July 2014 rainbows :)

Munchkin good luck today!

I have been so tired after cleanng the house and biking the kids up and down...i was in bed at 9!
I dremt last night that i started bleeding small clots and i was unworried til i remembered i was pregnant :(

Here is a bump pic, not really showing as im not skinny, but the first ive dared to take this pregnancy (with my other two love kiddos i have bump pics every week from 6w til birth)


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Hi ladies,

I woke up this morning bleeding. It's a red/brown colour, not bright red. But enough that I had to put a pad on.

This is how it started last time, so I don't feel very hopeful. I've been cramping the whole pregnancy but the past few days I've had them more intense. Nothing too painful, but I did notice it.

The thing is though is I'm still getting all my symptoms, I'm even still throwing up. So I'm thinking it's a missed miscarriage, because my hormones must be high.

I never experienced such strong symptoms last time but the baby didn't make it past 6 weeks, so I think I'm further along this time.

I'm so scared though, last time it was very traumatising, and the day after I passed the baby I had pregnancy tissue stuck in my cervix, and I went into shock. I had to be rushed to the hospital and put on an IV.

Im scared about going through that again. I had 2 weeks of going hospital every 48 hours, having my blood done and getting poked and prodded.

I'm going to wait until going to the EGU yet though. I'd rather just wait for and see how things progress.
Sedgeez please don't lose hope. So many women seem to have unexplained bleeding, it may all be fine as you we'll know. I understand protecting yourself though . Have you been to the dr yet? Xx
Lovely bump celine! I just look like a fat blob! I always have a mummy tummy because I'm very apple shaped (little hips and legs and a round tummy!!) but it's just bigger now!!

Well this is my little prawn!! Measuring a couple of days ahead so I'm over the moon :)
Loverly munchkin! Sedgeez hiw is the bleeding now?
Munchkin what a great pic and congrats on measuring a few days ahead!!

Sedjeez so sorry to hear about the bleeding fx its nothing serious.
Sedjeez - fingers crossed things settle down, are you getting an early scan? I had bright red bleeding at 12 weeks with my LO and all was okay, don't like giving false hope but it may still be okay.

munchkin - fab scan pic, its just wonderful to see isn't it.

celine - great bump pic. I did that with my pg with B, proably can't tell with this one with the weight I have put on with that pg :sad:

Can't wait for my next scan next Friday. Slightly worried as absolutely no symptoms today epsecially nausea which had been pretty constant till now. Even managing a couple of choc buscuits which normally would make me :sick: Having had a MMC before its hard even to rely on symptoms but its maybe better than nothing.
What are your nicknames for your little rainbows? We were scared to nickname it...but we keep saying "hashtag five" and its kind of stuck with us.
Pinksmarties - My symptoms really got better at 8 weeks on and off then much better 9th week. All fine with me still - think it can be quite normal as hcg levels off and then drops.

Celine -hehe, where did that name come from!?
Well linny this is pregnancy 5 so to be secretive around my four year old we never say pregnancy related words or baby etc. so it became number 5 or #5 :)
Ahhh that makes sense. Aww. I thought maybe you were an avid Twitter fan (The hashtag reference!)
Well linny this is pregnancy 5 so to be secretive around my four year old we never say pregnancy related words or baby etc. so it became number 5 or #5 :)

With all the scans I've had, that I don't have child care for we've had to tell our 3yr old something. She's seen scan pics before so knows they are of babies. First scan when there were just sacs we told her they were hidey holes for babies. Then after that we've told her about the baby, but added that sometimes when babies are small they come out of their mummy's tummy really early and go into the garden and hide in flowers where they become baby fairies and a mummy fairy looks after them.

Munchkin, lovely scan pic! Thrilled for you.
sedjeez - I have everything crossed for you! Don't lose hope, it must be difficult not to but you don't know yet. Thinking of you, let us all know how you are.

celine - Nice bump pic, I feel like I'm just getting big everywhere haha weighed myself and I've actually lost weight.
Haha I wondered where that name came from! We call ours smurf, I had lap and dye test without knowing I was pregnant and my consultant said it was impossible (obviously isn't) and that the dye would have "flushed the pregnancy out" lovely words I know, so now we say our baby must just be dyed blue like a little smurf.

Muchkin - your little prawn is beautiful :)
Thanks everyone! Celesse I love your story about the babies in the garden. I'm going to think that's what happened to my angel now :)
Sedgeez-I can tell you it's certainly possible to have bleeding and cramping (and even clotting!) and still be pregnant with a healthy pregnancy. I'm STILL dealing with unexplained spotting and clots but u/s show bubs is fine thus far. Hang in there and let us know how things go. Thinking of you! :hugs:

Got some test results back from my dr appt last week. Progesterone is not as high as I had hoped but still pretty good at 16.4, urine was cloudy but clean, and nothing else seems to jump out as a reason for this darn spotting. Only peeked at my results online since I can see some tests online now so I haven't talked to the dr about these yet but I see him in a few weeks so I might just wait. It's obvious I don't have an infection so I guess I'm not worried.
Thanks everyone for the replies! :hugs:

So the bleeding turned into spotting not long after it started. It’s now pretty much gone.
This is how it happened last time though so I’m just prepared for the worst.

I’m going to the EGU on Thursday and I should get an early scan and get my bloods and stuff done.
I’m still having my symptoms, although the sore boobs aren’t as bad. I was sick before and felt nauseous all day.

On another note I told my parents today. My mum used to be a nurse on the EGU so she’s really helpful to have around at times like this. I said I’ve had some backache and she said I could have a water infection. And that could of caused the bleeding.

Anyway, I should find out on Thursday what’s going on, and I’ll take it from there!
I’m not looking forward to having my blood taken again though. They took it every 48 hours for two weeks last time, and one of my veins collapsed :nope:
I have a friend who had unexpected gush of blood at 28 weeks, had scan everything is fine and drs don't know why it happened she has just gone for a 32 weeks scan and baby is good :)
AFM - I have something every week to look forward to now till I'm out of the 1st trimester!!!
My first midwife appointment is next week (which scares me because last time I went to her I lost our baby)
the following week on the 23rd December is our 12 week scan
then Christmas
Then the following week I should be 13 weeks and hopefully morning sickness will go away!

Had a few niggles down there today - maybe its the fact I'm nervous.....
I have a dinner to go to tonight and freaking out because I normally vomit at night so this could be interesting!!!

Awesome scan pics and bump photos!!! Can't wait till I'm a lime this week feels so slow I've been a prune forever lol! :wacko:

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