*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Buddy have you tried maternity leggings? They are comfy and go right up and over your bump!
Thanks Ab! :kiss: I'm full term today ladies! Can't believe it :wohoo: how did this happen!? I'm so ready to get this little lady out of me now, ideally though I'd like her to come from 38w onwards but that's just so close to Xmas, I'm scared! I'm ramping everything up though as of today. Taking my RLT up to 4 x a day, 900mg of EPO a day and will start bathing and massaging in my CSO :thumbup:

Buddy, I second maternity leggings. Soooo comfy! Are you in the UK? I've actually just been buying Primark leggings in a couple sizes bigger and they're nice and stretchy, go all the way over my bump and as I'm buying them bigger, they don't go see through around the bum and thighs like some leggings can do!
:happydance: Full term Lolly! Amazing!

Thanks for the recommendations with the leggings ladies :thumbup: I'll 100% be purchasing them. Today. I love being pregnant, and actually like my body and my bump (my boobs lol!), it's just how I look and feel in clothes...like a lumpy overstuffed sausage!
I get that! I've always been more of a comfort seeker anyway so very rarely would you find me in jeans pre-pregnancy, but I'm ALLLLLL for the comforts now especially so!
Yay for full term lolly :)

I feel rubbish. Still coughing. Lastnight I had earache but thankfully paracetamol got rid. My teeth hurt, my cheek hurt, i was actually crying with the pain because I was so tired too.
We were up until 11.30pm packing on Saturday evening. I've tried to do a bit in our bedroom this morning but I was feeling dizzy with getting up and down. So going to clear our bed and go for a nap then hopefully I will feel a bit better. OH says to just rest and he will do some when he gets home but I honestly can't. I think it looks worse than it is really. There is atleast 12 bin bags full of clothes to be weighed, so they are taking up alot of space.
I have consultant appointment tomorrow which will take up all morning too. Cant wait until thursday though as most the boxes will be taken in the car and straight into the attic.

Hope everyone is OK.
Congrats of full term Lolly!!

I hope everyone else is doing well. I'm officially on my first day off, maternity leave starts today! I have a list about a mile long of things I still need to do before baby comes. I packed the baby's hospital bag, but I have yet to do mine or my DH's. Is anyone else not packed for the hospital yet? Also, when are you all installing your car seats? I'm thinking around 38 weeks.
Happy maternity leave Wifey! I don't know if that's a "thing" but I'm putting it out there anyway :haha:

My little suitcase is packed with all of our hospital necessities, going to pack drinks and snacks when labour starts. Leaving the car seat until then too and will pop that and the case when we set off :thumbup:
Had our second antenatal class today. Will be in delivery suite and so snacks and drinks are not allowed in case they have to do emergency c sections on anyone.
Wow really Izzie? That's the first hospital I've ever heard of with that policy. They usually encourage snacks and drinks to keep your energy up so you can go on in case of a longer labour. I guess it's good they're extra preecautious but not great for poor women who are in labour for 24hr+!
We aren't supposed to eat either while in labor... Same reason. I'm still in the hospital- they said this is the third time I've been in thanks to pre-e, so I won't be leaving until the baby is born. Tomorrow makes a week I've been here (this visit)- I'm going crazy! They're still talking about inducing at 37 weeks (christmas day) if I stay stable until then... So no more than 10 days to go! (Granted they have told me several times they may have to do it at certain points, so we'll see.)
Congrats of full term Lolly!!

I hope everyone else is doing well. I'm officially on my first day off, maternity leave starts today! I have a list about a mile long of things I still need to do before baby comes. I packed the baby's hospital bag, but I have yet to do mine or my DH's. Is anyone else not packed for the hospital yet? Also, when are you all installing your car seats? I'm thinking around 38 weeks.

I've still not packed the hospital bag (I've not even thought about it to be honest!). If I've still not done it before "show time" I figure it'll only take a few minutes to throw in the stuff we'll need, and whatever I've forgotten can be picked up or brought in. Good question about the car seat... need to think about when to put it in lol! It only takes a couple of minutes, but I don't imagine I'll be wanting to be faffing about with it at 3:00am when I'm breathing through surges lol!

We aren't supposed to eat either while in labor... Same reason. I'm still in the hospital- they said this is the third time I've been in thanks to pre-e, so I won't be leaving until the baby is born. Tomorrow makes a week I've been here (this visit)- I'm going crazy! They're still talking about inducing at 37 weeks (christmas day) if I stay stable until then... So no more than 10 days to go! (Granted they have told me several times they may have to do it at certain points, so we'll see.)

Wow 10 days maximum left!! I know it's not an ideal situation, but at least your being looked after, and know that you'll be holding your gorgeous baby in your arms soon :happydance:

I understand the logic of the no eating thing, and to be honest with you, when I was giving birth to DS I had no desire to eat. However, if everything is going well and the birth is taking a long time, you need to eat and drink to keep your strength up! I'm definitely packing some snacks!
I have our bags all packed except the coming home outfits for the girls. I also have to pack a bag for the 2 year old as she will either be staying with the sitter or my parents. I got gifts for the girls, but still need to order DH ring.
On another note, Christmas is next week and I'm not done shopping nor have I wrapped the first gift... I'm usually so on top of this. I have put up several containers of soup and 4 meals of chicken and dressing. Gonna try a few more freezer meals/casseroles before January. Baby room is nearly complete construction wise but now I'm anxious to get started decorating. I'm 35 weeks and go to the doctor tomorrow. I still think she will come early so I'm thinking I have about 2weeks or so. We'll see.
My daughter woke me up at 4.30am and didn't go back to sleep so now I'm at work with stinging eyes trying to stay awake!! boohoo

Roll on Mat leave - 3 days and counting!
I have had a horrid cold for a week now, getting minimal sleep because I wake myself up snorting lol, its gone from congestion and stuffy nose to chest with cough and stuffy nose, wish it wud do one now. 2 more weeks till my mat leave starts, I can't wait!!!

