January Snowdrops +*+* Testing Thread *+*+ Ring in the New Year with BFPs!

Well I took a couple tests today just to see and all bfn.

top two FMU bottom is now

Hey ladies!

I tested yesterday morning with fmu and got what I thought was an evap tested again an hour or so ago with diluted urine and got this. I would probably be around 8/9 dpo and idk if I’m going crazy or I can see something! HELP

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I see that. I hope when you wake up you get a nice clear line. Good luck

Hey ladies, sorry been MIA. Haven’t been feeling the greatest, my asthma has been acting up a lot lately and the coughing from it is getting to me. I’ve also had a raging migraine now for a few days.

today I am 7DPO and when I woke up and stood up I felt so hot it felt like my blood was boiling and I almost passed out. Ugh. Temp is only 99.6 though. I also have a raging migraine still that’s like a band around my head feels like it’s squeezing. :(

I hope you feel better soon. Migraines are the worst. You’re still early with your tests so still plenty of time for a bfp.

Hi Ladies! 10 dpo today and managed to test but all I got was an evap. No color to it at all.. we'll see, I know I'm not out yet, but I'm guessing it will soon be on to cycle 14..

still time hun. Good luck for your next test

thanks hon. I really hope this cycle is the one . I’m just so nervous it’s going. To be more BFNs. Will be cycle number 12 ttc when and if AF shows. Praying she don’t and I get a lovely sticky blazing BFP. I want clear pink lines by 10dpo latest like I did with both my sons.
I got lines at 10dpo with the MC but they were fainter than my 10dpo tests with both sons. So hoping to get a decent line and good progression and a 3+ on a digi. Then a Heathy hb on a scan. And every scan.
And then a take home healthy baby.
I’ve been praying so much.

do you think it will be ok doing it again tonight hon.someone said doing it too much can be a fail. Something to do with there sperm.

cm seems alot less now since we dtd today. Had loads earlier . That’s why I pinned him down again lol.
Cervix feel high and closed. And hard.

I see it. Fingers crossed the next one is darker.
Good luck hon.

so sorry about the continued migraines. I suffer with them they are awful.
I wonder if you have caught and there down to HCG. I really hope so. Fx for you so very much [-o<

I will ovulate today sometime love. Or I have already.
Cervix is high hard closed now. So maybe I already have.
Will do a random temp in the morning and see if it’s up to my post ovulation temps.
As soon as I see that rise then I’m stopping again.
So think we will be cycle 2ww buddies yay.

Hmm, I’ve never heard that dtd too much could be a bad thing. I always try to do day before, day of and day after ovulation to feel comfortable I’ve done what I can or at least dtd every other day during my fertile window. Regardless of how many times you do it, your in with a good chance just doing it once at ovulation. Do what feels comfortable for you hun. Sometimes when it gets to ovulation, with the panic of not knowing if we time it right or try enough times it causes stress which obviously isn’t helpful. I think your timings been great
I see that. I hope when you wake up you get a nice clear line. Good luck

I hope you feel better soon. Migraines are the worst. You’re still early with your tests so still plenty of time for a bfp.

still time hun. Good luck for your next test

Hmm, I’ve never heard that dtd too much could be a bad thing. I always try to do day before, day of and day after ovulation to feel comfortable I’ve done what I can or at least dtd every other day during my fertile window. Regardless of how many times you do it, your in with a good chance just doing it once at ovulation. Do what feels comfortable for you hun. Sometimes when it gets to ovulation, with the panic of not knowing if we time it right or try enough times it causes stress which obviously isn’t helpful. I think your timings been great
Thank you! Yea we will see what happens I guess, I don’t have much hope though
Ohhh that’s so interesting! I did take an IC today and it was negative but I guess time will tell. I don’t have much hope though!

Still early lovely. I know you get women here get lines at 8dpo but that’s actually quite rare. 10dpo is the most common and for me it’s 10dpo. I no if I have no lines at 10dpo then I know I am out.

