever goes" now so you can really turn it into nothing or something huge. You can either do it or not. My best friend had a combined shower with her cousin who was due right before her so the whole family only had to do one and both of them already had boys before so it was really a family fun day at the lake for them. They got a few things like essentials but mostly just made a fun day with it.

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