January testing thread / Starting 2019 with BFPs

Fingers crossed for you Promise and Shorty :dust:
Loving all these nice, dark lines! Congratulations to all the BFPs!

@Yellowmoon - I am so, so sorry for your loss. You are more than welcome, and I hope that this cycle brings you a sticky rainbow baby. How are you faring?

@KansasMamas - I'm so glad you took your mental health day and are feeling better. take more if you need to! Holding off on testing is a good idea, and I think I should follow suit honestly.

AFM....eh, I'm not sure of anything right now. Tested last night and got a nicer line, then got another one this morning with SMU, but I tried a 3 hour hold for this afternoon and it was darn near negative. I think I'm testing too much and I just need to back off, but the fact that I'm bleeding red blood really has me on edge. It's rust colored red, but red still. Only when I wipe, and not 100% of the time, but it's still so hard to be positive when I see it. Here's my tests from last night. I'll try to post my SMU test in a few minutes also.

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Hi Promise- I'm doing good! Bit of a wobble over Christmas thinking I was definetly going to get a BFP and then the witch came. But I'm feeling positive again for the next cycle.

I really hope your lines get darker and that the bleeding stops. Will be thinking of you and I have everything crossed!
Hi to the new members!
And congrats to the Bfp's!

I've had a few wobbly days where I've been over analysing my temps again. Had some crazy ones and unsure how much is attributable to alcohol and different waking times (been off work for Christmas and New Year :xmas9:).
Had some bleeding before ovulation so was a bit worried that the temps were showing I actually didn't ovulate at all. Turns out my thermometer just needed new batteries :dohh:
Thank you guys! You make me feel so much more optimistic :)

@Plus1More, @laurarebecca1 and @BabyG8686 any more tests? You tell me when you call it BFP

@promise07 this bleeding is really strange.. Do you know if your progesterone is high enough? just an idea, I know you are (unfortunately) a professional ttcer already I'm sure you know better than me.

Welcome @BldeGrl and @Selaphyna, good luck!

I tested again this morning and this evening and the line seems to be getting a bit darker but I'm so early, only CD27/10-11DPO, I'm going to wait calling it BFP until I get my blood test Tuesday. I've had a couple CP's and one major MC so I'm reserving my excitement until the doctor says it's for real!
Hi ladies can any one help please;

I'm around 6dpo and I'm lying in bed and these sudden sharp pains came on from my uterus area like cramps strongish lasting a minute or 2 then going then waiting a few mins and happening again, now I just have full aches any ideas in worried

I also have pcos I'll be so shocked if I ovulated on my own my period started up again 4 days after starting 5mg of folic acid because of a deficiency, but apparently my FSH and progesterone hormones were normal!
Sorry if I miss anyone but did my best to remember you all!

Yellowmoon- Welcome and sorry for your loss. Fx for a january rainbow baby!

Bselck- Great progression on your tests! Congrats!

Kansas- I am sorry your line faded! You are still not out- lets hope the giant left breast is a sign!! Hope your MH day did you good.

Emswife- hope you catch the egg with all your efforts!

Nima- Fingers crossed those 3 layers are cushty enough for that little egg to snuggle in to!!

Selephyna- Welcome! The back and forth I think I am, I think I am not tennis game is torture.. I am right there with you!

Promise- Hope your natural progesterone cream works some magic for you!

Transdad- hope you get some answers soon- and hopefully in the form of a BFP! The limbo is the worst!

Shorty- really hope this is your sticky baby month!!

MinnieMcMoose-oh dear about the new batteries but at least you figured it out! Hope you get a clearer idea soon!

BabyG- fingers crossed for good results at your doctors!

Sarahlou- I am sorry I cannot help but just want to say hope you're ok!

AFM- BFN again this morning on a Clearblue 6 days early as FRER sold out everywhere. I am 11dpo and my period is due tomorrow as have 11 day LP. If I have not got my BFP by now, does that mean I am out? I guess if I don't have enough HCG in my system today then my period must come tomorrow? Feeling crappy as convinced myself I had exactly the same symptoms as with my BFP last time and would wake up to a BFP.
I am so confused. I just got a BFN on clear blue digital. :help:
I really thought it was going to be a positive after so many faint lines on cheaper tests.
Hi ladies can any one help please;

I'm around 6dpo and I'm lying in bed and these sudden sharp pains came on from my uterus area like cramps strongish lasting a minute or 2 then going then waiting a few mins and happening again, now I just have full aches any ideas in worried

I also have pcos I'll be so shocked if I ovulated on my own my period started up again 4 days after starting 5mg of folic acid because of a deficiency, but apparently my FSH and progesterone hormones were normal!
I have only ever got those type pains when ovulating (I feel ovulation each month) or implanting (with previous pregnancies). So must be good signs.
Sorry if I miss anyone but did my best to remember you all!

