Since my AF is done…DH and I decided we are using OPKs this time around instead of just going with flow. That being said, when should I start them…with being irregular it’s very difficult to know when I’ll ovulate.
Hiya did. Did u buy loads. I brought easy@home and wondfo and there's 50 in each but I will use both.
If I was you and If u have enough u cud start. I always started on cd5 even if I was bleeding. My cycles were quite regular but I had 2 cycles which was directly after the first 2 chemicals where I ovulated supper early on cd8.
I came off the mini pill in Feb 2020 and got a faint BFP in April but ended in a chemical. Then ovulated cd8 and then when I got another faint BFP in the June (another chemical) i ovulated cd8 again. Fell again strait away but kind of new with a cd8 O it wud probably end in another 3rd chemical. My tests got darker too but again I lost it.
After that I was supper anxious about O supper early but everything went back to normal and I was O at my normol time of cd 13 to 15.
After the 4th October chemical I ovulated on cd15 then cd14 in the December 2020 but I still did OPKs early on just incase.
Weirdly enough I decided not to do a opk untill later in the Jan 2021. But on cd 9 I had loads of ewcm and thought how strange. I did 2 opks and positive. They were still positive cd10 too but I felt ovulation in the evening of cd10 and was on here panicky because according to good old Dr Google O b4 cd 12 is not good becuase the egg is not mature enough. But to my shock 10 days later I got my BFP.
Sorry telling you my life story haha.
Anyway way yeah I wud start soon hon.
I was temping as well but after 11 charts I was so fed up with it and just decided to use OPKs only and not bother with the temping and I fell.
Don't think I will temp this time becuase it gets so stressful but if we struggle then I mite.
Good luck hon
Oh yay hon I'm so happy he changed his mind. Good luck hon.
Happy new year my lovelies.