*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Luv you have such a gorgeous babu girl!
Jen, she is beautiful!!

I love all the cute baby pictures :cloud9:
Beautiful little ladies Lvspink and Jennuuh!!! :cloud9: congrats again to you both!

MERRY CHRISTMAS LADIES!! Hope you and your families all have a lovely day xxx
She's beautiful Jennuuh!


This is feeling so real now, can't believe it!!!
Merry Christmas, ladies! The babies are so pretty! I'm still awake for the 2nd night in a row. (It's 4am here) tonight it's because I'm hurting in my hips and low back so bad. Probably from sitting on th floor wrapping gifts for a couple hours. I also keep getting sharp pains in my lady parts so we will see if this starts anything but I doubt it.
I've had those sharp pains for a while. So so painful!!

Babies are beautiful girls. Congratulations :)

Merry Christmas everyone :D
Here she is!!

Absolutely beautiful hun <3 sorry she's having problems though. Rohan doesnt like the nicu staff much either lol

Congrats Luvspnk! She's beautiful!

Also posting our little lady delivered via csection at 37+1!


And she also wishes you all a very Merry Christmas!

Congratulations hun!

I can't add pictures from my phone but Rohan was born at 11:51 on the 23rd via c-section. My waters went at 2:30am that morning but I didn't start getting contractions. Just some
Back pain and pressure in my bum so I was given te choice of a section straight away as they had an empty slot that morning so I took it.
Rohan got stuck so they had to use foreceps and another doctor pushing down right under my ribs to get him out. Took them quite a while. He was grey and rashy when he came out and we were worried about his breathing but we're told it's fine. I asked again in recovery and told again it's fine. But a midwife on the ward finally agreed with us and got the nicu nurse who agreed he wasn't right so they took him to the icu room in the nicu. He was given some oxygen and placed on monitors etc. then my strep b swab results came back from last Thursday and they were positive so they started him on anti biotics straight away, then started him on the Billi lights as his jaundice was above treatment line. I got him back yesterday afternoon and he had been on a portable Billi pad until 8am this morning but is finally off it. He's one more dose of anti biotics to have tonight and then hopefully we can go home tomorrow. Xxx
Yay Tara , I hope you get to go home soon!

Congrats to all other mums with babies now, they are all super cute!!

It's 3.30am here and I'm feeling sorry for myself, for yet another night I can't sleep, I am shattered but the heartburn, leg cramps and back, leg and hip ache are just too hard to ignore. I don't know if I can go on like this for another five weeks!! I'm so exhausted!

I hope you all have had a very merry Xmas!!
Sethsmummy- glad Rohan is doing better & hope you guys get to go home soon!

I've had a great day with my inlaws. They've done everything, even the cleaning after lunch:)

I may go into hospital as I haven't felt baby that's at the bottom the whole day, so I'm very concerned. I think it would be better to have it checked out. I'm lying down to see if she'll move, but its been 10minutes and nothing:(

Hope she's doing okay though! Baby at the top is moving a lot, so I know she's fine. The worry actually had me in tears earlier.
Iv really done my pelvis in this time, I had my hands full so went to switch a plug socket off with me toe and pulled it, was already sore from various things at work thru the night but now it's so painful to even walk, iv got another physio apt on 2nd Jan but got 2 more shifts at work before then and laying in bed actually makes it more painful and getting out of bed is bad too.
Wildchic definitely go in. I've been there with the tears from worrying before. It's terrifying. Don't wait, just go. Hope everything is ok :hugs:
Wildchic I'm sure bubs is just fine but definitely please do get checked out :hugs: if only to ease your mind x let us know how you get on.

Ouch INMT, try to take it easy :flower: when my pelvis was really sore I foolishly tried to close the leg recline on our sofa by kicking out backwards and I could barely walk for a week afterwards!

What a day! I hosted and cooked dinner for 9 :shock: it was successful and I've been spoilt rotten today but I'm so sore and swollen now from being on my feet pretty much all day :dohh: having a quick soak in the tub then watching a movie with OH and an early night, ready for my BP monitoring at the hospital tomorrow. Just 5 days to go until my induction!! Maybe less depending on BP & urine tomorrow :argh:
Sethsmummy- glad Rohan is doing better & hope you guys get to go home soon!

I've had a great day with my inlaws. They've done everything, even the cleaning after lunch:)

I may go into hospital as I haven't felt baby that's at the bottom the whole day, so I'm very concerned. I think it would be better to have it checked out. I'm lying down to see if she'll move, but its been 10minutes and nothing:(

Hope she's doing okay though! Baby at the top is moving a lot, so I know she's fine. The worry actually had me in tears earlier.

I'd go in just for some reassurance. The same thing happened to me yesterday, I didn't feel bubs all morning and still nothing at 2 in the afternoon. I tried eating, drinking orange juice, drinking cold, laying on my side for almost 2 hours and not a peep! I went straight to L&D emerg and the second they hooked me up the little guy was all over the place. I ended up staying there for about 2 hours but left feeling so much better.