Yellowmoon- Welcome and sorry for your loss. Fx for a january rainbow baby!

Bselck- Great progression on your tests! Congrats!

Kansas- I am sorry your line faded! You are still not out- lets hope the giant left breast is a sign!! Hope your MH day did you good.

Emswife- hope you catch the egg with all your efforts!

Nima- Fingers crossed those 3 layers are cushty enough for that little egg to snuggle in to!!

Selephyna- Welcome! The back and forth I think I am, I think I am not tennis game is torture.. I am right there with you!

Promise- Hope your natural progesterone cream works some magic for you!

Transdad- hope you get some answers soon- and hopefully in the form of a BFP! The limbo is the worst!

Shorty- really hope this is your sticky baby month!!

MinnieMcMoose-oh dear about the new batteries but at least you figured it out! Hope you get a clearer idea soon!

BabyG- fingers crossed for good results at your doctors!

Sarahlou- I am sorry I cannot help but just want to say hope you're ok!

AFM- BFN again this morning on a Clearblue 6 days early as FRER sold out everywhere. I am 11dpo and my period is due tomorrow as have 11 day LP. If I have not got my BFP by now, does that mean I am out? I guess if I don't have enough HCG in my system today then my period must come tomorrow? Feeling crappy as convinced myself I had exactly the same symptoms as with my BFP last time and would wake up to a BFP.
I know how you feel on this. If I'm not pregnant so just wish AF would hurry up as it is messing with my head which has convinced itself I am pregnant!
I am so confused. I just got a BFN on clear blue digital. :help:
I really thought it was going to be a positive after so many faint lines on cheaper tests.
Hang in there. The digital test are no where near as sensitive. Give it a couple more days for digital.
Fx for lots of BFPs for this new year!

Please write your testing date and I will write your name down. Good luck!

Thencomesbebe :bfp:

Convie :witch:




Amber F.




BSelck24 :bfp:








Hi I'm new here, could I also join? I'm due to test on the 06/01/2019
Good morning all! I'm sorry for not catching up with everyone and doing a post-n-go but i'm running out of time. I promise to come back later I just wanted to update you guys on this morning's test. Bfn on first response but there might be something faint. Bfp on the brand I've been using since 8dpo, and it's my darkest yet. No clue which one to believe at this point.

Gotta run, sending love to all!

20190104_071614_resized.jpg 20190104_071658_resized.jpg
Sorry if I miss anyone but did my best to remember you all!

Emswife- hope you catch the egg with all your efforts.

AFM- BFN again this morning on a Clearblue 6 days early as FRER sold out everywhere. I am 11dpo and my period is due tomorrow as have 11 day LP. If I have not got my BFP by now, does that mean I am out? I guess if I don't have enough HCG in my system today then my period must come tomorrow? Feeling crappy as convinced myself I had exactly the same symptoms as with my BFP last time and would wake up to a BFP.

Thank you! I also have an 11 day LP. With my son, I didn’t get a positive until 14dpo. With the loss last month, I got an super faint almost threw the test in the garbage positive test at 10dpo. So I always say, don’t count yourself out until the witch shows her face! Good luck to you!
Hi ladies can any one help please;

I'm around 6dpo and I'm lying in bed and these sudden sharp pains came on from my uterus area like cramps strongish lasting a minute or 2 then going then waiting a few mins and happening again, now I just have full aches any ideas in worried

I also have pcos I'll be so shocked if I ovulated on my own my period started up again 4 days after starting 5mg of folic acid because of a deficiency, but apparently my FSH and progesterone hormones were normal!

I normally also only have those around the time I ovulate, especially if it's on one side. But, it could also be implantation (from what I have read - occurs between 6-12 dpo and can range from mild to sharp pain).

I don't know much about PCOS though in how that really affects someone's cycle. Fx for you though!

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