I don’t have much hope now either.
Hopefully we both get a lovely surprise.
Want it for you so much❤️
I see that. I hope when you wake up you get a nice clear line. Good luck

I hope you feel better soon. Migraines are the worst. You’re still early with your tests so still plenty of time for a bfp.

still time hun. Good luck for your next test

Hmm, I’ve never heard that dtd too much could be a bad thing. I always try to do day before, day of and day after ovulation to feel comfortable I’ve done what I can or at least dtd every other day during my fertile window. Regardless of how many times you do it, your in with a good chance just doing it once at ovulation. Do what feels comfortable for you hun. Sometimes when it gets to ovulation, with the panic of not knowing if we time it right or try enough times it causes stress which obviously isn’t helpful. I think your timings been great

Haha thanks lovely.
I promised dh we could do tonight too so he will be expecting it now.
Cervix is Lower and definitely closed. Lower back is achey and have a niggly headache.
Maybe it won’t hurt one more time.
Just don’t want to miss it x
Suggerhoney the only time DTD a lot would be a bad thing would be starting too soon before O if the man's "sperm factory" can't keep production up to meet demand. So what's "too much" I'd going to vary greatly for different men.
DTD daily - or more likely multiple times a day - more than a week before O could lead to diminished count by the time you finally enter the fertile window and *that* would hurt your chances.

DTD multiple times in the couple days before O and day after isn't going to hurt anything
@shaescott I’ve added you to the list, good luck!

@Suggerhoney I’ve put your second date on for you, so glad you’re getting another chance this month!

Still no AF here CD43 and my temps have been dropping for a few days. Definitely no ovulatory pattern. I’ve been getting cramps for a few days as well but that’s not unusual during ovulatory cycles for me. Not sure if cysts are causing bother? It’s 10 months now since I had to have that operation to remove one and I still get nervous about it happening again, especially when my body has been trying and failing to ovulate.
Suggerhoney the only time DTD a lot would be a bad thing would be starting too soon before O if the man's "sperm factory" can't keep production up to meet demand. So what's "too much" I'd going to vary greatly for different men.
DTD daily - or more likely multiple times a day - more than a week before O could lead to diminished count by the time you finally enter the fertile window and *that* would hurt your chances.

DTD multiple times in the couple days before O and day after isn't going to hurt anything

Ah I see. So all we have done is early hours cd8. Cd12 just once.
Then nothing until I got that first peak at around half midnight cd15.
When I get peak the early hours like that I usually ovulate on the same day. I did another opk around 1pm on cd15 and had loads of cm, a lot more than I had when we first dtd in the early hours of that same day.
We haven’t done anything tonight. He fell as asleep. It’s not early hours of cd16. It’s nearly 1am so only just. don’t know it I should wake him or not.
Morning ladies- this was this mornings test with FMU do you think the line is more visible?

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Definitely still seeing a faint line. My fmu was always so rubbish in both my last pregnancies and miscarriage last June.
I got darker better lines with 2 or 3rd pee it the day. Or in the afternoon.
Good luck.

I read that hot flashes, dizziness and nausea are common symptoms for 7DPO implantation, so who knows!

literally have EVERYTHING crossed hon.

@shaescott I’ve added you to the list, good luck!

@Suggerhoney I’ve put your second date on for you, so glad you’re getting another chance this month!

Still no AF here CD43 and my temps have been dropping for a few days. Definitely no ovulatory pattern. I’ve been getting cramps for a few days as well but that’s not unusual during ovulatory cycles for me. Not sure if cysts are causing bother? It’s 10 months now since I had to have that operation to remove one and I still get nervous about it happening again, especially when my body has been trying and failing to ovulate.

Thanks hon.
I feel guilty, knowing your still left in limbo and here’s me ovulating twice.
I feel real guilty.
Just pray your out of this misery soon hon.
And then you can get on them meds
@HalfricanMa so sorry af got you so early.
@NightFlower great to see your tests!
@Suggerhoney yay for your peak! Hope this cycle is the one for you!

