July 2014 rainbows :)

My Doppler should arrive tomorrow and I'm super excited about it.

I know I shouldn't, but I'm starting to get really excited about the pregnancy. I think just seeing baby and the heartbeat made me feel better, as last time the first scan I had at 10 weeks confirms baby had passed at 6 weeks.

My sickness medication has started to not work now though, so I'm feeling rough again. It's not as bad as it was though, but I'm hoping it doesn't get worse.

My mum suffered for 6 months with nausea with both her pregnancies so I'm hoping I won't be the same!

I can't remember if I posted here, but my first midwife appoinment is on the 30th dec. so I'll be one day off 11 weeks then. I'm hoping I'll get my 12 weeks scan not long after, I'm very impatient lol

I'm hoping once I find the baby's hb on the Doppler I'll relax a bit more though.

I know sometimes I won't find it, and it's early, so I don't want to rely on it. But I do think it will give me that little reassurance every now and then.

I also bought a pregnancy journal, it's the same one as I had for the last pregnancy and it's a really good one.

I'm already in my maternity pants again. I had to go into them last time around this time. It's mainly bloat that getting me but I can't button up my jeans. I'm a uk size 14-16 so I'm not a slim girl lol but you can see where my uterus is growing under my little belly pouch :haha:
Sedgeez, I was just being nosey on another thread and saw that it took you 3 years to conceive and then another 8 months for your rainbow...it took me and dh 3 years to conceive our first and then 9/10 months for this one, I also have PCOS (and endometriosis, lucky me!) Did you conceive naturally or with clomid/metformin?
I hope you can find heartbeat, it's amazing when you do just didn't want you to do a me and throw a strop if you can't :haha:

I'm tempted with maternity clothes already, I went out last night and had to do the hairband trick with my jeans!
How similar loup89!
I conceived naturally, we had just been referred to the fertility clinic, as my gp said they no longer give out the medication on primary care, I had to be referred to a secondary care.

But then we got pregnant!

It was so frustrating ttc. I always just presumed it would happen as soon as I stopped using contraceptives. You never think it would take that long!

Then after the loss everyone in the loss group I was in on here was getting preg straight away, and I lost hope.

It was just as I'd gave up that I conceived again.
Yep! I either found support with others lttc or those who have suffered a loss, never both. Always loved coming on here and chatting but sometimes felt left behind!

I got pregnant on my first round of clomid but that was when we lost the baby and the next 5 rounds didn't work, got pregnant naturally this time and started metformin after bfp which I can take until 12 weeks, apparently in can reduce the chance of miscarriage if you suffer from PCOS, I don't know how true this is because I've puked most of mine up haha.
Also just to add, my last period before bfp I was on holiday and I cried my eyes out in front of all our friends and everybody else in the restaurant we were in. I went to bed early and told my husband that I had given up ttc, I had nothing left in me and I couldn't handle the disappointment every month it was taking over our lives then...BAM! a month later I got the best surprise It's a funny world.
hey ladies :) is anyone still exhausted? I don't sleep the same through the day but always yawning!
Yes im very tired :) i do the hairband trick /mat jeans already
Hi ladies.
I haven't posted since I first announced when am due. I have had abit of spotting which resulted in two early scans first showed yolk sac, second on Friday showed baby at 7 weeks 4 days & strong heartbeat. My last pregnancy ended in mmc at 9-10 weeks but found out at 11. Am so scared that this one will end the same way. I don't feel I have many symptoms, defo no morning sickness like u girls have been experiencing only the very slightest which if I didn't no I was pregnant I wouldn't really think too much about it.
Any of you not really experienced ms but gone on to have healthy pregnancy xx
Sedgeez - getting hopeful is a good thing! My thinking now is, whatever happens at this point there's a little bean in there that has a right to live in a hopeful and happy mother. The Doppler will definitely help x
Eurgh I'm so tired! I'm in bed before ten but still exhausted all day, I feel like a zombie! I'll be so glad when I get my second tri energy burst! It only lasted a month last time but it was fab, I felt like I could take on the world! Only 3-4 weeks til I'm out of this stupid trimester :( x
Bumblebee - the fact you've had good scans is a great sign! I also had spotting, and like you was very worried, but after numerous scans - everything is so far absolutely fine. Having no symptoms means nothing, especially given the fact that your baby seems to be growing fine and heart beating etc...symtpoms come and go but those are the facts! X
bumble - my friend on another thread and absolutely NO symptoms with her pg after her loss and her boy is 13 months old so it is possible to have no ms and everything be okay.