It doesn't hurt to just pop over to make yourself feel better.
Thanx Ladies :flower:

I went to hospital and they hooked me up to the doppler machine, they immediately got the baby I was worrying abouts' heartbeat, struggled a bit with the other but eventually got it:)

The gynecologist on standby came(as the nurses couldn't do a sono) and he checked both babies and they are great! Both have enough amniotic fluid and both heart rates are good!

I've got swelling all over, legs, tummy, feet and hands. Doc was really shocked at how swollen I am! He also wants me to go in daily just to monitor both babies heartbeats to make sure they are ok and for my peace of mind. He seems to think that I'll be delivering babies soon,says probably in the next week or 2. Eek, I knew it would be soon, but not that soon!
I hope your little one gets better asap so she can come home with you Luv!
By the way for anyone that does not stalk my parenting journal, RIYA IS HOME!!! :happydance: It is the best day we ever had. We are so happy to have our princess home where she belongs.

Fantastic news! Congratulations! X

It was a doppler scan today to check the placenta and cord. Everything looks normal. We go back next Wednesday for a growth scan. If he hasn't really grown I will be induced, if he has grown I will be given a sweep.

That's great that the scan was so positive. Fingers crossed all will be well at the growth scan too honey xxx

Amazing news Kiwi!! Enjoy your unlimited snuggles <3

Happy full term-ness BB!! :wohoo:

Had my consultants appt today and my induction has been booked for THIS coming Tuesday :shock: can't believe I'll have a baby in the next 6days! I do have to go in for BP monitoring on Boxing Day as it was really high today (that, and polyhydramnios is why they've booked the induction). If it's higher then then I think I'll be admitted with hypertension and induced there and then. Scary but so exciting!!

My goodness...so exciting! You've got a little bit of time to get your head around how soon your baby girl will be here; I always think the wait is far worse than the reality!

Here she is!!

Ahhh...so beautiful! Congratulations again xxx

Congrats Luvspnk! She's beautiful!

Also posting our little lady delivered via csection at 37+1!


And she also wishes you all a very Merry Christmas!

Oh my goodness she's gorgeous! Congrats on your baby girl xxx

Here she is!!

Absolutely beautiful hun <3 sorry she's having problems though. Rohan doesnt like the nicu staff much either lol

Congrats Luvspnk! She's beautiful!

Also posting our little lady delivered via csection at 37+1!


And she also wishes you all a very Merry Christmas!

Congratulations hun!

I can't add pictures from my phone but Rohan was born at 11:51 on the 23rd via c-section. My waters went at 2:30am that morning but I didn't start getting contractions. Just some
Back pain and pressure in my bum so I was given te choice of a section straight away as they had an empty slot that morning so I took it.
Rohan got stuck so they had to use foreceps and another doctor pushing down right under my ribs to get him out. Took them quite a while. He was grey and rashy when he came out and we were worried about his breathing but we're told it's fine. I asked again in recovery and told again it's fine. But a midwife on the ward finally agreed with us and got the nicu nurse who agreed he wasn't right so they took him to the icu room in the nicu. He was given some oxygen and placed on monitors etc. then my strep b swab results came back from last Thursday and they were positive so they started him on anti biotics straight away, then started him on the Billi lights as his jaundice was above treatment line. I got him back yesterday afternoon and he had been on a portable Billi pad until 8am this morning but is finally off it. He's one more dose of anti biotics to have tonight and then hopefully we can go home tomorrow. Xxx

Wow, sounds like you've been through a lot there :hugs: Glad you're all doing OK, and that you trusted your instincts about Rohan's breathing. Really hope you're back at home asap xxx

Thanx Ladies :flower:

I went to hospital and they hooked me up to the doppler machine, they immediately got the baby I was worrying abouts' heartbeat, struggled a bit with the other but eventually got it:)

The gynecologist on standby came(as the nurses couldn't do a sono) and he checked both babies and they are great! Both have enough amniotic fluid and both heart rates are good!

I've got swelling all over, legs, tummy, feet and hands. Doc was really shocked at how swollen I am! He also wants me to go in daily just to monitor both babies heartbeats to make sure they are ok and for my peace of mind. He seems to think that I'll be delivering babies soon,says probably in the next week or 2. Eek, I knew it would be soon, but not that soon!

Glad everything turned out to be absolutely fine x I hate quiet days, and much prefer it when baby is using my body as a trampoline! So exciting to have a 2 week estimate...not long till you meet your babies!

Happy Christmas ladies! I wish you all good health, love and happiness xxx
Thanx Ladies :flower:

I went to hospital and they hooked me up to the doppler machine, they immediately got the baby I was worrying abouts' heartbeat, struggled a bit with the other but eventually got it:)

The gynecologist on standby came(as the nurses couldn't do a sono) and he checked both babies and they are great! Both have enough amniotic fluid and both heart rates are good!

I've got swelling all over, legs, tummy, feet and hands. Doc was really shocked at how swollen I am! He also wants me to go in daily just to monitor both babies heartbeats to make sure they are ok and for my peace of mind. He seems to think that I'll be delivering babies soon,says probably in the next week or 2. Eek, I knew it would be soon, but not that soon!

Glad everything was good!! Looks like you'll be meeting your little ones soon, that's so exciting! :thumbup:

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