So we are waiting for all our appointments, oh has his letter come through to book for the semen analysis, I've got one for a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound, then also my doc has been asked to do me a day 2-5 bloods which is fsh, prolactin, lh and oestradiol levels. Which I think is the ovarian reserve test?? I always thought that was amh though so I'm a bit confused and intimidated tbh it's all a bit overwhelming.
I just hope it all comes back normal. I don't know how I'd react if I found out my eggs were no good.
Anyone know the best time of my cycle to book the ultrasound for? When would be best to get a good look at my ovaries? It's come through about 5dpo but the times no good so I'm going to have to rebook anyway. Feel overwhelmed!
@jellybeanxx I can't believe you're still stuck in limbo how incredibly annoying.
@Kdxxoox I see those lines!

We dtd today but I'm only cd 10 so probly way too far from ov yet for me!
The fertility doctor reckons that using ov strips and trying to pinpoint ovulation is pointless. She said to me 'just dtd every 2-3 days and you will catch the egg!!'
@HalfricanMa so sorry af got you so early.
@NightFlower great to see your tests!
@Suggerhoney yay for your peak! Hope this cycle is the one for you!

So we are waiting for all our appointments, oh has his letter come through to book for the semen analysis, I've got one for a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound, then also my doc has been asked to do me a day 2-5 bloods which is fsh, prolactin, lh and oestradiol levels. Which I think is the ovarian reserve test?? I always thought that was amh though so I'm a bit confused and intimidated tbh it's all a bit overwhelming.
I just hope it all comes back normal. I don't know how I'd react if I found out my eggs were no good.
Anyone know the best time of my cycle to book the ultrasound for? When would be best to get a good look at my ovaries? It's come through about 5dpo but the times no good so I'm going to have to rebook anyway. Feel overwhelmed!

Thank you sweetheart. where are you at now in your cycle?
Think you was about 5 days behind me if I remember correctly.

In 2020 when we kept having chemicals I had cd4 and cd21 bloods done, which checked FSH and LH, Estrogen , progesterone etc. had to wait 2 whole weeks for them results.
Anyway everything came back normal. And my progesterone was very good.
Couldn’t explain why I had 3 chemicals and just put it down to bad luck.
Anyway the following cycle I fall again and again I lose.
At my wits end and very heartbroken I called my GP who then referred me to a recurring miscarriage unit.
Because of Covid, I had to have a telephone appointment with a fertility doctor who was very rude concerning my age. I was just shy of turning 41.
My age got all the blame and he said I probably had a very poor ovarian reserve, he literally didn’t seem to care that I had 4 chemicals within 7 months.
He just blamed it all on my age and ageing eggs.

he did refer me for more bloods, to check for lupus. And a bunch of other stuff and also ovarian reserve. I think it’s called EMH or something like that.

Then he said he would also arrange a pelvic ultrasound.
Anyway I had them bloods done on the 29th December 2020. Was told I had to wait 3 weeks for the blood results.

well on the 20th January 2021 aged 41, I found out I was pregnant with my son.
I still waited for them blood results but they never came.
And as the for the scan they called me to arrange it and I was 8 weeks pregnant with my son. So it was never needed.
I never did get them blood results but I did call about them after I had the miscarriage in June.
Spoke with the doctors secretary who was lovely.
She said all bloods came back normal.
But couldn’t see anything about the ovarian reserve one.
Taking it that must of been normal too but I can’t be sure.

anyway considering you have to change up that scan I really really hope you won’t be needing it hon.
Like I didn’t.

This is why I’m so reluctant to seek medical help now.
I was so discriminated against becuase I was 40 years old.
And now here I am 43 so I just can’t be pu through that again.
He was. excuse my French a complete arsehole.
He made me cry. I just felt old and useless.

I don’t even want TTC being put on my medical notes.

one of the doctors at my surgery does know we are ttc as I had a appointment with her when I didn’t ovulate that time and was worrying about menopause etc.

she was so nice and said the no ovulation was probably down to illness. Which she was right. And she said to keep on trying. And she said that lots of women are having babies In there early and mid 40s. Told me to stay of google but I still google like crazy lol.