sedgeez - has your doppler arrived? I have tried mine again but I know it is still really early, so don;t be upset if you can't hear it yet.

I am still tired but maybe a bit better than a couple of weeks ago, nausea still up and down but I have been sick nearly every day especially if I have a biggish meal or chocolate. I have been out shopping tring to find some maternity jeans but really struggling. I put on a bit of weight with my pg with B so can't reuse my previous ones and lots of shops now only do maternity online, its soo frustrating.

Have my next scan on Friday when hopefully we'll be able to tell people. WE still haven't mentioned it to our families yet. Have all you ladies told poeple yet?
I tried the Doppler 3 times today and not found the heartbeat yet. I'm not worried though as I know it's really early, and I've got my little chub to get through lol

I'll persevere with it though and I hope at some point this week I'll hear it.

I heard all the other noises though and all the whooshing sounds. OH looked terrified lol :haha:

I just feel so impatient, I don't want to have to wait until the 30th dec for my midwife appointment, and then god knows how long until my 12 week scan. I'm terrified I'll go to the scan and they'll say there's no heartbeat. So if I could hear it on the Doppler before then it would be a great reassurance.

I'm peeing every 5 mins lately too. It's so annoying, especially when I'm resting.

And I'm super exhausted ALL the time :dohh:
I totally understand the exhaustion and peeing im also extremely nauseated im hoping all this passes soon
Also, tmi, but the constipation is killing me.

It's really bad. I have IBS too which doesn't help, but I just feel so icky all of the time :dohh:
RE: the constipation - omg, it was pure agony last week. Lots of fruit eating first thing seems to help now though!
Im not having the constipation so much just the nausea im barely getting out of bed and i litterally have to force what little food i eat down hope we all get relief soon
My MS is nearly gone. I feel a little sick in the morning when I first wake up but if I eat sugar (especially on an empty tummy and without other food), I get horrible heartburn. And I am gagging alot again. I don't feel sick really. I just have a nasty gag reflex...Like if my shirt collar touches the front of my neck, I'm gagging. It's awful and it's making it hard to bundle up to go to town. Other than that, my bbs are sore if I squish them and my nips are always at attention, and a bit of fatigue during the day. Nothing I can't power thru but I'm waiting for the 2nd tri too. I'm so sick of being 1st tri...Was thinking about it and between this pg and my last two, I've been 1st tri pretty much since May...No wonder I'm so darn tired of this trimester!

And according to my ticker, bubs is now a prune! (I know my EDD is actually July 15th (not the July 14th I used when I made my ticker but I don't give a darn that it's one day off. I'm going by my ticker and no one can tell me otherwise! :haha:) I'm 10 weeks!
Happy 10 weeks dairymomma.

sedgeez -its so frustrating how things are done differently in different parts of the country. My GP MW referred me for my 12 week scan and I have my appointment through for the 6th Jan (i'll be 12+1), hospital booking appointment is this wednesday. I know however I was closer to 13 weeks with my last pg.

I am praying the constipation is better this time as I was shooting out tiny pebbles last time and it was bad no matter what I ate or drank. I tried fybogel and that seemed to help.
Had my first midwife appointment today. she tried the Doppler but couldn't find the heartbeat - very nervous as last time I went to see her I miscarried.... have a scan in 6 days I feel like this week is going to take forever

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