July 2014 rainbows :)

Dairy do u have any cysts ?? And wats ur blood type because I'm th egative it causes spottin my mom had spottin with me for 3 months think I'm gona get hold of cranberry juice .. N pray n the wait is a killer even tho I had a scan last wek I hate waiting .. Crossin fingers for you !!
Dairymom - oh great! I'm so glad you're being seen on Thursday. Yeah, if they could say 'it's coming from X' it would make it so much more bearable. I hope it's just cervical irritation for you...they didn't see any signs of a bleed in the uterus before did they? (They didn't with me either, not at any scan, so i am mentally putting it down to cervical irritation, but my doctor won't check for me)

I can only imagine the strain this is putting you under after your losses and am saying a little prayer for you and your bean X
Moltal - I didn't know that?? I'm also negative. Interesting...
Moltal-I've had cysts in the past and tend to be cystic around AF time but 2 ultrasounds so far haven't picked up anything out of the ordinary inside my uterus. No cysts, no bleeds (which isn't normal for me. I have a history of uterine bleeds at this point.), no nothing wrong. Just bubs measuring right on and in the right spot with a hb in the 150s. And I'm A+, DH is B+ so the rH factor isn't an issue for us. They checked that the first time way back when I had my first m/c and ruled that out right away because my great-grandmother had several m/c due to the rH factor.
The worst part of all this is that I started spotting almost exactly like this at this same point with my 2nd tri loss in July. I had nothing wrong and made it past my 9+4 m/c milestone so I was feeling pretty good. Then BAM! 9+5 dawned and I had brown cm. It took two weeks to go away and I was diagnosed with a bleed in the uterus which the dr feels ultimately led to my loss 4 weeks later. I'm so scared that's what's happening again. I don't THINK that's what's happening when I look at it logically because nothing's shown up on the ultrasounds so far and you'd think for the amount of bleeding/spotting I've had all along, something would have shown up by now. With my other bleeds, they saw them as soon as there was bleeding.

I just need to see bubs and see that hb. Then I'll breathe easier.
Moltal - I didn't know that?? I'm also negative. Interesting...
Your doctor should have picked this up already because u need a anti d shot I've already had one due to spottin because I had blood I might need another u only ment to get them at 28 weeks but u do need it .. Most definitely .. Dairy .. I really hope its just a cyst they haven't picked up fx .
@sedgeez hey hun I have just noticed your from Manchester, me too. Where are you planning of giving birth. Who knows we might be in the rooms next to each other LOL.
I got my 12 week scan appointment yesterday and am I week behind you. Have you registered with the community midwives yet.
12 weeks today...still not quite beleiving that tomorrow ill see a baby on my scan
Celine so many happy 12 weeks!! I'm so happy for you x Your scan will be brilliant I can sense it, and from what you've said your expanding waist kind is proof ;) you're nearly out of this god awful trimester at last!

Dairymomma that's rubbish, poor you :( it's happened so much already and everything has been absolutely fine though. Have faith xx and remember whatever happened in the previous pregnancy this is a totally different pregnancy. The same things WON'T happen at the same time in the same way, they just won't xx

AFM I really wish I'd never tried the Doppler :( I had a week of happy since my scan and now I'm back to feeling there's a 'problem'. Stupid stupid stupid :(
Happy 12 weeks Celine. Your scans going to be just fine love! No fears x

Munchkin - ach, that's the rubbish side of dopplers, but too many women can't find the hb at this stage for it to be something of serious concern. A friend of mine on another thread had weekly scams due to rc mc and knew her baby was fine but tried in vain to find hb with the Doppler until she finally got it around 12 weeks! So, it's totally normal! X
Happy 12 weeks Celine!

And munchkin, I feel the same. Even though I keep telling myself it's early, I can't help but worry now, and think that when I go to my next scan there will be no hb.


I tried the Doppler again yesterday with no luck. I will keep trying.

I was going to book a private scan, but the next available is after Xmas so I might aswell wait.

I just wish I would of left the Doppler alone now :nope:
@sedgeez hey hun I have just noticed your from Manchester, me too. Where are you planning of giving birth. Who knows we might be in the rooms next to each other LOL.
I got my 12 week scan appointment yesterday and am I week behind you. Have you registered with the community midwives yet.

I'm going to be going st Mary's. Where will you be going? It's the only place I've heard good things about lol
Uti over here :( sigh blood tests r sooo expensive my goodness have to wait for the cultural to come bak .. N apparently this can happen more then once in pregnancy I hope not !! Hope everyone doin well does anyone else have pins n needles ?
Molta oh no, i had a uti in my first pregnancy it sucked.

Ladies ive been quite about the dopplers but ive sold mine also a fab hibebe one and i think i only found my son and daughter on after 13 weeks, i thought we would surely order one again but tbh i did have a bad experience with a shitty quality doppler we bought before the hibebe and it was so strssfull that this pregnancy im staying away from there.
I've just been trying to catch up on all your posts!

Dairy- I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad time. I hope you're feeling better now :)

celine - congrats on 12 weeks you must be so happy, wish you all the best for your scan.

Those of you who haven't picked up a heartbeat with doppler, when everyone told me not to get disheartened if I didn't hear it and how hard it was I almost brushed it off and thought I'd be ok. Well when I couldn't find it Saturday I was beside myself, I felt sick but I just kept trying and trying eventually I picked it up where I had been trying all along! If I moved the slightest bit I lost it and couldn't find it again. I'm going to use it once more before 12 week scan to prepare myself and then leave it for quite a few weeks, I can handle stressing every week.

Hope everyone else is doing well. My sickness is still pretty bad, I'm either 10 or 11 weeks today was hoping it would be better by now :(
Moltal-make sure you are drinking enough fluids and get your vitamin C. UTIs are no fun.

I think I just over-reacted (thanks to lack of sleep and stress). Dh thinks I just overdid it so I started spotting. I've been taking it easy since Monday afternoon and since I'm back to regular clear or yellowy cm and my backache is gone, I agree with DH. I'm still keeping my appt tomorrow though. I'd like to see bubs but if I'm not bleeding, I'm not having the Dr do a visual exam. Especially since it looks like I might have to haul my DD with me to the appt. But then I get to go X-mas shopping and spend some 'girl' time with my little girl. So it's all good.
It's so easy to overreact, especially with all these hormones! Just look after yourself and best of luck tomorrow at your appointment Dairy.

So...although my manager is being brilliant about this pregnancy I over heard her stressing because 3 out of 5 who work here are pregnant, the other wants children in the near future which is well known and the other can only work certain days due to having 6 children already. Baring in mind my manager is actually only here for the year covering as my usual boss is on maternity leave haha!
Dairy momma - great stuff, good to hear it's clearing up...hope it goes well tomorrow, I'm sure it will!

Afm - I'm not sure why but my ms is getting gradually worse this week.....does this sometimes happen? I thought it was dying down...just wondering if I should check with a doc that I don't have a bug or if other women sometimes experience increasing of symptoms again later on?
My MS eased then came back, my tablets for it don't even work that much anymore. I've not been sick since I've been on them but I feel awful!

And I can't express how bloated I am, I look 8 months pregnant. It's so uncomfortable and makes me feel horrid.

Anyone else seriously bloated?
yes to both.

Morning sickness goes for a good few days, longer each time then comes back twice as bad, I feel worse last few days than I did a few weeks ago.
Bloating is pretty bad too, I was leaning on a wall so my stomach was kinda pushed out but I got mistaken for the girl about to go off on maternity leave haha!

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