Also my liver doctor when I was pregnant with my son told me no more pregnancies after my son.
He was smiling at the time and laughing so I don’t know if he was being serious , he did your husband snip snip, he was laughing and smiling. but the last thing I want is him knowing.
Which he will if I seek help because it will be in my notes.
He may put a stop to trying.
And I just can’t do that. I want another so badly? More so since the miscarriage.

The doctor whom I spoke with in November and told we were ttc said it was fine and wished me luck. also my mental health team gave us the green light.
Also the midwife who I had with both boys gave me the go ahead to try for one more.
And the consultant I had with my pregnancy also said it would be ok to try for one more in the future.
It’s just that liver doctor.
This is all very personal but I feel like I can a share anything with you ladies.
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What would ttc have to do with the liver @Suggerhoney? I remember someone mentioning you had a transplant was that the liver then? Thanks for sharing so much it's so lovely to hear what others go through too x
01;49am now and cd16.
Glad we got to bd at 1am and again just after 1pm of cd15.
But don’t know if I should wake him to Bd one more time.
Cm is not ewcm anymore.
Cervix feels high closed and firm.
Did another opk a few hours ago which was still supper dark but the test line matched the Control line.
With the peak at 12:30am ish early cd15 and another peak at 1pm the test line was darker than the control line.
Must of ovulated some time today as no cm
Now and cervix high and closed.
Had some pretty terrible cramping very very low down just above the pubic bone, and lower back ache about a hour ago.
Also had cramping earlier on around lunch time. Normally I feel pain in one of the ovaries, but this was more like AF cramping.
I can’t say what side i ovulated from.
But as long as I have ovulated than that’s fine.
Will temp after I have had a decent sleep and see if it’s up.

my peak lasted a long time this time.
Just after 12 hours.
Hoping that’s a good sign.
Watched a movie which made me cry.
I think I will temp Sunday and Monday and hopefully have that rise and then I’m
Not going to temp.
Hoping that will help me be more relaxed.
Well dh don’t want to do anything and has gone back to sleep.

so we only managed to bd just after the first peak at 1am sat morning cd15,
Then again just after 1pm after another peak on Saturday day time (still cd15)

I had alot of cm b4 dtd at lunch time.
But ever since we did it’s dried up.
Cervix feels closed so I’m just hoping I have ovulated and we have done enough.

Really wanted to do it day off peak and ovulation day and day after.
But that proves difficult when you normally ovulate the same day as peak.

oh I so hope we have done enough and we have caught. And praying it will be sticky and healthy.

We also dtd on cd8 and 12 so hooding we have done enough.

last cycle we did the early hours of peak and I ovulated the same day which was Xmas day.
We then bd again about 24 hours after the last Bd.
That didn’t work.

so I’m hoping where we bd twice within 12 hours will be enough.
@HalfricanMa so sorry af got you so early.
@NightFlower great to see your tests!
@Suggerhoney yay for your peak! Hope this cycle is the one for you!

So we are waiting for all our appointments, oh has his letter come through to book for the semen analysis, I've got one for a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound, then also my doc has been asked to do me a day 2-5 bloods which is fsh, prolactin, lh and oestradiol levels. Which I think is the ovarian reserve test?? I always thought that was amh though so I'm a bit confused and intimidated tbh it's all a bit overwhelming.
I just hope it all comes back normal. I don't know how I'd react if I found out my eggs were no good.
Anyone know the best time of my cycle to book the ultrasound for? When would be best to get a good look at my ovaries? It's come through about 5dpo but the times no good so I'm going to have to rebook anyway. Feel overwhelmed!
FSH, LH, Prolactin, and Estradiol only tell you if you have appropriate hormone levels to regulate a normal ovulatory cycle. Those labs do not determine the quality of your eggs.
An AMH level would just give a snapshot of your number of remaining follicles.
I think to get a true idea of egg quality, you would have to have a monitored cycle with timed ultrasound to measure follicle size.

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