Did my antenatal parent ed class yesterday, found out that I need to get the consultant to sign off on a water birth as of ur consultant led ur not supposed to have one.

I can't believe how fast this new house is progressing, we had the offer accepted last Monday, got the forms into the mortgage company by Wednesday, paid the valuation fees Friday, the valuation is being done today and the agent is contacting our solicitor today. So in just over a week we've made more progress than the woman we were buying off has made in 4, would love to know what she's doing!! Hopefully the mortgage company will have the valuation back Thursday and they can send out the new offer Friday, and the solicitors can do their thing on Monday and Tuesday with the searches and stuff, then obviously it will all halt until the week after with Xmas n all then hopefully we can really push to be in there by mid Jan. We have decided not to communicate at all with the previous agent, we are fed up of their poor communication with us so any emails I get (which has been 0 in a week and half) I will ignore, he wants to no anything he can call me, our agent or our solicitors and find out, do their job for once. Might seem a bit harsh on our part to not tell them but they have left us in the dark so much thru this whole thing I don't really want to speak to them.
I have had a horrid cold for a week now, getting minimal sleep because I wake myself up snorting lol, its gone from congestion and stuffy nose to chest with cough and stuffy nose, wish it wud do one now. 2 more weeks till my mat leave starts, I can't wait!!!

Did my antenatal parent ed class yesterday, found out that I need to get the consultant to sign off on a water birth as of ur consultant led ur not supposed to have one.

I can't believe how fast this new house is progressing, we had the offer accepted last Monday, got the forms into the mortgage company by Wednesday, paid the valuation fees Friday, the valuation is being done today and the agent is contacting our solicitor today. So in just over a week we've made more progress than the woman we were buying off has made in 4, would love to know what she's doing!! Hopefully the mortgage company will have the valuation back Thursday and they can send out the new offer Friday, and the solicitors can do their thing on Monday and Tuesday with the searches and stuff, then obviously it will all halt until the week after with Xmas n all then hopefully we can really push to be in there by mid Jan. We have decided not to communicate at all with the previous agent, we are fed up of their poor communication with us so any emails I get (which has been 0 in a week and half) I will ignore, he wants to no anything he can call me, our agent or our solicitors and find out, do their job for once. Might seem a bit harsh on our part to not tell them but they have left us in the dark so much thru this whole thing I don't really want to speak to them.

Yay that's good :) hopefully you get in there next month :)
OH transferred the deposit and solicitor fees over on Saturday. Had a phonecall off them yesterday saying they needed to see evidence that the extra has come from my mums account (my mum opened an account when we got the money just to keep the deposit safe, so OH transferred the solicitors fees to my mums account to transfer to the solicitors or it would of cost £50 instead of £25.) But alls ok now and completion date is Thursday.

Had my consultant appointment today, spent half an hour looking for a parking space, absolutley ridiculous. Then waiting times were an hour over for my doctor, and Alex was stressing me out! They are happy with Scarlett's growth, and I don't need to see them again! They did say I will be induced if I haven't gone into labour by 40+7 so she will be here for Alex's birthday!
Glad things are moving on the home front ladies.

Midwife came out today to deliver the drug pack for my home birth and I am ready for home birth as of this morning. Baby is 3/5th engaged so she doesn't think I will wait much longer xx
Full term today! Hoping this little guy makes his appearance between Christmas and New Years but I have a feeling he'll be late.

As for the no eating in labor thing, my hospital actually recommends packing snacks and drinks to eat during labor in case the cafeteria is closed. Hmmm, I wonder when they make you stop eating. I have a higher chance of having a c-section but will only find out during the early stages of labor depending on how high my placenta has moved.
Great news with both the house moves INMT and Welshgirl, you must be feeling relieved it's all nearly over!

Glad things are moving on the home front ladies.

Midwife came out today to deliver the drug pack for my home birth and I am ready for home birth as of this morning. Baby is 3/5th engaged so she doesn't think I will wait much longer xx

Oh my gosh...that's so exciting :happydance: I hope you're up for letting us know how your beautiful home birth goes... I love reading home birth stories! X

Full term today! Hoping this little guy makes his appearance between Christmas and New Years but I have a feeling he'll be late.

As for the no eating in labor thing, my hospital actually recommends packing snacks and drinks to eat during labor in case the cafeteria is closed. Hmmm, I wonder when they make you stop eating. I have a higher chance of having a c-section but will only find out during the early stages of labor depending on how high my placenta has moved.

Congrats on full term :happydance: I'll keep everything crossed that the placenta behaves itself for birth. Probably worth packing a few snacks; I can imagine it'd be better to have them just in case than to need them and not have anything. I figure if I dont eat them at the time, I'll definitely eat them later lol!
So another nugget from antenatal class last night was to sleep on plastic, under sheets if course, and cover car seat with plastic in case waters break there. Anyone done this? What about sofa? It could go on and on ....

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